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丘陵红壤区决明属牧草品系的适应性筛选   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
针对占全国总面积22%的南方红壤区有机质含量低、酸性强、水土流失严重等生态问题,及福建省当家豆科草种少等问题。引进40个豆科决明属(Chamaecrista spp.)牧草,在福建省不同气候带的红壤山地进行多年适应性筛选和验证试验。通过聚类分析和建立综合指标评价体系,筛选出适宜荒山荒坡地种植的直立型品种C.nictitans ATF2217、ATF2219,适宜于果园套种的匍匐型品种C.rotundifolia CPI34721、CPI92985和适宜保持水土改良土壤的C.rotundifolia CPI86134、CPI86178等6个品系进行推广利用。其中Chamaecrista nictitans cv.ATF2217已通过全国牧草品种审定,定名为“闽引羽叶决明”。  相似文献   
Broadband field spectra were assessed to discriminate invasive saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) trees exhibiting feeding damage caused by the saltcedar leaf beetle (Diorhadba spp.) from other land cover types. Data were collected at two study sites near Presidio, Texas in 2010 and 2011. Spectral bands evaluated were coastal blue (400–450?nm), blue (450–510?nm), green (510–580?nm), yellow (585–625?nm), red (630–690?nm), red-edge (705–745?nm), and near-infrared (770–895, 860–1040?nm). Data were evaluated with analysis of variance and Scheffe’s multiple comparison test (α?=?0.05). The red band generally separated severely damaged saltcedar trees from other land cover features. Near-infrared bands separated defoliated saltcedar trees. Broadband spectra has potential for distinguishing saltcedar trees exhibiting feeding damage caused by the saltcedar leaf beetle from other associated features, thus supporting future explorations of airborne and satellite-borne multispectral systems to monitor biological control of saltcedar within complex landscapes.  相似文献   
马琳  王伟 《海洋科学》2003,27(11):34-37
从生物学测定、孵化质量、染色体倍性、繁殖方式等方面对产于新疆阿其克库勒湖和青海尕海两品系孤雌生殖卤虫(Artemia spp.)进行了对比研究。结果表明,阿其克库勒湖卤虫的生物学测定值明显高于青海尕海卤虫;两地卤虫加工卵的孵化率和孵化速率没有明显差异;尕海卤虫孵化效率高于阿其克库勒湖卤虫;两地卤虫的染色体倍性均以二倍体为主,其中阿其克库勒湖卤虫有三倍体存在,尕海卤虫有四倍体。两地卤虫的胚后发育速度相近。研究过程中未观察到阿其克库勒湖卤虫进行卵胎生。  相似文献   
The paper describes an early and primitive sauropod dinosaur, Gongxianosaurus shibeiensis (gen. et sp. nov.), from the Dongyuemiao Member of the Lower Jurassic Ziliujing Formation in Shibei Township, Gongxian County, Sichuan Province, China, which is one of the 5 dinosaur fossils discovered in Gongxian in 1997. Except the skull which is incomplete, the fossils are well preserved. It has some features of both sauropods and prosauropods. It is an intermediate type in the evolution of dinosaurs from prosauropods to sauropods and provides materials for the study of the origin and evolution of the sauropod dinosaur fauna. The discovery of this new sauropod furnishes a way for the stratigraphic correlation between the Early Jurassic Ziliujing Formation in the Sichuan basin and the Lower Jurassic Lufeng Formation in the Central Yunnan basin.  相似文献   
【目的】探究功能基因在海洋弧菌物种鉴定中的作用,为海洋弧菌多样性研究以及致病性弧菌的监测和防控提供参考。【方法】根据已有的弧菌分类学研究成果,阐述16S rRNA基因、管家基因和毒力基因等相关功能基因在海洋弧菌鉴定与分类研究中的应用进展。【结果】16S rRNA基因和功能基因可用于海洋弧菌的分类学及其快速检测鉴定的研究,对致病性弧菌的诊治具有重要的意义。【结论】功能基因和16S rRNA基因在海洋弧菌菌种鉴定中的广泛应用,提高了海洋弧菌种间分类的准确性,对海洋弧菌的多样性研究以及水产养殖和人类健康的风险评估有重要价值。探索新型功能基因在海洋弧菌分类学研究和快速鉴定中的应用有现实意义。  相似文献   
福寿螺入侵中国的扩散动态及潜在分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
福寿螺(Pomacea spp.)严重破坏了农业生产和生态系统,并且对人类健康形成致命的威胁.其中小管福寿螺(Pomacea canaliculata)是世界100种恶性外来入侵物种之一.通过收集福寿螺分布数据绘制分布动态图,重建福寿螺在我国的扩散动态,明晰福寿螺的扩散方向和扩散速度.扩散过程表明福寿螺在中国南方的分布区将会继续扩大范围,有进一步向北扩散的趋势,扩散速度持续增长,未来可能在南方形成全面入侵格局.使用气候和海拔数据变量构建最大熵模型,预测福寿螺的潜在分布区和影响福寿螺分布的关键环境变量,结果显示:浙江、福建、江西、广东、广西、海南和台湾等省已成为福寿螺的高分布区,其危害十分严重;上海、湖北、湖南、四川、西藏、贵州、重庆和云南为中分布区,但也具有较高的潜在暴发风险.环境变量分析显示:年均温度是影响福寿螺分布的最重要环境变量.受试者工作曲线(ROC)检测了模型预测结果的准确度,AUC平均值为0.97,说明预测结果准确,可信度高.这些结果可为进一步开展福寿螺在我国的扩散趋势预测、建立风险评估体系以及制定有效的防治措施提供依据.  相似文献   
We examined the phylogeographic structure of two congeneric, direct-developing, intertidal whelks endemic to New Zealand, Cominella virgata and C. maculosa. A total of 855 specimens were collected from 23 rocky shore locations and we used them to determine the level of DNA sequence variation at the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene. Cominella virgata and C. maculosa have relatively high levels of haplotype diversity but low levels of nucleotide diversity. Sample sites formed regional groups that were composed of genetically differentiated populations, a finding consistent with their limited dispersal abilities. Cominella virgata showed higher levels of regional differentiation than C. maculosa, and there were also species-specific differences in genetic patterns within some regions. Both species exhibited genetic homogenisation among proximate sites within groups, suggesting some dispersal does occur between areas that are not connected by contiguous rocky shore habitat.  相似文献   
四种弧菌对中国对虾的致病性研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
1995年8月-1996年4月,采用注射感染、浸浴感染、创伤感染和投喂感染比较溶藻弧菌、副溶血弧菌、鳗弧菌、弗尼斯弧菌及其胞外产物对中国对虾的致病性,测定它们的半致死浓度,观察弧菌感染引起的病理组织变化。结果表明,注射感染中,溶藻弧菌、副溶血弧菌、鳗弧菌和弗尼斯弧菌24小时的半致死浓度(LD50)分别是1.2×10^6,6.5×10^7,4.0×10^8,6.8×10^9(CFU/ml);48小时  相似文献   
在温度为 ( 2 2± 1 )℃ ,盐度为 2 8的条件下 ,用不同浓度的NaHCO3( 0 ,1 0 0 ,2 0 0 ,40 0 ,80 0 ,1 2 0 0和 1 60 0mg/L)对青岛海洋大学微藻种质库保存的塔胞藻 (Pyramidomonassp.)、小球藻 (Chlorellaspp .)和新月菱形藻 (Nitzschiaclosterium )进行培养。实验结果表明 ,NaHCO3浓度对 3种海洋微藻生长的影响差异显著 ,经过 6d的培养 ,塔胞藻和小球藻的细胞浓度都在NaHCO3浓度为 1 2 0 0mg/L时达到最大值 ;新月菱形藻的细胞浓度在NaHCO3浓度为 40 0mg/L时达到最大值。  相似文献   
孙晟  肖天  岳海东 《海洋与湖沼》2003,34(2):161-168
2000年10-11月和2001年3-4月对东、黄海海区进行了调查,采用表面荧光显微镜计数的方法对蓝细菌(聚球菌属, Synechococcus spp.)的丰度、生物量、生态分布特点以及其在浮游植物总生物量中所占百分比进行了研究.结果表明,秋季蓝细菌的丰度为1.72×104 cell/ml,春季为4.83×104 cell/ml,春季是秋季的2.81倍;秋季蓝细菌的生物量为5.07μgC/L,春季为 7.25μgC/L,春季是秋季的1.43倍;秋季蓝细菌占浮游植物总生物量的百分比为 43.9%,春季为42.4%,两个季节大致相当,但该百分比的水平分布秋季与春季存在明显差别.  相似文献   
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