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象山港盐度锋面及其动力成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于盐度观测资料,证实了象山港夏季存在双潮锋的锋面系统,而在冬季该锋面现象消失。本文借助潮锋理论分析了该盐度锋面系统形成的动力机制,并进一步讨论了象山港径流量变化对锋面形成和消退的控制作用。结果表明,丰水期浮力输入是象山港锋面形成的最主要因素。  相似文献   
利用新型间歇增氧垂直流人工湿地,揭示了不同进水N H4+-N浓度下盐度提升对湿地脱氮性能及微生物群落的影响.试验结果表明:间歇增氧垂直流人工湿地在盐胁迫下的脱氮性能明显优于传统垂直流人工湿地,高盐(2.0% 盐度)对TN去除性能影响较大,对COD去除性能影响相对较小.进水NH4+-N浓度为40 mg/L时,当盐度由0%...  相似文献   
对慢性盐度胁迫对许氏平(Sebastes schlegeli)鳃、头肾、脾脏超微结构的影响进行了研究。研究表明:经盐度为5的低盐胁迫30d后,鳃氯细胞顶端小窝较浅,胞质内微细小管系统较松散,线粒体数量少且不发达,而经盐度为40的高盐胁迫后,鳃氯细胞的顶端小窝较深,胞质内微细小管系统发达且分布密集,线粒体数量明显增加,表明细胞的泌氯功能和细胞代谢水平明显提高。水体盐度变化使实验鱼头肾中细胞排列的紧密程度、粒细胞结构发生了明显变化,而淋巴细胞、单核细胞未观察到明显变化。同时水体盐度变化对许氏平脾脏中粒细胞的形态、结构影响也较显著。  相似文献   
为研究乌伦古湖矿化度和氟化物浓度与各水量因子间的定量关系,本研究以水量平衡和物质平衡为基础,把影响湖水水质的原因分为降雨、蒸发、河流补给、地下水补给以及地下水流出5个水量因子,定量分析湖水矿化度和氟化物浓度与各水量因子之间的关系,并且预测了湖水矿化度和氟化物浓度的动态变化.结果表明,地下水输出流量决定了湖水中矿化度和氟化物浓度,地下水输出流量越大,湖水中的矿化度和氟化物浓度越小.2010年至今乌伦古湖水位的升高导致了地下水输出流量增大,乌伦古湖内的矿化度和氟化物浓度均呈缓慢下降趋势,模型预测新的稳态下湖水中矿化度为1.68 g/L,氟化物浓度为1.70 mg/L,在地下水输出流量不变的情况下达到新的稳态所需时间大约为50 a.  相似文献   
李洪奎  张玉琴  杨永波  李英平  郝兴中 《山东国土资源》2007,23(6):2007/5/15-2007/6/13
沂水龙泉站金矿与成矿有关的主要地质体以新太古代泰山岩群与燕山期花岗岩金含量较高。对黄铁矿地球化学的研究资料表明:早期黄铁矿为金矿物的主载矿物。稀土元素分布特征反映了成矿流体由早期相对中偏高温(260—330℃)和还原的环境向晚期低温和氧化环境演变的趋势。对方解石、石英包裹体的研究表明:包裹体均一温度变化范围较宽,在107~550℃之间,可分为125—160℃,177—230℃和260—330℃3个温度峰值集中区,分别反映了以中温石英为代表的早期成矿阶段(260~330℃),以中低温石英和方解石为代表的中期成矿阶段(177—260℃)和以低温方解石为代表的晚期成矿阶段(125—160℃)。其冰点温度变化于-2- -8.6℃之间,盐度在3.39wt%-12.39wt%之间。  相似文献   
普里兹湾水文特征与变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据澳大利亚学者分别在1982年12月和1987年2月普里兹湾的调查资料,并结合中国"极地"号南极考察船1990~1991年间的调查资料印证,提出在中国"中山站"所在地普里兹湾在初夏与晚夏期间的水文特征。  相似文献   
基于区域变量理论,在GPS和GIS技术支持下,通过地统计学的半变异函数和Kriging空间插值,以岳普湖绿洲为例,定量分析塔里木河源流区绿洲不同层次土壤盐分的空间异质性。结果表明:0~30cm、30~60cm和60~100cm土壤盐分半方差函数的理论分布模型属于指数模型,100~200cm属于球状模型。不同土层之间的空间自相关范围具有明显的差异,由表层至深层,土壤盐分的自相关范围逐渐增大。土壤盐分的空间格局分析表明,在水平方向上,研究区各层土壤盐分的高值区主要集中分布在人类活动强烈、靠近河渠水源和地势较为低洼区域;在垂直方向上,土壤表层盐分含量最高,向深层逐渐减少。  相似文献   
The effects of temperature and different forms of nutrients on Chattonella marina growth have been investigated in strains isolated from the Daya Bay,the South China Sea.The strain of C.marina preferred high temperatures, with an optimal temperature of 25°C,and 18 °C was the minimum for its survival.Higher cell number and growth rate were obtained in high nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations (500 μ g/L, 74 μ g/L) than under nutrient limitation.Nitrogen influenced the growth most, as the specific growth rate and maximum cell density were lower in nitrogen-limited cultures than noted under phosphorus limitation or under limitation from both.C.marina was capable of using many kinds of organic nitrogen sources including L-serine (L-Ser),glycine (Gly),alanine (Ala),L-threonine (L-Thr), glutamic acid (Glu) and urea, but could not utilize uric acid.Various forms of organic phosphorus compound such as glucose-6-phosphate (G6P),sodium glycerophosphate (GYP),adenosine triphosphate (ATP),adenosine monophosphate (AMP),cytidine monophosphate (CMP),guanosine monophosphate (GMP),uridine monophosphate (UMP),4-nitrophenylphosphate (NPP) and triethyl phosphate (TEP) supported the growth as well. Algal cells had the ability to sustain growth under nitrogen-and/or phosphorus-free conditions particularly under phosphorus depleted condition.These results led to the hypothesis that high loading of nitrogen has played an important role in frequent C.marina blooms in the past decade,and its capability for utilization of diverse forms of organic nutrients and growth in low nutrient conditions make this species a likely recurrent dominant in the Daya Bay phytoplankton assemblages,visible as  相似文献   

Phosphorus and nitrogen were measured in stream run‐off from the four catchments of the Taita Experimental Basin (41° 11′ S, 174° 58′ E). The land is used as exotic conifer forest, native forest, and hill pasture. Multiple regression analysis was used to estimate chemical losses per unit area in floods and at low flows.

At low flows, the hill pasture (fertilised with lime at 630 kg·ba?1·y?1, and superphosphate at 380 kg·ha?1·y?1) tended to lose more phosphorus and nitrate than the forested land, but differences were small, and not always significant. During large floods, the hill pasture (No. 5 Catchment) lost about 3 times as much reactive phosphate and 2–5 times as much total phosphorus as the forested land, and 130–190 times as much nitrate as land in the Exotic Forest and Native Forest 2 Catchments. Nitrate losses from land in the No. 4 Catchment (mainly native forest) were as high as those from the hill pasture, so high nitrate loss is not associated solely with agriculture.

Losses of total phosphorus via the catchment streams were estimated as: No. 5 Catchment (hill pasture), 293 g·ha?1·y?1; Native Forest 2 Catchment, 201 g·ha?1·y?1; No. 4 Catchment, 124 g·ha?1·y?1; Exotic Forest Catchment, 71 g·ha?1.y?1. Nitrate‐N losses were estimated to have been 1356 g·ha?1·y?1, 11.5 g·ha?1·y?1, 1436 g·ha?1·y?1, and 44 g·ha?1·y?1 respectively. Phosphorus and nitrate concentrations were similar in the Exotic Forest and Native Forest 2 streams, but the Exotic Forest tended to lose smaller amounts because it yielded about 50% less water per unit area.

Over the 2‐y study, an estimated 47–70% of phosphorus losses and up to 83% nitrate losses occurred in large floods; 31% and 48% respectively were apparently lost from the hill pasture catchment in a single flood. Less than 20% of estimated phosphorus losses and as little as 1% of nitrate losses occurred at low flows.

Run‐off of phosphorus and nitrate was spasmodic, and this should be considered in assessing the impact of surface run‐off on the biology and chemistry of receiving waters.  相似文献   
This study explores the pathways of salt and water movement from the landscape to the stream across major landforms, in dryland areas of south eastern Australia. It was conducted at the Livingstone Creek catchment (43 km2) a sub catchment of the Kyeamba catchment, NSW, Australia. An extensive stream salinity field monitoring network between major landforms was developed and data capture occurred from 2002 to 2004. Additional measurements of surface water isotopes were also taken to independently assess responses observed from the detailed monitoring network and assist in determining the sources of water. Flow and salt mass balances were calculated across four gauging stations for each event. The stream monitoring found patterns of salt delivery to streams were consistent during four monitored stream events. In the hill slope and colluvial fill, lower sloped, meta-sediment landforms, stream salinity responses showed the classical salinity response to an event: an initial increase of salinity at the beginning of an event (due to first flush) which then diminished as a consequence of dilution. The main difference between these landforms was that the colluvial fill lower sloped meta-sediments had sodic, low permeability soils near the stream edge. This lead to (1) less variation in stream salinities during event conditions and (2) during low base flow increases in stream salinity occurred as concentrated salts from the stream banks dissolved. For the flatter, alluvial landforms, the salinity response showed quite a different and contrasting temporal pattern: salinity continued to increase and vary directly with flow during events. For all the landforms, base flow salinity increases as flow diminished after a event although salinity responses were more lagged in the alluvial landform. This different salinity pattern in the alluvial landform is attributed to (1) for event flow, the increased contributions of more saline subsurface lateral flow of soil water from the alluvial landform compared to very fresh direct surface runoff sourced from hillslope landforms upstream and (2) for base flow, seepage of near stream alluvial groundwater through the stream banks that was less saline then the base flow water sourced upstream from the hillslope landforms. The stream water isotope values confirm the above findings by showing that, in the alluvial landforms soil water contributions are important during events and that direct surface runoff with little interaction of soil water occurs from the hill slope landforms during events. Conceptual models describing salt and water movement through the different landforms and under different antecedent catchment wetness conditions are presented. These conceptual models develop our understanding of water and solute (salt) pathways through the landscape to the stream. To date, this is one of the few experimental studies in Australia connecting landscape and stream salinisation.  相似文献   
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