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Anomalously saline waters in Ocean Drilling Program Holes 1127, 1129, 1130, 1131 and 1132, which penetrate southern Australian slope sediments, and isotopic analyses of large benthic foraminifera from southern Australian continental shelf sediments, indicate that Pleistocene–Holocene meso‐haline salinity reflux is occurring along the southern Australian margin. Ongoing dolomite formation is observed in slope sediments associated with marine waters commonly exceeding 50‰ salinity. A well‐flushed zone at the top of all holes contains pore waters with normal marine trace element contents, alkalinities and pH values. Dolomite precipitation occurs directly below the well‐flushed zone in two phases. Phase 1 is a nucleation stage associated with waters of relatively low pH (ca 7) caused by oxidation of H2S diffusing upward from below. This dolomite precipitates in sediments < 80 m below the sea floor and has δ13C values consistent with having formed from normal sea water (? 1‰ to + 1‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite). The Sr content of Phase 1 dolomite indicates that precipitation can occur prior to substantial metastable carbonate dissolution (< 300 ppm in Holes 1129 and 1127). Dolomite nucleation is interpreted to occur because the system is undersaturated with respect to the less stable minerals aragonite and Mg‐calcite, which form more readily in normal ocean water. Phase 2 is a growth stage associated with the dissolution of metastable carbonate in the acidified sea water. Analysis of large dolomite rhombs demonstrates that at depths > 80 m below the sea floor, Phase 2 dolomite grows on dolomite cores precipitated during Phase 1. Phase 2 dolomite has δ13C values similar to those of the surrounding bulk carbonate and high Sr values relative to Phase 1 dolomite, consistent with having formed in waters affected by aragonite and calcite dissolution. The nucleation stage in this model (Phase 1) challenges the more commonly accepted paradigm that inhibition of dolomitization by sea water is overcome by effectively increasing the saturation state of dolomite in sea water.  相似文献   
在2007年底至2008年初的枯水期间,系统采集了中国东部流域面积和径流量较大的33条河流沉积物、悬浮颗粒物和水样,采用等离子质谱法、X荧光光谱法等方法测定了14种稀土元素含量以及常量组分和水体pH值等理化指标。研究发现中国河流稀土元素浓度总体高于世界均值,且南方河流沉积物、悬浮物稀土元素含量高于北方河流,南方河流悬浮物态中稀土、重稀土呈现一定程度的相对富集,与我国上地壳稀土丰度和稀土矿产种类的南北分异相吻合。展示了以中国东部泥质岩稀土元素丰度标准化后的稀土配分模式及Ce、Eu异常特征,发现河流沉积物的中、重稀土元素相对富集,悬浮物轻稀土相对富集,溶解相重稀土富集的特征;北方河流溶解相稀土元素浓度明显大于南方河流,且除小清河外,溶解相Eu不同于沉积物与悬浮物而呈强烈的正异常,主要与河水理化性质影响下的稀土分异有关。研究发现小清河等少数河流沉积物中稀土元素为异常高值,经Al标准化处理、计算拟合剩余值后,认为小清河等河流稀土元素已受人为污染的影响。  相似文献   
2007年9月在长江河口3条控制断面的全潮观测结果表明,长江口南支均以落潮流和落潮输沙占优,而北支大、小潮期间的水沙输运特征迥异; 其特征与长江径流、河口地形地貌特征密切相关。小潮期间,长江口北支以落潮流占优; 大潮期间,则以涨潮流占优,且悬沙输运率比小潮期间增大一个数量级。分析结果进一步表明,从1958年至今,长江口北支的分流比呈下降的趋势,已由11.8% 降至目前的1.9%; 长江口北支也由早期的悬沙输入(与径流方向相反)通道变为输出通道,目前其分沙比仍达6.4% ~7.9% 左右。总体上,分流分沙比呈显著减小趋势,这是长江口北支萎缩的重要特征之一。此外,北支分沙比显著大于分流比,将可能造成北支的进一步淤积。  相似文献   
用等离子光谱测定了东太平洋9个深海沉积物样品的小于2μm组分及全岩的稀土元素,结果显示,小于2μm组分及全岩的稀土元素组成均受控于沉积物类型,而二者之间稀土元素组成的差异在钙质和硅质沉积物中出现相反的趋势。元素相分析和稀土元素赋存状态分析表明,这种差异主要由于沉积物物质组成的不同所致,表面在化学组成上,主要与MnO,Al2O3Fe2O3,CaO含量的变化有关,大多数样品在小于2μm组分的稀土组成  相似文献   
通过对山西省马兰煤矿2号煤层采掘面在开采和封闭时期的矿井水和沉积物的研究,揭示采掘面封闭前后对矿井水水质和沉积物的影响机理。研究结果表明:马兰煤矿矿井水均为SO4-Ca型水质,矿井水均富含SO42-和Fe离子;随着上部煤层的不断开采,3处矿井水呈现相同的变化规律,矿井水的pH值升高,Eh值降低,SO42-、Fe、Mn和Zn离子浓度随之下降,其中北一暗斜井处的矿井水水质变化最显著;矿井水水质指标和流速变化能够控制其沉积物的矿物组成和结晶程度,北一暗斜井处的沉积物在两次采样中由斯沃特曼铁矿变为针铁矿,而其他两处的矿井水沉积物矿物组分没有发生变化,主要由针铁矿组成。研究结果能够提高对老空区积水水质的预测精度,并对煤矿突水水源判识具有重要意义。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地的高分辨率环境记录对于理解西部干旱乃至全球变化至关重要.湖泊沉积物的磁学参数能够记录沉积环境和古气候信息.罗布泊地区是受西风影响的典型区域.本文选取罗布泊Ls2孔7.1Ma以来长度达1050.6m的沉积物进行详细的岩石磁学与环境磁学研究.结果表明,磁铁矿和赤铁矿是沉积物中主要载磁矿物.钻孔底部和上部的沉积物磁铁矿含量相对较高,中部强磁性矿物浓度降低导致赤铁矿占主导.磁性矿物以PSD (pseudo-single-domain)颗粒为主,并含有极少量的SP(super-paramagnetic)颗粒.罗布泊Ls2孔的S-ratio比值表明,7.1~5.6Ma气候为相对较干旱和相对较湿润交替出现,5.6~3.6Ma干旱化加剧,3.60~0.74Ma有所缓和,0.74~OMa干旱化最为强烈,其中5.1Ma和3.6Ma是两个明显的转折点.多磁学参数表明,晚中、上新世以来罗布泊地区的磁性矿物含量的变化,可以反映罗布泊地区气候渐进式的干旱化过程.  相似文献   
Hydrodynamic data and samples of bed sediment were collected from Nara Inlet, a small incised embayment in the Whitsunday Islands, central Great Barrier Reef. Measured tidal currents in the inlet do not exceed 0.2 ms–1 even at spring tides. Swell waves dominate much of the inner shelf of the Great Barrier Reef but are absent from in the inlet due to the presence of a fringing reef at the inlet mouth. On the silty sand floor of the inlet, particle size decreases towards the inlet head. Most of the bed is too coarse to be remobilised by fair‐weather wave and tides, and we predict that bedload sediment transport thresholds are only exceeded in the inlet during cyclones. The observed distribution of bed sediments is consistent with landward dispersal of sediment under storm conditions. Over 20 m of (presumably Holocene) sediments occurs in the inlet and the seismic character of the infill is consistent with the observed textural variation of the modern sediments. We infer that sediment accumulation on the floor of the inlet has been storm dominated throughout much of the Holocene.  相似文献   
An evaluation of the distribution of P concentrations in streamflow, P fractions andthe microbial biomass P pool was made of bed and bank sediments along a lowlandstream in New Zealand. Agricultural intensification increased downstream. However,most P fractions decreased downstream (total P decreased from c. 400 to 250 mg kg-1) in bed sediments, while P in streamflow remained relatively constant (generally < 0.005 mg l-1) and sediment microbial P increased from 2 to 8 mg kg-1. An investigation of P release from dried and rewetted sediments showed that solution P (CaCl2-P) increased, on average > 300%, and proportional to the size of the microbial biomass P pool before drying, except in sediments with much organic carbon (OC). When supplied with a P source (1 mg l-1) and then simultaneously with a C source (glucose, 100 mg l-1), all sediment behaved similarly and biotic sorption accounted for, on average, 27 and 34% of the total sediment uptake, respectively (maximum of 58%). The quantity of P taken up was related to the initial size of the microbial biomass P pool, and the availability of P as influenced by organic P complexes and OC. The sediment microbial biomass represents a transient, but small store of P could be useful to indicate bioavailable P inputs.  相似文献   
The development of soft‐sediment deformation structures in clastic sediments is now reasonably well‐understood but their development in various deltaic subenvironments is not. A sedimentological analysis of a Pleistocene (ca 13·1 to 15 10Be ka) Gilbert‐type glaciolacustine delta with gravity‐induced slides and slumps in the Mosty‐Danowo tunnel valley (north‐western Poland) provides more insight, because the various soft‐sediment deformation structures in these deposits were considered in the context of their specific deltaic subenvironment. The sediments show three main groups of soft‐sediment deformation structures in layers between undeformed sediments. The first group consists of deformed cross‐bedding (inclined, overturned, recumbent, complex and sheath folds), large‐scale folds (recumbent and sheath folds) and pillows forming plastic deformations. The second group comprises pillar structures (isolated and stress), clastic dykes with sand volcanoes and clastic megadykes as examples of water‐escape structures. The third group consists of faults (normal and reverse) and extensional fissures (small fissures and neptunian dykes). Some of the deformations developed shortly after deposition of the deformed sediment, other structures developed later. This development must be ascribed to hydroplastic movement in a quasi‐solid state, and due to fluidization and liquefaction of the rapidly deposited, water‐saturated deltaic sediments. The various types of deformations were triggered by: (i) a high sedimentation rate; (ii) erosion (by wave action or meltwater currents); and (iii) ice‐sheet loading and seasonal changes in the ablation rate. Analysis of these triggers, in combination with the deformational mechanisms, have resulted – on the basis of the spatial distribution of the various types of soft‐sediment deformation structures in the delta under study – in a model for the development of soft‐sediment deformation structures in the topsets, foresets and bottomsets of deltas. This analysis not only increases the understanding of the deformation processes in both modern and ancient deltaic settings but also helps to distinguish between the various subenvironments in ancient deltaic deposits.  相似文献   
邓海 《世界地质》2013,32(4):808-819
以层序地层学、坡折带分析理论为指导,通过对岩心、测井、录井、地震以及分析化验等资料的综合研究,建立了海拉尔盆地乌南次凹南屯组层序地层格架。将南屯组划分为 2 个三级层序和 8 个四级层序,并在层序格架内进行沉积体系和沉积相划分研究,确定该区主要发育近岸水下扇、扇三角洲、湖底扇和湖泊沉积等 4 种沉积体系。近岸水下扇主要分布在乌南次凹西部陡坡带,扇三角洲分布在东部缓坡带,湖底扇主要分布在中心的深湖相中,而湖泊沉积主要分布在凹陷的中心及近岸水下扇、扇三角洲的侧翼。从乌南次凹西部断阶带到凹陷中心,沉积相由近岸水下扇逐渐变为深湖--半深湖沉积,乌南次凹东部缓坡带到中心,沉积相由扇三角洲沉积逐渐变为滨浅湖、深湖--半深湖沉积,整体呈南北分异、东西成带的格局。不同时期的沉积特征、沉积相展布表现各异,总体表现出水体由浅变深,再变浅,沉积范围逐渐扩大的特点。  相似文献   
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