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海滩层理由冲、回流塑造的向海倾前滨楔状交错层理和冲越流形成的向陆倾后滨斜层理组成,二者构成假背斜构造。近年在烟台—莱州岸段海滩上开挖了10个垂岸探槽,揭示出这里海滩以向陆倾后滨层理为主,并且被暴风浪侵蚀面所斜切,该面向海的前滨层理只留下几十厘米的薄层,说明近几十年海岸持续遭受侵蚀,海滩的前滨层理被多次暴风浪切割掉;按暴风浪期后滨层理层系特征分析,海岸蚀退率为1~1.5 m/a,与其他方法得到的结论相仿。个别探槽亦见前滨层理为主,反映出局部淤岸环境。由此说明,海滩层理的组构特征可以标志海岸的淤、蚀动态。  相似文献   
Nine Landsat TM tapes and images and MSS images, 10 NOAA tapes and images and 1 SAR image from 1973 to 1997 were used to analyse the diffusion of suspended sediments and the change of tidal radial sand ridges in the northern part of the Changjiang River delta, the South Yellow Sea. The results showed that the diffusion of suspended sediments was controlled by the tide, net current, and submarine topography in this area. The distribution of suspended sediments had close relationship with thesubmarine topography. The old Huanghe River delta and the Changjiang River comprise the main sediment supply for the formation of radial sand ridges, whose evolution can be divided into three stages since the Huangbe River changed its course and flowed northward into the Bohai Sea.  相似文献   
The southern side of Gibraltar and the Western Alboran Sea of the northern Rif coasts and rivers provide a natural field laboratory for sampling modern sand at different scales: small catchment basins (first order) and rivers draining mountain belts (second order). The Rifian chain represents a deformed and uplifted thrust-belt and related forelands composed of Palaeozoic nappes, metamorphic and plutonic basement, and their sedimentary Mesozoic and Cenozoic siliciclastic and carbonate cover, respectively. The present physiography of the Rif Chain is shaped by a rugged mountainous relief drained by different scale catchment basins that supply the nearby coastal and marine deep-sea environments. The analysis of the composition of modern fluvial and beach sands is useful for the interpretation of transported sediments by surface processes from the continent toward coasts and later to deep-water environments.Modern beach and fluvial sands of the southern side of Gibraltar and the Western Alboran Sea display three distinct petrologic littoral provinces, from the east to the west and from the north to the south, respectively, designated as: (i) the Tangier–Bel Younech Littoral Province with 90% of sand derived from erosion of Flysch Nappes (Flysch Basin Domain); (ii) the Bel Younech–Sebta Littoral Province with 64% of sand fed mainly by the metamorphic Units of Upper Sebtides and (iii) the Sebta–Ras Mazari Littoral Province with 74% of sand supplied from the epimetamorphic Palaeozoic Ghomaride Nappes and Alpine cover rather than Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary successions of the “Dorsale Calcaire” Units. Comparison of detrital modes of fluvial and coastal marine environments highlights their dispersal pathways and drainage patterns of actualistic sand petrofacies.  相似文献   
滩角是海滩上很有意思的一种地形,引起了众多研究者的关注。现在关于滩角的争论还很多,笔者主要对滩角成因和地形动力特征以及滩角与海滩状态的研究新进展进行了归纳总结,以期对滩角这一特殊海滩地形的研究起到促进作用。  相似文献   
通过分析三亚三美湾和鹿回头湾不同的海岸地貌、沉积物类型、水动力条件和岸线形态,结合岸滩演变和水动力数值模型,因地制宜提出不同的人工沙滩设计方法、平面布置方案,选取了粒径合适的回填沙,确定了合理的防波(潜)堤修筑位置和高程。人工沙滩工程完成后滩面形态、岸线走向和景观稳定,达到了改善海岸环境的预期效果。  相似文献   
广西北海涠洲岛海岸侵蚀特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对2006-2013年布设在涠洲岛的15条岸滩剖面3次重复测量和数据对比分析,发现涠洲岛岸线整体遭受侵蚀.岸滩剖面长期变化特征表明,涠洲岛东部与西南部海岸侵蚀较为严重,西南部岸段年均下蚀可达0.18 m;正北部岸滩海岸侵蚀程度相对较轻,南湾段海岸整体变化较小,呈现弱侵蚀弱淤积变化.在短期强热带风暴影响下,冬季至夏季岸滩下蚀明显.  相似文献   
从海岸滩涂变迁看上海滩涂土地资源的利用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
海岸滩涂是上海市重要的土地后备资源,其在空间与时间上的表现又不尽相同。利用遥感技术可以分析与调查滩涂土地资源利用的分布与变化状况,为科学规划、合理保护和科学论证滩涂资源提供重要依据。该文针对上海市滩涂土地资源利用现状遥感调查,阐述了滩涂遥感信息的提取过程,讨论了其分布结构、多年变化情况,同时结合上海市可持续发展战略,对海岸滩涂开发利用提出了意见。  相似文献   
据调查,福建沿海分布有143处主要滨海沙滩,其中已开发利用28处,可合理利用81处,需加强生态保护修复的有21处,被严重破坏已不适宜做海滩资源的有13处。本文在介绍福建滨海沙滩分布及其资源特点基础上,阐述了沿海各地海滩资源的保护与利用现状,分析了主要的资源环境问题及成因,提出了制度建设、资源管控、优化岸滩工程、污染治理、公众宣传、资金保障等有针对性的对策措施。  相似文献   
Multiple intertidal bars are common features of wave‐dominated sandy beaches, yet their short‐term (<1 month) and small‐scale (<1 km) morphology and dynamics remain poorly understood. This study describes the morphodynamics of multiple intertidal bars in North Lincolnshire, England, during single and lunar tidal cycles under two contrasting conditions – first when significant wave height was <0·5 m and second when significant wave height frequently exceeded 1 m. The relative importance of swash, surf and shoaling processes in determining morphological change was examined using detailed field observations and a numerical model. The beach featured four intertidal bars and both cross‐shore and longshore bar morphology evolved during the field investigation, particularly under medium to high wave‐energy conditions. Numerical modelling suggests shoaling processes are most common on the seaward two bars under calm wave conditions (Hs < 0·5 m) and that surf zone processes become more common during neap tides and under more energetic (Hs < 0·5 m) conditions. Surf processes dominate the inner two bars, though swash influence increases in a landward direction. The numerical modelling results combined with low tide survey data and high‐resolution morphological measurements strongly suggest changes in the intertidal bar morphology are accomplished by surf zone processes rather than by shoaling wave or swash processes. This is because shoaling waves do not induce significant sediment transport to have any morphological effect, whereas swash action generally does not have enough scope to act as the swash zone is much narrower than the surf zone. It was found, however, that the absolute rate of morphological change under swash action and surfzone processes are of similar magnitudes and that swash action may induce a significant amount of local morphological change when the high tide mark is located on the upper bar, making this process important for bar morphodynamics. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Abstract. Eight sandy beaches were seasonally sampled along the coast of Chile, from ca. 21 to 42° S (about 3000 km) to study the relationship between community structure of the intertidal macroinfauna and beach characteristics. Sediment samples (0.1 m2, 30 cm deep) were collected (July – September 1998 and December 1998 – January 1999) with plastic cylinders at 15 equally spaced levels along three replicated transects extending from above the drift line to the swash zone. The sediment was sieved through a 1 mm mesh and the organisms collected stored in 5 % formalin. To define beach types, Dean's parameter (Ω) was calculated from wave heights and periods, and fall velocity of sand particles from the swash zone. Crustaceans (mainly peracarids) were the most diverse group with 14 species, followed by polychaetes with 5 species. The talitrid amphipod Orchestoidea tuberculata , the cirolanid isopods Excirolana braziliensis and E. hirsuticauda and the anomuran decapod Emerita analoga were the most widely distributed and common species. Regression analyses between species richness, abundance and biomass of the whole macroinfauna versus sediment characteristics, beach face slopes and morphodynamic beach states showed no significant relationships. Thus, macroinfaunal community characteristics did not increase linearly from lower intermediate to higher intermediate or dissipative beach states as had been found before in Chile or in other coasts. A comparative analysis with data from sandy beaches of other world regions showed that the number of species inhabiting Chilean sandy beaches was generally lower, whereas total population abundances were generally higher compared with values reported elsewhere.  相似文献   
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