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半刚接钢框架-内填非加劲薄钢板剪力墙结构是一种新型结构形式,它弥补了传统抗弯钢框架侧向刚度不足的缺点,为采用更加经济的半刚性节点提供了可能,目前国内外对该新型结构体系性能研究属刚起步阶段,因此对该结构体系的研究具有重要的理论和实际意义。文中对一榀两层单跨梁柱平齐端板连接半刚性框架-内填非加劲薄钢板剪力墙结构进行了低周往复循环加载拟静力试验,在试验中,试件破坏过程缓慢,钢板墙拉力带充分发育,试验得出的滞回环饱满,表明该新型结构体系具有优异的抗震性能,从而为今后对该新型结构体系做更深入的分析研究打下了良好基础。 相似文献
The automatic generation of 3D as-built models from LiDAR data is a topic where significant progress has been made in recent years. This paper describes a new method for the detection and automatic 3D modelling of frame connections and the formation of profiles comprising a metal frame from LiDAR data. The method has been developed using an approach to create 2.5D density images for subsequent processing using the Hough transform. The structure connections can be automatically identified after selecting areas in the point cloud. As a result, the coordinates of the connection centre, composition (profiles, size and shape of the haunch) and direction of their profiles are extracted. A standard file is generated with the data obtained from the geometric and semantic characterisation of the connections. The 3D model of connections and metal frames, which are suitable for processing software for structural engineering applications, are generated automatically based on this file. The algorithm presented in this paper has been tested under laboratory conditions and also with several industrial portal frames, achieving promising results. Finally, 3D models were generated, and structural calculations were performed. 相似文献
"产业化节能建筑"住宅房屋以钢框架为主体结构,并采用钢筋混凝土轻质叠合楼板和整体预制复合外墙板。为研究这种房屋结构的抗震性能,进行了两层足尺结构模型的模拟地震振动台试验和有限元分析。对无墙板、X向外挂墙板和Y向外挂墙板三种不同结构状态,以及Y向外挂墙板时采用三种不同螺栓拧紧力矩的工况,分别输入三条实际地震动,按8度区调整其峰值加速度,测定模型结构的地震反应。对五种不同状况的模型结构进行有限元时程分析,研究结构的抗震性能以及外挂墙板对框架结构抗震性能的影响。试验和分析结果均表明,该房屋结构总体上具有较好的抗震性能,钢筋混凝土轻质叠合楼板和整体预制复合外墙板能够经受8度大震考验,墙板的不同螺栓拧紧力矩对结构的地震反应影响不大,轻质叠合楼板与梁柱的连接部位需要进一步加强。 相似文献
Hsen‐Han Khoo Charles Clifton Gregory MacRae Hao Zhou Shahab Ramhormozian 《地震工程与结构动力学》2015,44(8):1309-1324
The Asymmetric Friction Connection (AFC) remains elastic during moderate earthquake shaking but slides and dissipates energy through friction during severe earthquake shaking. The sliding friction forces developed are dependent on the clamping force in the connection which is provided by fully tensioned bolts which pass through slotted holes. During sliding these bolts are subject to moment and shear as well as axial force. Moment–shear–axial force interaction reduces the clamping axial force on the sliding interfaces thereby reducing the sliding shear resistance (Vss). Two methods to evaluate the moment–shear–axial force interaction have been proposed so that the sliding shear strength can be quantified, but as yet, these methods are not robust. This paper describes the results of 60 tests undertaken to improve the two methods, namely the moment–shear–axial force bolt model and the effective coefficient of friction method, for AFCs with high hardness steel shims. The bolts were M16 to M30 bolts and cleat thicknesses ranged from 12 mm to 25 mm. It is shown that either method may be used in design as the results obtained are similar. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Z. Malkin 《Journal of Geodesy》2008,82(6):325-329
The scatter of the celestial pole offset (CPO) time-series obtained from very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations
is used as a measure of the accuracy of celestial reference frame (CRF) realizations. Several scatter indices (SI), including
some proposed for the first time, are investigated. The first SI is based on residual analysis of CPO series with respect
to a free core nutation (FCN) model. The second group of SIs includes Allan deviation and its extensions, which allow the
treatment of unequally weighted and multidimensional observations. Application of these criteria to several radio source catalogues
(RSCs) showed their ability to perform a preliminary assessment of the quality of each RSC. The 2D Allan deviation estimate
seems to be the most sensitive measure. The proposed extensions of Allan deviation, weighted and multidimensional, can also
be used for the statistical analysis of other time-series. 相似文献
较为系统地介绍了2003年7月在日本札幌举行的第23届IUGG大会上世界各国所报告的各自国家大地 测量地心坐标参考框架的实施和最新进展。具体结合欧洲、非洲和日本等国的地心坐标系统详细介绍了这些国家 在该领域所开展的工作,对我国今后地心坐标框架的建设和维护提出了一些有益的建议。 相似文献
声发射技术在桥梁结构健康监测中的应用研究进展 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
声发射技术作为一种被动的、动态的监测手段,在工程和材料领域得到了广泛的应用,正日益受到桥梁结构健康监测研究者的关注。本文回顾了近年来国内外基于声发射技术的桥梁结构健康监测研究状况。首先,简要介绍了声发射的基本原理和声发射信号处理方法;其次,详细分析了声发射技术在桥梁结构健康监测中的研究成果,包括钢筋混凝土桥、钢结构桥、桥梁结构关键构件和无线声发射传感器及其网络等;最后,分析了声发射技术在桥梁结构健康监测领域应用中存在的一些问题,并对声发射技术的应用前景进行了探讨。 相似文献
高效、低耗冲击式凿岩钎具--工业炸药发明后困扰世界采掘工业的百年难题 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
15 0年前瑞典诺贝尔父子继中国火药之后, 发明了硝化甘油胶质炸药用于修路与采矿, 引发了导致社会财富高速增长的“真正意义的工业革命”.192 3年德国施律泰尔发明WC -Co硬质合金, 迅速形成了硬质合金切削刃具和硬质合金凿岩钎具两大产业, 使机械和采掘工业飞速发展, 被誉为“工业的牙齿”.迄今, 现代化的凿岩爆破技术, 已成为人类向岩石圈索取资源和向地下开拓生存与发展空间的主要手段.其中, 用在岩矿石中冲击凿孔的凿岩钎具, 是人类所有机械工具中受力条件最苛刻、使用寿命最短、基础工业必备、技术含量很高的大量消耗性工具.研制长寿命冲击凿岩钎具, 已成为全球采掘工业高效、低耗凿岩必须解决的新世纪重大工程技术难题.这需要凿岩、爆破、岩石破碎、矿业、材料、冶金、钢铁、机械、物理、化工、电子、数学、力学、生物(仿生) 等各方面专家的长期通力合作.建设以“新型硬质合金钎具”和“长寿命冲击凿岩钎杆”为标志的有中国特色的现代化凿岩钎具工业, 是我国新一代“资源-高科技-外向型”民族工业一个具有战略意义的新生长点 相似文献