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厦门湾底栖生物稀土元素的含量及其分布与环境意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用ICP-MS法测定了厦门湾及邻近海域底栖大型藻类、软体动物、节肢动物中15种稀土元素的含量,研究了底栖生物稀土元素的组成及其分布与生态环境意义.结果表明,大型藻类稀土含量介于0.780~49.1μg/g,其中绿藻类的稀土总量最高,平均为24.3μg/g.软体动物稀土元素含量在0.365~21.6μg/g,以双壳类的稀土总量最高,平均为12.9μg/g.节肢动物稀土元素含量最低,范围是0.154~0.807μg/g.各类底栖生物的稀土配分特征总体上都表现为轻稀土元素的富集,其中铈、镧、钕在总稀土元素中所占的比例较高.多数底栖生物的北美页岩归一化稀土元素分布模式具4分组效应,但不同类别之间存在一定差异.底栖生物稀土元素含量及其分布模式表现出种类之间及地理分布上的差异,这对生态环境监测中种类的选取具有重要指导意义.  相似文献   
Abstract. Episodic events have been shown to strongly affect structure and function of marine benthic ecosystems. Severe storms can have profound effects on the distribution of marine sediments which could, in turn, influence the development of benthic communities. The rich and diverse epibenthic communities on the United States mid-Atlantic continental shelf owe their existence to the presence of a complex sequence of rocky outcrops. An unusually strong storm struck this shelf system in March 1993. Two of these carbonate platforms had been characterized by moderate sediment cover for at least the previous two years, but bottom water velocities generated by this storm removed considerable amounts of sediment from these upper flat hardbottom habitats. Macroalgal cover on these platforms dramatically increased between 1992 and 1993 with the increased exposure of hard substrate for attachment. The edges of the outcrops (scarps and rubble ramps), which are usually free of sediment, maintained their dense algal cover. Settlement blocks placed in various sub-habitats showed little variation in algal cover among flat hardbottom and scarp areas during both years, indicating that available hard substrate habitat may be the primary limiting factor for algal growth on the North Carolina continental shelf. Since macroalgal meadows provide food and shelter for juvenile fish, the increase in critical habitat following these storms may have implications for recruitment of economically important fish species. Thus, indirect effects of episodic storms, i.e ., redistribution of sand bodies leading to algal meadow development over large spatial scales, may have important consequences for benthic community development and persistence in temperate reef systems.  相似文献   
Kelp forests are believed to host a large biomass of epiphytic fauna and flora, including diatoms, which constitute the base of aquatic food webs and play an important role in the transfer of energy to higher trophic levels. Epiphytic diatom assemblages associated with two common species of South African kelps, Ecklonia maxima and Laminaria pallida, were investigated in this study. Primary blades of adult and juvenile thalli of both kelp species were sampled at False Bay in July 2017 and analysed using scanning electron microscopy. Our findings showed that both kelp species hosted relatively low densities of diatoms (ranging from 7 [SD 5] cells mm?2 on adult specimens of L. pallida to 43 [SD 66] cells mm?2 on blades of juvenile E. maxima), with Amphora and Gomphoseptatum reaching the highest absolute abundances. Although non-metric multidimensional scaling showed overlapping and largely scattered sample sets, a significant relationship between the diatom communities and the species and age of the host macroalga was detected by two-way PERMANOVA. In general, more abundant and diverse diatom communities were observed on juvenile thalli than on adult thalli, with species belonging to Navicula and Rhoicosphenia contributing significantly to the observed dissimilarity. Due to a significant interaction between species and age effects, however, the overall ability of kelp species, their age, and their interaction to explain the variation in diatom community structure was limited. We suggest that the low densities of epiphytic diatoms were directly related to the sloughing of epithelial cells observed in both kelp species. We further speculate that on such unstable substrata some diatom taxa might adapt to an endophytic life to avoid the antifouling mechanisms developed by their hosts.  相似文献   
红海湾海藻资源的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查了红海湾的海藻资源状况。结果表明 ,红海湾海藻种类约有 1 9科 40种 ,其中主要经济海藻约 1 6种。敞开型硬相海岸的年平均生物量高达 1 847 2 6g/m2 ,以褐藻类为主 ;内湾屏蔽型软相海岸的年平均生物量为 1 1 2 42g/m2 ,以绿藻类为主。敞开型硬相海岸海藻的多样性和生物量明显高于内湾屏蔽型软相海岸  相似文献   
The 13C signature of forty-five macroalgal species from intertidal zones at Cádiz Bay was analysed in order to research the extension of diffusive vs. non-diffusive utilisation of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and to perform a comparison with data published for other bio-geographic regions. The ∂13C values ranged from −6.8‰ to −33‰, although the span of variation was different depending on the taxa. Thus, ∂13C for Chlorophyta varied from −7‰ (Codium adhaerens) to −29.6‰ (Flabellia petiolata), while all the Phaeophyceae (excepting Padina pavonica with ∂13C higher than −10‰) had values between −10‰, and −20‰. The widest variation range was recorded in Rhodophyta, from values above −10‰ (Liagora viscida) to values lower than −30‰ obtained in three species belonging to the subclass Rhodymeniophycidae. Accordingly, the mean ∂13C value calculated for red algae (−20.2‰) was significantly lower than that for brown (−15.9‰) and green algae (−15.6‰). Most of the analysed red algae were species inhabiting crevices and the low intertidal fringe which explains that, on average, the shaded-habitat species had a ∂13C value lower than those growing fully exposed to sun (i.e. in rockpools or at the upper intertidal zone). The comparison between the capacity for non-diffusive use of DIC (i.e. active or facilitated transport of HCO3 and/or CO2) and the ∂13C values reveals that values more negative than −30‰ indicate that photosynthesis is dependent on CO2 diffusive entry, whereas values above this threshold would not indicate necessary the operation of a non-diffusive DIC transport mechanism. Furthermore, external carbonic anhydrase activity (extCA) and ∂13C values were negatively correlated indicating that the higher the dependence of the photosynthesis on the CO2 supplied from HCO3 via extCA, the lower the ∂13C in the algal material. The comparison between the ∂13C values obtained for the analysed species and those published for species inhabiting other bio-geographic areas (warm-temperate, cold and polar) suggests that globally (at least for the red and brown algae) the non-diffusive entry of DIC is more widely spread among the species from Cádiz Bay than among those of polar regions. If it is assumed that non-diffusive use of DIC implies saturation of photosynthesis at the present-day CO2 concentration in seawater, our data indicate that the potential impact of the acidification on photosynthesis in the seaweed communities will be different depending on the latitude.  相似文献   
漂浮海藻与海藻区系的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区系是海藻生物地理研究的基本单位,是以一定时间、空间范围内的全部海藻为对象划分的生物地理单元,具有相对稳定的温度性质、物种组成和边界范围,且区系之间具有较明显的差异。然而,长期以来海藻的区系研究仅以定生的底栖海藻为研究对象,对于漂浮海藻则没有明确的定位。近年来世界各地漂浮海藻造成的藻华频发,在一些海域漂浮海藻已成为周期性存在,同时分子技术的发展为海藻生物地理学研究提供了有力的支撑,为追溯、比较漂浮海藻及其与定生海藻的关系提供了可靠的参考。漂浮海藻对于认识全球变化和人类活动对海藻分布、适应与进化的影响具有重要研究意义。本文结合漂浮海藻的特点和海藻生物地理学的基本研究方法探讨漂浮海藻与海藻区系的关系。  相似文献   
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