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本文针对工程地质工作实践中碰到的几个有关工程地质的基本概念与术语以及地质理论的应用问题,结合工程实际工作展开讨论,纠正与澄清有关错误与模糊认识,供工程地质工作者借鉴与参考.  相似文献   
大青山逆冲推覆体系含义及地质特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
大青山逆冲推覆体系是三叠纪中后期至白垩纪漫长的脉动式的造山过程形成的一套完整的逆冲推覆体系,是由一系列由南向北逆冲推覆构造岩片相互叠置构成。它涉及了前寒武纪变质杂岩,古生代沉积地层和中生代陆相沉积地层,并伴随有印支期岩浆活动。在变形旋回上表现为多期和多阶段的脉动式,印支期表现为南向北逆冲推覆和强烈的岩浆活动,燕山期表现为南南东向北北西推覆,形成了褶皱系统和劈理系统。  相似文献   
无人机航磁测量以其高效、安全、低成本等优点逐渐应用到中小面积大比例尺资源勘探领域。本文针对安徽芜湖市三山区22 km2区域构造刻画和找矿前景预测,开展1∶20 000高精度无人机航磁测量工作;推导了欧拉反演求解过程,并分析对比构造指数选取,使用构造指数为0的欧拉反褶积对航磁数据进行反演求解,获得地下磁异常体构造边界解集信息;将其应用到研究区域航磁数据反演,根据反演得到的边界位置和深度信息圈定了18处断裂,并结合异常特征给出了8.7 km2岩浆岩分布区,根据宁芜区域铁矿成矿特点,圈定岩浆分布区及边界为成矿详查区。  相似文献   
-,The well-known Suichang silvengold field is located inZhejiang Province of SOutheast China. It is the largest silver-gold deposit associated with copper and zinc in the Cathaysianmetallogenic province.There are a series of silver-gold dePOsits in the shear zonesof Proterozoic gneiss terrene, Suichang region. The volcanicapparatus at Mesozoic has complicated rpineralization. Respectively, there are two pieces of understanding on the origin ofore-formigg nuid: (l ) metamorphic fluid (Lia…  相似文献   


塔里木盆地内地表面巨厚的沙层是油气勘探的主要障碍。本文在构造解释中用切除法把地表面低速的、不稳定的沙层切除,然后通过折射波反演方法,得其厚度,从而提高了构造图的精度。  相似文献   
Abstract: A spectrum of intrusion-related vein gold deposits is recognized. Representative examples are described of the following geochemical associations: Au-Fe oxide–Cu, Au–Cu–Mo–Zn, Au–As–Pb–Zn–Cu, Au–Te–Pb–Zn–Cu and Au–As–Bi–Sb. The associated intrusions range from small outcropping stocks to complex batholiths. The different vein associations are believed to reflect the compositions of related intrusions, which themselves characterize distinct tectonic settings. The Au-Fe oxide–Cu and Au–Cu–Mo–Zn associations belong to two broad groups of deposits, Fe oxide–Cu–Au and porphyry Cu–Au, both of which are related to highly oxidized calc-alkaline intrusions emplaced in sub–duction–related arcs. The Au–As–Pb–Zn–Cu association seems to be linked to somewhat less oxidized intrusions emplaced in a similar setting. The Au–Te–Pb–Zn–Cu association, which possesses well-known epithermal counterparts, is also found with highly oxidized intrusions, but of alkaline composition and back-arc location. In contrast, the Au–As–Bi–Sb association, part of a newly recognized class of intrusion-hosted Au–Bi–W–As deposits, is related to relatively reduced intrusions, spanning the boundary between the magnetite– and ilmenite–series. Such intrusions, which may host major bulk-mineable gold deposits, were emplaced along the landward sides of arcs, possibly during lulls in subduction, as well as in continental collision settings. Therefore, a variety of geological environments is prospective for vein and, by extrapolation, other styles of gold mineralization, not all of them fully appreciated in the past. Several features of vein gold deposits, including imprecise relationships to individual intrusive phases, poorly developed mineral and metal zoning, apparent time gaps between intrusion and mineralization and presence of low–salinity, CO2–rich fluid inclusions, are commonly taken to indicate a non-igneous origin and to be more typical of orogenic (mesothermal) gold deposits generated during accretionary tectonic events. However, several or all of these features apply equally to some intrusion– related vein gold deposits and, therefore, do not constitute distinguishing criteria. The currently popular assignment of most gold-rich veins to the orogenic category requires caution, because of the geological convergence that they show with some intrusion-related deposits. A proper distinction between intrusion-related and orogenic gold deposits is crucial for exploration planning.  相似文献   
大别山北部变质镁铁- 超镁铁质岩带中的中酸性片麻岩主要可分为三类:①英云闪长质片麻岩、②花岗闪长质片麻岩和③二长花岗质片麻岩,其原岩属于一套钙碱性的中酸性花岗岩系列。岩石地球化学特征表明,它们分别形成于板块碰撞前消减地区( 消减的活动板块边缘) 、板块碰撞后隆起花岗石区和同碰撞花岗岩区。其中,形成于800 ~1000 Ma 左右的英云闪长质片麻岩经受过麻粒岩相变质作用并与该带中属于蛇绿岩成员的变基性熔岩有亲缘关系, 可能属于蛇绿岩中的浅色组分。  相似文献   
再论煤中大分子基本结构单元演化的拼叠作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
秦勇 《地学前缘》1999,6(Z1):29-34
芳构化作用和环缩合作用的传统煤化作用理论具有一定局限性,煤中基本结构单元拼叠作用是高煤级煤演化的特有机理。拼叠作用显著发生的起点位于镜质组最大反射率Ro,max为6.0%附近,大分子化学键的均裂提供了拼叠作用得以实现的微化学环境条件,其实质是一种“动力化学”过程,与氧接芳碳等有关的大量“均裂”是在短暂的煤化阶段中突然出现的,导致“拼叠作用”的显著发生具有“阶跃式”特征,是造成高煤级煤中期到后期阶段大分子基本结构单元急剧增大的根本原因和主要地球化学机理。  相似文献   
热穹隆构造及其对金矿的控矿作用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
李亚东 《甘肃地质》1999,8(1):28-32
热穹隆构造是在一个构造活动(逆冲)带中,由沿走向发生的地壳差异性升降运动(走向波浪机制)产生的构造穹隆中的热(液)活动事件,或是在这些部位由于中浅成岩浆岩的底辟式侵入而产生的热力性穹隆构造,它对金矿成矿的控制机理主要体现在适宜的浅层构造空间,贯深性构造通道及深源(下地壳)的岩浆源和矿质热液源的有机统一,主要的容矿空间为穹隆构造所产生的放射状(或束状)及环状构造裂隙系统。  相似文献   
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