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2004年12月26日和2005年3月29日,印度尼西亚苏门答腊西北海域相继发生8.7和8.5级地震。通过对这两次地震与云南地震活动关系和地下流体记录异常变化的分析,认为:印尼两次8级地震的发生可能会使云南提前进入新一轮强震活跃期;远震对云南地区小震的激发和导致地下流体记录出现异常变化的因素虽然都与大地震面波的强弱、地质构造环境等有关,但机理不同。  相似文献   
福建及沿海地区地震活动力源探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
史粦华  周峥嵘  鲍挺  倪晓寅 《地震》2006,26(2):104-112
综合地震震源机制解和地壳形变观测资料的研究, 求得福建及其沿海地区现代震源应力场, 认为这与台湾地区、 台湾海峡应力场相互衔接, 主压应力轴优势方位为NW-SE向, 力轴仰角较小, 应力场近于水平挤压, 形变场反映近期福建沿海亦受北西方向, 接近与海岸垂直的挤压力。 进一步分析该区域内的断裂构造特征和地震活动强度由东至西逐渐减弱的规律, 认为菲律宾海板块与欧亚板块的相互作用力不仅是台湾强震力源所在, 而且其影响向西扩展, 福建及其沿海地区地震活动主要力源仍然是来自这两大板块的相互作用力。  相似文献   
南海东北部新构造运动及其动力学机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南海东北部地处欧亚板块与菲律宾海板块的交汇区,新构造运动活跃。根据地震活动性、震源机制解和GPS资料对该区的新构造活动特征进行分析,在此基础上讨论该区新构造运动的动力学机制。分析发现,菲律宾海板块NW向俯冲对该区的影响最为显著,导致了该区较强的地震活动性以及与俯冲方向一致的构造应力场。而印藏碰撞产生的侧向应力传递也影响到该区,控制华南地块向SE方向运动,并与菲律宾海板块的NW向俯冲共同作用,使华南地块在SE向运动的同时伴有逆时针旋转。印藏碰撞的SE向应力传递对俯冲产生的NW向水平挤压的抵消作用,使得地震活动性自东向西减弱以及构造应力场P轴方位角顺时针旋转。在这一背景下,区内滨海断裂带的活动控制了该区的地震、海岸带构造升降等新构造运动。  相似文献   
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利用小波分析方法对华北地区1990 年到1998 年的多台定点形变观测资料进行了分析计算,并将计算结果与该地区的地震活动进行了对比分析,同时讨论了不同阶的小波分解结果的物理意义及其与地震之间的对应关系。认为小波分解本质是窗口加权滑动平均,能有效地对各种不同频率成分的形变按不同的频段分离,为识别地震形变异常提供一种新的手段。在空间分布上,地形变的变化幅度与地震活动强度相对应,即在华北西北部地震活动性较强的包头、张家口一带,台站形变的强度明显高于华北东南部地震活动性较弱的泰安、营口等地区。在时间分布上,张北ML6 .2 级地震前大约两年东西方向的形变振幅随时间变化明显加大。  相似文献   
New in situ data based on hydraulic fracturing and overcoring have been compiled for eastern Australia, increasing from 23 to 110 the number of in situ stress analyses available for the area between and including the Bowen and Sydney Basins. The Bowen Basin displays a consistent north‐northeast maximum horizontal stress (σH) orientation over some 500 km. Stress orientations in the Sydney Basin are more variable than in the Bowen Basin, with areas of the Sydney Basin exhibiting north‐northeast, northeast, east‐west and bimodal σH orientations. Most new data indicate that the overburden stress (σV) is the minimum principal stress in both the Bowen and Sydney Basins. The Sydney Basin is relatively seismically active, whereas the Bowen Basin is relatively aseismic. Despite the fact that in situ stress measurements sample the stress field at shallower depth than the seismogenic zone, there is a correlation between the stress measurements and seismicity in the two areas. Mohr‐Coulomb analysis of the propensity for failure in the Sydney Basin suggests 41% of the new in situ stress data are indicative of failure, as opposed to 13% in the Bowen Basin. The multiple pre‐existing structural grains in the Sydney Basin further emphasise the difference between propensity for failure in the two areas. Previous modelling of intraplate stresses due to plate boundary forces has been less successful at predicting stress orientations in eastern than in western and central Australia. Nonetheless, stress orientation in the Bowen Basin is consistent with that predicted by modelling of stresses due to plate boundary forces. Variable stress orientations in the Sydney Basin suggest that more local sources of stress, such as those associated with the continental margin and with local structure, significantly influence stress orientation. The effect of local sources of stress may be relatively pronounced because stresses due to plate boundary forces result in low horizontal stress anisotropy in the Sydney Basin.  相似文献   
When a study is to be made of seismic risks, the present-day geodynamic conditions are of fundamental importance: Earthquakes do not happen by themselves, they do have a cause. The cause of earthquakes is that the tectonic stresses exceed a critical limit. The build-up of these stresses is conditioned by the geodynamic processes occurring in the region in question. A knowledge of the geodynamics characteristic of a region is therefore fundamental for seismic risk studies. The general methodology for making such a geodynamic study is based on the entire set of manifestations of the plate-tectonic conditions of that region: these include the mechanism of earthquakes, the stresses observed in mines, the orientation of surface joints and even the direction of river valleys. Examples of geodynamic studies and their bearing on seismic risks are shown from various areas of the world, notably from China, India, and Colombia.  相似文献   
The Hikurangi Margin is a region of oblique subduction with northwest-dipping intermediate depth seismicity extending southwest from the Kermadec system to about 42°S. The current episode of subduction is at least 16–20 Ma old. The plate convergence rate varies along the margin from about 60 mm/a at the south end of the Kermadec Trench to about 45 mm/a at 42°S. The age of the Pacific lithosphere adjacent to the Hikurangi Trench is not known.The margin divides at about latitude 39°S into two quite dissimilar parts. The northern part has experienced andesitic volcanism for about 18 Ma, and back-arc extension in the last 4 Ma that has produced a back-arc basin onshore with high heaflow, thin crust and low upper-mantle seismic velocities. The extension appears to have arisen from a seawards migration of the Hikurangi Trench north of 39°S. Here the plate interface is thought to be currently uncoupled, as geodetic data indicate extension of the fore-arc basin, and historic earthquakes have not exceededM s=7.South of 39°S there is no volcanism and a back-arc basin has been produced by downward flexure of the lithosphere due to strong coupling with the subducting plate. Heatflow in the basin is normal. Evidence for strong coupling comes from historic earthquakes of up to aboutM s=8 and high rates of uplift on the southeast coast of the North Island.The reason for this division of the margin is not known but may be related to an inferred increase, from northeast to southwest, in the buoyancy of the Pacific lithosphere.  相似文献   
Measuring of microseismic events has been carried out at the former potash mine of Hope since early 1984.Analysis of the data demonstrates an immediate temporal relationship between brine introduction and onset of microseismic activity. The spatial distribution of the sources indicates a dependence on brine level height. Sources are found preferentially immediately next to roads and workings. Source radii, estimated from the frequency ranges in the seismograms, varied with the cross-section of neighbouring cavities and had a similar, order of size.Events occurred rarely in the previously flooded mine sections Similarly, the zone below a depth of approx. 600 m below sea level was virtually inactive.  相似文献   
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