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本文利用室内电阻率测试的方法研究了研究了饱和土和不饱和土两类土中含油污水的侵入量对其导电性的影响.测试结果表明,对于不饱和土,含油污水的侵入会改变土的饱和度从而引起其电阻率的降低,侵入量越大其电阻率越低;而饱和土的电阻率随含油污水侵入量的增大而增大直到趋于稳定.基于此,通过室内模拟土层污染和野外实地观测污染土层的方式研究了含油污水污染不同饱和度土层的电剖面异常特征,在不饱和土层中污染区域表现为相对低阻异常区而在饱和土层中表现为相对高阻异常区.通过对比不同时期的监测结果显示异常区的范围随污染区的变化而变化,并可反映出污染区的实际分布.文章分析了利用电阻率法进行含油污水污染地下介质调查的几个模糊点,对提高探测效果具有指导意义. 相似文献
改性粘土辅助沉水植物修复技术维持清水稳态的原位研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在富营养湖泊治理实践中,修复沉水植被被认为是改善水质的长效措施,而壳聚糖改性粘土是短期快速改善水质的有效手段.本研究利用改性粘土辅助沉水植被修复,旨在探索改善水质的长效方案.2011年5-11月在太湖梅梁湾开展了四组不同处理(对照、水草、水草+粘土、粘土)围隔实验,在水草(盖度13.0%)和水草+粘土(盖度52.3%)围隔中不同程度重建了苦草群落.实验期内每3 d一次的水质监测表明,粘土处理可显著改善水质,水体总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、正磷酸盐(PO34--P)和叶绿素a(Chl.a)含量分别比对照下降了20.7%、74.6%、31.0%和80.4%,透明度(SD)升高了90.4%;粘土辅助植被修复改善水质效果最长稳,水体TN、TP、PO34--P和Chl.a含量分别比对照下降了36.2%、64.0%、28.6%和71.1%,SD升高了76.4%;低盖度苦草群落单独处理对水质改善效果不显著.在三种处理中,粘土辅助植被修复改善底质效果最好,使间隙水的TN、TP、PO34--P、NH4+-N分别比实验前下降了15.6%、61.7%、55.8%和82.8%.本研究表明改性粘土辅助沉水植被修复可作为重富营养水体中水质改善的整合技术,但其长期生态效应仍需谨慎评估. 相似文献
A numerically efficient and stable method is developed to analyze Biot's consolidation of multilayered soils subjected to non‐axisymmetric loading in arbitrary depth. By the application of a Laplace–Hankel transform and a Fourier expansion, the governing equations are solved analytically. Then, the analytical layer‐element (i.e. a symmetric stiffness matrix) describing the relationship between generalized displacements and stresses of a layer is exactly derived in the transformed domain. Considering the continuity conditions between adjacent layers, the global stiffness matrix of multilayered soils is obtained by assembling the inter‐related layer‐elements. Once the solution in the Laplace–Hankel transformed domain that satisfies the boundary conditions has been obtained, the actual solution can be derived by the inversion of the Laplace–Hankel transform. Finally, numerical examples are presented to verify the theory and to study the influence of the layered soil properties and time history on the consolidation behavior. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
An advanced understanding of the strain accumulation phenomenon in granular soils subjected to low amplitude cyclic loading with relatively high frequency is needed to enhance the ability to predict the settlement of granular soils induced by vibrations. In the current study, the discrete element method is used to study this phenomenon. A loose and a medium dense sample composed of a relatively large number of spheres are considered. A series of stress controlled cyclic triaxial tests with different excitation amplitudes and frequencies is performed on these samples at different static stress states. The response of these samples at the macroscopic and microscopic scales is analyzed. The sample density, the cyclic stress amplitude and the static stress state importantly affect strain accumulation. However, the cyclic excitation frequency has a small effect on strain accumulation. At the microscopic scale, frictional sliding occurring at a few contacts continuously dissipates energy and the fraction of these contacts varies periodically during cyclic loading. The coordination number of these samples increases slightly as strain accumulates. However, the anisotropy remains almost constant during low amplitude cyclic excitation. A qualitatively good agreement between numerical and experimental results is found. 相似文献
群桩中各基桩在地基土中的加筋与遮帘效应是客观存在的,然而,在目前的桩基沉降理论与实践中,相关的研究仍显不足。基于剪切变形法理论,考虑桩的加筋与遮帘效应,求得各基桩在自身桩顶荷载作用下产生的沉降以及其引起相邻桩的附加沉降量,由此提出群桩中任两桩的相互作用系数简化公式,同时,也得到各基桩桩侧及桩端桩-土接触等效弹簧刚度,并基于荷载传递法原理,建立了成层地基条件下各基桩在自身桩顶荷载作用下的桩身位移平衡方程,推导出各土层层顶处桩身沉降、轴力与层底处桩身沉降、轴力之间的递推关系,进而将公式推广到高、低承台群桩基础计算中。工程算例分析表明,用该方法计算有较高的精度,求得的荷载-沉降曲线及两桩相互作用系数与实测值吻合较好;相互作用系数要明显小于弹性理论计算结果。 相似文献
我国南方第四纪红土是研究古环境变化的重要载体,主要由均质红土和网纹红土两大不同类型的沉积层组成。运用岩石磁学、漫反射光谱和粒度相结合的方法,分别对我国南方长沙(CS)、岳阳(HN)、南昌(NC)以及新余(XY)典型红土剖面的均质层和网纹层进行了详细的对比分析,结果表明网纹红土层<2 μm的黏粒含量较多,网纹红土层形成时期气候更加温暖湿润,成土作用高于上覆均质红土层。磁铁矿、磁赤铁矿、赤铁矿和针铁矿都是均质红土层和网纹红土层磁性矿物的主要载体。其中,网纹红土层的亚铁磁性矿物低于均质红土层,主要以较粗的假单畴PSD和多畴MD存在,反铁磁性矿物以赤铁矿为主;而上覆均质红土层却以较多的SSD磁赤铁矿为主。网纹红土层可见大量黑褐色铁锰胶膜和铁锰结核分布,这是由于沉积后土壤长期处于高温高湿的还原环境中,强磁性矿物如细粒磁铁矿、磁赤铁矿等部分被溶解转化为弱磁性矿物(如赤铁矿和针铁矿,主要是赤铁矿),这种磁性矿物的转化可能导致了成土作用强的网纹红土层较粗磁性颗粒的增加,而超顺磁亚铁磁性矿物含量的减少以及磁化率的降低。 相似文献
Anne Gebhardt Anne Poszwa Laurence Mansuy-Huault Vincent Robin Luc Vrydaghs Catherine Lorgeoux 《Geoarchaeology》2024,39(3):187-211
This multidisciplinary study aims to decipher the impact of ancient charcoal production on past and present-day soils in the northern Vosges Mountains. Soil observations in the field and laboratory were complemented by charcoal and phytolith studies on large thin sections, molecular analyses of organic pollutants, and phytolith analysis on bulk samples. The complex technosol platform records an ancient natural soil sequence buried by a human-made platform on which charcoal accumulated. The current upslope soil is an entic Podzol. Palaeoecological data collected in the buried soil are reliable owing to low bioactivity due to soil acidity. Podzolisation predated the platform construction. The presence of ashes induced low soil alkalisation developed in the charcoal hearth remains and appears to have generated the migration of subsequent iron/clay/organic bands throughout the platform sediment and the buried soil. Charcoal studied in thin sections revealed mainly Quercus and Fagus taxa. Phytolith studies suggest that a less dense or degraded forest preceded platform construction, probably due to former woodland coppicing or earlier disorganised wood gathering. The specific distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons sorbed on charcoal has persisted in soils throughout centuries, but we have no evidence that charcoal-making activities contributed to diffuse global pollution. 相似文献
J. van Kuilenburg 《Mathematical Geology》1986,18(1):75-92
Design of a system which accepts geological maps or soil maps, together with corresponding well logs and produces interpretation maps, is described. The major aim was to get a processing program that would be useful at an operational scale that avoids the use of special purpose graphics hardware. This was achieved by using segment encoding of lines and by treatment of mapped units as basic graphical units (atoms). The system operation was split into an input phase and a processed phase. Input- and file-building require some technical experience, but are a one-time affair, whereas subsequent processing requires less (graphical) resources and experience, but is of a repetitive nature. When writing processing programs, emphasis was placed on ease of adding options. Clever improvements of efficiency (e.g., disk traffic) were not deemed worthwhile or even wise. Two driving forces behind the project required the programs reported here. First was the observation that digital data can be used only if appropriate programs are readily available to produce required results without need for large investments in hardware. Second was the idea that digital tools could be most effective if they allow the end-user (customer) to interact directly with the full base of data without recourse to technical experts. The resulting system is operational and running on a VAX 11/750, coded in FORTRAN. 相似文献