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吴超  尚新璐  陈军  王晓云 《地质科学》2004,39(4):571-579
苏盖特构造带位于新疆昆仑山弧形推覆体前缘.本文通过研究苏盖特构造带的构造特征,确定了地震反射层的地质属性,认为苏盖特构造带由表层推覆体及下部下第三系-二叠系之间的地层经过3次重复形成的叠瓦状推覆体构成.苏盖特构造带活动始于上新世阿图什组沉积期,定型于更新世.通过研究西昆仑逆冲推覆体及已钻探井的地表油源、储层特征及储盖组合,认为苏盖特构造带具有两套好的油源即石炭-二叠系及侏罗系油源,两套好的储集层即白垩系和下第三系储层,相应地,发育两套储盖组合,具有良好的圈闭及运聚条件,是有利的勘探目标区.  相似文献   
青岛城市主要断裂构造特征以及对城市地质环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本论文以青岛城市地质环境监测为目标,通过野外地质观察和地质制图,从城市整体范围概述青岛城市主要断裂构造特征以及断裂构造对青岛城市地质环境的影响.上述研究对青岛城市地质环境监测和城市规划具有重要意义.  相似文献   
朱阳关-夏关断裂是一条长大于400km,深达上地幔的超壳断裂,沿断裂出露有较多的燕山期花岗岩(脉)体及一系列Cu、Au、Ag、Pb、Zn异常,有色金属、贵金属成矿作用明显。高庄金矿床赋存在朱阳关-夏关断裂次级断裂带中,为海底火山喷流-岩浆-构造热液叠加改造形成的含金石英脉-蚀变构造岩型金矿。本文分析了高庄金矿床特征,找矿标志。提出了在朱阳关-夏关断裂带中寻找金多金属矿床潜力较大。随着深部地质找矿的进一步开展,本区可成为我国重要的金多金属矿产基地。  相似文献   
新疆焉耆盆地绿洲水盐双梯度下天然植被多样性分异特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对焉耆盆地河畔带、荒漠带、湖畔带土壤水盐及地下水位和天然植被关系的分析,研究了干旱绿洲水盐过程与分异天然植被生长和绿洲生态的影响.结果表明:绿洲天然植被生物多样性取决水盐双梯度影响,盐分不断向湖畔积聚是引起焉耆盆地湖畔生态系统生境恶化的主导因子.绿洲内部河畔带物种多样性与地下水埋深关系表明,在埋深1.5m区域,随着地下水埋深的加大,物种多样性减少;在埋深1.5~3m区域内,随着地下水埋深加大,其物种多样性在增加;而当埋深在3~4m之间时,随着地下水埋深的加大,植物多样性呈明显减少趋势;而在埋深4m区域内,多样性指数波动不大.调查表明,随着埋深的变化,地表的天然植被草本、灌木、乔木也呈现明显的分异,地下水水盐条件制约植被分布、生存和演替,各种植被类型适应不同的地下水位和盐分特征.  相似文献   
在天然气水合物岩心样品的带压转移过程中,岩心衬管抓捕装置是实现样品转移的关键。岩心抓取是在岩心管内进行,属于非可视化操作过程,同时岩心样品和抓捕器都处于高压液体中,岩心衬管与岩心管之间的间隙非常小,要保证岩心样品的原位状态,对岩心抓捕装置的结构设计、精准定位、快速抓取和释放都有很高的要求。根据该装置所需实现的抓取、拖动、定位和释放功能,设计挂盘自锁和触碰解锁机构,探针抓取衬管,经过室内抓捕实验,该机构可以顺利抓捕和解卡,其结构简单,能在压力状态下进行岩心转移,加快了天然气水合物样品的带压转移装置的研究进展。  相似文献   
逆冲断层前锋带的构造样式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于逆冲断层产出构造环境和规模的不同,其前缘可以有拆离型,褶皱型,前冲型,反冲型等多种样式;每种样式又可具不同特征。此外,逆冲前缘还常伴生一些重力构造,盆地构造和不同方向的反转构造。各种构造样式可以相互转化和过渡而共存于同一逆冲带,或发育于不同逆冲带中。它们是研究塑冲作用的动力状态,,扩展方式和发展阶段的重要依据。  相似文献   
Bakir  P.G. 《Natural Hazards》2004,33(3):405-425
While laboratory and analytical studies can provide valuable information about earthquake hazard mitigation, the most effective educator is the impact of a full-scale earthquake on a full-scale city. The recent earthquakes in Turkey showed that the governmental as well as individual attitudes towards earthquakes did not represent proportionate responses to the risk levels concerned. Turkey had weaknesses in preparing, planning, mitigating and responding to disasters in spite of the known seismic vulnerability of the country. Many steps have been taken after 1999 earthquakes in Turkey, however, the preparations largely concentrate on the response and recovery phases and a fundamental step to reform the current disaster management system and steps to rehabilitate the vulnerable building stock has not been undertaken until today. This would involve changing the present laws and regulations and de-centralising the disaster management system. The aim of this paper is to propose a national mitigation strategy for Turkey for a time-frame of 10 years. The model proposed is a very comprehensive model for earthquake risk reduction in Turkey and within this context, the legislative and technical aspects of mitigation will be discussed in detail. Strategies for mitigating and retrofitting the existing building stock will also be proposed.  相似文献   
胶东金矿成矿系列硫同位素研究   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
黄德业 《矿床地质》1994,13(1):75-87
胶东金矿的早晚两期成矿系列中,岩浆成因或在岩浆期即有天然水和表生矿质加入的矿床,δ^34S值均有自早而晚依次降低的规律。为重熔岩浆分异成矿理论和成矿系列的建立提供了重要证据。焦家式和某些晚期矿床,在形成矿液后有表生硫加入,扰乱了这一规律性。胶东群中的硫同位素没有达到均匀化,副变质岩偏重,而斜长角闪岩偏轻,接近陨石硫值,是近似原始岩浆的产物。  相似文献   
The solar system, as we know it today, is about 4.5 billion years old. It is widely believed that it was essentially completed 100 million years after the formation of the Sun, which itself took less than 1 million years, although the exact chronology remains highly uncertain. For instance: which, of the giant planets or the terrestrial planets, formed first, and how? How did they acquire their mass? What was the early evolution of the “primitive solar nebula” (solar nebula for short)? What is its relation with the circumstellar disks that are ubiquitous around young low-mass stars today? Is it possible to define a “time zero” (t 0), the epoch of the formation of the solar system? Is the solar system exceptional or common? This astronomical chapter focuses on the early stages, which determine in large part the subsequent evolution of the proto-solar system. This evolution is logarithmic, being very fast initially, then gradually slowing down. The chapter is thus divided in three parts: (1) The first million years: the stellar era. The dominant phase is the formation of the Sun in a stellar cluster, via accretion of material from a circumstellar disk, itself fed by a progressively vanishing circumstellar envelope. (2) The first 10 million years: the disk era. The dominant phase is the evolution and progressive disappearance of circumstellar disks around evolved young stars; planets will start to form at this stage. Important constraints on the solar nebula and on planet formation are drawn from the most primitive objects in the solar system, i.e., meteorites. (3) The first 100 million years: the “telluric” era. This phase is dominated by terrestrial (rocky) planet formation and differentiation, and the appearance of oceans and atmospheres.  相似文献   
本研究通过对产于雷州半岛的雷州马尾藻(Sargassum leizhouense)形态结构进行研究,结合形态解剖、分类学特征等观察,比较了与同类组中其他3种马尾藻的特征差异,澄清了其分类地位,并修改了雷州马尾藻的检索表。结果表明,雷州马尾藻属于马尾藻属、真马尾藻亚属、叶托混生组、拟叶托混生亚组;尽管雷州马尾藻与该组的瓦氏马尾藻(S.vachellianum)、鳞茎马尾藻(S.bulbiferum)及滑托组的亨氏马尾藻(S.henslowianum)形态有许多相似之处,但其与上述3种马尾藻的主要差异在于球芽及分裂叶的有无。本研究不仅修改了雷州马尾藻分类地位,也为将来开展该马尾藻的人工繁育及养殖、加工提供帮助。  相似文献   
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