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新疆哈密维权银(铜)矿床地质特征和成矿时代   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
维权银(铜)矿床是2000年发现的一个独立中型银矿。经过野外及室内研究,发现矿床产于塔里木板块北缘活动带觉罗塔格晚古生代岛弧带的南侧,赋矿地层为中石炭统土古土布拉克组浅海相中酸性、基性火山岩、碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩,受区域早期热蚀变作用而发生不含矿的角岩化;受晚期岩体侵入活动作用形成Ag、Cu等矽卡岩矿化;容矿岩石为钙铁榴石矽卡岩,是一个远离侵入体的以银为主的多金属矽卡岩型矿床。采集维权银(铜)矿东南部花岗岩进行单颗粒锆石的SHRIMPU_Pb年龄测定,结果为(297±3)Ma,是矿床成矿年龄的上限。  相似文献   
The silver contents of organic matter in the host rocks of the Songxi shale-hosted Ag-Sb deposit of northeastern Guangdong, South China, have been directly determined using the electron microprobe technique. The silver contents in two types of organic matter, marine vitrinite and solid bitumen, vary in the range from 100×10-6to 350×10-6, which are from tens of times to thousands of times higher than those of the host rocks in the ore deposit. The average silver content of the organic matter is also several times higher than the pay grade of silver for commercial mining of the ore deposit. It is quite obvious that the organic matter of the host rocks in the ore district is characterized by an anomalous enrichment of silver. The results of this study indicate that the silver anomalies in the organic matter have been derived from both the host rocks and the silver-bearing fluids of the Songxi black shale ore source. In the course of sedimentation and later hydrothermal reworking, organic matter was able  相似文献   
鲁甸乐马厂银矿床地质特征与成矿作用初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
周云满 《矿床地质》1999,18(2):121-128
乐马厂银矿为地矿部“八五”重点普查项目,普查找矿取得了突破性进展,矿床达大型规模。该矿床类型独特,为国内、外少见的独立银矿床,因此对矿床地质特征和矿床赋存规律进行了较深入研究,取得了新的认识。文章在乐马厂银矿床地质背景基础上,着重研究了该矿床的地质特征及成矿地质作用,并论述了其为产于叠瓦状逆冲-推覆断裂破碎蚀变带中的独立银矿床,其矿化作用过程经历了古构造-沉积(矿源层形成)和构造-热液(充填交代富集)两个阶段,构造活动控制了银矿化作用和银矿体的最终定位。这对在滇东北地区寻找此类银、铅锌矿床具有指导意义。  相似文献   
The results of the U.S. Mussel Watch Monitoring Program for the period 1976–1978 for trace metals and artificial radionuclides in bivalves are presented. The substances analysed included Ag, Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, Pb, 238Pu, 239+240Pu and 241Am. The analyses of organic substances will be presented elsewhere. The concentrations of these substances in the bivalves may reflect upwelling processes, anthropogenic inputs or natural levels. Off the California coast, mussels show markedly elevated Pu and Cd concentrations in coastal areas adjacent to the most intensive upwelling zones. Elevated levels of Pb, for example, are found in organisms living adjacent to highly urbanized places. The general patterns of distribution repeat themselves year after year at a given site. Thus, it is concluded that annual monitoring activities may not be necessary and that a frequency of sampling of several or so years may be more appropriate to identify pollution problems. Finally, national or regional baselines for metal concentrations in bivalves from unpolluted waters are proposed. National baselines for Pb in the west coast mussels of 1·0 parts 10?6 and for Ag in east coast mussels of 0·05 parts 10?6 are suggested.  相似文献   
蔡劲宏 《矿产与地质》2007,21(2):196-199
研究了南京栖霞山铅-锌-银矿银的工艺矿物学特征,分析了矿石的化学组成,对矿石中银矿物的种类、成份、粒度、嵌布特征进行测定和统计,并进行了矿石中银的物相分析和银的平衡配分。根据银的工艺矿物学研究结果,提出了提高银的选矿回收率的建议。  相似文献   
本文综合了以往有关勘查和研究成果,总结浙江省江山—绍兴深断裂以南中生代火山岩区火山银矿床、点的时空分布、中型银矿床定位、成矿物质来源、成矿温度、矿石有用组分的垂直分带、矿物垂直分带、近矿围岩蚀变分带、矿体原生晕、稳定同位素、火山岩下的基本底物质组成差异与银矿的成矿关系等统计规律与成矿系列,认为浙东南火山岩区仍有良好的火山银(金、铅锌)矿找矿远景。  相似文献   
采用ISSR分子标记技术,对洞庭青鲫(Carassius auratus var.Dongtingking)、野生二倍体和三倍体鲫(C.auratus)、彭泽鲫(C.auratus var.Pengze)4个鲫品系群体共120个个体的遗传多样性进行分析。9个ISSR引物在四个鲫品系群体中共获得1637个扩增位点,其中多态位点1572个,多态位点比例为96.03%。4个鲫品系群体内的多态位点比例分别为46.14%、65.40%、73.76%和51.94%,遗传距离分别为0.0905、0.1186、0.1351和0.1056。在4个鲫品系群体之间,洞庭青鲫与彭泽鲫的遗传距离最小(0.1191),二倍体鲫和三倍体鲫的遗传距离次之(0.1336),而洞庭青鲫、彭泽鲫与二倍体鲫的遗传距离(分别为0.1377、0.1367)略小于它们与三倍体鲫的遗传距离(均为0.1378)。UPGMA聚类结果为洞庭青鲫与彭泽鲫聚成一个分支,二倍体鲫与三倍体鲫聚成另一个分支。结果表明,洞庭青鲫、彭泽鲫等养殖群体内的遗传多样性明显低于野生鲫群体;四个鲫品系中,洞庭青鲫与彭泽鲫的亲缘关系较近,二倍体鲫与三倍体鲫的亲缘关系较近,推测洞庭青鲫、彭泽鲫、三倍体鲫均起源于二倍体鲫。二倍体洞庭青鲫和二倍体野生鲫资源的保护必须引起重视。  相似文献   
A critical component of maintaining biodiversity in fragmented habitats is maintaining connectivity among the usable fragments. Least cost path (LCP) analysis is a tool that can be used for predicting the ability of an organism to move from one habitat patch to another, based on geographical features of the landscape and life history traits of the organism. While this analysis has been utilized for terrestrial habitats, it is rarely applied to aquatic environments. Aquatic hypoxic conditions occur when dissolved oxygen falls below 2 mg/L. These conditions can create barriers in the water column that can either force fish to leave a habitat, or avoid that habitat altogether. Using the lower St. Johns River (LSJR) estuary in Florida, USA, as a study system, the ability of an adult silver perch, Bairdiella chrysoura, to escape a large-scale hypoxic event was modeled using a multicriteria LCP approach. Criteria-specific cost grids were constructed based upon current speed, risk of predation, and whether oxygen levels in the habitat area were normoxic (>5.5 mg/L), or hypoxic (<2.0–1.5 mg/L) as a function of water depth for the LSJR. The criteria cost grids were combined using relative weighting to produce the multicriteria cost grid used to implement the LCP analysis. Three origin and destination point locations within the LSJR study area were selected for modeling whether or not a silver perch would be able to escape a hypoxic zone. Since the LCP model will always determine a LCP from the specified origin point location, ecologically relevant swimming capacities for silver perch under normoxic and hypoxic conditions were then applied to assess the model, and to determine whether the fish would be able to reach areas unimpacted by hypoxia. The LCP model and the swimming capacity results for this study predict that under normoxic conditions, fish movement was unimpeded. During the rapidly developing hypoxic event that was modeled, the results from the LCP model indicate that the fish could move outside the hypoxic zone, but when swimming capacities were applied to the model, the silver perch could not escape. Ecologically, the results of this study suggest that silver perch would experience high mortality under a rapidly developing hypoxic event. Additionally, the results of this study indicate that a LCP model can be applied to an aquatic habitat, as long as the cost grids incorporate relevant abiotic and biotic factors.  相似文献   
正Iodine and iodine compounds are widely applied in medicaments,dyes,energy materials,food additives etc.The development and utilization of iodine resources have attracted much attention.A large amount of iodide is  相似文献   
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