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冲绳海槽Jade热液活动区热液沉积物主要以块状硫化物和硫酸盐矿物为主。与其它热液活动区相比,本区的热液沉积物以富含Pb和Ag等元素为特征。电子探针和中子活化的分析结果表明,在块状硫化物矿石中,Ag主要以分散态富集在粗粒硫化物和细粒硫化物集合体中,在热液活动的早期和晚期均有Ag的富集。在以硬石膏为主的块状矿石中,Ag主要在细粒硫化物集合体中富集,其富集成矿的时间为热液活动的中后期,富集成矿温度在150℃以上。在重晶石为主的块状矿石中,Ag主要以颗粒状自然银的形式在热液活动后期富集成矿,其成矿温度低于160℃。  相似文献   
针对银量法测定化学试剂氯化钠中氯化钠纯度,讨论了氯化钠纯度测定结果的测量不确定度的来源及评定方法,当K=2,氯化钠纯度测定结果的扩展不确定度为(99.70±0.64)%。  相似文献   
河北牛圈银(金)矿床围岩蚀变研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
河北省牛圈银(金)矿床受控于NNE向的牛圈-老虎坝(F1)断裂,隐爆贯入角砾岩是矿床的主要含矿岩石;矿床团岩蚀变发育,主要有钾化、硅化、绢云母-水白运用母化、高岭土化、蒙脱石化、绿泥石化和碳酸盐化;围岩蚀变以矿体为中心,可分为4个带(硅化带、绢云母化带、绿泥石-碳酸盐化带和钾化带),构成一个完整的蚀变晕;文章还对蚀变岩中的矿物转化和蚀变岩形成机理进行了探讨。  相似文献   
采用水体中设置弹性填料对比实验的方法,在12口聚乙烯水槽实施淡水精养殖日本鳗鲡,进行对鳗鲡精养殖水体生物膜原位修复节水增效效果、机理及应用前景的研究。结果表明,在207天的养殖期间,生物膜原位修复技术应用处理组的平均日换水率仅1.2%,比对照组显著节水减排74%(P0.01);处理组的主要水质因子pH、DO、TAN、NO2-N、NO3-N、COD等浓度均符合相关的渔业水质标准;处理组的起捕尾重、产量、生长速度分别比对照组高106%(P0.2)、108%(P0.2)和220%(P0.15),饲料系数低于对照组38.4%(P0.1)。此外,处理组弹性填料设置的适宜密度为填料占水体体积的10%。因此,精养殖水体生物膜原位修复技术,具有节水、减排与节能效果显著,投资与运行成本低,环保、低碳、安全,操作简便、易推广等优点。该革新性的生态工程低碳养殖技术对推动我国水产养殖发展方式从高耗费资源型向资源节约与环境友好型转变将产生重大影响。  相似文献   
Three different types of gold and silver deposits in Zhejiang Province(Huangshan gold deposit, Zhilingtou gold-silver deposit and Haoshi silver deposit) showmarked differences in lead and strontium isotopic composition, suggesting three differentsources and geneses of these deposits. The Huangshan gold deposit features low initial Srisotope ratios and low μ values or low content of radiogenic Pb and its ore-forming materialscame primarily from the upper mantle; the Zhilingtou gold-silver deposit shows high initial Srisotope ratios and high μ values or high content of radiogenic Pb and the ore-forming materialswere derived mainly from the upper crust; and the Haoshi silver deposit has its Pb and Srisotope ratios between the above two cases with the ore-forming materials stemming from boththe mantle and the crust. The characteristic Pb isotopic composition may serve as an indicatorfor prospecting for different types of ore deposits.  相似文献   
On the basis of an experimental study and thermodynamic calculation, the mechanisms of paragenesis and separation of silver, lead and zinc in the hydrothermal system have been studied. At acidic to nearly neutral pH, their chloride complexes are stable, and among them the chloride complexes of zinc are most stable. And the sulfide complexes are the dominant species at nearly neutral to alkaline pH,while the sulfide complexes of silver are most stable. With decreasing temperature, [ Cl^-] ,fO2, and increasing pH, the solubilities of silver, lead and zinc will decrease, leading to their deposition and separation. For sulfide complexes, the concentrations of reduced sulfur and pH are two important factors affecting their stabilities. Complexes of different forms and stabilities respond to the variation of conditions to different extents, which gave rise to the paragenesis and separation of silver, lead and zinc in the whole ore-forming process of dissolution, transport and deposition.  相似文献   
Geochemistry of Subvolcanic-Type Copper-Silver Deposits in Eastern China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The metallogenesis of subvolcanic deposits is controlled by subvolcanic activities. The copper polymetallic deposits are genetically related to intermediate-acid rocks, and the silver polymetallic deposits are more closely related to acid rocks. The abundance of Cu is relatively high in the intermediate-acid rocks and subvolcanic rocks, whereas the abundances of Pb, An and Ag are high in acid rocks, indicating rich ore-forming elements in original magmas. The study of REEs shows that the magmatic type related to copper deposits is the syntectic type, and that related to silver polymetallic deposits is mainly the re-melting type. The deposits were formed under medium-low temperatures and low salinity. The metallogenic times were the late stage of the early Yanshanian or the late Yanshanian, dating 78-147 Ma.  相似文献   
Rb-Sr isochron age of fluid inclusions in quartz from the Fuwan super-large silver deposit is 68 - 6 Ma, the silver deposit is characterized by high μ values (10.67 - 10.95 ), which are much higher than those of the ore-hosted Paleozoic strata and are close to those of ores hosted in the Proterozoic metamorphic basement in western Guangdong Province. Based on the Pb isotopic characteristics, coupled with much high background silver contents (200-1000ng/g) in the Proterozoic basement and relatively low silver contents in the Paleozoic strata in the region of the Sanshui Basin, it is concluded that the ore-forming material of the super-large silver deposit came mainly from the old basement. The super-large silver deposit related genetically to the intense volcanic activities during the Upper Cretaceous to Eogene. The formation of the Fuwan super-large silver deposit is controlled by the following favorable geological conditions : ( 1 ) The intersection of deep faults and contemporaneous faults at the margin of the Sanshui Basin led to the formation of an excellent structure as passageway for ore fluids; (2) The special ore-hosted rock association forms a ore gathering-trap structure that favors the precipitation of ore; (3) The silver-rich old basement, multi-stage mineralization and multi-episode volcanic activities which constitute a geothermal convection system.  相似文献   
河南桐柏县破山银矿和银洞坡金矿的硫同位素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南桐柏县围山城金银成矿带的破山银矿和银洞坡金矿位于河前庄背斜的轴部和两翼,围岩为歪头山岩组,矿体受地层和构造的双重控制。两个矿床的矿石硫同位素δ34S值变化范围很窄,位于-1.8‰~5.3‰之间,具塔式效应,与围岩的硫同位素组成类似,具有深源硫的特征,由混合总体筛分可推测围岩提供了大部分硫源,破山银矿δ34S∑S为2.8‰左右。同时赋矿围岩的Au、Ag含量远远高于地壳丰度,因此可推断成矿物质主要来源于围岩歪头山岩组。  相似文献   
西藏尤卡朗铅银矿床流体包裹体研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
西藏尤卡朗铅银矿床位于班公湖-怒江结合带以南、雅鲁藏布江结合带以北的冈底斯-念青唐古拉山中生代岩浆弧.矿区的含矿地层为上侏罗统拉贡塘组顶部的石英岩层,矿体受到裂隙构造控制.含矿脉体的石英中发现两类流体包裹体,即Ⅰ型水溶液包裹体和Ⅱ型H2O-CO2包裹体,均-温度为160℃~250℃,推测成矿温度为中温.流体盐度范围为1...  相似文献   
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