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李伟  黄琦恒 《探矿工程》2010,37(5):78-81,72
通过对深圳地铁五号线5304标民~五隧道区间盾构施工方法与机械配置分析,总结了实现地铁隧道盾构区间快速施工盾构配套设备选型,为类似城市地铁工程施工积累经验。  相似文献   
随着城市建设的发展,作为暗挖法之一的矩形顶管施工技术得到了越来越多的应用。矩形顶管施工大多在建筑密集、市政管线复杂区域,对地面沉降变形非常敏感。研究矩形顶管施工过程中周边水土变化规律,对矩形顶管施工技术的进步具有现实意义。本文以上海轨道交通二号线张江高科站一号出入口工程为例,通过施工过程中孔隙水压、土压力、分层变形、地面沉降等的监测,分析了矩形顶管施工过程中周边水土的变化规律,为在环境复杂区域矩形顶管合理施工提供技术依据。  相似文献   
盾构近距离下穿对已建地铁隧道的位移影响及施工控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张琼方  夏唐代  丁智  黄小斌  林存刚 《岩土力学》2016,37(12):3561-3568
通过对盾构近距离下穿杭州地铁1号线已建隧道施工过程进行监测,针对盾构近距离、小角度下穿对已建隧道位移的影响过程和特点,研究了盾构机与已建地铁隧道相对位置关系不同时,已建隧道的隆沉、水平位移及收敛位移变化规律。对盾构参数进行实时记录,通过反馈的已建隧道位移监测进一步优化盾构施工参数,合理盾构参数的设置可以有效控制既有隧道变形在允许范围内。已建隧道变形规律显示,盾构隧道在距离已建隧道20 m以外工况下,对上部已建隧道影响很小;盾构整个过程中已建隧道穿越交叉点竖向和水平位移变化过程大致经历5个阶段。  相似文献   
对某海底管道实施了漏磁原理腐蚀缺陷内检测, 检测结果表明, 该管道2 km 范围内存在腐蚀深度比较大的管道外壁腐蚀缺陷。为了弄清楚这种腐蚀发生的原因, 参照管道预制工艺条件和海上铺设施工记录等资料, 研究了腐蚀缺陷的位置、形貌等现象的规律。研究表明, 管道预制和铺设过程中的细节处理导致管道防腐蚀涂层和防水层产生轻微缺陷, 在服役后诱发了腐蚀。根据结论, 对管道设计、预制和铺设过程提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   
A simplified analysis method has been developed to estimate the vertical movement and load distribution of pile raft foundations subjected to ground movements induced by tunneling based on a two‐stage method. In this method, the Loganathan–Polous analytical solution is used to estimate the free soil movement induced by tunneling in the first stage. In the second stage, composing the soil movement to the pile, the governing equilibrium equations of piles are solved by the finite difference method. The interactions between structural members (such as pile–soil, pile–raft, raft–soil, and pile–pile) are modeled based on the elastic theory method of a layered half‐space. The validity of the proposed method is verified through comparisons with some published solutions for single piles, pile groups, and pile rafts subjected to ground movements induced by tunneling. Good agreements between these solutions are demonstrated. The method is also used for a parametric study to develop a better understanding of the behavior of pile rafts influenced by tunneling operation in layered soil foundations. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The effect of tunneling on surrounding environments, especially on existing buried pipelines is a problem that engineers designing and practicing in urban geotechnical environments encounter more frequently than in the past. However, previous studies are usually based on the assumption that the soil is homogeneous. How to reflect soil stratification is the main focus for the problem of tunneling in multi‐layered soils. A displacement controlled coupling numerical method is presented for the displacement analysis of tunnel excavation below existing pipelines in multi‐layered soils. On the basis of the layered soil model, to consider the soil nonhomogeneous characteristic, the finite element method and boundary element method are coupled to simulate the deformation of existing pipelines induced by tunneling. The solutions indicate that good agreements are obtained between the proposed coupling numerical method and the commercial software. The accuracy of the proposed numerical method is better than the two stages method based on the existing closed‐form solutions. Moreover, the results discussed in this paper show that the error obtained by the previous method of weighted average on the basis of homogeneous half space converted from layered soils is not negligible for the obvious difference of elastic parameters among successive layers. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
丁继胜  董立峰  唐秋华  李杰 《海洋测绘》2014,34(5):62-64,71
结合近几年出现的高分辨率多波束测深系统的性能特点,通过检测实例,介绍其在海底管道(尤其是裸露管道)检测中的相关技术及及检测成果。结果证实,高分辨率多波束测深系统可以准确检测海底小尺寸目标物,为其新特性的推广应用提供技术参考。  相似文献   
在对国内外深水油气田开发中的张力腿平台(TLP)、深水柱筒平台(SPAR)、半潜式生产平台、浮式生产储油卸油装置(FPSO)和水下生产系统(SBS)所采用的基础型式进行较详细调研的基础上,讨论了常见的基础型式的特点,考虑其实际应用情况并结合我国南海深水油气开发中可能采用的工程开发模式,探讨我国深水油气田开发适用的基础型式,为我国深水油气田工程设施及基础的前期研究和工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   
为了解软弱土层盾构隧道围岩的变形特性,结合某市地铁盾构下穿既有桥梁结构工程实例,建立每个分析步下盾构动态掘进三维数值模型。模型建立在库仑屈服准则和孔隙水达西定律推导的固结有限元方程上,综合考虑刀盘扭矩、推进力、土仓压力、桥基荷载及孔隙水压力等影响盾构施工质量的诸多因素,结合室内三轴实验和现场实测数据,对盾构动态掘进过程建模原理、模型合理性、围岩变形特性及桥梁结构安全等问题进行研究。研究结果表明:盾构掘进对围岩变形影响表现为接近、穿越和远离3个阶段;盾构接近断面时,受刀盘扭矩、推进力和土仓压力的影响,前方地表出现拱起;盾构穿过、远离断面后,围岩发生沉降、向隧道内和向前运动趋势,变形主要集中洞口上方,呈槽型;地表/桥基沉降计算和实测值吻合,围岩变形能够满足盾构隧道施工安全。  相似文献   
为解决不埋深海管道在温压荷载循环作用下,轴向移动量不断累积的问题,采用数值模拟方法,在论证了钢悬链线立管(steel catenary riser,SCR)张力相比于其他因素对管道轴向移动影响更为显著的基础上,针对一端受到SCR张力作用的短管,分析了不同轴向移动消减方案的作用特点。研究表明,对管道进行锚固能有效约束其轴向移动,且在中部锚固需要的锚固力及管道内产生的有效轴向力均较小;滑动基础可通过释放一定的管道位移量来减少管中的应力累积。因此将中部锚固与端部滑动相结合可优化锚固系统,使锚固力进一步下降54%,管中最大有效轴向压力减小33%,从而最有效地消减轴向移动。  相似文献   
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