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分析生态文明背景下围填海区域人工海岸建设存在的问题,结合淤泥质人工海岸空间特点,总结提出了生态岸线整治修复技术、仿自然化处理设计、景观构建适宜性、人工海岸生态系统等生态化建设基础理论,并以天津永定新河口综合整治修复工程为例,重点阐述了人工海岸生态化建设过程中生态系统和景观构建的方法要点和具体思路.结果表明:在人工海岸生...  相似文献   
2001年昆仑山口西MS8.1地震地表同震位移分布特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
沿长约 4 2 6km的 2 0 0 1年昆仑山口西MS8 1地震地表破裂带共获得 2 91个点的地表同震水平左旋位移数据 ,并在其中 1 1 1个点获得了垂直位移数据。该地震总体以左旋水平位移为主 ,兼具一定的垂直位移。最大地表左旋水平位移值可达 6 4m ,平均水平位移约为 2 7m ,绝大多数测点的垂直位移均 <1m。地表水平位移沿主破裂带走向位移梯度变化于 1 0 - 1~ 1 0 - 4之间 ,这一起伏变化可能起因于野外测量误差、沿主破裂带岩性或松散沉积物厚度的变化、地表破裂带几何结构的不均匀性、地表破裂走向的变化、不同破裂段在昆仑山口西 8 1级地震之前的地震中滑动量的起伏变化 ,以及大量非脆性变形、次级破裂的存在等。水平位移沿主破裂带的长波长 (数十公里至数百公里 )起伏变化较有规律 ,在布喀达坂峰以东表现为分别以 5个水平位移峰值为中心而有规律地起伏变化。这5个位移峰值分别对应于不同的次级地震地表破裂段。各破裂段水平位移峰值均向阶区或拐点逐渐衰减 ,不同地表破裂段位移峰值向两侧衰减的速率是不同的 ,这种位移梯度的不对称分布可能指示了地震破裂的扩展方向。上述位移分布特征真实地反映了地表可见脆  相似文献   
喀斯特城市植被覆盖度时空变化对地表温度的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着桂林喀斯特城市的快速扩展、地表植被覆盖度的变化,城市热岛现象越来越明显。以桂林1989-2006年5景TM/ETM遥感图像为数据源,利用遥感归一化植被指数反演植被覆盖度Pv,利用Qin单窗算法反演地表温度ts,分析Pv空间和时间变化对ts的影响。结果表明,在空间上ts随Pv的提高而降低,呈明显负相关关系。在时间上Pv<0.2面积比例逐年增加,1989年7.8%、1991年15.2%、2000年20.7%、2005年21.1%、2006年22.7%;而Pv≥0.7面积比例逐年减少,1989年49.2%、1991年27.4%、2000年27%、2005年16.5%、2006年11.1%。其导致地表温度高于茂密林地表面温度的比率z>20%的高温像元比例逐年上升;而z≤10%的低温像元比例逐年下降,1989年28.9%、1991年25.4%、2000年23.7%、2005年22.2%、2006年20.4%。植被覆盖的喀斯特山峰呈现显著的凉岛现象,从而调节喀斯特城市气候环境。  相似文献   
采用非线性二乘法对国产12.5系列往复活塞式制冷压缩机的实测性能数据进行拟合,得出描述该系列制冷压缩机性能系数与运行工况之间相关关系的曲面回归方程,为制冷系统的数值计算、动态特性模拟和优化设计提供数学模型。  相似文献   
华南地区奥陶纪头足类生物相及其分区   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在研究华南地区奥陶纪头足类生态特征基础上,根据头足类的生态类型及其保存条件等特征,识别出18个头足类生物相,即开阔台地[WT5”BX]Proterocameroceras生物相,局限台地Pseudoectenolites-Xiadongoceras生物相,开阔台地Retroclitendoceras-Pararetrocli tendoceras生物相,开阔台地Pronajaceras-Mamagouceras生物相,陆棚斜坡—盆地Cyclostomiceras-Bactroceras生物相,开阔台地 Cameroceras-Cyrtovaginoceras生物相,开阔台地 Coreanoceras-Manchuroceras生物相,陆棚斜坡—盆地Kaipingoceras-Kyminoceras生物相,内陆棚Bathmoceras-Protocycloceras生物相,中部陆棚Dideroceras-Ancistroceras生物相,深水陆棚 Lituites-Cyclolituites 生物相,滞流盆地Lituites-Trilacinoceras生物相,深水盆地Paraendoceras-Sactorthoceras,深水陆棚Sinoceras-Michelinoceras-Disoceras生物相,深水陆棚Beloitoceras-Jiangshanoceras生物相,深水陆棚—盆地Eurasiaticoceras生物相,浅海陆棚—斜坡Jiangxiceras-Yushanoceras生物相,深水盆地Michelinoceras[WT5”BZ]生物相,并阐述各生物相的组成、生态特征及其生态环境。根据头足类生物相在时间和空间上的组合规律,划分出3个头足类生物相区,即扬子生物相区、黔东—湘西生物相区(过渡型生物相区)和湘中—浙西生物相区,并讨论了各生物相区在不同时期内头足类生态类型和生物相分异特征、海平面升降、环境演变特征以及其与油气的关系。认为在低海平面或海平面下降阶段中生物相分异明显,而在高海平面阶段中则分异较小。  相似文献   
内蒙古克什克腾旗黄岗山锡铜矿区北部及中部为第四纪冰川遗迹,在植被极其发育的地表之下为冰渍物、残坡积物等组成的碎石层,厚度多大于3m,因此开展地表地质工作有一定的难度。为提高找矿效果,开展了1∶1万激电测量工作。通过对激电异常的查证分析,在DJH-1号激电异常南西侧边界,燕山早期似斑状中细粒黑云母二长花岗岩与两侧石英闪长岩、花岗斑岩的内、外接触带附近发现有多期次岩浆侵入,矿化蚀变强烈,目前共圈定锡矿体10个、铜矿体8个;圈定的矿体和发现的激电异常具有较好的对应性,为进一步开展地质勘查工作提供了重要的依据。  相似文献   
Forty-eight surface sediments of the southern Yellow Sea are separated into three grain-size fractions. Four forms of extractable nitrogen (nitrogen in ion-exchangeable form (Nie), nitrogen in weak-acid extractable form (Nwa), nitrogen in strong-alkali extractable form (Nsa) and nitrogen in strong-oxidant form (N50))are obtained by the sequential extraction. The results show that the contents and the distributions of the extractable nitrogen in the southern Yellow Sea surface sediments are closely related to sediment grain size. The distributions ofNie, Nso and total nitrogen (TN) present positive correlations with fine particles content, while Nwa and Nsa does not have such correlation. The net contents of all the forms of nitrogen increase with sediment grain size finer.  相似文献   
Data from July 2006 to June 2008 observed at SACOL(Semi-Arid Climate and Environment Observatory of Lanzhou University,35.946°N,104.137°E,elev.1961 m),a semi-arid site in Northwest China,are used to study seasonal variability of soil moisture,along with surface albedo and other soil thermal parameters, such as heat capacity,thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity,and their relationships to soil moisture content.The results indicate that surface albedo decreases with increases in soil moisture content,s...  相似文献   
GPS observations in the Western Bohemia/Vogtland earthquake swarm region revealed indications of horizontal displacements of low amplitude, and no clear long-term trend in 1993–2007. On the other hand, in 1998–2001 there was relatively significant active movement along NNE-SSW oriented line that we called the “Cheb-Kraslice GPS Boundary” (ChKB), identical with an important limitation of earthquake activity. The most impressive were dextral (right-lateral) movements in the 1998–1999 period followed by reverse sinistral (left-lateral) movements in 1999–2000 that correlate with prevailing motion defined by fault plane solutions of the Autumn 2000 earthquake swarm. Before the February 2004 micro-swarm, two points located on opposite sides of the Mariánské Lázně fault showed extension in the order of about 7 mm in the same NNE-SSW direction of ChKB. The new NOKO permanent GPS station in Novy Kostel showed the peak-to-peak vertical changes up to 10 mm before and during the February 2007 micro-swarm. Annual precise levelling campaigns in the local network around Novy Kostel revealed regular vertical displacements during the 1994, 1997 and 2000 earthquake swarms. The points around the Novy Kostel seismological station showed uplift during the active periods, including the micro-swarm February 2004. However, no such indication was observed on levelling points in the period of the February 2007 swarm. Long-term vertical displacements depend on the same direction NNE-SSW (ChKB) as the GPS displacements. Both geodetic techniques have revealed oscillating displacements, GPS horizontal, and levelling vertical, rather than any long-term trends in the study period 1993–2007. The displacements exhibited significant spatial and temporal relation to tectonic activity (earthquake swarms) including their coincidence with the seismologically determined sense of motion along the fault plane during earthquakes.  相似文献   
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