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通过对河北省张家口下花园区夏家沟-古城梁、怀来县赵家山等剖面地质测量,分析了1400 Ma前沉积的下马岭组岩性变化、沉积序列与海平面升降演化、岩石矿物组分与重矿物组合,认为下马岭组沉积时期发育温暖湿润的气候条件及多期热带风暴作用,早期的大规模风暴与浊流等事件沉积,晚期的浅海陆棚风暴岩、深水陆棚泥页岩、细粒浊积岩及安静水体的泥灰岩透镜体(灰泥饼)等是其鲜明的沉积响应。该时期发育一次长期缓慢的海平面上升-下降过程,对应一个二级层序。内幕可细分为五次海平面升降变化,对应五个三级层序;下马岭组沉积早期的物质组分主要以砂质、泥质为主,晚期转化为以泥质、灰质、云质为主,砂质减少,两种类型的物质组合系统先后影响燕辽裂陷槽;下马岭组沉积时期,具有双物源性质,除了主要来自于东部的山海关古隆起外,晚期可能也有西部山西古陆提供物源,来自北部的沉积物源不发育,推测北部的内蒙-冀北隆起(内蒙地轴)不存在,燕辽盆地具有西陡东缓的箕状断陷盆地特征,盆地古地形、物源供给变化与多级次海平面振荡变化控制了下马岭组沉积物的时空演化特征。该研究为1400 Ma前华北克拉通北部燕辽盆地岩相古地理的恢复提供了重要参考。  相似文献   
陈相堂  赵斌  李成林  韩莎  胡炜 《海洋科学》2019,43(6):95-101
本研究对紫刺参胚胎和幼体发育过程进行了显微观测,比较分析了其幼体早期生长情况与体色形成过程。结果表明:(1)在水温21.0±0.2℃条件下,紫刺参受精卵在受精10~15min后释放第一极体,5h 30min~6h 30min进入囊胚期, 18~20h发育成原肠胚; 30~34h进入耳状幼体阶段, 8~10d变态发育为樽形幼体, 12~14d发育成稚参;紫刺参胚胎和幼体发育时序与普通刺参无显著差异。(2)紫刺参早期发育中的樽形幼体发生率和附着变态率分别为58.4±4.7%和45.1±2.7%,高于普通刺参。(3)紫刺参浮游阶段后期随日龄增长表现出较普通刺参发育更快的优势,在日龄6~7d表现出显著差异(P0.05)。(4)紫刺参稚参在日龄35d前后自背部开始着色,50d~60d腹部开始着色,110d体表紫色转变近乎成参体色,完成变色过程。  相似文献   
Bed thickness data of two turbidite sections viz., Corbyn's Cove section, South Andaman and Kalipur section, North Andaman those belong to Oligocene Andaman Flysch Group, a forearc submarine fan system, were assessed for facies clustering employing Hurst statistics. Both the sections show Hurst phenomenon and reveal clustering in terms of thick and thin beds. Forcing behind event (bed) depositions in either of the studied sections was assessed statistically and inferred to be non-random and with cyclicities of irregular physical length. The inferred paleogeography through Hurst criteria though worked well for distal fan setting i.e., basin floor sheet sandstones of Corbyn's Cove section, its unequivocal application in proximal fan deposits remains to be tested. The mismatch in paleogeographic interpretation between Hurst test result (lobe-interlobe) and field observation (channel-levee) for the inner fan deposit is explained through differential facies stacking between fans grow in sea-level lowstand and highstand. Lower bed amalgamation, poor sand to mud ratio and subordinately present thick event deposits may be the result of active growth of Andaman Flysch fan in sea level highstand and expressed in lower Hurst K value for inner fan channel-levee association (Kalipur section) compared to many of the channel-levee deposits of lowstand fan systems observed world over.  相似文献   
利用多普勒天气雷达探测资料,结合常规气象观测资料和天气实况及灾情调查,对2018年8月14日台风“摩羯”(1814)和8月19日台风“温比亚”(1818)产生龙卷的环境物理量及龙卷风暴强度结构特征进行了分析,对诱发龙卷和未诱发龙卷的小尺度气旋性涡旋特征进行了对比。结果表明:两次台风减弱低压东北象限是龙卷发生的关键区,低层高湿,强的低层垂直风切变和大的相对风暴螺旋度是关键物理量;龙卷出现时都伴有ΔV>20.0 m·s-1的小尺度气旋性涡旋,且基本出现在2.0 km高度以下,但并不是所有这种低层小尺度气旋性涡旋都能诱发龙卷;以ΔV>20.0 m·s-1为阈值,龙卷识别具有较高的命中率,识别准确率为31.8%,空报率为67.4%,漏报率为6.7%;约35.7%的龙卷没有识别时间提前量,半数龙卷几乎没有预警时间提前量。  相似文献   
王宁练  薄健辰 《冰川冻土》1997,19(2):167-172
探讨山谷冰川稳定状态时积累区面积比率,即AAR值的大小,认为冰川物质平衡高程分布,平面形态及坡面坡度沿程变化形式是影响山谷冰川稳定态AAR值的主要因素,并 山谷冰川稳定态AAR值与物质平衡高程分布及平面形态之间的定量关系。山谷冰川适合于应用AR值法来研究古冰川的零平衡线高程。  相似文献   
金坛市拥有丰富的地质遗迹资源,包括地层剖面、古生物化石产地与古文化遗址、地质构造形迹、地质地貌景观、水体景观、岩溶洞穴、矿产产地与观赏石景点8大类。对其应遵循原态保护的原则,以茅山风景名胜区为重点,因地制宜地开展有特色的大众地学科普旅游,为地方经济和社会发展作出贡献。  相似文献   
为了解广东吴川近岸海域重金属含量现状及其潜在风险,以便有针对性地对重金属污染进行防控,于2020年10月采集了吴川海域41个站位的表层海水样,运用综合指数法、HAKANSON潜在生态风险指数法和相关性分析法评价了其重金属污染程度和潜在生态风险。结果表明:Cu含量范围为0.48~14.1 μg/L,平均含量为1.75 μg/L;Pb含量范围为0.07~7.79 μg/L,平均含量为0.44 μg/L;Zn含量范围为3.98~65.8 μg/L,平均含量为9.22 μg/L;Cd含量范围为0.03~0.17 μg/L,平均含量为0.05 μg/L;Cr含量范围为0.62~2.69 μg/L,平均含量为1.92 μg/L;Hg含量范围为0~0.039 μg/L,平均含量为0.021 μg/L;As含量范围为0.39~1.42 μg/L,平均含量为0.93 μg/L。吴川海域各重金属元素平均含量均未超过中国海水水质一类标准。通过与国内外其他海域表层重金属含量的比较,吴川海域表层海水重金属含量整体处于中低水平。按其相关性可将吴川海域重金属元素分为3类:第1类为Cu-Pb-Zn-Cd组合,第2类为Cr-As组合,第3类为Hg元素。第1类重金属元素主要来源可能为海域内来往船舶及其燃烧尾气的大气沉降,第2类重金属元素可能主要来源于沿岸养殖场排放的养殖废水和溶解于海水的农药、化肥等农业活动用品。吴川近岸海域综合污染指数(WQI)平均值为0.31,整体污染程度为清洁。单项潜在生态风险指数(Eri)介于0.2~38.95,综合潜在生态风险指数(RI)介于6.65~65.32,整体生态危害等级为轻微。  相似文献   
The Bhander Group, the uppermost stratigraphic unit of the Proterozoic Vindhyan Supergroup in Son Valley, exhibits in its upper part a 550 m thick, muddy siliciclastic succession characterized by features indicative of deposition in a wave‐affected coastal, lagoon–tidal flat environment suffering repeated submergence and emergence. The basic architecture of the deposit is alternation of centimetre‐ to decimetre‐thick sheet‐like interbeds of coarser clastics (mainly sandstone) and decimetre‐thick mudstones. The coarser interlayers are dominated by a variety of ripple‐formed laminations. The preserved ripple forms on bed‐top surfaces and their internal lamination style suggest both oscillatory and combined flows for their formation. Interference, superimposed, ladder‐back and flat‐topped ripples are also common. Synsedimentary cracks, wrinkle marks, features resembling rain prints and adhesion structures occur in profusion on bed‐top surfaces. Salt pseudomorphs are also present at the bases of beds. The mudstone intervals represent suspension settlement and show partings with interfaces characterized by synsedimentary cracks. It is inferred that the sediments were deposited on a coastal plain characterized by a peritidal (supratidal–intertidal) flat and evaporative lagoon suffering repeated submergence and emergence due to storm‐induced coastal setup and setdown in addition to tidal fluctuations. The 550 m thick coastal flat succession is surprisingly devoid of any barrier bar deposits and also lacks shoreface and shelfal strata. The large areal extent of the coastal flat succession (c. 100,000 km2) and its great thickness indicate an extremely low‐gradient epeiric basin characterized by an extensive coastal flat sheltered from the deeper marine domain. It is inferred that the Bhander coastal flat was protected from the open sea by the Bundelkhand basement arch to the north of the Vindhyan basin, instead of barrier bars. Such a setting favoured accumulation of a high proportion of terrigenous mud in the coastal plain, in contrast to many described examples from the Proterozoic. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Wanshan area has been chosen to be the specified field to calibrate and validate(Cal/Val) the HY-2 altimeter and its follow-on satellites. In March 2018, an experiment has been conducted to determine the sea surface height(SSH) under the HY-2 A ground track(Pass No. 203). A GPS towing-body(GPS-TB) was designed to measure the SSH covering an area of about 6 km×28 km wide centered on the HY-2 A altimeter satellite ground track. Three GPS reference stations, one tide gauge and a GPS buoy were placed in the research area, in order to process and resolve the kinematic solution and check the precision of the GPS-TB respectively. All the GPS data were calculated by the GAMIT/GLOBK software and TRACK module. The sea surface was determined by the GPS-TB solution and the tide gauge placed on Zhiwan Island. Then the sea surface of this area was interpolated by Arc GIS10.2 with ordinary Kriging method. The results showed that the precision of the GPS-TB is about 1.10 cm compared with the tide gauge placed nearby, which has an equivalent precision with the GPS buoy. The interpolated sea surface has a bias of –1.5–4.0 cm with standard deviation of 0.2–2.4 cm compared with the checking line. The gradient of the measured sea surface is about 1.62 cm/km along the HY-2 orbit which shows a good agreement compared with the CLS11 mean sea surface(MSS). In the Cal/Val of satellites, the sea surface between the tide gauge/GPS buoy and the footprint of altimeter can be improved by this work.  相似文献   
Investigated is the coupled response of a tension leg platform (TLP) for random waves. Inferred are the mass matrix, coupling stiffness matrix, damping matrix in the vibration differential equation and external load of TLP in moving coordinating system. Infinitesimal method is applied to divide columns and pontoons into small parts. Time domain motion equation is solved by Runge-Kutta integration scheme. Jonswap spectrum is simulated in the random wave, current is simulated by linear interpolation, and NPD spectrum is applied as wind spectrum. The Monte Carlo method is used to simulate random waves and fluctuated wind. Coupling dynamic response, change of tendon tension and riser tension in different sea conditions are analyzed by power spectral density (PSD). The influence of approach angle on dynamic response of TLP and tendon tension is compared.  相似文献   
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