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The drift velocity of an auroral arc is compared with the component of F-region plasma velocity in the same direction for ten cases where the arc is seen to move steadily equatorward for several minutes without any major change in appearance or orientation. In most cases the two velocities are close, but on two occasions the drift velocity of the arc is much higher than the plasma velocity. From the cases studied it appears that during the growth and recovery phase of the substorm cycle the arc moves with a velocity close to the convection velocity, but during the expansion phase this is not the case.  相似文献   
Tropical cyclones (TC) are recognized to modify the thermal structure of the upper ocean through the process of vertical mixing. Assessing the role this mixing plays in the overall stratification of the upper ocean is difficult, due to the relatively short and incomplete instrumental record. Proxy records for both TC landfalls and oceanographic stratification are preserved within the geological record and provide insight for how past changes in TC‐induced mixing have potentially affected water column structure prior to the instrumental record. Here we provide the first comparison between previously published paleo‐reconstructions of vertical ocean density and tropical cyclone activity from the western North Atlantic. A prominent lull in TC activity has been observed prior to approximately 1700 CE that extends back several centuries. This interval of low TC activity is shown to be concurrent with the timing of increased ocean stratification near Great Bahama Bank, potentially due in part to reduced TC‐induced mixing. To test whether this relationship is feasible, we present numerical results from a coarse‐resolution ocean general circulation model experiment isolating the effect of TC surface wind forcing on the upper ocean. An anomaly of roughly 0.12 kg m?3 in vertical stratification occurs above and below the mixed layer for model runs with and without TC mixing. This anomaly is roughly 25% of the entire paleo‐density signal observed just prior to 1700 CE. These results suggest that TC mixing alone cannot completely explain the density anomaly observed prior to 1700 CE, but support TC variability as an important contributor to enhancing oceanic stratification during this interval. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this paper we discuss the properties of the quasi-steady state cosmological model (QSSC) developed in 1993 in its role as a cyclic model of the universe driven by a negative energy scalar field. We discuss the origin of such a scalar field in the primary creation process first described by F. Hoyle & J. V. Narlikar forty years ago. It is shown that the creation processes which take place in the nuclei of galaxies are closely linked to the high energy and explosive phenomena, which are commonly observed in galaxies at all redshifts. The cyclic nature of the universe provides a natural link between the places of origin of the microwave background radiation (arising in hydrogen burning in stars), and the origin of the lightest nuclei (H, D, He3 and He4). It also allows us to relate the large scale cyclic properties of the universe to events taking place in the nuclei of galaxies. Observational evidence shows that ejection of matter and energy from these centers in the form of compact objects, gas and relativistic particles is responsible for the population of quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) and gamma-ray burst sources in the universe. In the later parts of the paper we briefly discuss the major unsolved problems of this integrated cosmological and cosmogonical scheme — the understanding of the origin of the intrinsic redshifts, and the periodicities in the redshift distribution of the QSOs.  相似文献   
土壤分层信息,特别是表土层结构,对土地生产力具有重要影响,是评价土壤质量的一个重要指标。为了快速、准确地获取土壤分层信息,本文利用探地雷达对分层土壤进行了回波信号采集,并分别在时域和频域分析土壤层位置和层厚信息。首先在信号预处理的基础上,借助包络检波方法确定在土壤分层界面在时域上的位置;然后获取电磁波速度,得到土壤分层厚度。考虑到土壤介电常数与电磁波在土壤中传播速度的相关性,采用短时傅里叶变换方法(Short-time Fourier Transform,STFT)获取各土壤层时频域特征值,并利用回归分析建立特征值与介电常数之间的数学关系,实现对各土壤层的介电常数估算,从而计算出电磁波传播速度,进而确定土壤各层厚度。为验证算法的有效性,分别对理想模拟实验环境和农田环境进行了探地雷达实验,结果表明利用包络检波对探地雷达回波信息进行分析,土壤层检出率达到94.5%,借助STFT谱分析进行探地雷达回波速度估计,对于70 cm深度以上土层厚度计算误差大都保持在10%以下,但随着土壤深度的增加,误差变大。总体来说,本方法能有效识别浅层土壤的分层信息,可应用于实际生产中耕层厚度的估测。  相似文献   
利用常规地面气象站多时次气象要素和天气现象观测资料,以及武汉、宜昌和恩施的探空资料,对1998—2014年湖北地区冻雨天气的主要环流背景进行了分析,归纳了冻雨发生发展过程的气象要素和大气层结特征,给出了基于正负能量面积的冻雨发生定量化判断方法。结果表明:乌山阻高型和贝湖阻高型是导致湖北省出现冻雨天气的两种主要天气形势;2005年和2月是冻雨主要发生的年份和月份;共存在3种典型的气温层结演变特征,其中"暖雨-冻雨-固态"的气温层结演变最易导致持续时间长、影响范围大的冻雨天气;基于正负能量面积的冻雨判定方法为:3层层结时,正能量面积(A_(SP))小于80℃·hPa,负能量面积(A_(SN))小于400℃·hPa,且正负能量关系为(5.71A_(SP)-257.14)≤A_(SN)≤(6.25A_(SP)+200);2层层结时,ASP为350~650℃·hPa,A_(SN)为200~400℃·hPa,且正负能量关系为(A_(SP)-350)≤A_(SN)≤(ASP-100)。  相似文献   
We consider the scattering motion of the planar restricted three-body problem with two equal masses on a circular orbit. Using the methods of chaotic scattering we present results on the structure of scattering functions. Their connection with primitive periodic orbits and the underlying chaotic saddle are studied. Numerical evidence is presented which suggests that in some intervals of the Jacobi integral the system is hyperbolic. The Smale horseshoe found there is built from a countable infinite number of primitive periodic orbits, where the parabolic orbits play a fundamental role.  相似文献   
科尔沁沙质草甸土壤微生物数量的垂直分布及季节动态   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对中国农牧交错带科尔沁沙质草甸土壤微生物数量的垂直分布及其季节动态的研究分析表明:(1)微生物总数、细菌和放线菌数量均表现出与降雨量同步的季节动态,即6月份较5月份有所减少,7月份增至最多,7月份以后微生物数量逐渐下降,真菌则表现出从5月份到8月份一直增加,9月份开始回落;(2)土壤微生物具有明显的垂直分布差异.细菌和放线菌的垂直分布表现出随土壤深度增加逐渐减少的趋势,真菌数量表层最高,20 cm以下变化不够规律;(3)土壤微生物的层化比率均大于2(5月份放线菌除外);(4)不同土壤生态因子对微生物的影响不同,相同因子对不同微生物类群的影响也不相同.细菌受水分影响较大,真菌与地温的变化趋势相近,放线菌与水热条件的共同作用有关.土壤养分(有机碳和全氮)与微生物数量呈显著的正相关.  相似文献   
The statistical mechanics of earthquakes adopts the concepts and methodology of statistical mechanics, especially the theory of critical phenomena, in studying the preparation, initiation, propagation and healing of earthquake rupture, which forms a new branch in the physics of seismic source in recent years. This article introduces to the fundamental concepts of the statistical mechanics of earthquakes. The introduction includes the seismic Hamiltonian, percolation model, earthquake rupture nucleation, and Burridge-Knopoff spring-block model. It is pointed out that some of the statistical mechanical models of earthquakes have a sound seismological basis. There is a smooth "transition" from the "classical" theory to the "modern" theory of seismic source.  相似文献   
The systematic discrepancies in both tsunami arrival time and leading negative phase (LNP) were identified for the recent transoceanic tsunami on 16 September 2015 in Illapel, Chile by examining the wave characteristics from the tsunami records at 21 Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami (DART) sites and 29 coastal tide gauge stations. The results revealed systematic travel time delay of as much as 22 min (approximately 1.7% of the total travel time) relative to the simulated long waves from the 2015 Chilean tsunami. The delay discrepancy was found to increase with travel time. It was difficult to identify the LNP from the near-shore observation system due to the strong background noise, but the initial negative phase feature became more obvious as the tsunami propagated away from the source area in the deep ocean. We determined that the LNP for the Chilean tsunami had an average duration of 33 min, which was close to the dominant period of the tsunami source. Most of the amplitude ratios to the first elevation phase were approximately 40%, with the largest equivalent to the first positive phase amplitude. We performed numerical analyses by applying the corrected long wave model, which accounted for the effects of seawater density stratification due to compressibility, self-attraction and loading (SAL) of the earth, and wave dispersion compared with observed tsunami waveforms. We attempted to accurately calculate the arrival time and LNP, and to understand how much of a role the physical mechanism played in the discrepancies for the moderate transoceanic tsunami event. The mainly focus of the study is to quantitatively evaluate the contribution of each secondary physical effect to the systematic discrepancies using the corrected shallow water model. Taking all of these effects into consideration, our results demonstrated good agreement between the observed and simulated waveforms. We can conclude that the corrected shallow water model can reduce the tsunami propagation speed and reproduce the LNP, which is observed for tsunamis that have propagated over long distances frequently. The travel time delay between the observed and corrected simulated waveforms is reduced to <8 min and the amplitude discrepancy between them was also markedly diminished. The incorporated effects amounted to approximately 78% of the travel time delay correction, with seawater density stratification, SAL, and Boussinesq dispersion contributing approximately 39%, 21%, and 18%, respectively. The simulated results showed that the elastic loading and Boussinesq dispersion not only affected travel time but also changed the simulated waveforms for this event. In contrast, the seawater stratification only reduced the tsunami speed, whereas the earth's elasticity loading was responsible for LNP due to the depression of the seafloor surrounding additional tsunami loading at far-field stations. This study revealed that the traditional shallow water model has inherent defects in estimating tsunami arrival, and the leading negative phase of a tsunami is a typical recognizable feature of a moderately strong transoceanic tsunami. These results also support previous theory and can help to explain the observed discrepancies.  相似文献   
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