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The morphology, bedforms and hydrodynamics of Merlimont beach, in northern France, characterised by intertidal bars and a spring tidal range of 8.3 m, were surveyed over a 10-day experiment with variable wave conditions that included a 2-day storm with significant wave heights of up to 2.8 m. The beach exhibited two pronounced bar-trough systems located between the mean sea level and low neap tide level. Waves showed a cross-shore depth modulation, attaining maximum heights at high tide. The mean current was characterised dominantly by strong tide-induced longshore flows significantly reinforced by wind forcing during the storm, and by weaker, dominantly offshore, wave-induced flows. Vertical tidal water-level variations (tidal excursion rates) showed a bimodal distribution with a peak towards the mid-tide position and low rates near low and high water. The two bar-trough systems in the mid-tide zone remained stable in position during the experiment but showed significant local change. The absence of bar migration in spite of the relatively energetic context of this beach reflects high macro-scale bar morphological lag due to a combination of the large vertical tidal excursion rates in the mid-tide zone, the cross-shore wave structure, and the pronounced dual bar-trough system. The profile exhibited a highly variable pattern of local morphological change that showed poor correlation with wave energy levels and tidal excursion rates. Profile change reflected marked local morphodynamic feedback effects due mainly to breaks in slope associated with the bar-trough topography and with trough activity. Change was as important during low wave-energy conditions as during the storm. Strong flows in the entrenched troughs hindered cross-shore bar mobility while inducing longshore migration of medium-sized bedforms that contributed in generating short-term profile change. The large size and location of the two pronounced bars in the mid-tide zone of the beach are tentatively attributed respectively to the relatively high wave-energy levels affecting Merlimont beach, and to the cross-shore increase in wave height hinged on tidal modulation of water depths. These two large quasi-permanent bars probably originated as essentially breakpoint bars and are different from a small bar formed by swash and surf processes in the course of the experiment at the mean high water neap tide level, which is characterised by a certain degree of tidal stationarity and larger high-tide waves.  相似文献   
The motion and the drift force of a floating OWC (oscillating water column) wave energy device in regular waves are studied taking account of the oscillating surface-pressure due to the pressure drop across the duct of the air chamber. The potential problem inside the chamber is formulated by making use of the Green integral equation associated with the Rankine-type Green function while the outer problem with the Kelvin-type Green function. The added mass, wave damping and excitation coefficients as well as the motion and drift force of the OWC device are calculated for various values of parameter related to the pressure drop.  相似文献   
采用微卫星遗传标记技术对山东近海牙鲆自然群体和养殖群体的遗传多样性进行了研究。实验所用牙鲆于2003年5月分别采自山东近海和青岛胶南养鱼场,各20尾,取全血或肌肉组织,以酚-仿抽提方法提取基因组DNA,利用筛选获得的10对微卫星引物进行PCR扩增,反应产物经8%非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分离、EB显色,用ImageMasterl D Elite(Version 3.01)软件分析电泳结果,并计算了相应的遗传学参数。结果表明,在自然和养殖群体中,10个基因座位的等位基因平均数(α)分别为6.7和6.1,每个基因座位有效等位基因数(αe)分别为1.8—6.8和2.5—6.7,群体平均杂合度(H)分别为0.8120和0.7310;两个群体间的遗传相似性系数、遗传距离和基因分化系数为0.8558、0.1557和0.0558;自然群体内每个座位上的多态信息含量(PIC)为0.59—0.84、个体识别率(DP)为0.54—0.86、非父排除率(PPE)为0.41—0.72,其累积个体识别率和非父排除率均达到0.9999,表明所选座位属中高识别力的遗传标记,可以将它们应用于今后牙鲆雌核发育群体的遗传变异分析以及进一步的遗传育种的研究中。  相似文献   
The HY-1A satellite is the first oceanic satellite of China. During the winter of 2002~2003, the data of the HY-1A were applied to the sea ice monitoring and forecasting for the Bohai Sea of China for the first time. The sea ice retrieval system of the HY-1A has been constructed. It receives 1B data from the satellite, outputs sea ice images and provides digital products of ice concentration, ice thickness and ice edge, which can be used as important information for sea ice monitoring and the initial fields of the numeric sea ice forecast and as one of the reference data for the sea ice forecasting verification. The sea ice retrieval system of the satellite is described, including its processes, methods and parameters. The retrieving results and their application to the sea ice monitoring and forecasting for the Bohai Sea are also discussed.  相似文献   
南黄海辐射沙洲主要潮沟的变迁   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
利用1966年和1977年海图、1995年和2000年合成孔径雷达影像,结合1980年以来的陆地卫星影像和2000年的岸滩实测剖面资料对南黄海辐射沙洲区主要潮沟的位置进行了解译与分析,得出上述4个时期研究区内主要潮沟深泓线位置图。对不同时期潮沟深泓线位置图进行几何校准与叠加,对比潮沟深泓线的迁移。结果表明:潮沟具有往返周期性摆动的特点,短期摆动速度明显快于长期摆动,主沟槽最大变动速度达127m/a,而支沟槽变动速度更大。潮沟摆动与沙洲变化有明显的相关性,但两者间的关系较为复杂。辐射沙洲目前处于破碎、萎缩阶段,除沙洲中心及陆岸岸滩仍有淤积外,大部分沙洲处于侵蚀状况,同时沙洲有整体向陆迁移的趋势。  相似文献   
李英 《海洋预报》2005,22(Z1):183-188
作为海洋环境预报公益服务的窗口自开播至今,经历了20年的风风雨雨,海洋电视节目的内容从单一性的项目到海浪、海温、海冰、风暴潮、海水浴场综合性预报,电视视频信号从复合、分量信号到数字信号,通过光缆采用基带的方式传送视频信号到中央电视台.  相似文献   
本文通过对中国近海13个海洋站1959年~2003年逐日日平均海表温度及其相关数据的处理分析,结合中国近海多年逐日天气实况,研究了中国近海水温的短时(1d)、过程、旬、月、年际变率以及海温的长期趋势变化,并在此基础上详细讨论了影响中国近海各时间尺度水温变化的天气气候因素.  相似文献   
沿海砼结构耐久性问题研究现状与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
混凝土耐久性能不良引起的适用性、安全性问题以及由此引发的环境、能源、经济问题在全球范围内已引起广泛的关注.而沿海城市经济的飞速发展和大规模的开发海洋资源使得混凝土结构面临严峻的海洋环境的挑战.因此,了解沿海混凝土结构耐久性问题的研究现状与对策具有十分重要的现实意义.综合分析了沿海砼结构性能退化的原因及解决办法并在此基础上指出进一步研究的可能方向.  相似文献   
王涛  张永生  张艳 《海洋测绘》2005,25(2):48-51
在介绍移动空间信息服务系统(MSISS)的概念、体系结构及技术背景的基础上,探讨了MSISS系统中导航定位、移动通信、嵌入式系统、移动计算等关键技术,提出了一种具有创新性的设计与实现策略。  相似文献   
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