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21世纪被称为"海洋世纪",但由于人类复杂的生产活动,大量的垃圾正有意或无意的被投放入海洋环境中,这将导致全球范围内近岸污染,包括生态环境恶化,生物资源锐减等问题。本研究以天津高沙岭、上海南汇嘴和深圳大铲湾三地的海滩为研究区域,通过对三个海滩垃圾的种类、时空特征及相关性进行统计分析,以期了解中国近海不同海滩的海滩垃圾分布特征,为我国海洋垃圾监测和调查、监督和管理等起到一定的指导作用。结果显示,海滩垃圾不同种类间数量差异较大,三年间垃圾数量大体呈逐年增加的趋势,且不同的海滩,垃圾数量和种类都存在明显差异。  相似文献   
锦州湾表层海水微塑料分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海洋微塑料是全球关注的新兴环境问题,海湾由于特殊的地理环境特征,成为微塑料分布研究的热点区域。本研究以锦州湾为研究海域,于2017年10月布设了11个点位开展表层海水微塑料样品采集,在实验室采用湿式氧化法开展样品前处理,应用傅立叶变换显微红外光谱仪分析鉴定微塑料成分。研究结果表明,锦州湾表层水体微塑料平均丰度为(0.93±0.59)个/m3,微塑料数量占全部塑料样品的96.2%。微塑料的主要成分为聚丙烯和聚乙烯,分别占55.0%和23.5%;线状和片状塑料的比例最高,分别占41.7%和26.2%;白色、蓝色和半透明微塑料分别占35.1%、26.0%和21.4%。受水动力条件和陆域河流输入等影响,锦州湾表层水体中微塑料的空间分布整体呈现北部偏高,向南部递减的趋势。  相似文献   
王海芝  冒建  任凯珍 《城市地质》2015,(Z1):150-155
自动监测预警系统,是目前山区突发地质灾害预警预报有效的预警模式。本系统是在详细调查的基础上,以调查数据为底层分析数据库,以.net为语言运行环境,经所建立的预警模型分析计算后,产生预警预报产品,进行预警发布。  相似文献   
对各种古土壤的分类标准进行比较之后,重点介绍了Mack的古土壤分类及其土壤的演变序列。Mack的古土壤分类主要依据稳定矿物和保存在土壤中的古地貌属性,将古土壤划分为9种。在地层序列中古土壤的识别标志主要包括颜色、粒度、生物成因构造(植物生长痕迹)、原生沉积构造退化特征、层次化和边界特征、宏观结构特征、矿物及地球化学特征等。可以通过野外观察、室内显微镜观察、实验室化验及地震、测井资料来进行鉴别。陆相盆地具有很强的分隔性,盆地相变又非常复杂,寻找区域性较稳定的层序界面比较困难。越来越多的研究证实用古土壤划分陆相成因地层层序、解决地区及全球对比具有重要的实用价值。  相似文献   
泥石流流速是难以实测和准确推算的重要参数。在分析既有各类弯道超高计算公式的基础上,探讨适用于各类泥石流的弯道超高计算模式,进而改进基于弯道超高的粘性泥石流、稀性泥石流和泥流的流速计算公式,用实例加以验证。  相似文献   
Landslides and debris flows associated with forest harvesting can cause much destruction and the influence of the timing of harvesting on these mass wasting processes therefore needs to be assessed in order to protect aquatic ecosystems and develop improved strategies for disaster prevention. We examined the effects of forest harvesting on the frequency of landslides and debris flows in the Sanko catchment (central Japan) using nine aerial photo periods covering 1964 to 2003. These photographs showed a mosaic of different forest ages attributable to the rotational management in this area since 1912. Geology and slope gradient are rather uniformly distributed in the Sanko catchment, facilitating assessment of forest harvesting effects on mass wasting without complication of other factors. Trends of new landslides and debris flows correspond to changes in slope stability explained by root strength decay and recovery; the direct impact of clearcutting on landslide occurrence was greatest in forest stands that were clearcut 1 to 10 yr earlier with progressively lesser impacts continuing up to 25 yr after harvesting. Sediment supply rate from landslides in forests clearcut 1 to 10 yr earlier was about 10‐fold higher than in control sites. Total landslide volume in forest stands clearcut 0 to 25 yr earlier was 5·8 × 103 m3 km?2 compared with 1·3 × 103 m3 km?2 in clearcuts >25 yr, indicating a fourfold increase compared with control sites during the period when harvesting affected slope stability. Because landslide scars continue to produce sediment after initial failure, sediment supply from landslides continues for 45 yr in the Sanko catchment. To estimate the effect of forest harvesting and subsequent regeneration on the occurrence of mass wasting in other regions, changes in root strength caused by decay and recovery of roots should be investigated for various species and environmental conditions. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Plastic ingestion by planktivorous fishes in the North Pacific Central Gyre   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A significant amount of marine debris has accumulated in the North Pacific Central Gyre (NPCG). The effects on larger marine organisms have been documented through cases of entanglement and ingestion; however, little is known about the effects on lower trophic level marine organisms. This study is the first to document ingestion and quantify the amount of plastic found in the gut of common planktivorous fish in the NPCG. From February 11 to 14, 2008, 11 neuston samples were collected by manta trawl in the NPCG. Plastic from each trawl and fish stomach was counted and weighed and categorized by type, size class and color. Approximately 35% of the fish studied had ingested plastic, averaging 2.1 pieces per fish. Additional studies are needed to determine the residence time of ingested plastics and their effects on fish health and the food chain implications.  相似文献   
泥石流源地松散体起动人工降雨模拟及放水冲刷实验   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以神府-东胜矿区人为泥石流及云南东川蒋家沟自然泥石流为研究对象,采用人工降雨及放水冲刷模拟实验方法,分析了不同类型,不同地区泥石流源地松散体起动条件及泥石流过程,得出一些有意义的结论。  相似文献   
2013-07-10,岷江上游暴发大型群发性泥石流灾害,泥石流以淘刷、冲击、淤塞、压顶、磨蚀等方式对地震灾区公路直接造成严重破坏,其引发的溃决洪水、河床上升增大受灾范围,加重了灾害损失。分析了泥石流对道路工程的成灾方式:对桥梁工程破坏包括淤塞、淘蚀基础、冲毁等;对路面路基工程破坏包括淤埋、淘刷路基、冲毁等;对隧道工程破坏包括堵塞隧道洞口,破坏洞口墙体并引起衬砌支护结构破坏,损毁隧道内附属设施等;对明洞、棚洞工程破坏包括堵塞洞口、冲毁洞口结构,磨蚀洞顶,压顶并引起衬砌支护结构破坏,损毁排水、通风、电力附属设施等。分析了泥石流造成道路严重损失的原因,其中,公路工程选址不当、风险估计不足,桥涵过流净空不足,泥石流防灾措施不完善,泥石流的严重冲刷、冲击作用是主要原因。针对泥石流危害公路的特征和地震区泥石流防治中存在问题,提出了地震山区公路在灾后重建与道路规划中的减灾措施。  相似文献   
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