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David Grigg 《GeoJournal》1998,44(1):9-18
A number of writers have argued that differences in food consumption between the countries in Europe are declining. This article investigates the possibility of convergence in the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The combination of beverages consumed in 1895–97, 1961–62 and 1994–95 is considered. This reveals three distinctive regions where wine, beer or spirits are the dominant drink. However, in this century the dominance of the staple drink has fallen and differences in total alcohol consumption have diminished, indicating convergence.  相似文献   
蒙桂云  喻彦  李伟堂 《气象科技》2009,37(5):613-617
为在甘蔗栽培、糖业生产、糖业贸易中针对气候因子的变化采取及时有效的应对措施提供依据,对影响云南勐海甘蔗产量和糖分的气候因子近45年来的趋势性、阶段性和周期性进行分析。结果表明:影响甘蔗产量的气候因子中,3~10月的积温增加趋势显著;3~10月的积温和降水量有显著的阶段性;3~10月的积温、降水量、日照时数都有显著的振荡周期。影响甘蔗糖分的气候因子中,10~11月的平均最低气温增加趋势比较显著,有显著的周期性和阶段性;11月至次年2月的降水量有3~4年的振荡周期,趋势性和阶段性不显著。  相似文献   
The study of soil loss due to crop harvesting (SLCH) started only recently in soil erosion research. It describes the mass of adhering soil, soil clods and rock fragments that is lost from arable land during the harvesting of crops such as potato, sugar beet, sweet potato and cassava. Some research on mechanized agriculture in Europe revealed that soil loss rates due to crop harvesting can be comparable to water and tillage erosion rates. However, little is known about soil losses caused by manually harvested crops in other parts of the world. This study investigated SLCH for potato and sugar beet plots on farmer's fields spread over four regions in northeast China where harvesting is carried out by hand. Soil losses for sugar beet were on average 1·0 Mg/ha/harvest, ranging from 0·2 to 1·9 Mg/ha/harvest, and SLCH for potato ranged from 0·2 to 3·0 Mg/ha/harvest with an average of 1·2 Mg/ha/harvest. Soil moisture content, average root mass and plant density could explain 45 to 67 per cent of the variability of SLCH for sugar beet. The effect of soil texture was the opposite to findings of other studies, which could be attributed to the strong correlations among the variables and to the effect of the harvesting operator. SLCH variability for potatoes could best be explained by soil texture. SLCH for sugar beet was much lower than European SLCH values for this crop, which can be explained by differences in harvesting technique and agronomic practices. SLCH for potato was comparable to soil losses measured in Belgium, especially if clods are removed on the harvesting machine. However, clay contents of the soils were larger in this study and soil losses were lower than in Belgium for comparable clay contents. Although SLCH is not the dominant soil erosion process in NE China, it contributes to overall soil loss rates, which have already exceeded their critical tolerance limits in this region. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
3种荒漠植物幼苗生长和光合生理对氮增加的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取荒漠地区广泛分布的3种多年生草本植物骆驼刺(Alhagi sparsifolia)、骆驼蹄瓣(Zygophyllum fabago)和盐生车前(Plantago maritima),研究其生长和光合生理对氮增加的响应。结果表明: ①中等浓度和高浓度氮处理均能够促进3种植物生物量的增加。施氮浓度增加后,骆驼刺的根重和根长均增加,但是骆驼蹄瓣和盐生车前却降低。随着氮浓度增加,冠根比(S/R)亦增加,说明氮沉降增加能够促进生产力尤其是地上生产力增加。②随着氮浓度的增加, 植物的净光合速率(包括最大净光合速率)、叶绿素和可溶性蛋白增加。骆驼刺和盐生车前的瞬时水分利用效率表现为降低,而骆驼蹄瓣则表现为增加。3种植物可溶性糖含量随氮浓度的增加而减少。3种植物的光合生理特征响应能够很好地与生长相对应,在光合生理受到氮素营养限制时,其植物的生长较慢。当解除营养限制时,光合增加、可溶性糖减少,植物生物量增加。  相似文献   
钦州市蔗糖生产与气象条件关系的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对广西钦州市多年原料蔗产量、榨季糖分含量与气象条件关系的相关分析,结果表明:春、秋两季的降雨量是制约钦州市原料蔗产量高低的主要气象因子,而秋末冬初的温度日较差、日照时数等气象因子对榨季糖分含量影响最大,这一研究结果对指导钦州市蔗糖发展有积极意义。  相似文献   
蔗糖生产最佳榨期和高糖期的预报   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
符合  吴全衍  谭宗琨 《气象》1995,21(11):50-53
分析广西13家糖厂历年实际榨期和榨季蔗糖分资料可知,有大部年份的榨期安排不够合理,从而降低了糖厂的经济效益。针对榨期安排的问题,作者从分析蔗糖分积累动态变化入手,将其分类进行模拟,建立模型。  相似文献   
采用6种等蛋白质(34.4%)、等能量(16.10MJ/kg)试验日粮,研究了尼罗系吉富罗非鱼幼鱼实用日粮中蔗糖糖蜜替代小麦次粉的养殖效果与血糖代谢变化。结果表明,56d试验期间各试验组鱼均无死亡;蔗糖糖蜜替代小麦次粉40%—100%日粮组鱼的摄食量、特定生长率、饲料效益和蛋白效益均高于小麦次粉组鱼,当蔗糖糖蜜100%替代小麦次粉时,其摄食量、特定生长率和饲料效益蛋白效益比均显著性上升(P<0.05)。各试验组鱼鱼体营养成分(蛋白质、脂肪、灰分和水分)和肝体指数无显著性差异(P>0.05),肝脏结构正常。蔗糖糖蜜组鱼血浆中血糖、总蛋白、胆固醇、甘油三酯含量明显高于小麦次粉组鱼(P<0.05)。本试验结果认为,蔗糖糖蜜在尼罗系吉富罗非鱼幼鱼实用日粮中可以完全替代小麦次粉,蔗糖糖蜜对尼罗系吉富罗非鱼幼鱼具有较好的生长效益、节约日粮蛋白质效益和适口性,其主要原因与摄食蔗糖糖蜜后尼罗系罗非鱼幼鱼产生的较长时间高血糖现象有关。  相似文献   
用非天然的分子实体模拟天然活性分子以提高药物的活性和稳定性.是药物化学中的一个研究热点。氨基糖酸综合了糖和氨基酸结构特征和化学反应特性.是一类新型非天然的多肽模拟物构建模块,广泛的应用在多肽模拟学、组合化学和人工受体分子的构建中。本文综述了近年来氨基糖酸在药物分子设计与合成中的应用进展。  相似文献   
The infrared spectra of melanoidins which were prepared from galactose and neutral and basic amino acids (at various ratios) support in general the conclusion gained in Part I of this series. A striking resemblance in the IR spectra was obtained in melanoidins which were prepared from a high ratio of sugar to amino acids (Type 1). The imprint of the amino acids was observed only in type 2 melanoidins, which are enriched with amino acids.  相似文献   
对2003年7月至9月采自北极楚科奇海域的4个站位表层沉积物及1个站位的柱状沉积物样品的总糖、总碳、有机碳、无机碳、总氮、总磷的含量进行了测定,并对其有机碳和有机氮同位素(1δ3C和1δ5N)的变化进行了研究,结果表明:北极楚科奇海域沉积物中的总糖与有机碳为明显的正相关关系,说明糖类是有机碳重要的组成部分;表层沉积物中TOC/TN平均值为9.273,1δ3C和1δ5N的平均值分别为-21.61‰和7.1‰,显示出表层沉积物中糖类物质以海洋藻类来源为主、混入部分陆源物质的分布特征;柱状样品不同深度沉积物中TOC/TN平均值为13.45,也反映出糖类物质为海洋自生和陆源输入共存的分布特征。  相似文献   
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