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石斑鱼鱼虱病的研究 Ⅴ.盐度对南海鱼虱存活的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了盐度对南海鱼虱CaligusnanhaiensisWu&Pan不同发育期的影响。在盐度为10以上时,南海鱼虱的幼虫和成虫对盐度的变化有较大的忍耐性,盐度在10—40之间对幼虫和成虫存活没有明显的影响,24h的实验表明,存活率均为100%。然而,虫卵对盐度的变化较为敏感,虫卵孵化的最适盐度范围为20—35,超出此范围虫卵孵化受到影响。当盐度为10时,虽然孵化率可达100%,但孵出的幼虫活动能力差,多数附着于卵囊上而不能正常活动,不久即死亡。盐度为40时,卵子几乎不能孵化。在淡水中,虫卵、幼虫和成虫均不能正常生存。  相似文献   
厦门大学海洋与地球学院,近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室。摘要:本文通过分析2016年春季航次在浙江中部海域3条断面的观测资料,结果表明:(1)在断面的10~25米层左右观测到了"中层冷水"现象以及在上层观测到微弱的上升流;(2)在浙江中部海域的上层观测到较弱的上升流;(3)春季,在浙江中部海域观测到了丰富的温跃层、逆温跃层以及盐跃层现象。(4)台湾暖流水向上爬坡对跃层的变化有一定的影响,使得跃层厚度变小,跃层强度加强,但是强度并不足以冲破跃层到达表层。  相似文献   
作者采用动态实验法与静态实验法相结合的方法,研究了三门湾脊尾白虾(Exopalaemon carinicauda)、口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)和日本(Charybdis japonica)在不同季节的基础水温即驯化水温(8~29℃)和温升速率(0.5~15.0℃/h)下的热耐受能力。结果表明,驯化水温和温升速率对各实验动物的热耐受性均有显著影响。实验动物的热耐受性与驯化水温总体上呈显著正相关,而温升速率对热耐受性的影响具有物种特异性,并受驯化水温制约;在不同驯化水温下,各实验动物的热耐受性随温升速率增大呈不同变化趋势。各实验动物的24 h高起始致死温度受驯化水温的影响显著,随着驯化水温从8℃升高到29℃,脊尾白虾、日本和口虾蛄的24hUILT50分别从24.2、34.6、24.9℃显著增大到35.3、37.4和34.4℃。结合3种实验动物的最大临界温度分析,它们的热耐受能力依次为:日本脊尾白虾口虾蛄。研究结果可为探究三门湾水域潜在的热污染状况及其生态环境效应提供科学依据。  相似文献   
自2000年以来围绕渤海湾的围海工程剧增,致使工程区附近潮流场发生变化,进而影响排海高温浓盐水的时空分布特征。本文通过建立2000年和2015年两种不同岸线、地形条件下的三维数学模型对渤海湾沿岸3个电厂高温浓盐水表层排海问题进行模拟,研究结果表明,渤海湾的潮流场和高温浓盐水输移扩散特征在近十几年发生了较大变化:工程后,渤海湾平均盐度增大0.203,平均温度升高了0.105℃,同时曹妃甸附近海域浓盐水输移扩散速度明显增加。增大排放口流量至12.7 m3/s,湾内最高温度为26.46℃,较2015年最高温度增加了2.72℃。本文模型可准确模拟及预测排海废水盐度、温度分布特征,为合理布置水电联产设备排放口的位置提供理论基础。  相似文献   
宋柳  吕建建  王磊  孙东方  刘萍 《海洋与湖沼》2019,50(5):1080-1090
几丁质酶(chitinase)在甲壳动物的蜕皮、消化和免疫等很多生物学过程中发挥重要功能,为深入探讨几丁质酶的免疫防御机制,本实验利用RACE技术克隆了三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)PtCht6基因。该基因cDNA全长2736bp,开放阅读框(ORF)2103bp,编码700个氨基酸,具有几丁质酶GH18家族典型特征。利用实时荧光定量技术分析PtCht6在三疣梭子蟹不同组织、不同蜕皮阶段、不同病原感染以及低盐胁迫(11)下的表达特征,结果显示:PtCht6在各组织中均有表达且在肝胰腺中的表达量最高;在不同蜕皮时期的肝胰腺中,其表达量由蜕皮后期(A/B)、蜕皮间期(C)、蜕皮前期(D)依次递减(P0.05);人工感染WSSV和副溶血弧菌后.PtCht6的表达量在肝胰腺中分别于12h、72h达到最大值,在血细胞中均于12h达到最大值,且相较于对照组,整体显著上调表达(P0.05);低盐胁迫能够显著抑制该基因的表达,最高抑制73倍(P0.05)。同时发现,低盐环境下感染WSSV后,该基因达到峰值的时间明显延迟(至少延迟12h.P0.05)。该研究结果预示PtCht6作为免疫因子参与三疣梭子蟹的病原防御,且低盐胁迫在一定程度上抑制了该基因的免疫功能。  相似文献   
陈朴贤 《海洋科学》2012,36(11):24-29
为了探索褐毛鲿(Megalonibea fusca)胚胎孵化和早期仔鱼生长发育最适宜的盐度条件,作者观察了其胚胎在6个盐度(35、30、25、20、15、10)海水中沉浮性、发育、初孵仔鱼分布状态.结果表明:胚胎在盐度35时完全上浮,盐度低于25完全下沉,在盐度30时处于半悬浮状态;不同盐度对胚胎发育有一定影响:在盐度30~15范围内,胚胎发育较快,孵化时间较为一致,在盐度35和10发育变慢,孵化时间延长2.5 h以上;初孵仔鱼在不同盐度海水中呈不同分布状态:在盐度35时完全上浮表层,盐度25~30分布于中下层至中上层,盐度25大部分仔鱼沉底,盐度低于20,初孵仔鱼全部沉底.观察了10个盐度(35、32、29、26、23、20、17、14、11、8)海水中胚胎孵化率和早期仔鱼存活率,结果表明:褐毛鲿胚胎在盐度35~8范围内孵化率达(76±2)%~(98±2)%,在较低盐度26~11区间,孵化率达(88±0)%~(98±2)%,显示低盐区更高的孵化率,而在较高盐度29~35区间,孵化率在(82±2)%~(84±2)%,并且具有明显趋向性,即盐度大于29,随盐度升高孵化率逐渐下降;盐度对早期仔鱼存活率有明显影响:孵化后40 h 正常仔鱼最高存活率在低盐度26~8区,为(89.4±2.2)%~(97.4±0.1)%,盐度大于29,随着盐度上升仔鱼死亡率骤然升高,在盐度29~35,升至(31.7±0.7)%~(38.1±1.5)%,畸形率升至(7.1±0.2)%~(10.7±0.5)%,正常仔鱼存活率下降至(61.0±1.0)%~(61.9±1.5)%.低盐度区仔鱼有更高的存活率.褐毛鲿胚胎最适孵化盐度在29~32,早期仔鱼最适培育盐度为26.  相似文献   
2006年9月南海北部表层温盐场的走航观测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过2006年9月南海北部开放航次的走航观测,得到了该海区多个断面的表层温度、盐度分布曲线.QuikScat海面风场资料显示观测期间处于西南季风向东北季风的转换阶段,走航观测所得的温、盐资料显示出在这一季风转换的特殊阶段该海区表层的水文特征.珠江口冲淡水的扩散范围在季风转向前后有显著的变化,低盐的冲淡水在西南季风阶段向珠江口外海区的东南方延伸较远,而在东北季风阶段则受珠江径流量、南海北部表层环流等因素的影响收缩至珠江口附近.闽南近岸和台湾浅滩南部表层具有低温高盐特征,但CTD资料表明台湾浅滩区域存在上升流,结合风场资料,可证实观测期间此处的上升流由海流-地形因素所造成.  相似文献   
Ecological-niche factor analysis (ENFA) was applied to the reef framework-forming cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa. The environmental tolerances of this species were assessed using readily available oceanographic data, including physical, chemical, and biological variables. L. pertusa was found at mean depths of 468 and 480 m on the regional and global scales and occupied a niche that included higher than average current speed and productivity, supporting the theory that their limited food supply is locally enhanced by currents. Most records occurred in areas with a salinity of 35, mean temperatures of 6.2–6.7  °C and dissolved oxygen levels of 6.0–6.2 ml l−1. The majority of records were found in areas that were saturated with aragonite but had low concentration of nutrients (silicate, phosphate, and nitrate). Suitable habitat for L. pertusa was predicted using ENFA on a global and a regional scale that incorporated the north-east Atlantic Ocean. Regional prediction was reliable due to numerous presence points throughout the area, whereas global prediction was less reliable due to the paucity of presence data outside of the north-east Atlantic. However, the species niche was supported at each spatial scale. Predicted maps at the global scale reinforced the general consensus that the North Atlantic Ocean is a key region in the worldwide distribution of L. pertusa. Predictive modelling is an approach that can be applied to cold-water coral species to locate areas of suitable habitat for further study. It may also prove a useful tool to assist spatial planning of offshore marine protected areas. However, issues with eco-geographical datasets, including their coarse resolution and limited geographical coverage, currently restrict the scope of this approach.  相似文献   
The spatial distribution, abundance, and assemblage structure of macrozoobenthos were examined at 45 stations in a brackish lagoon (Idoura Lagoon, Japan) to examine the animal–environmental relations in estuarine soft-bottom habitats. We found a total of 23 taxa; the polychaetes Heteromastus sp., Hediste spp., and Prionospio japonica and the isopod Cyathura muromiensis numerically dominated the community. Cluster analysis and one-way analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) identified seven groups of stations that had significantly different macrozoobenthic communities; these were subsequently consolidated into five habitat groups according to their association with environmental characteristics. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that salinity, silt-clay content, and the oxidation–reduction potential (ORP) of the sediment strongly affected the macrozoobenthos distribution pattern in the lagoon, whereas other factors (e.g., relative elevation of the habitat and sediment organic content) had much weaker effects. Similarity percentages (SIMPER) procedures indicated that the polychaete Notomastus sp. and the bivalve Macoma contabulata were specific to habitats with low salinity and reduced mud, whereas the bivalve Nuttallia olivacea was specific to sandy bottoms. Heteromastus sp. and Hediste spp. achieved their highest densities in rather oxidized sediments. The acid-volatile sulfide (AVS) content in the sediment was suggested as another possible factor affecting macrozoobenthic density. Our results clearly demonstrate that macrozoobenthic assemblages in estuarine soft-bottoms have high spatial heterogeneity on a small scale (e.g., hundreds of meters) related to physical and chemical environmental changes. Our data also suggested the importance of sediment redox condition (e.g., ORP and AVS content) and sediment grain size as structuring factors in estuarine soft-bottom communities as well as the salinity in the habitat.  相似文献   
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