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Firstly, typical features of a supercell, which occurred in Guangzhou on August 11, 2004, are discussed by using the new generation weather radar data. V-notch, finger-echo, weak echo region, overhang and echo-wall are observed from reflectivity products. A vertical cross section of the radial velocity is made along the direction of the low-level inflow and across the maximum reflectivity core, which displays a part of strong updraft and downdraft. Secondly, a 3-D convective storm model is used to simulate the supercell. The maximum reflectivity and the core thickness of the simulated radar echo are 75 dBz and 14km, respectively. These values are more than the counterparts that are detected by radar. The reason is that attenuation is not calculated in the model. The wind field structure is also given when the storm is the strongest. Divergence, caused by thunderstorm outflow, is in the low level. In the middle and high level, convergence is dominant, but the plume is not simulated at the top. Finally, the evolution of the simulated vertical motion is documented. The interaction between the environmental wind and the updraft, which is formed by the convergence on the ground at the beginning, makes the storm stronger. Then, downdraft occurs and grows. When it becomes dominant, the supercell collapses.  相似文献   
从回波探测的原理和激光测高的计算模型出发,分析了激光测高的误差来源,认为主要影响因子是GPS差分精度、IMU精度和激光测距精度。通过对航高在1000m以下的实际检测数据进行统计分析,得出如下结论:1)单个激光点的精度可以达到15cm,通过地面改正,最优精度可以达到5cm;2)在植被比较密集区域,根据激光点的扫面密度不同,其生成的DEM精度可以达到0.20m~1m。  相似文献   
利用广东省2 400余个地面自动气象站的观测资料及广州雷达站的多普勒雷达资料对2016年4月13日广东一次强飑线过程的地面中尺度特征和雷达特征进行了分析,结果表明:(1)飑线在发展旺盛时,沿着飑线方向略落后于飑线处有3个强辐合中心,强中心位于飑线凸起处;辐散区落后于飑线,大风区位于辐散中心前侧梯度最大处。大风区造成的气旋式涡度中心略落后于辐合中心。(2)飑线在地面表现为一条中尺度θse锋区。(3)飑线强盛阶段的地面中尺度场上可看到扰动高压处于辐合线顶点后侧偏右区域,扰动高压大小与阵风大小有一定正比关系。扰动低压超前于辐合中心,能作为飑线发展和大风是否出现的判断依据。(4)在飑线的弓形回波阶段的顶点处存在下击暴流,顶点后侧的弱回波通道表明伴有后侧入流急流RIJ,RIJ对弓形回波的形成、地面大风和飑线的维持和快速移动具有重要的作用。  相似文献   
杨波  孟鑫  杨磊  高太长 《气象科学》2019,39(1):62-69
为研究雷暴发展过程中的雷达回波特征,利用S波段双偏振多普勒天气雷达对南京地区的雷暴进行了观测研究,利用雷达回波资料、地面大气电场数据、闪电定位数据及探空资料对比分析了2014年一次冬季雷暴过程与夏季雷暴的雷暴回波特征差异。分析结果表明:冬季雷暴的对流发展高度明显低于夏季雷暴,持续时间短,水平尺度小,有较大比例的正闪;影响冬季雷暴与夏季雷暴的成雷对流高度差异的主要因素是环境温度差异,冬季雷暴在较低的高度上,具有较低的环境温度,更有利于雷暴起电;对流单体中,霰粒子的存在是雷暴的一项重要特征。  相似文献   
孔霄  来风兵  陈蜀江  朱选 《现代地质》2021,35(3):657-664
胡杨回涡沙丘是别里库姆沙漠常见的一种风积地貌类型,通过测试分析来自6个样区胡杨回涡沙丘的195个表层沉积物样品,结合粒级-标准偏差法、Sahu成因判别和相关统计分析法,对其粒度特征进行研究,以分析别里库姆沙漠表层沉积物类型、沉积环境的稳定性。结果表明:(1)胡杨回涡沙丘表层沉积物粒度组成以砂和粉砂为主,从北向南、从东向西沉积物粒级均呈现变细趋势。(2)6个样区平均粒径的均值属于极细砂或细砂范围,71.79%的物质样品分选较好,97.94%的沉积物样品属于近对称分布,100%的物质样品属于中等峰态。(3)6个样区的粒级-标准偏差曲线均呈现多峰分布,沉积环境不稳定。(4)6个样区胡杨回涡沙丘表层沉积物的Sahu成因判别值介于-7.277~ -5.912,均属于风成沉积。  相似文献   
2013年6月19—20日甘肃陇东南暖区暴雨多普勒雷达特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
傅朝  杨晓军  周晓军  刘维成 《气象》2015,41(9):1095-1103
应用天水多普勒雷达资料,分析了2013年6月19—20日甘肃陇东南地区大暴雨过程中暖区降水时段的雷达反射率因子、径向速度及PUP产品特征。结果表明,雷达反射率因子特征与我国东部、南部的暖区暴雨特征极为相似,局地强回波的列车效应明显,强回波一般低于45 dBz,且主要分布于0℃层以下;雷达径向速度反映出对流层中低层的暖平流、风场辐合结构和低空急流的维持有利于强回波及高频次列车效应的产生;γ中尺度涡旋的出现对强降水的临近预报具有明显的指示意义。  相似文献   
针对避雷针对天气雷达回波影响的问题,通过对天气雷达的盲区及雷达散射截面(RCS)的理论分析,利用HFSS仿真软件及实验的方法,研究水平极化下,不同材料不同尺寸的避雷针的雷达散射截面,结论是:在相同材料避雷针及相同雷达波长情况下,避雷针高度、半径与其雷达散射截面呈正相关;在相同雷达波长情况下,避雷针为理想金属的雷达散射截面比塑钢与理想金属组合材料的雷达散射截面大;实验结果表明避雷针架设在X波段多普勒天气雷达天线附近时,对雷达回波造成的影响可忽略不计.研究结果为在天气雷达附近架设避雷针提供了理论和实验依据,具有应用价值.  相似文献   
利用新一代多普勒天气雷达资料及国家、区域自动站和常规高空地面资料,分析了2008-2013年河南省9次区域暴雨回波系统的形态、结构特征、移动特点和降水强度等,分析了区域暴雨过程中中γ尺度对流系统的降水特征。结果表明:1)河南区域暴雨落区主要位于高空槽前和副高西北侧、中低层切变线之间、低涡东南侧、低空急流左前侧,以及地面倒槽或气旋顶部偏北到偏东气流中。2)从新一代雷达监测产品来看,河南省区域暴雨主要有积云降水、积层混合降水和层状云降水三种回波类型,其中混合降水包括以积云为主的混合降水和以层云为主的混合降水,是河南省区域暴雨的主要回波类型。3)降水强度与回波类型、结构特征、移动特点等均有关系,特别是≥50 mm/h的短时强降水与γ中尺度对流系统密切相关,强降水超级单体可造成局地50 mm/h以上的强降水,并多伴有雷暴大风、龙卷等剧烈对流天气。一般情况下,积云降水强度最大,混合降水次之,层云降水强度最小。综合分析来看,雨强与回波强度比与回波性质有更好的相关性。≥50 mm/h的强降水多由强降水超级单体和因辐合、气旋、后向传播等使回波加强、合并、发展旺盛的准静止状态的50~60 d Bz的强积云降水回波产生;≥20 mm/h强降水多由积层混合降水中≥45 d Bz的积云回波产生。10 mm/h以上的降水落区和≥40 d Bz的较强回波有很好的对应关系;40 d Bz的层云回波降水强度通常在10 mm/h以下。  相似文献   
After two years of verification and validation activities of the Jason-1 altimeter data, it appears that all the mission specifications are completely fulfilled. Performances of all instruments embarked onboard the platform meet all the requirements of the mission. However, the star tracker system has shown some occasional abnormal behavior leading to mispointing angles out of the range of Jason-1 system specification which states that the altimeter antenna shall be pointed to the nadir direction with an accuracy below 0.2 degree (3 sigma). This article discusses the platform attitude angle and its consequences on the altimetric estimates. We propose improvements of the Jason-1 retracking process to better account for attitude effects.

The first star tracker anomalies for the Jason-1 mission were detected in April 2002. The Poseidon-2 algorithms were specified assuming an antenna off-nadir angle smaller than 0.3 degree. For higher values, the current method to estimate the ocean parameters is known to be inaccurate. Thus, the algorithm has to be reviewed, and more specifically, the present altimeter echo model has to be modified to meet the desired instrument performance.

Therefore, we derive a second order analytical model of the altimeter echo to take into account attitude angles up to 0.8 degree, and consequently, we adapt the retracking algorithm. This new model is tested on theoretical simulated data using a maximum likelihood estimation. Biases and noise performance characteristics are computed for the different estimated parameters. They are compared to the ones obtained with the current algorithm. This new method provides highly improved estimations for high attitude angles. It is statistically validated on real data by applying it on several cycles of Poseidon-2 raw measurements. The results are found to be consistent with those obtained from simulations. They also fully agree with the TOPEX estimates when flying along the same ground track. Finally, the estimates are also in agreement with the ones available in the current I/GDR (Intermediate Geophysical Data Record) products when mispointing lies in the mission specifications.  相似文献   
为了更好地开展强对流监测、预警和开展人工防雹作业指挥工作,通过对2006年至2012年昆明多普勒雷达观测的1148幅回波和234个降雹过程进行了收集和整理,从人工防雹作业指挥判别雹云的角度,对雷达回波的强度、高度和VIL等要素进行了统计分析。统计分析表明,云南滇中地区强对流发展强度强、高度高;虽然仅通过VIL跃升值难以判别强对流云体能否产生降雹,但冰雹云发展存在明显的VIL跃升,进而得出了强对流云体的VIL跃升值(前后两回波的VIL差值)是否超过35kg/m^2,可以作为强对流云体能否产生降雹的指标这一结论。  相似文献   
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