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采用铜藻(Sargassum horneri)幼苗为实验对象,分别以Na NO3和Na H2PO4为氮源和磷源,研究了不同氮磷质量浓度及氮磷配比对铜藻幼苗生长的影响。进行了氮、磷单因子实验、双因子实验以及不同氮磷配比实验,实验时间为8d。结果表明:氮和磷对铜藻幼苗生长影响极显著(P0.01),且当氮、磷的质量浓度分别为8mg/L、0.4mg/L时,铜藻幼苗的特定生长率最大;交互作用影响不显著(P0.05),不同质量浓度的氮为主效应;不同氮磷质量浓度比影响极显著(P0.01),且当氮磷比为10:1时,铜藻幼苗的特定生长率最大。研究结果为铜藻幼苗培育过程中营养盐的合理调控提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
用网袋、塑料筒、网箱等不同器具对海湾扇贝进行海上保苗试验,保苗率分别可达到23.8%、28.3%和32.9%。网袋中贝苗的生长快于塑料筒快于网箱,在10~13.5℃条件下,平均日增长为20μm;13.5~17.5℃,平均日增长为30μm;17.5~19℃,平均日增长为140μm;19~22℃,平均日增长为80μm。作者认为,贝苗生长不仅与水温有关,而且与贝苗的不同生长阶段有关,在贝苗壳高为1.5~4.5mm这个阶段生长迅速。  相似文献   
A recruitment event of Posidonia oceanica was recorded in the Gulf of Ventilegne (Corsica, Western Mediterranean) in June 2005. One-year seedlings (alive and dead) were found at shallow depth (2–3 m) on a mix of rock and sand substrates. Pattern in the distribution of seedlings was examined over spatial scales ranging from centimetres to hundreds of metres. We also examined (a) whether establishment was preferentially associated with a specific substrate type; (b) the relation between proportional mortality and the density of established seedlings; and (c) the growth characteristics of seedlings. The average density of seedlings varied from 19 to 189 seedlings m−2, with a maximum of 480 seedlings m−2. While significant variation was detected at the scale of area (i.e., tens of metres), no difference was found in abundance of seedlings at the scale of sites (i.e., hundreds of metres). Most of the overall variability was, however, at on the smallest scale examined (i.e., among sampling units tens of centimetres apart). No differences were also observed in the establishment probability and seedling abundance between sand and rock substrates. The fine scale analysis of spatial patterns on rock and sand substrates showed a clumped distribution of seedlings. These results indicated that the spatial distribution of seedlings was not random, but organized at small spatial scales within the study sites. Hydrodynamics and micro-scale bottom features appeared to account for such patterning. Proportional seedling mortality was highly variable (ranging from 0.3 to 0.8), and tended to increase with increasing settlement density. A total of 128,000 seedlings were recoded over the 1600 m2 surface area investigated. Such event reflected conspicuous seed supply and particularly favourable local conditions. This finding contradicts the current statement of low recruitment ability of P. oceanica and indicates that the species can recruit both on consolidated and unconsolidated substrates, at least in the study area.  相似文献   
通过设置在刺参(Apostichopus japonicus Selenka)养殖池塘中的9个2 m3保苗网箱(2 m×1 m×1 m)进行现场实验,比较研究了波形网(CU)、地笼(地笼网CN+地笼板CP)、尼龙网片(NM)等3种类型附着基(共4种附着基材料)在投苗状态下表面附着生物的发生与演替,及其在刺参苗种中间培育过程中对刺参生长、存活和产量的影响。结果表明:不同附着基表面的附着生物群落具有相似的演替过程。地笼板(CP)上附着生物的干质量、无灰分干质量显著高于其他3种附着基材料(P0.05),而CU、CN和NM之间差异不显著(P0.05);4种附着基材料表面附着生物的叶绿素a含量表现为CUCPNMCN,且相互间差异显著(P0.05);参苗培育12周时,采用波形网附着基的网箱苗种产量显著高于地笼(P0.05),波形网成活率最高,且显著高于其他2种附着基(P0.05)。参苗培育17周后,采用波形网附着基的网箱,苗种产量显著高于地笼和尼龙网片(P0.05),波形网的苗种成活率和特定增长率显著高于尼龙网片(P0.05),地笼与其他两者之间差异不显著(P0.05)。上述结果显示,附着基类型对刺参中间培育过程中苗种产量、成活率、增长率有显著影响。通过对刺参保苗效果的综合分析,推荐采用波形网作为刺参室外池塘保苗的附着基。  相似文献   
将抗高致病性副溶血弧菌(Vibrioparahaemolyticus)特异性卵黄抗体(AHPND-VpIgY)应用于育苗生产,通过测定氨氮、亚硝酸盐、细菌总数、弧菌总数、相对保护率和育苗成活率,评价了AHPND-VpIgY在育苗期对凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeusvannamei)幼体的保护效果。结果表明,0.1g/m3和0.2g/m3AHPND-VpIgY组的相对保护率为35.7%和57.2%,两者均显著高于非特异性卵黄抗体组(P0.05);两组的育苗成活率为50.8%和57.2%,比对照组分别提高19.1%和25.6%。各实验组氨氮、亚硝酸盐、细菌总数及弧菌总数与对照组无显著差异,对水质无影响。综上,特异性的AHPND-VpIgY能在不改变水质的前提下,有效提高凡纳滨对虾幼体的存活率、相对保护率和育苗成活率,从而提高凡纳滨对虾苗种产量和质量。  相似文献   
海带是我国海水养殖主要品种之一,其综合应用价值较高[1].20世纪90年代末期,海带配子体克隆在海带苗种繁育中的应用,为海带育苗生产开辟了新途径[2].主要运用生长发育调控技术实现海带配子体克隆细胞大量扩增和同步成熟来繁育海带优良苗种,这样可大幅度降低育苗成本,缩短育苗周期,该项技术具有良好的应用前景.目前海带配子体克隆育苗技术尚未在海带育苗生产中得到规模化应用,其作为一项高新技术,部分关键技术仍有待进一步解决.在与有关生产单位进行海带配子体克隆育苗实验的工作中,笔者认为克隆细胞的附着是影响海带商品苗质量(出苗密度及出苗均匀程度)的关键问题之一.  相似文献   
黄春恺 《海洋科学》2006,30(1):9-10
利用红毛菜(Bangiafusco-purpurea)在适宜环境条件下所放散的单孢子为苗种来源,适时把子帘(空白帘)2~8层重叠于已长出红毛菜的母帘之上采集单孢子苗。当子帘附苗量达700~1000株/cm时,可以分苗养殖。  相似文献   
Vast declines in Zostera marina seagrass beds demand effective methods of rehabilitation. In this study, we developed a practical method by reducing salinity to induce seed germination followed with recovering salinity to facilitate seedling production of Z. marina. The results showed that Z. marina seeds collected from natural seawater(salinity 30) were induced to germinate at reduced salinities. Percent germination(GR) was higher and mean-time-to-germinate(MTG) was shorter at lower salinities. The highest GR and shortest MTG occurred at salinity 0(deionized freshwater). After germination in freshwater, seeds could develop into seedlings at salinities5–30 and continue the growth. Viability or development of germinated seeds was not significantly different during the 40 d of post-germination incubation at salinities 5–15 after 1–20 d of germination in freshwater. However,during the process of translating germinated seeds from salinity 0 and 5 to salinity 30, reducing the gradients of post-germination acclimation facilitated more seeds forming seedlings in less time. On average, after 60 d of static incubation, including 20 d in freshwater for germination followed with immediate shift to salinity 5 and increasing to salinity 30 at increment of 5 every two days until cultivation at constant salinity 30, 33% of Z. marina seeds produced healthy seedlings. The results indicate that the salinity-manipulation based method of artificial germination and seedling production is practical and effective in supporting rehabilitation of Z. marina bed.  相似文献   
在常规的海产鱼类人工育苗的基础上,结合黑鮶仔、稚鱼生理生态特点,在200m3水体中,育出平均规格2.6cm的黑鮶苗种30.58万尾,单位水体出苗量达1500尾以上,并在育苗过程中对黑鮶仔、稚鱼的摄食、生长、成活率等方面进行较系统观察。  相似文献   
贺宇  丁国栋  汪晓峰  李家国  肖萌 《中国沙漠》2013,33(6):1711-1716
通过室内试验研究了土壤水分和沙埋深度对4种沙生植物种子萌发和出苗的影响。结果表明:草本雾冰藜(Bassia dasyphylla)种子萌发和幼苗出土喜好水分,水分含量越高,种子发芽率越高;半灌木黑沙蒿(Artemisia ordosica)、灌木沙冬青(Ammopiptanthus mongolicus)和沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides)种子在含水量为15%~20%的土壤中发芽率高,干旱或水分含量过高会导致种子发芽率降低。沙埋深度显著影响种子的萌发和出苗,雾冰藜种子在无沙埋时发芽率最高,黑沙蒿适宜沙埋深度为0.5 cm,沙冬青和沙棘适宜沙埋深度1.0 cm。  相似文献   
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