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中国科学院海洋研究所在开展西太平洋马里亚纳海山区多学科综合科学考察的过程中,利用"科学"轮船载的全水深多波束测深系统Seabeam3012对多个海山进行了地形测量工作。针对作业过程中遇到的恶劣海况导致采集数据质量差、多波束系统易检测错误海底信息、测线布设难度大等问题,提出了基于船体姿态对数据质量影响分析的多波束测线方向优化、基于地形变化并参考浅地层剖面资料的作业参数优化和基于实时采集情况的多波束采集测线布设优化等一系列措施,有效地提高了海山区多波束数据采集质量,并提高了作业效率。获得的高品质地形数据,为多学科协同研究奠定了基础,为ROV等设备的现场作业提供了安全保障。  相似文献   
We developed generalised additive models (GAMs) to estimate standardised time-series of population abundance indices for assessment purposes and to infer ecological and behavioural information on northern Benguela hakes, Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus, using haul-by-haul commercial trawl catch-rate data as proxies for hake densities. The modelling indicated that individual ship identifiers should be used rather than general vessel characteristics, such as vessel size. The final models explained 79% and 68% of the variability in the commercial catch rates of M. capensis and M. paradoxus, respectively. The spatial density patterns were consistent and confirmed existing knowledge about these species in the northern Benguela system. Furthermore, seasonal migration patterns were described for the first time and were found to correspond to the known spawning areas and seasons for M. capensis and M. paradoxus. Spatial density patterns were validated using the geostatistical modelling results of fisheries-independent trawl survey data. Improved understanding of the relationships between fleet dynamics and fish movement can be achieved by taking into consideration the present catch-rate model and spatial and seasonal distribution maps. We conclude that the yearly standardised CPUE time-series are problematic as proxies for total stock abundance because of spatial coverage issues. Consequently, such CPUE data should not be used for stock-size assessments and fisheries advice concerning northern Benguela hakes until this is solved. We generally recommend the exclusion of standardised CPUE time-series from stock assessments when important and changing parts of the stock distribution cannot be targeted by the fishery, such as due to closed areas or seasons.  相似文献   
雪龙船南北极考察走航图的制作   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
“雪龙船南北极考察走航图”是采用新编《系列世界地图》制作的成果。极地考察是一项全球性的重要的科学活动,雪龙船是我国目前唯一的极地科学考察破冰船,表现雪龙船极地科学考察航行路线的走航图,将成为我国南北极考察活动与社会公众沟通的新形式和重要媒介之一。  相似文献   
三维激光扫描技术在船体外形测量中的试验性研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
介绍了三维激光扫描技术的测量原理,进行了21 m长船体外形测量的试验性研究,证明了其在快速、高效获取船体三维数据、提取船体型线方面有着较大的优越性。  相似文献   
姚红革  王诚  喻钧  白小军  李蔚 《遥感学报》2020,24(2):116-125
船舶作为海上的重要目标,实现对船舶自动识别有重要的意义。针对卫星图像中云雾、海岸背景等复杂海情对船舶识别带来的干扰,以及小目标船舶高漏检率问题,本文提出一种多尺度深度学习模型训练策略,在此基础上构建了一种船舶识别的深度学习网络,该网络可分为多尺度训练、特征提取、生成目标建议区域、船舶分类这4个部分。首先,采用多尺度的训练策略,将多尺度的船舶样本送入网络中进行训练,这样在训练样本中加入了大量小目标船舶的样本,使网络充分提取到小目标船舶的特征;其次,通过卷积神经网络对目标船舶进行特征自适应提取;然后,目标区域建议网络可依据卷积神经网络提取到的特征,在图像中找到感兴趣目标区域,即框定船舶的位置;最后,通过多个全连接层的组合,将高维特征映射到一个4元组中,再运用分类函数输出每一类船舶的概率值,概率值最大的则为该船舶的类别。同时为解决云雾遮挡和海岸背景的干扰,采用了一种负样本增强学习的方法,在样本数据集中加入了大量只含有云雾和海岸背景的图片,进行负样本扩充,增强网络模型对云雾及海岸背景的特征学习能力,以此解决复杂海情的影响。实验结果表明,所提方法有效解决了复杂海情条件下的船舶识别难,以及小目标船舶识别难的问题,实现了复杂海情条件下的船舶识别。同时,与现有成熟的深度学习目标识别算法相比,本文算法的精确度和召回率分别提升了6.98%和18.17%,所训练的模型具有良好的泛化能力和鲁棒性。  相似文献   
X.K. Wang  S.K. Tan 《Ocean Engineering》2008,35(5-6):458-472
The flow patterns in the near wake of a cylinder (either circular or square in shape, D=25 mm) placed in the proximity of a fully developed turbulent boundary layer (thickness δ=0.4D) are investigated experimentally using particle image velocimetry (PIV). The effects of changing the gap height (S) between the cylinder bottom and the wall surface, over the gap ratio range S/D=0.1–1.0, have been investigated. The results show that both the ensemble-averaged and instantaneous flow fields are strongly dependent on S/D. The flow patterns for the two types of cylinders share many similarities with respect to the change in S/D, such as the reduced recirculation length and increased velocity fluctuation in the near wake with increasing S/D, as well as the trend of suppression of vortex shedding at small S/D and onset of vortex shedding at large S/D. However, developments of the shear layers, in terms of wake width, flow curvature, etc., are considerably different for these two types of cylinders. In general, the wake development and momentum exchange for the square cylinder are slower those for the circular cylinder at the same gap ratio. Correspondingly, it is shown that the periodic vortex shedding is delayed and weakened in the case of square cylinder, as compared to that of the circular cylinder at the same S/D.  相似文献   
针对船舶线性横摇系统,设计了一种基于执行依赖启发式动态规划(ADHDP)方法的在线学习最优减摇鳍控制器.在设计过程中直接使用输入输出数据获取系统状态值.利用评价网络来逼近针对船舶减摇鳍控制系统设计的性能指标函数,并通过执行网络获得最优控制律,这两个网络都是多层前馈神经网络,即反向传播(BP)神经网络.在训练过程中,这两个神经网络不仅可以使用实时测量数据,也可以减少船舶横摇模型的内部误差和不确定性干扰的影响,从而提高系统的鲁棒性.最后,仿真结果表明所提出的ADHDP控制器对于降低船舶横摇有很好的控制效果.  相似文献   
舟山海域淡水资源调查项目DZS1孔,水深15 m、钻孔深度达202.1 m,在以粘土层和砂层为主的第四系覆盖层全孔取心、在风化基岩层取心2 m。在第四系覆盖层不下套管直接利用φ127 mm钻具进行绳索锤击取心钻探,基岩采用φ127 mm钻具作为套管、φ50 mm钻具单动双管回转取心钻探。介绍了该孔的主要施工工艺与质量控制方法,包括勘探船抛锚定位、潮汛对钻杆的影响、钻探取心过程控制、用取心钻头不取心扫孔技术、更换钻头技术、泥浆工艺等。  相似文献   
Considering the actual seaway condition, stability and capsizing of nonlinear ship rolling system in stochastic beam seas is of significant importance for voyage safety. Safe zone are defined in the phase space plan of the unperturbed Hamilton system to qualitatively distinguish ship motions as capsize and noncapsize. Capsize events are defined by solutions passing out of the safe zone. The probability of such an occurrence is studied by virtue of the random Melnikov function and the concept of phase space flux. In this paper, besides conventional wave excitation, the effect of wind load is also taken into account. The introduction of wind load will lead to asymmetry, in other words, it transforms the symmetric heteroclinic orbits into asymmetric homoclinic orbits. For asymmetric dynamical system, the orbital analytic solutions and its power spectrum are not readily available, and the technique of discrete time Fourier transformation (DTFT) is used. In the end, as verification of theoretical critical significant wave height, capsizing probability contour diagram is generated by means of numerical simulation. The contour diagram shows that these analytical methods provide reliable and predictive results about the likelihood of a vessel capsizing in a given seaway condition.  相似文献   
针对执行水质监测任务过程中固定浮标监测站单点监测存在局限性、船载观测人员取样耗时耗力等问题,本文设计了一种搭载多点、分层自动采水取样装置的智能无人船水质监测系统,可实现目标水域的多点、分层连续水质数据测量及取样。该智能无人船具备基于快速随机树(Rapid Random Tree)算法的自主避障和快速路径规划功能,解决了现有无人船技术存在的多障碍自主路径规划难等问题。同时,本设计结合了ARM9控制芯片、M5310无线传输模块,通过可视化的显示界面和远程WEB访问的功能,大大提升了科研人员及时处理特殊情况便捷性。通过实验测试及比对分析,证明本设计具有智能高效、稳定可靠等优点,能够满足职能部门对于水质监测工作的需要。  相似文献   
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