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This article analyzes the recent growth and configuration of Fair Trade networks connecting South African Rooibos tea producers with American consumer markets. As we demonstrate, Fair Trade’s growth in the Rooibos sector engages key issues of black empowerment, land reform, and sustainable development in post-Apartheid South Africa. Fair Trade networks provide small-scale black Rooibos producers with critical markets. Most significantly, the Wupperthal and Heiveld cooperatives have upgraded into processing and packaging and their jointly owned Fairpackers facility now exports shelf-ready Rooibos tea. Analyzing the nature of US Fair Trade Rooibos buyers and their South African sourcing arrangements, we identify key variations in Fair Trade commitment and engagement between mission-driven and market-driven distributors. While mission-driven buyers engage small-scale Rooibos cooperatives in multifaceted partnership networks, market-driven buyers pursue conventional sourcing strategies favoring purchases from large plantations and exporters. We conclude that tensions between a radical and commercial orientation toward Fair Trade in Rooibos tea networks in many ways mirror those in the broader movement.  相似文献   
为避免密集人群踩踏事件发生,从监控图像中准确获取密集人群人数信息非常重要。针对密集人群计数难度大、人群目标小、场景尺度变化大等特点,本文提出一种新型神经网络结构VGG-ResNeXt。本网络使用VGG-16的前10层作粗粒度特征提取器,使用改进的残差神经网络作为细粒度特征提取器。利用改进的残差神经网络“多通道,共激活”的特点,使得单列式人群计数神经网络获得了多列式人群计数网络的优点(即从小目标、多尺度的密集人群图像中提取更多人群特征),同时避免了多列式人群计数网络训练难度大、结构冗余等缺点。实验结果表明本模型在UCF-CC-50数据集、ShangHaiTech B数据集和UCF-QNRF数据集中取得了最高精度,MAE指标分别优于其他同期模型7.5%、18.8%和2.4%,证明了本模型的在计数精度方面的有效性。本研究成果可以有效帮助城市管理,有效缓解公安疏导压力,保障人民生命财产安全。  相似文献   
滑坡灾害成因机理复杂、影响因素众多,深度学习作为当前人工智能领域的热点,能够更好地模拟滑坡灾害的形成并准确预测潜在的斜坡。为了挖掘深度学习在滑坡易发性的应用潜能,本文构建了一维、二维和三维的滑坡数据表达形式,并提出3种基于卷积神经网络模型(Convolutional Neural Networks, CNN)的滑坡易发性分析处理框架:基于CNN分类器、基于CNN与逻辑回归的融合和基于CNN集成,最后以江西省铅山县为研究对象进行验证,结果表明:所有基于CNN的易发性模型都能够获得准确且可靠的滑坡易发性分析结果。其中,基于二维数据的CNN模型在所有单分类器中预测精度最高,为78.95%。此外,二维CNN特征提取能够显著提升逻辑回归的预测精度,其准确率提升7.9%。最后,异质集成策略能够大幅度提升基于CNN分类器的滑坡预测精度,其准确率提升4.35%~8.78%。  相似文献   
This article demonstrates how the generalisation of topographic surfaces has been formalised by means of graph theory and how this formalised approach has been integrated into an ISO standard that is employed within nanotechnology. By applying concepts from higher-dimensional calculus and topology, it is shown that Morse functions are those mappings that are ideally suited for the formal characterisation of topographic surfaces. Based on this result, a data structure termed weighted surface network is defined that may be applied for both the characterisation and the generalisation of the topological structure of a topographic surface. Hereafter, the focus is laid on specific issues of the standard ISO 25178-2; within this standard change trees, a data structure similar to weighted surface networks, are applied to portray the topological information of topographic surfaces. Furthermore, an approach termed Wolf pruning is used to simplify the change tree, with this pruning method being equivalent to the graph-theoretic contractions by which weighted surface networks can be simplified. Finally, some practical applications of the standard ISO 25178-2 within nanotechnology are discussed.  相似文献   
海洋传感观测服务柔性开发技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋传感观测服务能够实现多个海洋观测系统间的数据共享与集成,支持大范围、多学科的海洋科学研究。在软件开发过程中,由于不同观测系统的数据库异构互异,导致传感器观测服务软件难以复用,开发效率低。本文针对数据库结构的相似性进行分析,提出海洋传感观测服务的柔性开发模型,设计可适配于异构数据库的服务构件。该构件通过配置观测数据在具体数据库的存储结构,实现了数据库结构向服务模式定义的映射;服务构件根据配置信息生成数据库查询语句,实现观测数据的自动提取,避免了数据库异构导致的重复开发的问题。通过将服务构件应用在实际开发中,验证了该模型的有效性与可行性。  相似文献   
信息物理系统是以信息世界与物理世界的紧密结合为显著特征的,集计算、通信与控制为一体的网络系统。首先介绍信息物理系统的起源与发展。比较分析几个比较有代表性的信息物理系统定义,给出对信息物理系统的概念的理解与定义。在文献梳理的基础上,总结信息物理系统的主要特征。简要介绍3个典型的信息物理系统应用方案,即智能电网、生物与医疗、智能高速公路与无人驾驶。最后总结信息物理系统研究与应用中所面临的挑战,提出今后信息物理系统可能的研究热点。为更好地了解信息物理系统相关知识,为信息物理系统领域的研究提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   
Investigations of the diffusion activities both within and outside the seafloor hydrothermal vents, as well as related mineral genesis, have been one of the key focuses of ocean biogeochemistry studies. Many hydrothermal vents are distributed close to the southern Okinawa Trough on the less-than-30-m deep shallow seafloor off Kueishan Tao, northeast of Taiwan Island. Investigations of temperature, pH and Eh at four depths of hydrothermal plume were carried out near Kueishan Tao at the white(24.83°N, 121.96°E) and yellow(24.83°N, 121.96°E) vents. An 87 h of temperature time series observation-undertaken near the white vent showed that tide is the main factor affecting the background environment. Based on the observed data, 3-dimensional sliced diffusion fields were obtained and analyzed. It was concluded that the plume diffused mainly from north to south due to ebb tide. The yellow vent's plume could effect as far as the white vent surface. From the temperature diffusion field, the vortices of the plume were observed. The Eh negative abnormality was a better indicator to search for hydrothermal plumes and locate hydrothermal vents than high temperature and low pH abnormalities.  相似文献   
使用AT89S52单片机作为主控芯片,设计了一种多模式智能路灯控制系统,该系统能够根据道路、巷口或定时应用3种情况进行工作模式选择,并根据环境光亮度决定是否启动所设定的工作模式.巷口工作模式时,系统通过红外传感器检测道路上有汽车或行人通过时,将识别信号送入单片机,由单片机控制交通灯开启;道路工作模式时,路灯处于开启状态,以保障行人畅行;定时模式时,通过DS1302定时模块,可以设定路灯的开关时间.此外,该系统还具有自动故障检测功能,功能全面,有较强的实用价值.  相似文献   
This article explores how standards and codes for collaboration in international higher education influence the educational space of global online education and the way it functions within the context of international development aid. Firstly the article discusses the educational space of higher education and the geography of education whereby the aim is to situate global online education within the on-going discourse on standards in higher education, international development aid, and the knowledge economy. The article then examines a qualitative case study of an Internet-based masters programme attended by students from Europe and Africa. A main focus of the empirical analysis is the students’ experience of being geographically immobile while collaborating online internationally, including how this circumstance affected their motivation and participation and the benefits of the programme. In the concluding discussion it is argued that even though online collaboration among students and educational institutions is not entirely equal, common standards created a space in which positions were challenged and practices were changed over the course of online participation.  相似文献   
城市高速发展引起了区域土地利用格局的改变,不仅影响生态环境质量,而且还对生态系统服务的空间格局产生影响,在此基础上优化生态系统服务显得至关重要。在泾河流域2000—2020年净初级生产力(Net primary productivity, NPP)、农业生产力、土壤保持和产水服务空间评估的基础上,将贝叶斯网络和生态系统服务相结合,在关键变量子集和可视化的最优状态子集的基础上,评估了4种生态系统服务需要优化的区域,为区域经济和生态和谐发展提供参考。结果表明:(1) 水文评价模型(Soil and water assessment tool, SWAT)模型能较准确地模拟区域的径流量。通过模拟值和观测值对比分析,该模型具有较高的决定性系数(R2>0.6)和纳什效率系数(NSE>0.5),可为进一步评估产水服务提供保障。(2) 2000—2020年泾河流域4种生态系统服务的时空差异性较为显著。在时间尺度上,4种生态系统服务均呈现波动中上升的趋势,在空间尺度上呈现较为稳定的变化趋势。(3) 通过对4种生态系统服务优化区域进行叠加分析,发现综合优化区域集中在彭阳县的中部和西南部以及环县的零星区域。研究结果对指导优化区域进行生态系统的可持续管理以及改善生态系统的退化状况具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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