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With Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) and trend analysis method adopted, the spatio-temporal variation of total cloud amount is analyzed for 75 stations on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau during the period 1971-2004. Analysis indicates that the total cloud amount decreases from the southeast to the northwest of the plateau, and that the annual and seasonal variations in total cloud amount both show an apparent declining tendency over the past decades. Correlation analysis demonstrates that the total cloud amount is negative with sunshine duration and diurnal temperature range (DTR), and is positive with precipitation and the relative humidity, respectively. The negative correlation is consistent with the radiative effect of cloud, while the positive correlation between total cloud amount and precipitation is obscured because of the influence of topographic factors. Discussion implies that the decrease of total cloud amount is possibly due to the variation of atmospheric aerosol content and ozone concentration over the plateau, although it is difficult to quantify the driving force mechanism up to now.  相似文献   
运用LISA时间路径、收敛检验等方法考察了二战后全球宗教多样性发展的空间分布特征、格局演变以及在此过程中的收敛性。研究发现:(1)二战后宗教多样性呈先快后慢的上升趋势,1945—2015年间多样性指数增幅达81.07%。宗教分类上则主要表现为基督教信仰者数量的持续下滑以及伊斯兰教信仰者数量的稳步上升。(2)LISA时间路径表明二战后全球宗教多样性具有较强的空间锁定效应,且其空间演化具有较强空间整合性。(3)二战后全球宗教多样性水平存在着显著的σ收敛与绝对β收敛,即全球、洲级层面上宗教多样性水平的内部差异都在逐步弥合,宗教多样性水平较高的地区对周边较低地区存在溢出效应。(4)二战后全球宗教多样性演化受土地覆盖类型、国力指数、民族数量、人均GDP、人口规模等因素共同作用而收敛于不同的稳态水平;从洲级层面上来看,各洲级单元收敛性对影响因素的敏感程度不同,体现了二战后全球宗教多样性演化显著的地域分异性。  相似文献   
土地资源错配对中国城市工业绿色全要素生产率的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
邓楚雄  赵浩  谢炳庚  李忠武  李科 《地理学报》2021,76(8):1865-1881
基于价格扭曲效应拓展资源错配模型,使用中国285个城市2004-2017年的工业投入产出数据,测算土地资源错配导致的城市工业绿色全要素生产率(GTFP)损失,并分析其时空变化.结果 表明:①土地资源错配对中国城市工业GTFP损失的年均贡献率为10.05%,已与能源错配并列成为继资本错配之后城市工业GTFP损失的重要贡献...  相似文献   
土地利用和气候变化对海河流域蒸散发时空变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒸散发(ET)是水文能量循环和气候系统的关键环节,研究ET的时空变化特征及其响应土地利用和气候变化的驱动机制对于理清流域水资源和气候变化的关系具有重要的意义。本文基于MOD16/ET数据集定量分析了海河流域2000-2014年ET的时空变化特征,并结合时序气温降水数据和土地利用数据,采用相关分析方法定量探索了ET与气候因子的驱动力关系。结果表明:① 海河流域2000-2014年ET表现为较为显著的空间分布格局,呈现出北部和南部高、西北部和中东部低的分布特性。不同土地利用类型的多年ET呈林地>草地>耕地>其他类型的特征;② 2000-2014年海河流域年均ET波动范围为371.96~441.29 mm/a,多年ET的均值为398.69 mm/a,平均相对变化率为-0.41%,整体呈下降趋势;③ 多年月ET与气温和降水均呈单峰型周期性变化趋势,年内月ET呈单峰变化趋势;④ 春秋两季的ET与降水和气温的相关性明显高于其他季节,ET与气温和降水的平均相关系数是-0.17和0.37,表明降水对于ET的响应程度强于气温;⑤ 驱动分区结果表明海河流域ET受气候因子驱动的主要类型是降水驱动型和降水、气温共同驱动型;⑥ 海河流域耕地ET变化气候因子驱动模式主要是降水、气温共同驱动型;林地、草地的驱动模式主要气温驱动型和降水驱动型,其他土地利用类型的驱动模式主要是受其他因素驱动。该研究将对海河流域水资源开发管理和区域气候调节起到科学指导作用。  相似文献   
针对地籍数据的时态特性及变更特点,提出了一种基于基态修正的地籍时空数据模型的改进方法,通过引入动态变粒度方法减少了数据存储量,降低了数据的冗余。基于该模型在建库过程中引入了基态库和差文件库,并利用动态属性数据对现势库和历史库中的宗地属性数据进行地籍管理;通过建立变更库确定父子宗地,加强现势库与历史库的时态关联,提高了数...  相似文献   
This paper reports results and analysis of210Pb-activity measurements in 51 lake-sediment cores from 32 lakes in the four PIRLA (Paleoecological Investigations of Recent Lake Acidification) project regions (Adirondack Mountains [New York], Northern New England, Northern Florida, and the Northern Great Lakes States). General application of the Constant Rate of Supply (Constant Flux) model for210Pb dating is valid for lakes in the PIRLA study, although application of the model is equivocal in a few lakes.210Pb inventories and profiles are replicable among closely spaced cores within a lake. Specific210Pb activity in surface sediments is negatively correlated with bulk sediment accumulation rate in seepage lakes, but not in drainage lakes. Drainage lakes with lower pH have lower unsupported210Pb inventories in sediments, but the relationship does not occur in seepage lakes.210Pb profiles in only seven of the cores, all from either the Adirondacks or the northern Great Lakes states, exhibit exponential decay curves. Deviations from an exponential profile include a flattening of the profile in the top few cm or excursions of one or a few measurements away from an exponential curve.210Pb dates typically agree with other chronostratigraphic markers, most of which are subject to greater uncertainty. Several hypotheses, including sediment mixing, hydrologic regime, sediment focusing, and acidification, are proposed to explain variation of210Pb distribution among lakes and regions. Hydrologic factors exert control on unsupported210Pb inventories in PIRLA lakes, and there is a strong focusing effect in drainage lakes but a weak focusing effect in seepage lakes.This is the third of a series of papers to be published by this journal following the 20th anniversary of the first application of210Pb dating of lake sediments. Dr P. G. Appleby is guest editing this series.  相似文献   
The Portil lagoon is a natural freshwater reservoir located at the southwest of Spain, near the coast. In its surroundings an important tourist complex has been developed since the earlier 1970s. This has resulted in increased loads of nutrients, specially during summer months. In order to evaluate the impact from humans on the lagoon caused by anthropogenic activities, we have determined vertical profiles of excess 210Pb and 137Cs in a sediment core taken from its bottom. Vertical profile of excess 210Pb seems to indicate that the sediment core was affected by large-scale mixing processes. Nevertheless this possibility was ruled out based on the shape of the 137Cs vertical distribution after modelling the 137Cs profile considering large-scale mixing. The chronology developed from 210Pb and 137Cs has allowed us to calculate the temporal evolution of the mass sedimentation rate during the last century. This mass sedimentation rate increased in 1973: from 0.08(2) g cm-2 a-1 in the period 1900-1973 to 0.17(5) g cm-2 a-1 in the period 1973-1995. This increase could be related to land-movements in the drainage area and to permitted sewage inputs into the lagoon, both with its origin in the growing/running of the surrounding tourist complex.  相似文献   
陈嘉  韦素琼  陈松林 《地理科学》2019,39(6):957-966
结合统计数据及实地调研、访谈数据,研究中国台湾青枣种植技术透过台商直接投资渠道在福建省漳浦县落地、发散与传播过程,分析其时空扩散路径、格局与机制,以期揭示中国台商农业技术在中国大陆地区独具特色的扩散规律与机制,为加速两岸农业合作交流、制定技术应用政策提供理论与实践依据。研究发现,在时间维度,中国台商农业技术扩散过程呈现典型的S型曲线,但其扩散迅速、周期较短,扩散阻力小且示范效应显著;在空间维度,形成多核心、多强度、梯度扩散体系(中国台湾扩散源与本地扩散节点),扩散场相互叠加,以就近扩展扩散为主、等级扩散为辅的特色扩散格局。  相似文献   
讨论空间应用的一种面向问题的表达方法与实现机制。为解决空间应用的描述问题,在建立时空一体化空间数据模型基础上,定义了对SQL进行扩展的时空复合查询语言,实现了对空间应用问题的非过程化描述;研究复杂空间应用的表达问题,讨论时空复合查询语言的限制,并在语言中引入流机制,通过空间应用问题的组合实现更为复杂的空间应用,并支持空间数据分布式计算;最后给出若干空间应用实例及其面向问题的表达。  相似文献   
时空特征分析对全面掌握水质变异规律具有重要意义,但现有的水质时空特征分析方法仍存在水质变异次序不分、水质变幅极值不清、水质评价特征值不明等不足。为更加清晰地探析水质时空特征信息,以秦淮河为研究对象,参考工程水文学经验频率法,建立“水文频率-水质”拟合曲线用于探索流域内高/低活动区不同时间段和丰/枯水期不同河段水质变异特征,并与传统的箱线图法进行对比。结果表明:与箱线图相比,“水文频率-水质”拟合曲线可量化关键水质评判点与特征值信息,使水质时空变异过程更为清晰。在时间上“水文频率-水质”拟合曲线的最佳形式为线性曲线,水质浓度一般不会发生突变;在空间上“水文频率-水质”拟合曲线的最佳形式为指数曲线,水质浓度有较大可能发生突增。各时间段高活动区氮磷浓度大于低活动区,各水体断面丰水期氮磷浓度低于枯水期。该方法分析过程简单方便,结果直观有序,能将水质信息以统计规律自动反映出来,在水质采样点、采样时间和采样频率典型时可作为优选方法用于河流水质时空特征研究。  相似文献   
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