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张宏芳  潘留杰  卢珊  高红燕 《中国沙漠》2015,35(6):1674-1682
利用英国东英格兰大学气候研究中心CRU最新发布的1901-2012年的月平均气候资料,分析陕西近百年降水、气温的时空分布特征。结果表明:(1)年平均降水南北差异较大,陕南降水多且年际变化最大,西安为年际变化的第二高值中心。(2)陕西降水具有明显的年代际变化周期,20世纪40年代之前降水变化较平缓,40年代后降水变化幅度变大,异常偏多或偏少的年份较多。(3)降水的EOF1表现为整体的正异常,体现了陕西年平均降水的一致变化,EOF2主要表现为陕西南部和陕西东北部的反相位振荡,且具有显著年际变化周期。(4)陕西气温近112年有两个偏冷期:20世纪20年代之前和50年代到90年中期,20世纪20年代到50年代和90年代后期以来为偏暖期。与全国气温变化不同,第二个暖期是从90年代开始迅速升温,滞后于全国气温变化,且气温的最高值出现在90年代而不是40年代。(5)气温的第一模态解释了总模态的88.4%,且表现为陕西一致的正异常,表明陕西平均气温空间变化的一致性,Morlet小波分析显示其有2~4年的周期震荡和16年左右的年代际变化周期。  相似文献   
研究汛期短时强降水特征,对于南方低山丘陵地区山洪灾害的预报具有重要指导意义。以怀化市为研究区域,基于该区域11个国家站和403个区域自动气象站的2012-2017年4-9月期间逐小时降水量以及相对应的NCEP资料,分析了怀化市短时强降水的时空分布特征,得出了产生短时强降水天气系统模型,结果显示:①汛期短时强降水发生频率较高,时间集中,分布不均。主要出现在5~7月,占4~9月的72.9%,其次在8~9月;北部频数多,中南部少,西部最少,辰溪、麻阳和怀化三县交界处及沅陵县的大合坪附近是频发区域。②短时强降水日变化呈单峰型,4~10时最容易发生,峰值在8时,谷值在23时。③强度越强出现的频次越少;北部的强度和次数大于其它区域;50~79.9 mm/h,占总站数的68.4%;各月国家站的极值乘以2约等于区域站极值。④低涡型短时强降水出现概率最高,低涡位置和移动路径是短时强降水预报的关键点。  相似文献   
By comparing two sets of quality-controlled daily temperature observation data with and without the inhomogeneity test and adjustment from 654 stations in China during 1956-2004 and 1956-2010, impacts of inhomogeneity on changing trends of four percentile temperature extreme indices, including occurrences of cold days, cold nights, warm days, and warm nights with varying intensities, were discussed. It is found that the inhomogeneity affected the long-term trends averaged over extensive regions limitedly. In order to minimize the inhomogeneity impact, the 83 stations identified with obvious inhomogeneity impacts were removed, and an updated analysis of changing trends of the four temperature extreme indices with varying intensities during 1956-2010 was conducted. The results show that annual occurrences of both cold nights and cold days decreased greatly while those of warm nights and warm days increased significantly during the recent 20 years. The more extreme the event is, the greater the magnitude of changing trends for the temperature extreme index is. An obvious increasing trend was observed in annual occurrences of cold days and cold nights in the recent four years. The magnitude of changing trends of warm extreme indices was greater than that of cold extreme indices, and it was greater in northern China than in southern China. Trends for summer occurrence of cold days were not significant. Decreasing trends of occurrences of both cold nights and cold days were the greatest in December, January, and February (DJF) but the least in June, July, and August (JJA), while increasing trends of warm nights were the greatest in JJA. Cold nights significantly decreased from 1956 to 1990, and then the decreasing trend considerably weakened. The decreasing trend also showed an obvious slowdown in recent years for occurrence of cold days. However, increasing trends of warm nights and warm days both have been accelerated continuously since the recent decades. Further analysis presents that the evolution of the trends for occurrences of the four temperature extreme indices was dominated by the changes in northern China.  相似文献   
杨成彬  郑祖光  王雨 《大气科学》1994,18(Z1):810-819
本文采用二维板对称高截断谱模式研究了环境温度场和偶度场对台风发生、发展的影响,指出整层平均的环境温度场的水平梯度和涡度场是影响台风重要因子。较强的环境温度汤梯度的作用类似于水平方向不均匀加热场的作用,能造成暖区上升、冷区下沉的热力直接环流,并且温度场的梯度越大,环流越强。对于整层平均的绝对涡度场而言,只有弱的正的平均绝对涡度才有利于台风的维持。  相似文献   
研究发现三马坊水温对应某些构造带上的地震,其前兆异常有相似性和重复性特征.对应北西向张渤构造带上的地震,其前兆异常形态为突降型,对应东西向阴山-燕山构造带上的地震,其前兆异常形态为上升型,表明水温前兆异常的相似性和重复性特征受活动性构造体系所控制.深入研究三马坊水温前兆异常特征与活动构造带间的关系,可能是突破该地区地震短临预报的有效途径.  相似文献   
东北夏季(6-8月)气温异常的时空特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用夏季(6—8月)中国东北地区91站44a气温资料,采用谐波分析方法将该区夏季气温异常变化的年代际、年际尺度分量分离,研究时空特征,然后应用REOF进行气温异常的区划,研究局域异常变化的年代际、年际分量的变化特征。结果发现:1)东北各站夏季异常方差中,东北大部分地区的气温异常的年代际变化分量均明显大于年际变化分量。2)区域气温异常的年代际变化主要特征为线性上升趋势。大范围夏季异常高温(低温)常出现在年代际、年际异常同时为正(负)的年份。3)气温异常可划分为南部型、北部型、东部型、西部型4个型,其中南部型和西部型的年代际变化相对重要,而东部型和北部型的年际变化相对重要。  相似文献   
2006-2010年下辽河平原地温和土壤热通量变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
依据国家沈阳农田生态系统野外研究站2006-2010年监测数据,分析0-100cm 土层8个层次的地温、0-100 cm地温、地温极值、0-20 cm地温与气温的关系和土壤热通量的变化趋势。结果表明:从年际变化看,8个层次地温和地温极值呈下降趋势;0 cm层次地温变化受外界影响较大。研究区域年尺度0-20 cm地温与气温有比较一致的变化规律。作物生长季节,可分为4-7月气温上升和8-10月气温下降两阶段;这两个不同阶段的0-20 cm地温与气温分别做线性拟合,与整个生长季4-10月线性拟合相比,线性相关性可信度更高。土壤热通量受气温和土壤质量含水量影响年际变化较大,年尺度土壤热通量≥0 MJ/m2,该区域地表是热汇。  相似文献   
祁连山海北冬春气温变化对草地生产力的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
祁连山海北地区冬春气温与高寒草甸牧草产量具有很高的反相关关系。冬春气温升高导致牧草产量有所下降,主要原因是冬春气温升高,使冬季土壤冻结层变薄,土壤水分散失严重;在牧草营养生长阶段初期,又正值我国北方天气气候“干旱”胁迫最严重的时期,自然降水量显得不足,进而限制了牧草生长发育的水分需求,最终影响到牧草年产量的提高。对冬春气温进行主成分处理后建立的气温影响牧草产量的回归关系表明,回归模型拟合率较高,试报1995年牧草产量误差很小,效果良好。  相似文献   
Soil respiration (Rs) is of great importance to the global carbon balance. Remote sensing of Rs is challenging because of (1) the lack of long-term Rs data for model development and (2) limited knowledge of using satellite-based products to estimate Rs. Using 8-years (2002–2009) of continuous Rs measurements with nonsteady-state automated chamber systems at a Canadian boreal black spruce stand (SK-OBS), we found that Rs was strongly correlated with the product of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the nighttime land surface temperature (LSTn) derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) imagery. The coefficients of the linear regression equation of this correlation between Rs and NDVI × LSTn could be further calibrated using the MODIS leaf area index (LAI) product, resulting in an algorithm that is driven solely by remote sensing observations. Modeled Rs closely tracked the seasonal patterns of measured Rs and explained 74–92% of the variance in Rs with a root mean square error (RMSE) less than 1.0 g C/m2/d. Further validation of the model from SK-OBS site at another two independent sites (SK-OA and SK-OJP, old aspen and old jack pine, respectively) showed that the algorithm can produce good estimates of Rs with an overall R2 of 0.78 (p < 0.001) for data of these two sites. Consequently, we mapped Rs of forest landscapes of Saskatchewan using entirely MODIS observations for 2003 and spatial and temporal patterns of Rs were well modeled. These results point to a strong relationship between the soil respiratory process and canopy photosynthesis as indicated from the greenness index (i.e., NDVI), thereby implying the potential of remote sensing data for detecting variations in Rs. A combination of both biological and environmental variables estimated from remote sensing in this analysis may be valuable in future investigations of spatial and temporal characteristics of Rs.  相似文献   
郝明  丁希杰 《测绘工程》2008,17(5):60-62
在GPS精密单点定位数据处理中,通常采用基于非差观测值的处理方法。然而精密单点定位也可通过观测值不同差分组合以减少某些未知参数,且在理论上与非差模型等价。文中介绍基于非差和差分模型的精密单点定位的几种数据处理方法,并对各种模型进行比较。  相似文献   
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