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利用有限元软件ABAQUS,结合用户自定义Python程序,开展地震断层作用下深海管道局部变形和压溃过程的数值模拟。分析均质土体和随机分布土体模型的地震断层位移大小对管道局部变形的影响,并分析断层诱发的局部挤压变形对管道压溃压力的影响。研究表明:相比于断层走向与管道轴线方向垂直的走滑断层,断层走向与管道轴线方向夹角为45°的走滑断层作用下管道的压溃压力较小,且当断层走向为管道轴线方向逆时针旋转45°时,左旋走滑断层作用下管道的压溃压力低于右旋走滑断层作用下的管道压溃压力。断层位移相同时,管道径厚比越大,压溃压力越小。考虑土壤随机性时,由于APIX65钢制管道刚性较大,且管道两侧土体内聚力和摩擦角分散于均质土壤土体参数均值两侧,因此断层作用过程中管道受到的土压力在均质土壤模型中的土压力数值处上下波动。  相似文献   
根据区域地震资料研究塔里木盆地塔东凸起西部中上奥陶统层序地层格架及沉积演化, 在中上奥陶统识别出了2个地震层序, 发现了叠置的丘状前积反射地震单元, 综合岩心观察、岩屑录井和薄片资料, 确认为海底扇沉积体.海底扇沉积主要由块状砂、砾岩, 递变层理砂岩, 平行层理砂岩, 砂纹层理粉砂岩, 变形或包卷层理粉砂岩, 水平层理泥质粉砂岩或粉砂质泥岩, 块状或递变的粉砂质泥岩和泥岩等岩相组成, 形成于中扇和外扇环境, 物源来自研究区南部的岛弧带.海底扇的发现对于塔东凸起乃至整个塔里木盆地中上奥陶统油气勘探具有重要意义.   相似文献   
区域性地震滑坡信息获取目前主要通过遥感目视解译和计算机提取,存在主观性强、耗时费力、提取精度低等问题,导致难以满足灾后应急调查、灾情评估等方面的应用需求。采用资源三号、高分一号高分辨率遥感影像,以汶川震区为实验区,在地震滑坡灾害特征分析的基础上,通过多尺度最优分割方法构建多层次滑坡对象,融合光谱、纹理、几何等影像特征和地形特征信息建立多维滑坡识别规则集合,基于高分辨率影像认知模式与场景理解过程提出滑坡分层识别模型,从而实现地震滑坡空间分布及其滑源区、滑移区和堆积区的准确识别。实验区分析结果显示最低识别精度为81.89%,而滑坡的堆积区最容易被分辨,识别方法具有可推广性。研究成果可为灾后应急调查提供技术支撑,并促进国产高分辨率遥感卫星的地质灾害应用。  相似文献   
大型水域水岩相互作用及其环境效应研究   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
以大量实际资料及深入的研究成果,较全面地论述了人工大型水域水岩相作用及其导致的主要地质灾害,包括水库诱发地震,库岸崩滑,水岩作用导致的大坝溃决,以及水库淤积导致的大面积环境恶化等问题。  相似文献   
孙萍萍  张茂省  江睿君  贾俊  刘峰  刘蒙蒙 《地质通报》2021,40(10):1617-1625
由降雨引发的浅层黄土滑坡灾害具有致灾性强、范围广、影响面积大等特点,是黄土高原地区危害严重的地质灾害类型。经典算法采用安全系数描述坡体稳定性,难以对坡体变形破坏的起始位置和实际失效面加以识别,限制了滑坡变形过程的描述和滑坡有效预测。以非饱和土吸应力理论为指导,基于Hydrus中的Slope Cube模块,建立黄土斜坡水-力耦合模型,结合黄土地区易滑坡形态统计数据,针对凸型、凹型、直线型3种坡型与30°、40°、50°三种坡度组合,计算了不同降雨条件下的坡体稳定性响应。结果表明,不同坡型的黄土斜坡对降雨条件具有明显的响应。相同降雨量、相同坡度条件下直线型坡发生浅表层破坏的可能性最低,凹型坡次之、凸型坡的稳定性最差。与之相对应的,相同条件下凸型坡失稳时间最短、凹型坡次之、直线型坡最长。本研究可为浅层滑坡的早期识别和预报提供支撑。  相似文献   
Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) plays an important role in coastal biogeochemical processes and hydrological cycles, particularly off volcanic islands in oligotrophic oceans. However, the spatial and temporal variations of SGD are still poorly understood owing to difficulty in taking rapid SGD measurements over a large scale. In this study, we used four airborne thermal infrared surveys (twice each during high and low tides) to quantify the spatiotemporal variations of SGD over the entire coast of Jeju Island, Korea. On the basis of an analytical model, we found a linear positive correlation between the thermal anomaly and squares of the groundwater discharge velocity and a negative exponential correlation between the anomaly and water depth (including tide height and bathymetry). We then derived a new equation for quantitatively estimating the SGD flow rates from thermal anomalies acquired at two different tide heights. The proposed method was validated with the measured SGD flow rates using a current meter at Gongcheonpo Beach. We believe that the method can be effectively applied for rapid estimation of SGD over coastal areas, where fresh groundwater discharge is significant, using airborne thermal infrared surveys.  相似文献   
Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is a global phenomenon that carries large volumes of groundwater and dissolved chemical species such as nutrient, metals, and organic compounds to coastal zones. We report the influence of SGD on the coastal waters of Jeju Island, Korea, using high‐resolution aerial thermal infrared (TIR) mapping techniques and field investigations. An aircraft‐based system was implemented using a cost‐effective TIR camera for aerial TIR mapping. Ground‐based calibrations and system integration with GPS/IMU (global positioning system/inertial measurement unit) were performed for the aerial systems. The aerial surveys showed distinct low‐temperature signatures of SGD along the coasts of Jeju Island, revealing large groundwater inputs from the coastal aquifers to the ocean. Multiple aerial surveys over a range of seasons and tidal stages revealed that SGD rates dynamically affect the sea surface temperature (SST) of the coastal zone. The in‐situ measurements supported that SGD has a substantial influence on the coastal water chemistry as well as SST. Our observations highlight the extent to which aerial‐based TIR mapping can serve as a powerful tool for studying SGD and other coastal processes. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper presents a dynamic fully coupled formulation for saturated and unsaturated soils that undergo large deformations based on material point method. Governing equations are applied to porous material while considering it as a continuum in which the pores of the solid skeleton are filled with water and air. The accuracy of the developed method is tested with available experimental and numerical results. The developed method has been applied to investigate the failure and post‐failure behaviour of rapid landslides in unsaturated slopes subjected to rainfall infiltration using two different bedrock geometries that lie below the top soil. The models show different failure and post‐failure mechanisms depending on the bedrock geometry and highlight the negative effects of continuous rain infiltrations. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
An alternative modelling for flexible membranes anchored to the ground for soil slope stabilisation is presented using Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics to model the unstable ground mass in a soil slope, employing a dynamic solve engine. A regression model of pressure normal to the ground, qsim, and also membrane deflection, fsim, have been developed using Design of Experiment. Finally, a comparison between the pressure obtained from numerical simulation and from a limit equilibrium analysis considering infinite slope has been carried out, showing differences in the results, mainly due to the membrane stiffness.  相似文献   
This paper presents numerical simulations of viscous flow past a submarine model in steady turn by solving the Reynolds-Averaged Navier?Stokes Equations (RANSE) for incompressible, steady flows. The rotating coordinate system was adopted to deal with the rotation problem. The Coriolis force and centrifugal force due to the computation in a body-fixed rotating frame of reference were treated explicitly and added to momentum equations as source terms. Furthermore, velocities of entrances were coded to give the correct magnitude and direction needed. Two turbulence closure models (TCMs), the RNG model with wall functions and curvature correction and the Shear Stress Transport (SST) model without the use of wall functions, but with curvature correction and low-Re correction were introduced, respectively. Take DARPA SUBOFF model as the test case, a series of drift angle varying between 0° and 16° at a Reynolds number of 6.53×106 undergoing rotating arm test simulations were conducted. The computed forces and moment as a function of drift angle during the steady turn are mostly in close agreement with available experimental data. Though the difference between the pressure coefficients around the hull form was observed, they always show the same trend. It was demonstrated that using sufficiently fine grids and advanced turbulence models will lead to accurate prediction of the flow field as well as the forces and moments on the hull.  相似文献   
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