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东北地区建设用地开发强度格局演变的空间分异机制   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
建设用地开发强度是区域建设用地开发利用程度及其对区域人口和经济社会承载强度的综合反映。本文以东北地区179个县域空间为基本研究单元,应用冷热点、空间变差函数、GWR模型等定量方法对建设用地开发强度的时空分异格局演变及分异机制进行了探讨,得出以下结论:① 2000-2015年东北地区建设用地开发强度总体呈现出增长态势,但空间分异显著,各单元间建设用地开发强度高低的相互作用及联动效应较为明显,但建设用地开发强度的空间分布逐渐趋于非均衡,建设用地开发强度的冷热点分布格局与全局分异变化及空间异质性态势基本吻合;② 2000年东北地区开发强度格局分异由政府财政投入力度、用地投资强度和产业结构水平共同影响,到2005-2015年发展演化为政府财政投入力度、用地投资强度、经济发展水平和产业结构水平共同影响;③ 2000-2015年政府财政投入力度、用地投资强度、经济发展水平和产业结构水平与东北地区建设用地开发强度格局分布态势具有一定的关联性,但在不同区域呈现出影响程度的差异性。  相似文献   

中国地震学会地震预报专业委员会和四川省地震局于2023年8月15—19日在四川省康定市联合举办了中国地震预报论坛2023年度学术交流大会,来自全国地震行业内、外8所大学、4个中科院直属科研院所与23个地震行业直属科研院所及省市级分支机构共35个单位的100余名代表参加了此次会议。学术交流设置了12个专题;会前征集到论文96篇,会期交流报告78个,其中口头报告23个,张贴展板55个;23个口头报告中,大会特邀报告6个;从55个张贴报告中,评选出优秀报告6个,最佳设计创意报告1个。为了配合活断层野外识别的科普培训,本次大会将原计划以 “制约地震三要素的因素与地震三要素预报的瓶颈问题” 为主题的大会圆桌讨论改成了 “鲜水河断裂带高震级危险性分析” 的专题培训讲座,讲座之后再适时举行了 “如何强化高危险区的临震监测与临震跟踪预报能力” 的专题讨论。对2022年泸定6.8级地震的交流讨论提出了新的科学问题。大会不仅重视学术交流,还兼顾了科学传播的普及,利用当地的科普资源,因地制宜地组织了为期一天的鲜水河断裂带活动特征的野外识别科普培训。地震预报论坛学术交流大会全体与会代表参加了此次野外实训活动,活动中邀请了著名的鲜水河断裂带活动特征研究专家现场授课,增强了地震预报与地震地质领域的跨学科交流,强化了学术交流的效果。

ABSTRACT. More than 140 court cases filed in the United States between 1970 and 2003 argued that unacceptable and unconstitutional funding disparities exist among school districts in most states. In those arguments, stories, statistics, and maps are used to compare various school districts to prove that conditions are indeed unequal. Both sides—plaintiff and defendant—use such information to disprove each other's contentions. In so doing, each assumes that the political spaces of the school districts are absolute, timeless, and independent. Failure to recognize that these spaces—the school districts—are not objective but, in fact, constitutive of the class and race relations actually being argued and debated in court further legitimates local geographies of privilege and deprivation. I examine the formation of the school districts around San Antonio, Texas to illustrate that these districts are far from independent of one another and were formed to isolate privileged communities from the rest of the city. A relational view of space‐time allows such spaces as school districts to assume a political role, as opposed to the absolute, independent spaces they now represent.  相似文献   
Based on teleseismic broadband data, mainly recorded from stationsof the Incorporated Research Institute for Seismology (IRIS) and theGräfenberg (GRF) array in Germany, the focal mechanism and thefocal depth of the largest earthquakes in northeastern Siberia in thetime interval 1976–1996 were determined. For 9 events the relativeanelastic attenuation of the shear wave with respect to the compressionalwave along the travel paths could be calculated. Using the slip vectorsfrom the best constrained focal mechanisms and additional slip vectorsfrom Jemsek et al. (1986) and Parfenov et al. (1988), we obtained the North American–Eurasian pole of rotation west of the Cherskii mountainsat 67.1° N, 132.3° E.The investigation shows that the extension of the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridgeinto the continental shelf acts as a continental graben structure.Actually, the crustal extension is concentrated on the eastern LaptevSea area and the seismicity of the western part of the Laptev Sea canbe explained by the assumption of a separate microplate. In the continentsoutheast of the Laptev Sea a series of northwest trending depressions,known as the Moma `Rift', are observed. Although in this region elevatedheat flow, recent volcanism and a low crustal thickness were found (i.e.Duchkov and Sokolova, 1985; Devyatkin, 1985), there is only a poorcorrelation between the seismicity and the rift valleys. So the Momastructures seem to be related to an aborted rift structure.  相似文献   
天山北麓灌溉绿洲的形成和发展   总被引:18,自引:11,他引:18  
17世纪以前,天山北麓是以牧为主地区,由“兵屯”建立的古代绿洲仅在交通要道呈星、点分布,且屡兴屡废。18-20世纪中叶,由清朝到民国,大力发展屯田,使社会发展进入半农半牧时期,这里形成的旧绿洲,呈断续岛状小片。1949年以后,由大规模农垦建立的新绿洲群,把分散小片旧绿洲联结在一起,形成与天山相平行绿洲带。本区绿洲形成特点是由屯垦和内地移民发展起来,起步虽晚,但发展很快;而且古绿洲、旧绿洲和新绿洲之间有延续性,不象塔里大盆地的很多古代绿洲已沦为沙漠、戈壁或风蚀地。  相似文献   
中国中心城市铁路客运的空间联系及其结构图谱   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
基于全国286个地级城市交互式的"城市—车次—城市"铁路客运联系数据,运用基于O-D网络的GIS空间分析方法,从普快、快速、特快、动车和高铁等细分车次类型的角度全面解构全国铁路客运联系的空间格局与结构特征。研究认为,全国中心城市铁路空间联系分布格局体呈现向东倾斜的"开"字型结构,即由京沪—沪深线(沿海轴)、京广—京哈线两纵轴与陇海—兰新线、沪昆线两横轴相互交汇形成全国铁路客运的骨架。全国铁路客运联系服从类似城市体系的位序—规模分布特征,属于自然状态下集中型的空间最优分布。中国铁路客运联系总体上依托大的交通轴线以近域核心城市间的联系为主,动车组及高铁联系则集中表现为东部三大经济区间的联系。  相似文献   
浅析环境地球化学的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境地球化学是研究环境中化学物质迁移转化规律及其与环境质量和人类健康关系的学科.在其短短30年的发展历程中,历经了环境地球化学与健康、环境地球化学与污染及环境地球化学与全球环境变化3个阶段的研究.由于它是一个新兴的学科和研究对象的复杂性,目前还存在着学科交叉深度与广度的不够、化学物质动态监测不及时、与GIS的结合还不够等一些问题.但是,凭借其良好的发展势头,环境地球化学为改善人类生存与发展的生态环境和促进入类社会的可持续发展承担着艰巨的任务并发挥了巨大的作用.  相似文献   
李争辉  罗亚丽 《暴雨灾害》2021,41(2):101-110

利用1980—2017年华南地区303个国家级地面气象站逐小时降水数据、ERA-Interim再分析资料,分析华南前汛期(4—6月)降水统计特征,定义站点上短时(1—6 h)、中等时长(7—12 h)和长时(>12 h)降水事件,对比降水量、频次和强度在南海季风爆发前后的变化,以及所定义的西部内陆、东部内陆、沿海地区的异同。结果表明:(1)南海季风爆发后,研究区域平均而言,三类降水事件的降水量增多、小时降水强度增强,短时、长时降水事件发生频次增多,而中等时长降水事件发生频次有所减少。(2)从空间分布来看,南海季风爆发后,小时降水强度在整个华南地区均增强,西部内陆时长大于6 h的降水事件尤为明显;降水事件的发生频次在西部内陆和沿海地区升高,而东部内陆时长大于6 h的降水事件发生频次降低,因此,季风爆发后西部内陆和沿海地区的总降水量均显著增大,而东部内陆的总降水量变化不大。(3)西部内陆降水事件主要在夜间开始发生,持续时间越长的事件越早开始,且由西向东逐渐推迟;东部内陆短时降水事件主要在14时(北京时,下同)左右开始,季风爆发后更为明显,而时长大于6 h的降水事件的开始时间和峰值时间无明显的分布规律;沿海地区短时降水事件在季风爆发前主要于05—08时开始,季风爆发后,在海岸线约50 km以内仍然如此,而较远离海岸线的短时降水事件主要于14时开始,沿海地区长时降水事件在季风爆发前、后都倾向于在夜间开始,并在日间出现峰值。

以中部六省为研究对象,对R&D经费投入总量及强度、R&D经费的支出结构与来源结构进行深入分析,并找出与先进地区或国家相比存在的差距。研究结果表明:中部六省之间,R&D经费投入与结构均存在较大差异。总体而言,中部六省R&D经费投入不足,强度偏低;对原始创新重视程度不够,R&D经费支出在科研机构与高校所占的比例以及在基础研究与应用研究所占的比例偏低;政府对R&D活动支持的力度有待进一步提升。  相似文献   
Based on TM image data and other survey materials, this paper analyzed the spatiotemporal patterns of land use change in the Bohai Rim during 1985–2005. The findings of this study are summarized as follows: (1) Land use pattern changed dramatically during 1985–2005. Industrial and residential land in urban and rural areas increased by 643,946 hm2, of which urban construction land had the largest and fastest increase of 294,953 hm2 at an annual rate of 3.72%. (2) The outward migration of rural population did not prevent the expansion of residential land in rural areas by 184,869 hm2. This increase reveals that construction of rural residences makes seriously wasteful and inefficient use of land. (3) Arable land, woodland and grassland decreased at a rate of −0.02%, −0.12% and −1.32% annually, while unused land shrank by 157,444 hm2 at an annual rate of −1.69%. (4) The change of land use types showed marked fluctuations over the two stages (1985–1995 and 1995–2005). In particular, arable land, woodland and unused land experienced an inversed trend of change. (5) There was a significant interaction between arable land and woodland. Industrial construction land in urban and rural areas showed a net trend of increase during the earlier period, but only adjustment to its internal structure during the second period. The loss of arable land to the construction of factories, mines and residences took place mainly in the fringe areas of large and medium-sized cities, along the routes of major roads, as well as in the economically developed coastal areas in the east. Such changes are closely related to the spatial differentiation of the level of urbanization and industrialization in the region.  相似文献   
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