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Conductivity models were compiled in two geological provinces with thinsediments. The first province is the margin of the Precambrian East EuropeanPlatform. The second one is the Phanerozoic Rhenish Massif as a part of CentralGermany Hercinicum. In both provinces, a conducting layer was revealed at thebase of the upper crust by the magnetotelluric soundings. Its depth is around10 km in the East European Platform and around 15 km in the Rhenish Massif.The conductance of the layer reaches a few tens of Siemens in the first provinceand is almost an order of magnitude greater in the second one.A good correlation between the conductor and a seismic wave-guide (low-velocityzone) exists at the base of the upper crust. Simultaneous decrease of both electricalresistivity and seismic velocity, suggests an increase of porosity and permeability inpresence of saline water. The depth of rheological weak layer in the PhanerozoicRhenish Massif corresponds to the commonly accepted depth of the thermallyinduced brittle/ductile transition. Contrary similar layer in the Precambrian EasternEuropean Platform is much shallower than the thermally induced transition. Somenew mechanism should be considered. 相似文献
种植盐地碱蓬修复滨海盐渍土效果的研究 总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25
利用盐生植物——盐地碱蓬进行天津河口滨海盐碱地的生物修复。通过比较种植盐地碱蓬土壤和对照土壤的电导率、有机质和微生物数量的差异等研究了其修复效果。结果表明,种植区碱蓬根际土壤的电导率与对照土壤相比下降了13%;有机质和总氮与对照土壤相比分别增加43%和18%;根际土壤的微生物数量明显增加,放线菌和真菌分别比对照增加了5倍和16倍。根际微生物优势种群的盐耐受性结果显示,部分根际土壤的优势种群的盐耐受性明显下降,耐盐性较低的微生物种群已成为优势种群。以上结果表明,种植盐地碱蓬对改善滨海盐碱地的生态有明显的效果。 相似文献
Measurements of nitrous oxide emission from agricultural lands were conducted. The results show that nitrous oxide fluxes on several soils are at the range of 2-60 μg . N / m2 h. Factors influencing the production rates of nitrous oxide from the soils, such as soil temperature, soil moisture and fertilization, are discussed. The calculated amount of nitrous oxide emission from China farmlands is 9.8 × 107 Kg . N per year, which accounts for about 10% of the total source strength in China areas. 相似文献
华北平原东部淡水资源短缺,旱涝碱成灾害限制了农业生产的可持续发展。海河的治理,解决了排洪排涝排咸出路。春季开发利用地下水包括微咸水和半咸水抗旱灌溉。夏季利用伏雨洗盐排咸,增大降雨入渗,减少径流流失,防治渍涝灾害,把降雨转化为地下水资源。秋冬引蓄河水,回灌地下水补源。以土壤与潜水的地层空间作为调节大气降水、土壤水、地下水、地表水的地下水库,以调控地下水埋深在临界动态为指标,最大限度地把时空分布不均的天然降雨转化为可持续利用的水资源。地表水地下水联合运用,促使水资源采补平衡,降雨灌溉淋洗脱盐强于干旱蒸发积盐过程,地下水淡化强于矿化过程。实现旱涝碱咸综合治理,水土资源可持续利用,经济社会可持续发展,生态环境良性循环。 相似文献
冻融循环对盐渍土黏聚力影响的试验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过室内试验,测试了冻融循环对不同含盐量和不同含盐类别盐渍土黏聚力的影响规律。从结晶体位置变化、微观结构、盐类性质及未冻结水含量三个方面分析了冻融循环对盐渍土黏聚力的作用机理。研究结果表明,在含水率一定的情况下,无论是向土中加入Na2SO4,或者是CaCl2,经冻融循环后黏聚力都随冻融次数的增加而减小,且第1次和第2次循环为主要减小阶段;加入CaCl2后黏聚力的减小程度比加入等量Na2SO4后小;冻融循环过程中结晶体析出时位置的变化是土体黏聚力和干密度减小的主要原因;经SEM图片分析,大孔隙占总孔隙面积的比例随冻融次数的增加而减小;盐渍土中CaCl2溶液的含量对冻融循环中黏聚力的变化有重要影响。 相似文献
里下河地区浅部沉积物多为全新世中、晚期堆积,多数地区缺失全新世早期沉积。沉积物以淤泥质亚粘土、亚粘土、亚砂土,粉砂质淤泥、淤泥质粉砂、淤泥及泥炭为特征。沉积前的古地貌为四周高、中间低的碟形盆地。古气候经历了温湿—暖湿—温湿—温干的变化过程。区内曾有两次海侵,第一次海侵发生在全新世早中期,范围几乎遍及全区;第二次海侵发生在全新世晚期,规模小、范围窄、时间短,为海水沿江河倒灌、回溯形起。该区古环境自全新世以来经历了浅水海湾—古泻湖—湖沼地及平原的演变过程,最终形成现今河湖稠密的低凹平原。 相似文献
Caspian Sea amphipods: biodiversity,systematic position and ecological peculiarities of some species
Galina M. Pjatakova Anatolyi G. Tarasov 《International Journal of Salt Lake Research》1996,5(1):63-79
In the Caspian Sea, one group of crustaceans, the Amphipoda, is represented by 72(70?) species, 60(58?) of which are gammarids, arranged in 20 genera. Almost all are endemic to the Ponto-Caspian zoogeographical region. To simplify the taxonomy of the genusGammarus Fabricius s.l., the Caspian gammarids ought to be grouped in 4 genera:Dikerogammarus Stebbing,Pontogammarus Sowinsky,Stenogammarus Martynov, andChaetogammarus Martynov. Taking into account the influence of different ecological factors on the external morphology of gammarids, we consider that all described forms ofDikerogammarus haemobaphes (Eichwald),D. villosus (Sowinsky),D. palmatus Martynov,D. fluviatilus Martynov, and perhapsD. aralensis (Uljanin) are one species —D. haemobaphes. Study of the ecological area and distribution ofIphigenella andrusovi Sars,Pandorites podoceroides (Grimm) andChaetogammarus placidus Sars indicates that these species are endemic to the Caspian Sea. 相似文献
Adriana García 《Journal of Paleolimnology》1999,21(3):307-323
Charophyte (Charales, green macroscopic algae) assemblages found in Quaternary shoreline sediments from Salina del Bebedero, Argentina, are described in detail, illustrated, and statistically analysed. Fossil gyrogonites, Late Pleistocene and Holocene in age, of Chara cf. hispida var. major (Hartman) Wood, Chara halina García, Chara hornemannii Wallmann, Chara bulbillifera (Donterberg) García, Lamprothamnium haesseliae Donterberg and Lamprothamnium succinctum (Braun ex Ascherson) Wood were identified. A comparison with extant charophyte species of similar ecological requirements allowed for an accurate systematical determination and provided useful data for complementary palaeoecological and palaeobiogeographical approaches. On this basis, a reconstruction of palaeo-salinities for the Salina del Bebedero lake, represented by eleven palaeo-beaches, is proposed. Also the associations of charophytes with the ostracods Cyprideis sp., Limnocythere sp., Pampacythere sp., Cypridopsis sp., Darwinula sp., Ilyocypris gibba (Randohr) Brady and Norman, and the foraminifers Ammonia sp., Elphidium gunteri Cole, Quinqueloculina sp., and one species of Discorbacea are analysed, since they are present in both the fossil and modern environments. 相似文献
林草复合经营模式养分动态关系 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
林草复合经营模式在目前的退耕还林工程中起着重要的作用,研究林草复合模式的林与草之间的营养元素关系,通过对不同林草养分的研究得出林木、草、土壤之间的养分动态关系,对矿质养分相互关系的研究为合理搭配林草提供重要依据,为退化山地生态系统的恢复和重建提供重要的模式。模式Ⅰ在退耕还林初期,土壤养分供给氮素虽未亏缺,但从三者问的消长关系看出:氮磷素供应并不富足,特别是水解性氮。土壤交换性钙供应不足,引起杉木与黑麦草对钙质竞争。而土壤全钙含量很高,钙质向交换性钙转化的速度缓慢。模式Ⅱ与模式Ⅰ得到相似结果,所以在这两种模式中应加强人为管理,在退耕初期应适当增施氮磷钙肥,辅以土壤结构改良,加速土壤养分向植物可利用态转化。模式Ⅲ牛鞭草的生物量极高,磷、钙索相对缺乏。由于牛鞭草被不断的采割用于牲畜的饲料,对该模式中必须进行一定养分的输入,以保持杂交竹与牛鞭草这一林草生态系统的养分平衡。 相似文献