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海南岛莺歌海近岸的潮汐不对称与潮致余流研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
潮汐不对称与潮致余流在河口海岸区的物质输运中扮演着重要角色。已往的研究表明,在驻波占主导的河口海湾中,涨落潮的历时不对称与流速不对称有较为良好的对应关系。而潮致余流主要由地形与潮波的非线性作用所致。本研究以海南岛莺歌海附近为代表,结合实际观测与数值模型,研究复杂地形的开阔近岸区的潮汐不对称与潮致余流。结果表明,在莺歌海近岸区,涨落潮历时不对称皆表现为涨潮历时短于落潮历时,而流速不对称则出现复杂的空间变化。对流速不对称的机制分解表明,研究区的流速不对称主要由K1、O1与M2的相互作用,以及潮余流与各潮汐分潮的相互作用所控制。其中前者产生涨潮流速大于落潮流速的涨潮优势,而后者则与余流的方向相对应,出现多个涨潮优势与落潮优势的区域。总体而言,研究区的流速不对称由余流与各潮汐分潮的相互作用所决定。这表明,采用涨落潮历时的不对称来确定潮汐不对称的方法在开阔近海区可能并不适用。对潮致余流的研究表明,研究区的欧拉余流远大于斯托克斯余流。欧拉余流表现为多个顺时针与逆时针的涡流。涡流分布与地形具有较好的对应关系,潮流沙脊区多发育顺时针涡流,而深槽区则以发育逆时针涡流为主。摩擦力在涡流的发育中起着重要作用。  相似文献   
The present study is focused on the analysis of the mean wall friction velocity on a surface including roughness elements exposed to a turbulent boundary layer. These roughness elements represent non‐erodible particles over an erodible surface of an agglomeration of granular material on industrial sites. A first study has proposed a formulation that describes the evolution of the friction velocity as a function of geometrical parameters and cover rate with different uniform roughness distributions. The present simulations deal with non‐uniform distributions of particles with a random sampling of diameters, heights, positions and arrangements. The evolution (relative to geometrical parameters of the roughness elements) of the friction velocity for several non‐uniform distributions of roughness elements was analysed by the equation proposed in the literature and compared to the results obtained with the numerical simulations. This comparison showed very good agreement. Thus, the formulation developed for uniform particles was found also to be valid for a larger spectrum of particles noted on industrial sites. The present work aims also to investigate in detail the fluid mechanics over several roughness particles. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
长江口、钱塘江口和珠江口是受咸潮影响较为严重的区域。本文利用全国沿海海平面变化影响调查、沿海水文观测等数据,分析了近十年长江口、珠江口和钱塘江口咸潮入侵的变化特征及影响。分析结果表明:(1) 2009-2018年,长江口咸潮入侵次数和持续时间均呈减少趋势,该时段长江口共监测到约48次咸潮入侵过程,发生时间集中在9-10月至翌年5月,其中3月和11月入侵次数较多,分别为12次和7次。(2)钱塘江口咸潮入侵过程受沿海季节性海平面影响显著,12月至翌年3月为钱塘江口季节性低海平面期,4-7月上旬径流量较大,上述两个时期钱塘江口受咸潮入侵的影响均较小,7月下旬至11月上旬,钱塘江口处于季节性高海平面期,是咸潮影响的集中时段。(3) 2009-2018年,珠江口共监测到约57次咸潮入侵过程,发生时间集中在9-10月至翌年3-4月,其中1月、2月和10月咸潮入侵次数较多,均超过10次,2015年至今咸潮持续时间明显增加。(4)咸潮入侵次数和持续时间与基础海面和径流量等密切相关,咸潮入侵影响三大河口沿线水厂供水以及工农业生产取水,给沿岸城市的居民生活、工农业生产和渔业养殖等造成一定不利影响。  相似文献   
测绘技术开放实验室的建设与开放模式的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
林卉  赵长胜  詹家民  李春梅 《海洋测绘》2004,24(3):63-64,70
结合测绘技术开放实验室的实际情况,研究了开放实验室的建设管理、实施方法,以及如何正确处理好人员、仪器、时间、空间之间的矛盾,从而采用灵活多变、保障有力的形式确保实验操作与锻炼。  相似文献   
Chesapeake Bay is a large and productive estuary that has received close scrutiny in recent years because of indications that its water quality and biota have been damaged by man's activities. Data on primary production for the estuary as a whole, however, are surprisingly sparse. We describe here the distribution of photosynthetic carbon assimilation by phytoplankton in Chesapeake Bay, and relate productivity patterns to hydrographic characteristics of the estuary. Between March 1982 and April 1983, a series of four cruises was conducted on Chesapeake Bay, and two cruises on the urbanized Delaware Bay for comparison. The upper Chesapeake and Delaware were highly turbid with high concentrations of suspended particulate matter and dissolved inorganic nutrients. Low chlorophyll concentrations were usually found in these areas of high turbidity, despite the abundance of nutrients, suggesting light limitation. Application of Wofsy's (1983) model of phytoplanton growth confirmed this suggestion. Chlorophyll and productivity maxima usually occurred seaward of the turbidity maxima where light penetration increased and suffient nutrients were present to support active phytoplankton growth. Further seaward of the chlorophyll maxima in the Chesapeake, the photic zone depth increased, concentrations of nutrients decreased, and phytoplankton biomass decreased, suggesting that nutrient availability, rather than light, controlled phytoplankton growth in the lower portion of the estuary. In contrast to the Chesapeake, Delaware Bay was more turbid, had generally higher nutrient concentrations, and was lower in phytoplankton productivity. The chlorophyll maxima and region of rapid phytoplankton growth occurred further toward the lower estuary and shelf regions in Delaware Bay because the high turbidity extended further seaward. Nutrients were never depleted at the shelf end of the estuary sufficiently to retard phytoplankton growth. Photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) curves from simulated in situ and constant intensity incubations showed a strong correlation of the light-limited slope (aB) with the light-saturated rate ( ) on each cruise. Spatial variations in corresponded to patterns of phytoplankton abundance, as did integral production (PP) and carbon-based growth rates (μC, μm), and photosynthetic parameters varied significantly with temperature.  相似文献   
The interstitial water composition ( , alkalinity, Ca2+, Mg2+, Sr2+, Na+, K+) and the cation exchange capacity (CEC) were determined for the muddy sediments of the continental shelf off the Gironde Estuary (France), in the area where the sediment represents the deposit of the muddy suspension of the river. In comparison with seawater concentrations, the pore waters below 10 cm depth, show depletions of and Ca2+ and below a 30 cm depth show depletions of Mg2+. Inversely, the upper 10 cm an enrichment of Ca2+ concentration, and an increase of K+ concentration to a 40 cm depth. High values of are observed at the top 4 cm. Alkalinity enrichment is observed along the length of the core. Applying the alkalinity models for the sediment below a 10 cm depth demonstrates generally that calculated alkalinities are higher than the measured ones. Ca2+ dissolution occurs at the first 10 cm and authigenic carbonate precipitation starts beneath that level. Mg2+ depletion is accompanied by bicarbonate loss. This proves that Mg2+ depletion is due to a Mg-silicate reaction. The result of the CEC does not confirm the Mg2+ uptake by clay minerals in exchangeable site, under reducing conditions. Diffusion and bioturbation play an important role in the pore water concentration at the top of the core.  相似文献   
Indian Ocean humpback dolphins Sousa plumbea inhabit nearshore waters from South Africa to eastern India. Humpback dolphins are vulnerable to conservation threats due to their naturally small population sizes and use of nearshore habitats, where human activities are highest. We investigated the abundance and residency of this species inhabiting Mossel Bay, South Africa, using photographic mark-recapture. Data were collected during 81 surveys in Mossel Bay between 2011 and 2013. Open population modelling using the POPAN parameterisation produced a ‘super-population’ estimate of 125 individuals (95% CI: 61–260) and within-year estimates of between 33 and 86 individuals (2011: 71 [95% CI: 30–168]; 2012: 33 [15–73], 32 [15–70]; 2013: 46 [20–108]). Although less appropriate, closed capture models were also run for comparison with previous studies in the region and generated similar, but slightly smaller, population estimates within each year. We compared our catalogue with opportunistic data collected from East London, Plettenberg Bay, De Hoop and Gansbaai. The only catalogue matches attained were between Plettenberg Bay (n = 44 identified) and Mossel Bay (n = 67 identified), separated by 140?km. Population exchange was moderate, with nine individuals resighted in multiple years between these two areas. This study supports previous findings of long-range movements for this species and provides a baseline from which to assess future impacts on the population.  相似文献   

The ground vibrations during pile driving operation have a drastic potential to undermine the surrounding structures both in land and reclaimed land. Particularly, reclaimed land necessitates ample application of pile driving due to the weak land condition. To prevent the structural damage, attenuation of the ground vibrations to an allowable level through active isolation of circular open trench is the scope of this study. In this research, finite element simulations of continuous impact pile driving process from the ground surface was executed with particular attention to the pile-soil interaction, and thereby, the efficiency of open trench application in attenuation of the unsafe distance of different structures was surveyed using the vibration sensitivity degree. Regarding the crucial parameters of an open trench (depth, width, and location), it was concluded that a sufficient high depth can attenuate the unsafe distance up to 68%, the trench width variations are less effective, and an average pile-trench distance is the most efficient option. The excavation volume was also concluded as another crucial parameter in open trench design which takes all three parameters into account. The trench depth equal to the pile’s maximum critical depth of vibration was inferred for an optimum design.  相似文献   
A Classification of Hypersaline Waters, Based on Trophic Criteria   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
F. D. Por 《Marine Ecology》1980,1(2):121-131
Abstract. A classification of hypersaline waters is proposed on the basis of the food chain structure of their biota. Four steps of increasing salinity and respective shortening of the food-chains are recognized, respectively named: alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-hypersaline waters.
Some general aspects, dealing with cosmopolitism of the biota, production, competition and benthic ecology in hypersaline waters are discussed.
The relevance of ecological studies in hypersaline waters to theoretical ecology and to the new technological uses of saline waters is briefly mentioned.  相似文献   
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