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The influence of hail suppression by silver iodide seeding on the trend in the number of hail days (hail trend) in the Republic of Serbia was studied in three cases: (1) in Vojvodina region, Northern Province of Serbia, in two periods, from 1967 to 2002 when there was no hail suppression, and from 2003 to 2009 when hail suppression was extended to the entire territory; (2) in Serbia proper (Serbia without the Provinces), in two periods, from 1967 to 1984 when hail suppression was spreading, and from 1985 to 2009 when hail suppression occurred over the entire territory; and (3) in the same period from 1967 to 2002 on the two adjacent territories of Vojvodina and Serbia without the Provinces, where no hail suppression occurred in the first and hail suppression did occur in the second. The hail trend in Serbia was calculated on the basis of all observed data from all synoptic and climatological stations for the period 1967 to 2009. The results associate hail suppression with the stagnation of the hail trend rather than its decrease, and show that hail suppression did not have statistically unique influence on the hail trend.  相似文献   
周宁芳 《气象》2011,37(2):237-241
为了更好地应用T639模式的中期预报产品,本文对2010年9-11月T639模式的中期预报产品进行了天气学检验,并与ECMWF和日本模式进行了对比分析.结果表明,三家模式均对亚洲中高纬环流形势的演变和调整具有较好的预报能力,T639在144小时后预报性能减小比较明显.T639对超强台风凡亚比的路径预报偏差较大,而日本模...  相似文献   
2011年3—5月T639、ECMWF及日本模式中期预报性能检验   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
蔡芗宁 《气象》2011,37(8):1026-1030
为了更好地应用T639模式中期预报产品,对2011年3—5月T639模式96小时预报产品进行了天气学检验,并与ECMWF、日本模式进行了对比分析。结果表明:三种模式均对亚洲中高纬环流形势的调整和演变具有较好的预报性能。综合来看,ECMWF模式对各系统及要素的预报最接近实况;日本模式和T639模式次之。另外,选取了2011年4月28-30日的沙尘天气个例进行分析,发现日本模式对于引发此次沙尘天气的地面高压系统的中期预报指示意义最好。  相似文献   
对陆川县主栽的马铃薯品种黑龙江K3紫花,采用稻草免耕栽培措施分四次播种进行试验,对试验中造成马铃薯的出苗期烂种、生长后期晚疫病等原因的气象条件进行分析,并探索解决的方法。  相似文献   
利用若尔盖1971-2000年的大风、雷暴、冰雹、积雪、雾及飑的逐年各月气象资料,用现代统计方法,分别逐类、逐月、逐年代统计若尔盖地区旅游气象灾害出现频次、时间变化特征,并对其变化特征及主要旅游气象灾害发生规律进行气候综合分析,结合旅游安全社会经验,统计出若尔盖气象灾害发生月份集中在4-8月,主要是春、夏两个季节。而较少月份集中在8-2月,为秋、冬两季。若尔盖地区适宜旅游期月份为5、6、7、8、9月,非常适宜旅游区月份为6、7、8月,疗养期月份为7月。而该时段为灾害频发期,因此应特别注意对灾害天气的预防和应对。为当地旅游管理部门提供参考,为旅游投资与实施建设提供气象依据,为旅游者选择旅游季节及评估旅游安全提供帮助。  相似文献   
On the basis of the analysis of the sea temperature data that are observed from the three automatic temperature line acquisition sysem mooring buoys deployed in the central South China Sea (SCS) during South China Sea monsoon experiment, vertical features of biweekly and synoptic variability are discussed. There are five vertical modes, that is, subsurface temperature variability is in phase with,out of phase with, leads to, lags the surface temperature variability, and at depths within the subsurface layer the upper and lower temperature variations are out of phase. The formation of these vertical modes is related to the property of low-level atmospheric forcing and to the background in atmosphere and ocean. Wind stress curl is the main driving factor in forming Modes 1 and 3, and wind stresses in forming Modes 2 and 4.  相似文献   
春季天气变率对华北沙尘暴频次的影响   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
利用欧洲中期数值天气预报中心再分析资料及地面台站观测资料,分析华北春季沙尘暴日数与500 hPa月平均环流及与近地面环流天气变率长期变化的关系,分析时段为1962~2000年。研究发现华北地区春季沙尘暴频次与东亚地区中高纬度500 hPa高度场有显著的负相关,相关中心区在蒙古国及西伯利亚一带,这可能说明高空环流场在这种形势下易于造成高纬度冷空气南下,因此使得华北沙尘暴频次增加。天气过程是形成沙尘暴的直接原因,东亚地区天气变率存在明显的年际和长期变化,研究发现天气变率与沙尘暴频次之间有非常显著的关系:当天气尺度变率增大 (减少) 时,沙尘暴频次也增加 (减少)。其中具体分析了850 hPa低压和地面冷高压活动与沙尘暴的关系,发现东北低压及自蒙古和西伯利亚南下的冷空气活动都对华北沙尘暴频次有明显的影响。近40年来东亚天气变率有显著的减弱趋势,这也在很大程度上解释了沙尘暴频数的显著减少。另外,北极涛动对东亚天气变率和华北沙尘暴频次的年际变化也有一定的影响,北极涛动强的年份华北沙尘暴次数偏少。  相似文献   
The Kwinana Coastal Fumigation Study took place inearly 1995 at Kwinana near Perth in Western Australia.The study involved surface and elevated meteorologicaland plume fumigation measurements in sea-breeze flowsnear the coast, and has yielded a comprehensive dataset that is suitable for assessing meteorological andplume dispersion models. In this paper, wesimulate the meteorology and turbulence on four casestudy days, and compare model results with thedetailed surface and aircraft measurements takenduring the study. These days had surface synopticwinds ranging from southerly to northeasterly, witheither stable or near-neutral temperature profilesover the sea.The model used was based on that developed by Hurley(Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 83, 43–73, 1997), but extended here to allow domain nesting,optional non-hydrostatic simulations, and a vegetativecanopy at the surface. The model was forced bystandard weather service synoptic data, and thesimulations have captured the essential features ofthe strong sea-breeze circulation observed on thesedays. The boundary-layer structure over the sea waspredicted to be near-neutral or stable in agreementwith the observations on the particular day. The windspeed and direction in the sea-breeze flow weregenerally predicted well, although the predictedmaximum inflow speed over the land was a little toohigh. The potential temperature was generallyover-predicted, but temperature gradients agreed well.Predicted turbulence levels in the bottom-half of thethermal internal boundary layer compared well to theobservations, but under-estimated the observations inthe in the upper half of this layer. Near-surfacemeasurements of meteorological variables werepredicted well over the entire diurnal cycle, althoughthe predicted sea-breeze onset was generally tooearly. A quantitative model evaluation for thenear-surface sites showed the model performance to bebetter than that from other studies, with Index ofAgreement (IOA) values of 0.8 (wind speed) and 0.96(temperature), compared with values of 0.5–0.6 (windspeed) and 0.33 (temperature) obtained from otherstudies.The availability of new higher resolution synopticanalyses should obviate the lack of spatial andtemporal resolution in synoptic inputs. Theincorporation of these higher resolution synopticinputs and new parameterisation schemes should improvefuture model performance.  相似文献   
采用线性回归和最小二乘法拟合建立无线电探空可降水量(RS-PWV)与GPS对流层延迟(GPS-ZTD)、地面温度及大气压之间的直接转换模型,并将直接转换模型得到的PWV分别与RS-PWV及GPS反演得到的可降水量(GPS-PWV)进行比较。结果表明,RS-PWV与GPS-ZTD之间存在良好的线性关系,相关系数达0.927 6;RS-PWV与4阶拟合温度和大气压呈现较好的相关性,相关系数分别为0.640 1和-0.626 3;基于ZTD的单阶单因子模型PWV与GPS-PWV的相关系数达到0.969 9;基于ZTD、温度及大气压的单阶多因子模型PWV比基于ZTD的单阶单因子模型PWV精度明显提高,RMS从4.3 mm提高到3.3 mm。  相似文献   
地表通量输送对飑线过程影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
使用水平分辨率20km的RSM-RANAL再分析资料和WRF模式,对2004年7月12日影响上海地区的一次飑线过程进行分析和数值模拟,结果表明:(1)雷暴发生区域的西北侧约300km处有一冷锋,地面风场辐合;中低层为一致西南急流,雷暴发生区域上空300hPa位于西风急流右后侧辐散区中;地面存在明显的温度梯度。(2)雷暴发生前浙皖交界山区处的CAPE增至1000J/kg,CIN减至30J/kg以下;杭州湾附近的CAPE值大于2000J/kg。这些地方之后均有强对流单体生成,并成为飑线的一部分。(3)WRF模式对这次飑线过程的主要特征模拟较好,包括地面风场和飑线的结构。(4)敏感性试验指出陆面过程对本次飑线过程的形成发展起了重要作用。一方面通过潜热通量输送增大边界层湿度;另一方面通过感热通量输送改变了边界层的层结结构,使得低层辐合(或抬升)比较容易释放不稳定。在强对流天气的预报中地表条件不可忽略。  相似文献   
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