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The expressions for calculating the probability of intersection of hidden targets of different sizes and shapes for parallel-line and continuous-grid types of search can be formulated by vsing the concept of conditional probability. When the prior probability of the orientation of a widden target is represented by a uniform distribution, the calculated posterior probabilities are identical with the results obtained by the classic methods of probability. For hidden targets of different sizes and shapes, the following generalizations about the probability of intersection can be made: (1) to a first approximation, the probability of intersection of a hidden target is proportional to the ratio of the greatest dimension of the target (viewed in plane projection) to the minimum line spacing of the search pattern; (2) the shape of the hidden target does not greatly affect the probability of the intersection when the largest dimension of the target is small relative to the minimum spacing of the search pattern, (3) the probability of intersecting a target twice for a particular type of search can be used as a lower bound if there is an element of uncertainty of detection for a particular type of tool; (4) the geometry of the search pattern becomes more critical when the largest dimension of the target equals or exceeds the minimum spacing of the search pattern; (5) for elongate targets, the probability of intersection is greater for parallel-line search than for an equivalent continuous square-grid search when the largest dimension of the target is less than the minimum spacing of the search pattern, whereas the opposite is true when the largest dimension exceeds the minimum spacing; (6) the probability of intersection for nonorthogonal continuous-grid search patterns is not greatly different from the probability of intersection for the equivalent orthogonal continuous-grid pattern when the orientation of the target is unknown. The probability of intersection for an elliptically shaped target can be approximated by treating the ellipse as intermediate between a circle and a line. A search conducted along a continuous rectangular grid can be represented as intermediate between a search along parallel lines and along a continuous square grid. On this basis, an upper and lower bound for the probability of intersection of an elliptically shaped target for a continuous rectangular grid can be calculated. Charts have been constructed that permit the values for these probabilities to be obtained graphically. The use of conditional probability allows the explorationist greater flexibility in considering alternate search strategies for locating hidden targets.This paper was presented at Symposium 116.3, Quantitative Strategy for Exploration, held as part of the 25th International Geological Congress, Sydney, Australia, August 1976.  相似文献   
This paper explores factors to be taken into consideration in determining the optimal exploration budget for a mining company readying itself for detail work within a mineral province. Optimal strategy is shown to be a combination of results from recent conventional reservation value stopping rules and optimal expenditure models appearing earlier in the literature.  相似文献   
提出了一种面向应用的高光谱影像分类方法,旨在从根本上、全方位地削弱各种不利因素对该类影像分类精度的影响。主要包括利用IEM算法获取更为精确的类别分布信息,采用Tabu搜索算法进行原始特征空间的降维,运用基于混合规则的组合分类器来判断待识样本的类别标签。实验表明,按照该方法进行高光谱影像的分类处理,可以得到很高精度的分类结果。  相似文献   
黄河下游主槽两侧修建的生产堤通常仅能抵御中小洪水,用于保护滩区农田与村庄安全;当遭遇大洪水引发生产堤溃决时,漫滩洪水会严重威胁滩区群众的生命财产安全。当前研究溃堤洪水的传播过程与演进机理多采用数值模拟,而原型观测及模型试验成果十分有限。通过溃堤漫滩洪水的概化模型试验,模拟了生产堤溃决后主槽内的水位变化及不同程度漫滩洪水的传播过程。试验结果表明:(1)溃堤后漫滩水流以涨水波的形式向滩区迅速传播,主槽内水位具有先降低,然后维持稳定,再升高,最后趋于稳定的变化过程,且溃口上、下游水位变化速率不同;滩区水位总体表现为持续升高,最后趋于稳定的趋势。(2)漫滩洪水波的波前到达时间主要与滩区地形及距溃口的距离有关,波前首先以溃口为中心呈近似对称式椭圆形分布,而后转变为非对称分布;溃堤水流在滩区传播过程中伴有水跃发生,水跃发生的位置由距溃口较远处逐渐趋向溃口位置。(3)溃口流量与溃口内外水位差直接相关,呈先减小、然后维持稳定、再减小最后为0的变化特性。研究成果不仅可以提升对溃堤洪水在滩区演进规律的认识,丰富溃堤洪水动力学理论,还可为数学模型验证提供实测资料。  相似文献   
The requirements for the performance of a ground-penetrating radar (GPR) system for detecting subsurface cavities are analyzed by numerical modeling of the GPR problem. The algorithm used to solve the forward GPR problem is approximated to a real experiment with regard to the design of the GPR system, the parameters of the source and receiver, and their position relative to the medium under study and its inhomogeneity. We calculated the spatiotemporal distribution of the field of the detected signal from a pulse source located at the interface between the medium and a cavity anomaly of a given geometry. The results were used to estimate the dynamic range of the GPR system necessary for determining the anomaly. We also performed GPR surveys of low-contrast inhomogeneities (cavities in mines) using GROT 12 GPR systems and analyzed the survey results by numerical modeling. It is shown that the GPR performance required to detect and locate inhomogeneities of interest at a certain sounding depth can be estimated in the experiment design phase.  相似文献   
主动源海底地震仪探测在海底结构的研究中发挥着重要作用, 其中转换横波数据模拟为研究海底构造和物质属性提供了精确依据。本文针对现行转换横波模拟技术存在的步骤繁琐、难以确保最优解和无法进行非唯一性分析等问题进行研究, 提出了基于模型解空间和目标函数的模拟技术, 形成了主动源转换横波数据模拟的新方法, 该方法可借助计算机程序实现结构模拟的自动化。在南海西北陆缘的西沙地块OBS2013-3测线上对该方法进行验证, 分别利用单台PPS震相和全体台站的PSS震相走时数据进行模拟试验。结果表明, 本文的方法能够提供对于最优模型的快速、准确搜索和非唯一性范围的估计。这一方法有助于提高主动源海底地震仪转换横波数据模拟的效率, 并为结果的可靠性和稳定性提供更好的保障。  相似文献   
The duration and extent of sediment routing systems are intrinsically linked to crustal- to mantle-scale processes. Therefore, distinct changes in the geodynamic regime may be captured in the detrital record. This study attempts to reconstruct the sediment routing system of the Canning Basin (Western Australia) during the Early Cretaceous to decipher its depositional response to Mesozoic-Cenozoic supercontinent dispersal. Specifically, we reconstruct source-to-sink relationships for the Broome Sandstone (Dampier Peninsula) and proximal modern sediments through multi-proxy analysis of detrital zircon (U–Pb, Lu–Hf and trace elements) and detrital rutile (U–Pb and trace elements). Multi-proxy comparison of detrital signatures and potential sources reveals that the majority of the detrital zircon and rutile grains are ultimately sourced from crystalline basement in central Australia (Musgrave Province and Arunta region) and that proximal sediment supply (i.e., Kimberley region) is negligible. However, a significant proportion of detritus might be derived from intermediate sedimentary sources in central Australia (e.g., Amadeus Basin) rather than directly from erosion of crystalline basement. Broome Sandstone data are consistent with a large-scale drainage system with headwaters in central Australia. Contextualization with other broadly coeval drainage systems suggests that central Australia acted as a major drainage divide during the Early Cretaceous. Importantly, reorganization after supercontinent dispersal is characterized by the continuation of a sediment pathway remnant of an earlier transcontinental routing system originating in Antarctica that provided a template for Early Cretaceous drainage. Review of older Canning Basin strata implies a prolonged denudation history of central Australian lithologies. These observations are consistent with the long-lived intracontinental tectonic activity of central Australia governing punctuated sediment generation and dispersion more broadly across Australia and emphasize the impact of deep Earth processes on sediment routing systems.  相似文献   
Route planning is an important problem for many real-time applications in open and complex environments. The maritime domain is a relevant example of such environments where dynamic phenomena and navigation constraints generate difficult route finding problems. This paper develops a spatial data structure that supports the search for an optimal route between two locations while minimizing a cost function. Although various search algorithms have been proposed so far (e.g. breadth-first search, bidirectional breadth-first search, Dijkstra’s algorithm, A*, etc.), this approach provides a bidirectional dynamic routing algorithm which is based on hexagonal meshes and an iterative deepening A* (IDA*) algorithm, and a front to front strategy using a dynamic graph that facilitates data accessibility. The whole approach is applied to the context of maritime navigation, taking into account navigation hazards and restricted areas. The algorithm developed searches for optimal routes while minimizing distance and computational time.  相似文献   
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This paper proposes a framework for identifying the parameters of a lumped routing model in small to medium sized catchments where lateral inflows can be large but poorly defined. In a first step, a priori estimates of the parameters are made based on topography, aerial photographs, flood marks and field surveys. In a second step, runoff data are analysed of reservoir release events and convective events where no rainfall in the direct catchments occurred. In a third step the routing model is calibrated to the results of hydrodynamic models for scenarios of different magnitudes. In a fourth step, these pieces of information are combined, allowing for soft expert judgement to be incorporated. In a fifth step, the routing parameters are fine tuned to observed flood events where lateral inflows are estimated by a rainfall—runoff model. The framework is illustrated by the Kamp flood forecasting system in Austria that has been in operational use since 2006.  相似文献   
吴新燕  陈维锋  郭红梅 《地震研究》2013,36(2):198-201,263
针对震后快速反应与应急救援辅助决策的需要,综合考虑灾区人口数量、人口密度、地形、交通、天气、烈度等因素,建立了地震灾区区域搜救目标优先级的评判模型,并以汶川地震为例进行了搜救目标优先级的划分,结果表明该方法可以满足大灾区的区域搜救优先级评定需求。  相似文献   
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