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Results of the experiment of northward transplantation ofPorphyra haitanensis showed that intercrop ofP. haitanensis with Bay Scallop is feasible because the growth duration of both of them is about the same in August–December. Full use of cultivating area, lowering its cost and increasing its product per unit area as well as improving the ecological environment are realized during intercrop. Contribution No. 2152 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   
A reduction in population abundance, brought on by an unprecedented 6 years of low recruitment, has reduced shell input through natural mortality on Delaware Bay oyster beds. Quantitative stock surveys provide an estimate of surficial shell over the same time period, permitting the reconstruction of the time history of shell since 1998 and estimation of the rates of shell addition and loss. Shell loss rates were unexpectedly high. In most cases, half of the shell added to an oyster bed in Delaware Bay in a given year is lost over a subsequent period of 2–10 years. Unexpectedly, the shortest half-lives, typically two to three years, are at intermediate salinities. Half-lives increase upbay into lower salinity and downbay into higher salinity to about 10 years. Minimal shell doubling times were calculated under the assumption of no shell loss, a maximum accretion rate. Minimal doubling times vary from somewhat less than a decade to more than a score of years. Doubling times of decadal scale emphasize that shell has the potential to accumulate rapidly on human time scales. The rarity of definitive documentation of shell accumulation, in terms of reef vertical accretion or lateral expansion, can only be explained if most shell produced yearly does not long remain recognizably intact. Doubling times are not rapid on the scale of oyster generation time, however. Management of essential fish habitat in the estuarine realm must include management of the shell budget and management of commercial shell-producing species must include the provision of animals as carbonate producers for habitat maintenance. Shell, at least in estuarine habitats, may have low preservational potential, even in areas that, when preserved, will appear to be shellbeds. The biases in the fossil record may not be minimized in shell-rich environments of preservation because shelliness does not imply good preservability.  相似文献   
Abstract. Mussel periostracum from the Florida Escarpment redox community (3266 m depth) is extensively bored by a variety of microorganisms. Four different types of pit borings were observed and characterized on the basis of SEM images of their resin casts, and/or light and TEM reconstructions: two large, open-pit borers, a "button" borer, and a cone borer. These boring patterns represent distinctive feeding "strategies". The cumulative activities of periostracum borers remove the protective organic layer from the mussel shells, exposing the mineral to cndolith attack.  相似文献   
Based on a procedure which couples the finite element method with the doubly asymptotic approximation, this work addresses the problem of the transient responses of a submerged spherical shell subjected to strong, plane, incident shock waves, in which elastoplastic material behavior is considered. Simulation results indicate that the procedure adopted shows good agreement with related literature, which considered linear elastic behavior of the shell. Also presented herein are the time histories of surface pressure, radial velocity and von Mises stress of the shell. Moreover, deformation diagrams and spreading of the plastic zone of the shell are described as well.  相似文献   
山东蓬莱沿海的贝类   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文报导了蓬莱沿海的贝类111种,隶属49科86属 ,并对它们的生态类型,区和纱分布特点作了初步分析。  相似文献   
利用“平珠”生成法,通过对插入皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannaiIno)外套膜外腔中的玻片上沉积物质的分析,探讨皱纹盘鲍贝壳沉积的过程。利用扫描电镜(SEM)观察玻片上沉积物质的超微结构,傅立叶红外光谱(FTIR)分析玻片上沉积晶体的晶相,透射电镜(TEM)观察与玻片接触部分的外套膜的超微结构。结果发现:在将玻片插入外套膜外腔后的4~88h内,有机质首先在玻片上规则沉积。插入玻片88h后方解石晶体开始沉积,104h后出现圆形方解石晶体单位。8d后在方解石晶体表面出现文石晶体突起,15d后出现明显的堆垛型文石片层。27d后突然转变为方解石晶体的沉积。由此可见皱纹盘鲍贝壳的沉积具有一定的周期性,即方解石→文石→方解石的转变为1个周期。透射电镜观察外套膜结构表明在不同的插片时间,外套膜的超微结构不一样。插入玻片24h后,高柱状细胞中的内质网上的核糖体消失,高尔基体数量减少。3d后,大颗粒细胞增多,细胞内充满分泌颗粒。7d后,外套膜上皮细胞新分泌的有机质染色较浅。本研究证明了“平珠”生成法能够模拟贝壳的自然沉积,外套膜细胞超微结构的变化与贝壳沉积过程所处不同阶段有关。  相似文献   
In this study,an FEM-SBFEM(scaled boundary finite element method)coupling procedure proposed by Fan et al.(2005)is adopted to obtain the dynamic responses of a submerged cylindrical shell subjected to plane step or exponential acoustic shock waves.The coupling procedure can readily be applied to three-dimensional problem,however for clarity,the problems to be presented are limited to two-dimensional domain.In the analyses,the cylindrical shell is modeled by simple beam elements(using FEM),while the effects of the surrounding infinite fluid is modeled by the SBFEM.In it,no free surface and seabed are involved.Compared with Fan and his co-authors' works,the FEM-SBFEM coupling procedure is further verified to be feasible for shock waves by benchmark examples.Furthermore,parametric studies are performed and presented to gain insight into effects of the geometric and material properties of the cylindrical shell on its dynamic responses.  相似文献   
Wen-Hao Lai 《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(5-6):653-664
This investigation applies the time domain FEM/DAA coupling procedure to predict the transient dynamic response of submerged sphere shell with an opening subjected to underwater explosions. The elastic–plastic material behavior of the transient fluid–structure interaction relate to structural response equation also presented herein. This analysis also examines the transient responses of structures to different charge distances. The effects of standoff distance on pressure time history of the shell to underwater explosion (3001b TNT) are presented. Additionally, the transient dynamic responses to underwater explosion shockwaves in the sea and the air are compared.  相似文献   
陆生蜗牛化石稳定同位素组成是一种良好的古环境信息载体,常被用于古环境古气候的重建。由于缺少古环境因子 对蜗牛壳体稳定同位素组成机理性的结论,因此越来越多的研究侧重于对现代蜗牛壳体的环境效应进行探讨。实验室蜗牛 饲养实验则可以通过控制环境因素来确定其对壳体碳酸盐稳定同位素组成的影响程度,从而得到较为确切的结果。该文在 前人的研究基础上,利用Achatina fulica 进行实验室饲养实验。结果表明,在相同的温、湿度下,同种食物喂养的蜗牛壳体 有非常稳定的分馏值,不同食物类型的结果有一定的差异,莴苣叶、玉米粉和饲料喂养的蜗牛壳体相对于食物的分馏值分 别为16.70‰±0.2‰,10.57‰±0.2‰和10.65‰±0.2‰;在20~30℃实验条件下,壳体δ13C并不受环境温度的影响,主要受食 物的影响,并得到两者之间的回归方程为δ13Cs=0.6665δ13Cv+6.2302(n=26);无机碳酸盐对Achatina fulica 壳体文石δ13C值影 响很少;根据端元组分分析方法的统计结果显示,食物是Achatina fulica 壳体碳同位素组成的主要影响因素,贡献值约为 80%±5%,除此以外,大气CO2的贡献值约为20%±5%。  相似文献   
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