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利用NCEP/NCAR逐日6h分析资料和常规观测资料,分析了2011年2月25日一28日山西连续降雪天气过程(以下简称2.25降雪)。①2.25降雪过程经历了三个阶段:2月25日为回流降雪阶段,26日一27日为倒槽冷锋与回流降雪共同影响降雪阶段,28日为低空切变线影响降雪阶段。②2.25降雪过程涵盖了华北地区大到暴雪的三个类型:回流类降雪、倒槽冷锋类降雪、低空切变线类降雪。③通过温湿场分析得出,对于低空切变线类降雪,对流层中层的湿核对降雪的开始有一定的指示意义。降雪未开始之前对流层中层有湿核,随着时间的推移,湿核向低层扩展,整个对流层中低层变为高湿区,降雪开始。当对流层中层变为干区,并向低层扩展,降雪过程结束。对于回流类降雪,低层回流对回流降雪起到冷垫的作用。④通过涡度场分析得出,对流层低层的负绝对涡度中心对其东侧的降水有指示意义,如果其东侧对流层低层配合有正涡度核,降雪强度较大,维持时间较长。⑤地面层出现的负绝对涡度中心说明近地面层有小高压系统的存在,这是因为低层回流冷垫作用形成的孤立小高压体。⑥28日降雪维持机制是条件性对称不稳定。  相似文献   
"2003.1"黔东南暴雪天气过程的对称不稳定分析   总被引:17,自引:13,他引:17  
池再香  胡跃文  白慧 《高原气象》2005,24(5):792-797
采用对称不稳定判据,对发生在2003年1月5~6日一次罕见的黔东南暴雪天气过程进行了分析,结果表明:暴雪产生在对称不稳定大气中,低空急流促使对流层低层暖湿气流辐合上升,触发对称不稳定能量释放,产生暴雪天气。西南涡、横切变和暴雪区有向对称不稳定区移动的趋势。  相似文献   
“96·8”华北暴雨数值模拟与稳定性分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
边清河  丁治英  董金虎 《气象》2006,32(8):17-22
分析1996年8月发生在华北地区的台风暴雨过程的环流形势,发现:副热带高压与台风低压之间的气压梯度很大,宽广的偏南急流源源不断地向北输送水汽和能量,而太行山一带正处于汇合区,构成十分有利的暴雨天气形势。应用MM5数值预报方法对1996年8月4—5日的降雨天气过程进行数值模拟,并依据天气学原理和位涡理论对此过程的稳定性进行分析认为:(1)MM5数值预报模式较好地模拟出了台风暴雨的物理过程。(2)此次降雨的不稳定层结有南高北低现象,同时有对称不稳定和对流不稳定存在;条件性对称不稳定可使环流加速,对降水有一定的增幅作用。  相似文献   
To investigate the stability of the bottom boundary layer induced by tidal flow (oscillating flow) in a rotating frame, numerical experiments have been carried out with a two-dimensional non-hydrostatic model. Under homogeneous conditions three types of instability are found depending on the temporal Rossby number Rot, the ratio of the inertial and tidal periods. When Rot < 0.9 (subinertial range), the Ekman type I instability occurs because the effect of rotation is dominant though the flow becomes more stable than the steady Ekman flow with increasing Rot. When Rot > 1.1 (superinertial range), the Stokes layer instability is excited as in the absence of rotation. When 0.9 < Rot < 1.1 (near-inertial range), the Ekman type I or type II instability appears as in the steady Ekman layer. Being much thickened (100 m), the boundary layer becomes unstable even if tidal flow is weak (5 cm/s). The large vertical scale enhances the contribution of the Coriolis effect to destabilization, so that the type II instability tends to appear when Rot > 1.0. However, when Rot < 1.0, the type I instability rather than the type II instability appears because the downward phase change of tidal flow acts to suppress the latter. To evaluate the mixing effect of these instabilities, some experiments have been executed under a weak stratification peculiar to polar oceans (the buoyancy frequency N2  10−6 s−2). Strong mixing occurs in the subinertial and near-inertial ranges such that tracer is well mixed in the boundary layer and an apparent diffusivity there is evaluated at 150–300 cm2/s. This suggests that effective mixing due to these instabilities may play an important role in determining the properties of dense shelf water in the polar regions.  相似文献   
LAPS资料在一次鄂东初夏暴雨分析中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用常规气象资料和武汉暴雨研究所实时业务运行的LAPS资料,从环流背景、影响天气系统、物理量场、干侵入等方面,对2008年初夏发生在湖北东部的一次暴雨天气过程进行了诊断分析。结果表明:这次强降雨是受西风槽与西南涡东移、地面冷锋南下的影响而发生的;暴雨初期鄂东中高层出现水汽辐合,相应地中高层相对湿度与比湿增加;低层首先出现空气质量辐合,随后高层出现空气质量辐散,低层辐合与高层辐散都比强降水发生要早;鄂东暴雨期间低层维持大量云系活动。暴雨期间有随着高度增加而向东倾斜的干侵入前沿活动,这加强了当地上空中、低层对流不稳定层结,并为强降雨发生蓄积了能量;后期由于动力性条件触发,层结转化为中性,对流发展、能量释放而产生强降雨。通过暴雨个例分析发现,LAPS资料能够比较深刻地揭示出该次强降雨发生、发展的机理。  相似文献   
In this paper the statistical analysis is carried out on the correlation between lightning strokes andatmospheric stratification factors.It is shown that the total number of strokes in lightning process is mainlydecided by environmental temperature at altitude with the residual instability of 5℃(T_r).The instabilityshould also affect the total number of strokc in lightning process.A forecasting equation of stroke in light-ning process has been deduced and two interesting preliminary conclusions have been obtained.  相似文献   
AComparativeStudyoftheAtmosphericLayersbelowFirstLiftingCondensationLevelforInstantaneousPre-MonsoonThunderstormOcurenceatAga...  相似文献   
陶玫  夏文梅 《气象科学》2000,20(2):216-223
本文主要分析南京地区7-8月发生午后雷阵雨天气,气候与其相关的革些参数的特征,以及大尺度的天气形势条件,用南京单站资料分析位热不稳定度和不稳定能量,从物理场判定南京是否处于产生雷阵雨的潜在不稳定区内,从相关资料中建立南京地区7 ̄8月午后雷阵雨天气的概率预报方程。e  相似文献   
赤道不稳定波对海气相互作用影响的数值模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赤道不稳定波 (tropical instability waves) 存在于热带东太平洋赤道附近, 通常于每年的春末夏初出现, 以约0.6 m/s速度向西传播, 波周期为20~40天左右, 波长约为1000~2000 km.本文利用一个全球高分辨率海气耦合模式对赤道不稳定波在赤道附近的热量输送进行分析, 表明赤道不稳定波产生指向赤道的热通量, 从而部分抵消了热带东太平洋地区由Ekman辐散和温度平流导致的强冷却效应, 维持热带地区的热量平衡.其对赤道冷舌区的增暖作用可以消除和减弱气候模式中热带东太平洋地区的系统性冷偏差, 能使冷舌的强度和分布得到合理的改善, 对气候模式的改进和发展具有潜在贡献.赤道不稳定波还可以改变赤道海洋上空低层大气层结稳定度, 导致近地层强的风场辐合辐散, 并进一步影响大气混合层的温度、 风场等气象要素.模拟分析结果还表明, 赤道不稳定波对大气强迫产生二次响应, 改变赤道上空逆温层的垂直位移和逆温强度.研究赤道不稳定波对热带海洋气候及其海气相互作用机理的理解具有重要意义.  相似文献   
A nondivergent barotropic model (Model 1) and a barotropic primitive equation vortex model (Model 2) are linearized respectively in this paper. Then their perturbation wave spectrums are computed with a normal mode approach to study the instability problem on an appointed tropical cyclone (TC)-like vortex, thereby, the dynamic instability properties of spiral cloud bands of TCs are discussed. The results show that the unstable mode of both models exhibits a spiral band-like structure that propagates away from the vortex outside the radius of maximum winds. The discrete modal instability of the pure vortex Rossby wave can account for the generation of the eyewall and the inner spiral band. The unstable mode in Model 2 has three parts, i.e., eyewall, inner and outer spiral bands. This mode can be interpreted as a mixed vortex Rossby-inertia gravitational wave. The unbalanced property of the wave outside the stagnation radius of the vortex Rossby wave is one of the important reasons for the formation of the outer spiral band in TCs. Accordingly, the outer spiral band can be identified to possess properties of an inertial-gravitational wave. When the formation of unstable inner and outer spiral bands is studied, a barotropic vortex model shall be used. In this model, the most unstable perturbation bears the attributes of either the vortex Rossby wave or the inertial-gravitational wave, depending on the vortex radius. So such perturbations shall be viewed as an unbalanced and unstable mixed wave of these two kinds of waves.  相似文献   
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