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典型干旱地区陆面特征的模拟及分析   总被引:14,自引:15,他引:14  
运用NCAR -LSM (Landsurfacemodel)模式对典型干旱区—沙漠站进行了独立试验 (Off line) ,检验了LSM模式在典型干旱地区的性能 ,并分析了典型干旱地区的陆面特征。结果表明 :LSM模式对干旱地区有较好的模拟性能。在不同的季节 ,典型干旱地区的感热和潜热有着不同的特征 ,4月份的感热通量较大 ,约为 4 0 0W·m-2 ;1月和 8月相对较小 ,约为 2 30W·m-2 。 1月和 4月的潜热通量很小 ,约为 4~ 6W·m-2 ,可以忽略 ;但 8月份的潜热通量大 ,平均最大约为 12 0W·m-2 ,当有降水发生时 ,潜热通量可达 5 70W·m-2 ,与感热通量相当。  相似文献   
文章应用新一代天气雷达资料,并结合天气图、T-logp图等资料,对发生于2011年6月13日内蒙古西部巴彦淖尔市东部地区的一次局地强对流天气过程进行了分析。通过分析雷达冰雹概率、垂直累积含水量、回波顶高、风暴追踪信息等产品以及自动站天气实况等发现,用于短时临近预报的雷达冰雹概率及风暴追踪信息产品在该次强对流天气过程中与天气实况并不能很好地符合。其原因:一方面与雷达对风暴的跟踪和SCIT算法有关,另一方面表明天气背景以及短时强对流天气所具有局地性特点在短时临近预报中未能充分考虑。通过该个例的分析,对于业务人员认识本地区的强对流天气发生特点并提高预报准确率具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Based on the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis dataset and in situ meteorological observations of daily precipitation in boreal summer from 1979 to 2008, the features of circulation anomalies have been investigated using the composite analysis for the extreme events and non-extreme events of regional mean daily rainfall(RMDR) occurring over the midand lower- Yangtze valley(MLYV). The extreme RMDR(ERMDR) events are the events at and above the percentile99 in the rearranged time-series of the RMDR with ascending order of rainfall amount. The non-extreme RMDR events are those at the percentiles 90-85 and 80-75 separately. Our results suggest that the threshold value is 25 mm/day for the ERMDR at percentile 99. Precipitation at all the percentiles is found to occur more frequently in the Meiyu rainfall season in MLYV, and the ERMDR events have occurred with higher frequency since the 1990 s. For the percentiles-associated events, the MLYV is under the control of an anomalous cyclonic circulation in the mid- and lower- troposphere with vastly different anomalous circulation at higher levels. However, at both low and high levels, the ERMDR events-related anomalous circulation is stronger compared to that linked to the non-ERMDR events. The dominant sources of water vapor differ between the ERMDR and non-ERMDR events. During the ERMDR events plentiful water vapor is transported from the Bay of Bengal into the MLYV directly by divergence while there is distinctly increased water vapor from the South China Sea(SCS) in non-RMERMDR episodes. The diabatic heating rates < Q1>, < Q2> and< Q1>- < Q2> have their anomalous patterns and are consistent with each other for these percentiles but their strength decreases markedly with the drop of rainfall intensity. For the precipitation at percentiles 99 and 90-85, the sea surface temperature anomalies(SSTA) in the Pacific distribute positively(negatively) in the south(north), and are stronger when the ERMDR emerges, with little or no SSTA as the events at percentile 80-75 occur. Besides, these results suggest that the genesis of the ERMDR event is directly related to intense local circulation anomalies and the circulation anomalies over the Pacific and SCS in tropical to mid-latitudes, and probably linked with the Pacific SSTA closely while the non-ERMDR events are mainly associated with the anomalous circulation on a local basis. The findings here help understand and predict the happening of ERMDR events over the MLYV.  相似文献   
The Summer Surface Energy Balance of the High Antarctic Plateau   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The summertime surface energy balance (SEB) at Kohnen station, situated on the high Antarctic plateau (75°00′ S, 0°04′ E, 2892m above sea level) is presented for the period of 8 January to 9 February 2002. Shortwave and longwave radiation fluxes were measured directly; the former was corrected for problems associated with the cosine response of the instrument. Sensible and latent heat fluxes were calculated using the bulk method, and eddy-correlation measurements and the modified Bowen ratio method were used to verify these calculated fluxes. The calculated sub-surface heat flux was checked by comparing calculated to measured snow temperatures. Uncertainties in the measurements and energy-balance calculations are discussed. The general meteorological conditions were not extraordinary during the period of the experiment, with a mean 2-m air temperature of −27.5°C, specific humidity of 0.52×10−3kg kg−1 and wind speed of 4.1ms−1. The experiment covered the transition period from Antarctic summer (positive net radiation) to winter (negative net radiation), and as a result the period mean net radiation, sensible heat, latent heat and sub-surface heat fluxes were small with values of −1.1, 0.0, −1.0 and 0.7 Wm−2, respectively. Daily mean net radiation peaked on cloudy days (16 Wm−2) and was negative on clear-sky days (minimum of −19 W m−2). Daily mean sensible heat flux ranged from −8 to +10 Wm−2, latent heat flux from −4 to 0 Wm−2 and sub-surface heat flux from −8 to +7 Wm−2.  相似文献   
春季南极涛动对北美夏季风的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
This study examined the relationship between the boreal spring(April?May) Antarctic Oscillation(AAO) and the North American summer monsoon(NASM)(July?September) for the period of 1979?2008.The results show that these two systems are closely related.When the spring AAO was stronger than normal,the NASM tended to be weaker,and there was less rainfall over the monsoon region.The opposite NASM situation corresponded to a weaker spring AAO.Further analysis explored the possible mechanism for the delayed impact of the boreal spring AAO on the NASM.It was found that the tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature(SST) plays an important role in the connection between the two phenomena.The variability of the boreal spring AAO can produce anomalous SSTs over the tropical Atlantic.These SST anomalies can persist from spring to summer and can influence the Bermuda High,affecting water vapor transportation to the monsoon region.Through these processes,the boreal spring AAO exerts a significantly delayed impact on the amount of NASM precipitation.Thus,information about the boreal spring AAO is valuable for the prediction of the NASM.  相似文献   
青藏高原下垫面对中国夏季环流影响的研究   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14  
发展了一个CCM3-RegCM2单向嵌套模式,用以研究青藏高原中西部地区下垫面特征对我国夏季环流和降水的影响。结果表明:若青藏高原中西部植被破坏,变为沙漠,则该地区地面返照率增加,热容量减少,气温升高。从而导致高原北侧的温度梯度增大,西风槽则被削弱;西风急流被推至更西更北的地区,使得北方冷空气难以到达我国长江、黄河流域;由于高原上空气温增高,导致该地区上空的反气旋环流增强,使原来位于槽前西南气流的长江中下游地区处在平直西风气流当中,不利于降水的产生。与此同时,副热带高压西伸北抬,使得长江、黄河中下游地区处在副热同压控制之下,造成我国大部分地区夏季降水减少。  相似文献   
汶川8.0级强震北川、映秀地表破裂现象   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在汶川8.0级大地震后,通过对北川和映秀2个极震区地表破裂的初步调查发现:北川、映秀地震形变带总体上为NE-SW向展布;地震破裂带以逆冲为主,兼小量走滑位移;北川地表形变带挤压缩短量为3~4m,映秀地表破裂左旋走滑位移为0.4~0.5m  相似文献   
The Relative Pollen Productivities(RPPs)of common steppe species are estimated using Extended R-value(ERV)model based on pollen analysis and vegetation survey of 30 surface soil samples from typical steppe area of northern China.Artemisia,Chenopodiaceae,Poaceae,Cyperaceae,and Asteraceae are the dominant pollen types in pollen assemblages,reflecting the typical steppe communities well.The five dominant pollen types and six common types(Thalictrum,Iridaceae,Potentilla,Ephedra,Brassicaceae,and Ulmus)have strong wind transport abilities;the estimated Relevant Source Area of Pollen(RSAP)is ca.1000 m when the sediment basin radius is set at 0.5 m.Ulmus,Artemisia,Brassicaceae,Chenopodiaceae,and Thalictrum have relative high RPPs;Poaceae,Cyperaceae,Potentilla,and Ephedra pollen have moderate RPPs;Asteraceae and Iridaceae have low RPPs.The reliability test of RPPs revealed that most of the RPPs are reliable in past vegetation reconstruction.However,the RPPs of Asteraceae and Iridaceae are obviously underestimated,and those of Poaceae,Chenopodiaceae,and Ephedra are either slightly underestimated or slightly overestimated,suggesting that those RPPs should be considered with caution.These RPPs were applied to estimating plant abundances for two fossil pollen spectra(from the Lake Bayanchagan and Lake Haoluku)covering the Holocene in typical steppe area,using the"Regional Estimates of Vegetation Abundance from Large Sites"(REVEALS)model.The RPPs-based vegetation reconstruction revealed that meadow-steppe dominated by Poaceae,Cyperaceae,and Artemisia plants flourished in this area before 6500–5600 cal yr BP,and then was replaced by present typical steppe.  相似文献   
有限差分方法广泛应用于求解许多科技领域所涉及的偏微分方程,高阶显式有限差分方法通常用来提高求解精度,已经提出的高阶隐式有限差分方法和截断高阶显式有限差分方法可用来进一步提高模拟精度而不增加计算量。本文首先计算了针对常规网格上的一阶导数和二阶导数、交错网格上的一阶导数的有限差分系数,发现高阶隐式有限差分系数中存在一些小的系数。频散分析结果表明:忽略这些小的差分系数能够近似维持有限差分的精度,但是显著减小了计算量。然后,引入镜像对称边界条件来提高隐式有限差分方法的精度和稳定性,采用混合吸收边界条件来减小来自模型边界所不需要的反射。最后,给出了针对均匀和非均匀介质模型的弹性波模拟例子,表明了本文方法的优点。  相似文献   
2009年海洋和大气环流异常及对中国气候的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
艾婉秀  孙林海  宋文玲 《气象》2010,36(4):101-105
2009年总体来看,全国天气气候的特征为气温偏高,平均降水偏少,夏季为近10多年来降水最少的年份,区域性和持续性干旱非常显著:黄淮、华北发生了严重的秋冬季连旱,东北西南部夏秋旱严重,江南西部、华南西部和西南南部夏秋旱明显等。2009年在南海和西太平洋生成的热带气旋个数明显偏少,但是登陆的偏多,初次登陆时间偏早。分析发现,2009年赤道中东太平洋春季前处于冷水位相,4月以后进入暖水位相,6月开始了一次厄尔尼诺事件。受海洋异常强迫和海气相互作用的影响,北半球大气环流表现出的主要特征是:500 hPa西太平洋副高强度和位置变化较大;东亚冬季风偏弱,夏季风偏强;西太平洋暖池区冬春季热带对流活动偏强,夏秋季正常;亚洲中高纬度经纬向环流交替转换,其中5月纬向环流盛行,6月、10月和11月经向环流盛行。这些环流异常是影响2009年中国气候异常的主要原因。  相似文献   
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