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最新研制了一种完全透明、较低温度下拉压比可达1/6.6的树脂,其与岩石特性的相似性较前人的研究有大幅度提高。制作了一组含三维内置平行双裂隙组的试件,详细描述并分析了单轴加载下试件的裂隙扩展与贯通过程,研究其产生的条件和机制。试验结果表明:试件的破坏大致经历4个阶段,三维裂隙组的断裂比二维情况复杂得多,产生了多种不同形态的裂纹。在FLAC3D软件框架内建立了一种新的弹脆性本构关系,并采用超细单元和合理形态的网格建模。将数值模拟结果与相关试验进行对比,相符程度良好,表明新数值模拟方法的有效性。当双轴加载时,模拟结果也与前人类似试验结果有很好一致性。  相似文献   
四川雅安芦山地震灾区次生地质灾害评估及对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年4月20日08点02分,四川雅安芦山县发生了7.0级强震。此次地震发生的区域地形条件复杂,地震烈度大,使得震区地质条件进一步恶化,在强降雨等叠加等条件下,次生地质灾害风险显著加剧。本文收集了震区地形、地质、构造断层分布、地震烈度分布、历史灾害、降雨以及卫星影像等资料,对震区的次生地质灾害的危险性从以下3个方面进行了评估:① 地震力触发下震区次生地质灾害空间分布;② 不同降雨触发下震区次生地质灾害空间分布及趋势分析;③ 地震与降雨共同作用下震区次生地质灾害空间分布。在此基础上圈定了震区次生地质灾害高危和需要重点监测防范区域,为灾害救援与重建过程中次生地质灾害的防范提出了对策建议。  相似文献   
1933年8月25日,四川省茂县叠溪发生7级地震,古城叠溪全城被毁,震后45天地震堰塞湖溃决,又造成严重的次生水灾,地震和水灾均引起惨重伤亡。根据对历史资料的考证和分析,初步认为:茂县境内直接死于地震的常住居民为6 865人,该地震造成的死亡总人数约7 000人;地震次生水灾的死亡人数尚难以准确统计,"2 500余人"和"4 000人左右"的说法相对来说比较可信。  相似文献   
PM2.5 is the key pollutant in atmospheric pollution in China.With new national air quality standards taking effect,PM2.5 has become a major issue for future pollution control.To effectively prevent and control PM2.5,its emission sources must be precisely and thoroughly understood.However,there are few publications reporting comprehensive and systematic results of PM2.5 source apportionment in the country.Based on PM2.5 sampling during 2009 in Shenzhen and follow-up investigation,positive matrix factorization(PMF)analysis has been carried out to understand the major sources and their temporal and spatial variations.The results show that in urban Shenzhen(University Town site),annual mean PM2.5 concentration was 42.2μg m?3,with secondary sulfate,vehicular emission,biomass burning and secondary nitrate as major sources;these contributed30.0%,26.9%,9.8%and 9.3%to total PM2.5,respectively.Other sources included high chloride,heavy oil combustion,sea salt,dust and the metallurgical industry,with contributions between 2%–4%.Spatiotemporal variations of various sources show that vehicular emission was mainly a local source,whereas secondary sulfate and biomass burning were mostly regional.Secondary nitrate had both local and regional sources.Identification of secondary organic aerosol(SOA)has always been difficult in aerosol source apportionment.In this study,the PMF model and organic carbon/elemental carbon(OC/EC)ratio method were combined to estimate SOA in PM2.5.The results show that in urban Shenzhen,annual SOA mass concentration was 7.5μg m?3,accounting for 57%of total organic matter,with precursors emitted from vehicles as the major source.This work can serve as a case study for further in-depth research on PM2.5 pollution and source apportionment in China.  相似文献   
Viscous and other damping devices are often used as elements of seismic isolation systems. Despite the widespread application of nonlinear viscous systems particularly in Japan (with fewer applications in the USA and Taiwan), the application of viscous damping devices in isolation systems in the USA progressed intentionally toward the use of supplementary linear viscous devices due to the advantages offered by these devices. This paper presents experimental results on the behavior of seismically isolated structures with low damping elastomeric (LDE) and single friction pendulum (SFP) bearings with and without linear and nonlinear viscous dampers. The isolation systems are tested within a six‐story structure configured as moment frame and then again as braced frame. Emphasis is placed both on the acquisition of data related to the structural system (drifts, story shear forces, and isolator displacements) and on non‐structural systems (floor accelerations, floor spectral accelerations, and floor velocities). Moreover, the accuracy of analytical prediction of response is investigated based on the results of a total of 227 experiments, using 14 historic ground motions of far‐fault and near‐fault characteristics, on flexible moment frame and stiff braced frame structures isolated with LDE or SFP bearings and linear or nonlinear viscous dampers. It is concluded that when damping is needed to reduce displacement demands in the isolation system, linear viscous damping results in the least detrimental effect on the isolated structure. Moreover, the study concludes that the analytical prediction of peak floor accelerations and floor response spectra may contain errors that need to be considered when designing secondary systems. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
航管二次监视雷达会出现假目标,尤其是在低俯仰角状态下,会极大地降低其性能。对低俯仰状态下假目标消除进行研究,提出了一种新的假目标识别方法。在对航管二次监视雷达几种典型假目标的原因进行分析基础之上,重点研究了航管二次监视雷达低俯仰角情况下假目标的综合识别方法、反射物列表实时更新、灵敏度时间程序控制以及功率程序控制技术等消除对策。在广汉机场的航管二次雷达系统上进行了验证,出现的假目标均被滤除,效果符合标准。  相似文献   
刘安  吴世敏 《地学前缘》2011,18(1):141-148
珠江口盆地燕山期花岗岩地球化学、地球物理等特征分析表明,其形成缘于中生代太平洋板块向华南大陆的俯冲,并引起华南大陆边缘岩石圈等温面上隆及上地壳硅铝质岩石的多次重熔。花岗岩层形成后的区域性剥蚀作用导致盆地隆起部位花岗岩穹窿和背斜的形成;此后,新生代沉积物覆盖在花岗岩背斜和穹窿之上并形成披覆背斜,该类构造为珠江口盆地重要的含油气构造类型。在中生代时,东沙隆起及其以北具有高地温场,花岗岩发育的特点;南部坳陷带则表现低地温场和中生代沉积等特点。中生代烃源岩演化程度相对较低,它在新生代时期具备二次生烃的可能性。  相似文献   
The cytotoxic constituents from marine-derived streptomyces 3320#   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The present work studies the chemical constituents from marine-derived streptomyces 3320^# and their antitumor activities. The n-BuOH extract of the ferment broth of 3320^# was chromatographed on silica gel, Sephadex LH-20, ODS columns and HPLC to separate the compounds with antitoumor activities. Their structures were identified using IR, UV, NMR, MS spectroscopic techniques and compared with published data. The antitumor activities of the isolates were assayed using SRB method and flow cytometry assay, accompanied with the morphological observation of the cells under light micro- scope against mammalian tsFT210 cells. Ten compounds, cyclo-(Ala-Leu) 1, cyclo-(Ala-Ile) 2, cyclo-(Ala-Val) 3, cyclo- (Phe-Pro) 4, cyclo-(Phe-Gly)5, cyclo-(Leu-Pro)6, 1-methyl-1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydro-β-carboline-3-carboxylic acid 7, N-(4- hydroxyphenethyl) acetamide 8, 4-methyoxy-l-(2-hydroxy) ethylbenzene 9 and uridine 10, were isolated from the ferment broth of streptomyces 3320^# . Among them, compounds 6, 7, 8 and 10 showed potent cytotoxicity against the tsFT210 cell with the IC50 values of 3.6, 7.2, 5.2 and 1.6 mmol L-1, respectively. Compounds 8, 10 also exhibited apoptosis inducing activity under 2.0 mmol L-1. Compounds 6, 7, 8 and 10 are the principle bioactive constituents responsible for the antitumor activities of marine streptomyces 3320^#. Compound 7 was isolated from this species for the first time.  相似文献   
Secondary native Se minerals that are appreciably coarser grained and vary morphologically than primary native Se minerals were observed in the abandoned dumps of the No. 3 and No. 4 orebodies of the Yutangba Se deposit, western Hubei Province, China. The secondary native Se minerals exhibit three crystal forms, namely prismatic, tabular, and granular. Based on geochemical and mineralogical data, the secondary native Se minerals are interpreted to have resulted from natural oxidation of selenide minerals in the primary Se ores, or from vaporization of Se caused by burning of “stone coal” (a highly carbonaceous mudstone) during the production of lime. The occurrence of secondary native Se minerals in the deposit would be helpful not only to further study on mineralogy, ore geochemistry and environmental geochemistry of Se, but also to improve the technology of reclaiming Se from the black rock series.  相似文献   
几种添加剂对合成硬硅钙石二次粒子形貌的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在利用高纯度钙质、硅质原料合成硬硅钙石过程中分别加入少量的Sr(NO3)2,Mn(CH3COO)2·4H2O,ZrOCl2·8H2O3种添加剂对硬硅钙石二次粒子形貌的影响。实验结果表明,单纯使用高纯度原料生成硬硅钙石结晶不好,纤维不明显;在原料中加入Mn(CH3COO)2·4H2O添加剂后,对于生成的硬硅钙石晶体有一定的帮助,可以看到比较明显的硬硅钙石纤维;原料中加入Sr(NO3)2添加剂后有利于生成硬硅钙石晶体,硬硅钙石二次粒子球形明显,也可以看到明显的硬硅钙石纤维;加入适当少量ZrOCl2·8H2O的添加剂后进一步可以获得结构中空的大直径超轻硬硅钙石二次粒子及良好的硬硅钙石纤维。  相似文献   
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