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Diatom assemblages of the surface and in core sediment samples from Lake Saroma (Japan) were examined for the purpose of evaluating anthropogenic effect on the coastal environmental changes. Before the first inlet excavation, the lake's water quality and ecology were controlled by water exchange with the Okhotsk Sea as well as lake-level variation. However, large-scale ecological modification occurred, mainly due to artificial excavation and shellfish industrial farms. A distinct record of the succession of the dominant diatom taxa was preserved in core sediments. Low-oxygen water was prevalent in the lake in 1929, before the first inlet excavation. Immediately after the first inlet excavation, the low-oxygen water in the western basin of the lake began to disappear, in a trend that became increasing transparent, which has been attributed to an increasing rate of water exchange. However, the lacustrine environment of bottom sediments resumes deterioration 20 years after since the first artificial excavation: the resultant deposition of river-mouth materials into the deep basin caused eutrophication and environmental disturbance of the lake bottom. At the same time, the eutrophication of surface water became intensified with the onset of intense scallop culturing beginning in 1966. Increasing organic loads deposited onto the bottom layer in the form of excreta from the scallop nursery led to more oxygen deficiency and the elution of nitrogen and phosphorus from the sediment, which again brought about eutrophication of the surface layer. Such environmental change was reflected in a decrease of benthic diatom taxa and an increase of planktonic taxa, trends which have continued until today. Particularly, the numbers of diatom assemblage have been decreasing all over the lake during the last 10 years, which suggests that Lake Saroma's present-day deterioration and eutrophication will continue or become even worse.  相似文献   
Sidescan sonar has been applied in a number of shallow water environments along the Dutch coast to map and monitor shellfish and seabed habitats. The littoral setting of these surveys may hamper data acquisition flying the towfish in zones of turbulence and waves, but also offers valuable opportunities for understanding, interpreting and validating sidescan sonar images because of the ability to ground-truth during low water periods, enabling easy identification and validation. Acoustical images of some of the mussel banks on the tidal flats of the Wadden Sea, recorded at high tide, show a marked resemblance with optical Google Earth images of the same banks. These sonar images may thus serve as ‘acoustic type signatures’ for the interpretation of sonar patterns recorded in deeper water where ground-truthing is more difficult and more expensive. Similarly, acoustic type signatures of (Japanese) oyster banks were obtained in the estuaries in the southwest of the Netherlands.  相似文献   
为探究在自然环境中虾夷扇贝Patinopecten yessoensis体内麻痹性贝毒(PSTs)的净化过程,从黄海北部大窑湾海域采集了受PSTs污染的虾夷扇贝,将其转移至黄海的棋盘磨水域,该水域未曾有PSTs污染的报道。本研究采用高效液相色谱-荧光检测法(HPLC-FLD)检测30天净化过程中虾夷扇贝体内PSTs的组分和水平。研究结果发现,在第9天,虾夷扇贝软体中的PSTs的含量下降到一个相对较低的水平。而且,初期扇贝体内PSTs的净化率高于后期。扇贝各组织器官中PSTs含量分析发现,消化腺中的PSTs含量最高,这对于人类健康和扇贝养殖具有重要的意义。在本研究中还发现,虾夷扇贝的死亡率与PSTs的水平有一定的关系。  相似文献   
改性粘土法是一种高效、环保的有害藻华应急处置技术,可通过絮凝作用有效去除水体中藻华生物。但利用改性粘土絮凝产毒藻后,水体中胞内外藻毒素的变化情况目前尚不清楚。文章考察了I型改性粘土(MCI)絮凝典型产毒甲藻——太平洋亚历山大藻(Alexandriumpacificum)后,水体中残留藻细胞内和胞外麻痹性贝类毒素(paralytic shellfish toxins, PSTs)含量、组分的变化情况。实验结果表明, MC I对密度为6.11×10~3 cells/mL的A. pacificum 3小时去除率达62%,水体中残留藻细胞单细胞毒素含量和PSTs组分与对照组无显著差异,但水体中总PSTs含量大大降低,其中由絮凝沉降导致的胞内PSTs被去除量占水体中PSTs总减少量的90%以上。另外,针对MC I对胞外PSTs吸附效果的研究发现,低于0.5 g/L的MC I对胞外PSTs无明显吸附效果,而在利用0.2 g/L MC I絮凝去除大部分亚历山大藻后,水体中胞外PSTs含量无明显变化。由此可以推测该用量下的MC I未造成大量藻细胞破裂向水体中释放毒素。该研究结果将为改性粘土治理有毒甲藻藻华的现场应用提供科学依据。  相似文献   
江天久  徐轶肖 《海洋学报》2006,28(6):169-175
麻痹性贝类毒素(Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning,PSP)是目前已知的赤潮生物毒素中,发生次数最频繁、对人类影响最严重的一种[1].以往的监测数据表明,PSP可以沿食物网进行传递、积累和代谢,结果不仅使直接营滤食生活的贝类、草食性鱼类等含毒,而且可能使更高营养级的生物染毒,如常见的水产甲壳类,甚至包括一些海洋哺乳动物[2,3].总的来说,国内对PSP在生物体内的传递和代谢研究起步较晚,相关报道主要见于近5年,内容基本集中在实验室条件下PSP沿藻类→贝类体内的积累、转化与排出[4~6].而国外在该领域的研究要更深入且涉及的范围亦更广.  相似文献   
通过检测深圳沿岸海域7种贝类的重金属、麻痹性贝毒(PSP)和腹泻性贝毒(DSP)含量,了解其食用安全性.严格按照国家标准进行检测,采用SPSS 20.0对数据进行Kruskal-Wallis H检验和方差分析.结果表明:各种重金属和贝类毒素在样品中均有检出,汞污染状况良好;铜含量范围为0.52~109.65 mg/kg,超标率为13.67%;铅含量范围为0.01~3.60 mg/kg,超标率为68.35%;镉含量范围为0.015~7.807 mg/kg,超标率为53.96%.PSP和DSP检出率为100%,PSP含量范围为0.30~34.23 ug/100 g;DSP含量范围为1.88~38.41 ug/100 g.总体看来,样品铅、镉超标严重,不同种类贝类重金属含量具有差异且贝类毒素检出率较高,应引起有关部门的重视,加强该海域监测工作.  相似文献   
为探讨底物中钙赋存形态对牡蛎幼虫附着的诱导效应,本研究设计3因子随机区组实验,检验实验底物钙含量、钙赋存形态及海水中牡蛎幼虫丰度对实验底物上太平洋牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)稚贝附着效果(密度和壳高)的影响。结果表明,在3个因子中,实验底物钙含量对附着稚贝密度和壳高的影响不显著(P0.05),而其它2个因子(钙赋存形态和海水中牡蛎幼虫丰度)均显著影响着实验底物上附着牡蛎稚贝的密度和壳高(P0.05)。在相同的牡蛎浮游幼虫丰度下,3种钙形态底物对牡蛎幼虫附着的诱导能力大小顺序为:有机钙碳酸钙=硫酸钙(P0.05);壳高的结果却恰恰相反。在同样的钙形态底物中,高牡蛎幼虫丰度下牡蛎稚贝附着量均显著高于低幼虫丰度的处理组(P0.05)。  相似文献   
海洋经济贝类育种研究进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本文简要回顾了近些年来海洋经济贝类育种现状 ,综述了传统的杂交育种和各种现代生物技术如多倍体、转基因和分子标记技术在贝类育种中所取得的成就 ,特别是近年来分子标记技术应用于贝类杂种优势预测 ,群体遗传结构分析和标记辅助选择等。为新品种的培育提供了高效而可靠的手段。该技术的应用可望在较短的时间内改变目前海洋贝类品种培育的落后局面  相似文献   
渤海、黄海沿岸几种经济贝类及其生存环境中的异养细菌   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
报道渤海、黄海6个重点沿岸海域(吕四、青岛、北戴河、盘锦、大连、庄河)海水和沉积物及经济贝类样品中的异养细菌总数检测结果.结果表明,整个渤海、黄海沿岸海域经济贝类体内异养细菌总数的变化范围为2.0×103~1.6×106cfu/g湿重,平均值为2.7×105cfu/g湿重,其中异养细菌总数最高的样品是在吕四沿岸3号站采集的四角蛤蜊(1.6×106cfu/g湿重),其次分别在北戴河沿岸2号站采集的杂色蛤(1.2×106cfu/g湿重)和毛蚶(1.1×106cfu/g湿重),而异养细菌总数最低样品是在青岛沿岸采集的镜蛤(2.0×103cfu/g湿重)和在大连沿岸采集的太平洋牡蛎、紫贻贝和皱纹盘鲍(≤5.0×103cfu/g湿重).该海区表层海水中异养细菌总数变化范围为2.5×105~1.0×108cfu/dm3,全海域平均值为1.2×107cfu/dm3.表层沉积物中异养细菌数量变化范围为2.8×103~7.5×105cfu/g干重,全海域平均值为1.3×105cfu/g干重.根据上述结果和欧共体委员会(93/51/EEC)指令要求,对各海区贝类卫生质量进行了初步评价.这在国内尚属首次.  相似文献   
浙江沿岸的贝类资源及其增养殖   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
综述了浙江沿岸的贝类资源和增养殖的概况 ,现已报道的贝类有 61 4种 ,其中主要经济种类有 68种 ,目前已进行生产性养殖的有 1 5种 ,主要有泥蚶、缢蛏、长牡蛎、僧帽牡蛎、贻贝、泥螺、文蛤、青蛤等。 1 997年全省海水养殖贝类产量达 35.2 5× 1 0 4 t,养殖面积为 4.38×1 0 4 km2。指出了贝类增养殖中存在的问题 ,并提出了改进的对策和措施。  相似文献   
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