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杨勋  王欢欢  余克勤  金先龙 《岩土力学》2014,35(6):1775-1781
考虑到行波效应对防波堤地震动力响应的影响,建立了基于弹塑性本构的防波堤-地基系统三维有限元模型。分析中考虑了结构间的动态接触作用,并采用基于接触负载均衡的显式并行计算方法,解决了大规模非线性有限元问题的求解困难。计算给出了不同视波速下行波效应对防波堤挡浪墙沉降、防波堤残余变形以及挡浪墙截面弯矩的影响程度及规律。结果表明:挡浪墙震后沉降随视波速增大而增大,并逐步逼近一致激励响应;行波效应对防波堤残余变形模式几乎没有影响,行波激励与一直激励下所得的残余变形模式基本一致,横波地震动输入下引起的震后残余变形要大于纵波输入下的残余变形;多数情况下,行波激励下的挡浪墙弯矩会比相应的一致激励下的响应大。分析方法及结果为防波堤三维整体抗震设计提供了参考。  相似文献   
Diffraction of plane SH waves by a semi-circular cavity in half-space   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a closed-form solution for diffraction of plane SH waves by a semi-circular cavity in half-space by using wave function expansion method. Accuracy of the solution is checked by the displacement residual and stress residual along the boundaries. Numerical results show that there are notable differences for response amplitudes between a semi-circular cavity and a whole-circular cavity in a half-space.  相似文献   
Offshore structures, such as composite breakwaters, are generally vulnerable to strong seismic wave propagating through loose or medium-dense seabed foundation. However, the seismically induced failure process of offshore structures is not well understood. In this study, seismic dynamics of a composite breakwater on liquefiable seabed foundation is investigated using a fully coupled numerical model FSSI-CAS 2D. The computation results show that the numerical model is capable of capturing a variety of nonlinear interaction phenomena between the composite breakwater and its seabed foundation. The numerical investigation demonstrates a three-stage failure process of the breakwater under seismic loading. In this process, the far-field seabed can become fully liquefied first, inducing excessive settlement of the structure, followed by significant lateral movement and tilting of the structure when the near-field soil progressively liquefies. The study demonstrates great promise of using advanced numerical analysis in geotechnical earthquake design of offshore structures.  相似文献   
基于成本共享理念的波浪能发电装置(WEC)的开发与设计为降低建设成本提供了新的研究思路,应用计算流体力学方法对在透空箱式防波堤前附加垂荡浮子的集成装置进行数值模拟研究,主要研究了流体黏性和非线性PTO系统以及浮子形状对此类集成装置能量转换效率的影响。结果表明,此类集成装置可以获得较高的波能捕获宽度比(CWR),最高可达0.7,可以较好地利用反射波波能。共振区间上受黏性影响较大,相比于线性无黏理论解,CWR下降明显;实现了2种非线性PTO系统的模拟,有待于进一步的优化未获得更高的CWR值;浮子形状优化效果明显,采用圆底形浮子受黏性影响更小,可以获得更大的CWR值。此种集成模型的模拟和研究可以为新型防波堤设计和现有防波堤的改造提供思路和参考。  相似文献   
The hydroelastic responses of a very-long floating structure (VLFS) in waves connected to a floating oscillating-water-column (OWC) breakwater system by a pin are analyzed by making use of the modal expansion method in two dimensions. The Bernoulli–Euler beam equation for the VLFS is coupled with the equations of motions of the breakwater taking account of the geometric and dynamic boundary conditions at the pin. The Legendre polynomials are employed as admissible functions representing the assumed modes of the VLFS with pinned-free-boundary conditions. It has been shown numerically that the deflections, bending moments and shear forces of the VLFS in waves can be reduced significantly by a pin-connected OWC breakwater. The time-mean horizontal drift forces of the VLFS equipped with the breakwater calculated by the near-field method are also presented.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to develop an offshore breakwater, for which coefficients of both the wave reflection and transmission have low values. The breakwater is suggested to compose of n layers of porous materials with different porosities. A complex eigen function method is used in the theoretical analysis. Continuities of both mass flux and fluid pressure are assumed at interfaces between every two adjoining porous materials and at the interface between end materials and water region. Following a series of mathematical processes, the coefficients of the wave transmission and reflection along with the wave energy loss are calculated. The porosity of materials is varied in computations; and results are compared among structures composing of different layers of porous materials. A single layer offshore breakwater is shown to reduce simultaneously the coefficients of transmission and reflection only when the structure is very wide in the direction of wave propagation, and the structure material has a high porosity. A multilayer breakwater, however, can function well in reducing both coefficients at a much narrower width; structure having more layers can be more effective at narrower width. Finally, several experiments are conducted; theoretical computations and experimental results agree well.  相似文献   
闫澍旺  王翠  于志强 《岩土力学》2007,28(Z1):873-876
如何测定加筋垫层中土工织物中的应力,对于研究土工织物的加筋效果是非常重要的,也是目前工程中急待解决的问题,也是非常困难的课题。结合实际工程,介绍了某防波堤土工织物加筋垫层现场应力测试中的仪器布置、埋设方法和测试结果。分析防波堤堤基土工织物拉应力分布大小、特点以及与堤底地基的沉降关系。实测结果表明,拉应力发挥水平远低于设计拉力值,这对土工织物加筋垫层稳定分析中如何考虑拉应力大小提出了新的问题。  相似文献   
Simplified analytical solutions are presented to model the interaction of linear waves with absorbing-type caisson breakwaters, which possess one, or two, perforated or slotted front faces which result in one, or two, interior fluid regions (chambers). The perforated/slotted surfaces are idealized as thin porous plates. Energy dissipation in the interior fluid region(s) inside the breakwater is modelled through a damping function. Under the assumption of potential flow and linear wave theory a boundary-value problem may then be formulated to describe wave interaction with the idealized structure. A solution to this simplified problem may be obtained by an eigenfunction expansion technique and an explicit analytical expression may be obtained for the reflected wave height. Using the experimental work of previous authors, damping coefficients are determined for both single and double chamber absorbing-type caisson breakwaters. Based on the damping for a single perforated-wall breakwater, a methodology is proposed to enable the estimation of the damping coefficients for a breakwater with two chambers. The theoretical predictions of the reflection coefficients for the two-chamber structures using the present model are compared with those obtained from laboratory experiments by other authors. It is found that the inclusion of the damping in the interior fluid region gives rise to improved agreement between theory and experiment.  相似文献   
Reliability Index of Caisson Breakwaters for Load Variables Correlated   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to suit the condition that the wave uplift is correlated with the horizontal wave load acting on a vertical breakwater, a generally used method for determining the reliability index β of the breakwater, i.e. the Hasofer-Lind method, is extended in a generalized stochastic space for correlative variables. The computational results for a caisson breakwater indicate that the value of β for the case of correlated variables is obviously smaller than that for the case of independent variables.  相似文献   
波浪作用下方箱-水平板浮式防波堤时域水动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在线性化势流理论范围内求解方箱-水平板浮式防波堤的波浪绕射和辐射问题,从时域角度分析了浮式防波堤的水动力特性.采用格林函数法将速度势定解问题的控制微分方程变换成边界上的积分方程进行数值求解,浮式防波堤的运动方程采用四阶Runge-Kutta方法求解.对不同层数水平板的浮式防波堤的波浪透射系数、运动响应和锚链受力进行了计算分析,结果表明方箱相对宽度对方箱-水平板浮式防波堤的波浪透射作用有重要的影响,透射系数随着方箱相对宽度的增加而减小.对于方箱加二层水平板的浮式防波堤,在本研究的计算条件下,当方箱相对宽度从0.110增加至0.295时,透射系数从0.88减小至0.30.水平板有利于增加浮式防波堤对波浪的衰减作用,但随着水平板层数从0增加至2,这种波浪衰减作用增加的程度趋弱.方箱-水平板的浮式防波堤的运动量小于单一方箱防波堤的运动量.与此对应,方箱-水平板防波堤的锚链受力小于单一方箱防波堤的锚链受力.  相似文献   
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