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Deccan volcanic sequences( DVS) in the central Deccan volcanic province( CDVP) are designated as Sahyadri Group having ~ 500 m thick lava pile associated with multiple sedimentary beds at different stratigraphic levels. In the eastern part of CDVP between the latitude 19 °55 '--20 °25 ' N and the longitudes 78 °15 '--78 °30 ' E,palynological investigation of the intertrappean sedimentary beds at five stratigraphic levels was carried out. The study was basically aimed for tracking the floral and environmental changes across the Deccan transition. The resulting finds indicate that the intertrappean sediments at the lowest stratigraphic level between the earliest lava flows are characterized by presence of marker Maastrichtian palynomorphs- Gabonisporis vigourouxii,Aquilapollenites bengalensis,Azolla cretacea and Farabeipollis associated with triporate and tricolpate pollen grains,phytoliths of Oryzeae of Poaceae family and peridinoid dinoflagellate cysts. The increasing volcanism deteriorated the existing flora as evident by absence of pollen-spores and presence of only structured biodegraded organic matter,fungal spores,acritarchs and algal( Botryococcus) remains in the sediments of higher-up in the sequence. For chronostratigraphic constraints on the lava flows magnetic polarity of the flows bracketing the intertrappean beds was investigated. The results indicated presence of N-R-N-R magnetic polarity in the basal lava pile that are interpreted as representing the magnetochron C30 N to C28 R( Maastrichtian-Paleogene). The floral change begins with the onset of volcanism in the chron C30 N and floral deterioration is observed in C29 N with increasing volcanism and it is only in the chron C28 R( Danian) that some evidence of recovery of flora is recorded. The current study shows that in eastern part of CDVP the post Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary eruptions represent the main phase of eruptions that triggered deterioration of the flora.  相似文献   
利用深水区的二维、三维地震资料开展构造-沉积演化研究,鲁伍马盆地二叠纪—早侏罗世为冈瓦纳陆内—陆间裂谷活动期,发育河流—湖泊沉积;中侏罗世—早白垩世为马达加斯加漂移期,位于剪切型大陆边缘,发育海陆过渡相沉积;晚白垩世—渐新世为被动大陆边缘期,深水沉积广泛发育,重力流沉积延伸至戴维隆起带;中新世—第四纪为东非裂谷海域分支活动期,陆坡和凯瑞巴斯地堑发育深水重力流沉积。盆地垂向上形成"断—坳—断"结构,二叠纪—早侏罗世及中新世—现今发育两期明显的裂谷活动。马达加斯加漂移期的海相泥岩为深水区的主力烃源岩,古近纪的陆坡深水浊积砂体为主要储层。东非裂谷海域分支的断层活动沟通了下伏烃源岩,晚期断层不发育的西部陆坡成为主要的油气聚集区。  相似文献   
The Three Gorges are considered to be critical to understand the formation of Yangtze River. Recent research results suggest that the Yangtze Three Gorges was created during the Quaternary but the exact time is debatable. Fe–Ti oxide minerals are seldom used to study sediment provenance, expecially using scanning electron microscopy(SEM), and energy dispersive spectrometer(EDS). In this study, the provenance of Quaternary sediments in Yichang area, which is located to the east of the Yangtze Three Gorges, was investigated by using SEM and EDS to research Fe–Ti oxides. The Panzhihua vanadium titanomagnetite and Emeishan basalt outcrop are located to the west of the Three Gorges. Further, the materials from them are observed in the Quaternary sediments of Yichang area. Fe–Ti oxide minerals from the Huangling granite are observed in the Yunchi and Shanxiyao Formations, which were formed before 0.75 Ma B.P., whereas Fe–Ti oxide minerals from the Huangling granite, Panzhihua vanadium titanomagnetite, and Emeishan basalt are observed in the riverbed and fifth-terrace sediments of the Yangtze River, which were formed after 0.73 Ma B.P.. Thus, we can infer that the Three Gorges formed after the deposition of the Shanxi Formation and before the fifth-terrace; i.e., 0.75–0.73 Ma B.P..  相似文献   
Many previous studies on lacustrine basins in the East African Rift System have directed their attention to climatic controls on contemporary sedimentation or climate change as part of palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. In contrast, this research focuses on the impact of tectonism and volcanism on rift deposition and develops models that help to explain their roles and relative importance. The study focuses on the spatial and temporal variability in bulk sediment geochemistry from a diverse range of modern and ancient rift sediments through an analysis of 519 samples and 50 major and trace elements. The basins examined variously include, or have contained, wetlands and/or shallow to deep, fresh to hypersaline lakes. Substantial spatial variability is documented for Holocene to modern deposits in lakes Turkana, Baringo, Bogoria, Magadi and Malawi. Mio‐Pleistocene sediments in the Central Kenya Rift and Quaternary deposits of the southern Kenya Rift illustrate temporal variability. Tectonic and volcanic controls on geochemical variability are explained in terms of: (i) primary controlling factors (faulting, subsidence, uplift, volcanism, magma evolution and antecedent lithologies and landscapes); (ii) secondary controls (bedrock types, rift shoulder and axis elevations, accommodation space, meteoric and hydrothermal fluids and mantle CO 2); and (iii) response factors (catchment area size, orographic rains, rain shadows, vegetation densities, erosion and weathering rates, and spring/runoff ratios). The models developed have, in turn, important implications for palaeoenvironmental interpretation in other depositional basins.  相似文献   
近年来,全球环境变化导致的极端气候事件的发生频率剧增,引起了国内外学者的广泛关注。由于器测记录时间较短,因此需要通过精确连续记录古气候变化的石笋来解译极端气候事件的规律。本文针对桂林凉风洞2015年9月至2016年1月的大气降水、洞穴滴水和现代沉积物的氧同位素组成进行了高分辨率的监测。监测结果揭示了由于秋冬水汽源的改变,导致桂林地区大气降水δD、δ~(18)O同位素值显示逐渐偏正的季节性变化,并且建立了该区域大气降水线为:δD=8.8δ~(18)O+16.38。由于大气降水作为凉风洞水源补给唯一来源,使得洞穴滴水的δ~(18)O继承大气降水的δ~(18)O所蕴含的环境信息,进而记录在洞穴现代沉积物中。但是受到洞穴顶部岩溶表层带的平滑或者均一化的作用,使得洞穴滴水的δ~(18)O同位素值要偏正于大气降水的δ~(18)O同位素值。在极端降水信号输入岩溶表层带后由于存在不同的水文地球化学过程,从而导致洞穴沉积物对其极端降水事件的响应时间存在不同,并且在δ~(18)O同位素值也存在明显差异。因此,系统监测洞穴滴水、沉积物δ~(18)O同位素对外界环境信息的响应过程,能为量化或精确解译石笋δ~(18)O同位素记录所指代的古气候环境信息提供基础。  相似文献   
Loess–palaeosol sequences (LPS) represent important records of palaeoenvironmental dynamics throughout the Quaternary. During the Pleistocene's dry and cold phases, the Danube's riverbed was one of the major sources for loess sediments that built up LPS in southern Germany and southeastern Europe. Surprisingly, studies addressing Bavarian LPS along the Danube River often lack actuality. The Attenfeld site was one of them and is often cited as a typical LPS. Nevertheless, the site's previous interpretations are based on a few empirical data and field observations. Considering the site's closeness to the sediment's source area, the Alps, and the region's importance in Middle and Upper Palaeolithic migrational movements, those former renditions needed an evaluation. Therefore, we applied a multi-proxy approach (including analyses of grain-size distribution, element composition, and sediment colour attributes) combined with optically stimulated luminescence. Based on our findings, we conclude that the Attenfeld site's former interpretations might be too generalised. We identified units that were not mentioned by previous studies (e.g. Early Glacial dark greyish horizon). Field observations, sediment characteristics, and age estimates indicate sediment deposition of the dated units partly before MIS 4, which contrasts with previous interpretations. The results further demonstrate how sensitive LPS are to environmental settings and dynamics.  相似文献   
The stratigraphy of marine Plio-Pleistocene sediments from northeast Rhodes (Dodecanese islands, Greece) is revised in the light of facies mapping and the recognition of three major transgression–regression cycles. Before late Pliocene submergence, metamorphosed Mesozoic limestones formed a high-relief karstic landscape. During subsequent transgressions, subsiding basins with spectacular cliffed and bioeroded margins were infilled by a mosaic of carbonate-dominated sediments, sourced by high rates of carbonate productivity on narrow shelves rimming the basins and their drowning islands. Periods of relative sea-level fall superimposed a complex series of ‘fossil’ coastal geomorphological features such as cliffs, abrasion platforms, surf caves, notches, boulder beaches and palaeokarsts. These created the rugged present day topography of the island's northeast coast. Three main lithostratigraphic units, the Kritika, Rhodes and Lindos Acropolis Formations, are defined. The Rhodes and Lindos Acropolis Formations are subdivided into mappable facies groups rather than members, as the lithofacies are strongly diachronous. The Kritika and Rhodes Formations were each subaerially exposed and partly eroded before re-transgression. Although there is a general pattern of lithological succession, details vary across the study area and some facies groups are restricted in development, indicating differences in tectonic behaviour and palaeo-geomorphology between neighbouring basins. A preliminary process-response model is presented for the sedimentation history of the Rhodes and Lindos Acropolis Formations, using sedimentological, palaeontological, palaeoecological and ichnological data.  相似文献   
道路侵蚀研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
道路建设的加速会引发道路侵蚀的加剧, 继而对生态环境产生很大的压力, 为了减轻或控 制道路侵蚀, 必须了解道路侵蚀的特征, 找出有效的防治措施。道路建设是对当地地形的改造, 开 挖以及填埋等扰动活动, 会在原来地貌上形成不同的微地形, 它们各有特点, 形成不同的侵蚀特 征。不同的道路部位侵蚀机理和侵蚀过程差别很大, 现有研究对各个部位的侵蚀强度进行了比 较, 但结果并不一致。与其他用地相比, 道路用地显著的改变了土壤的物理水文性质, 加速了产流 产沙过程。尤其对一个流域而言, 道路的线性特征使其成为汇流引流的重要途径, 直接影响着流 域的行洪泄洪, 而在这方面的研究较少。道路侵蚀预报仍然集中在经验统计模型的研究上, 由于 经验模型固有的弊端, 不能明确反映侵蚀的机理, 物理模型的研究更加迫切, 尤其结合已有的农 地侵蚀的过程模型更是加强的重点。道路侵蚀的防治措施主要包括工程措施, 生物措施以及两者 的组合, 其水保效益都比较明显, 但也往往受到当地自然环境和经济条件的限制。本文总结了国 内外道路侵蚀研究成果, 结合存在的问题指出了今后加强研究的重点, 对理解道路侵蚀机理, 开 展道路侵蚀防治具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
Introduction Withthedramaticdevelopmentofpositioning andtelecommunicationtechnologies,lotsoftraj ectorydataofmovingvehiclescanbecalculated,collected,andtransferred.Inthemeanwhile,thisdevelopmentandtheavailabilityoftrajectory datahavealsomotivatedresearche…  相似文献   
黄河三角洲潮滩剖面特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用验潮、潮滩水准测量、沉积物分析和遥感资料,分析了黄河三角洲不同岸段潮滩的特征。水准测量表明,侵蚀潮滩剖面形态为下凹,而淤积潮滩则上凸,由高潮线至低潮线,潮滩沉积物均变粗,这种变粗趋势在北部侵蚀岸段和河口侧缘明显,在河口南侧稳定海岸则不明显。潮滩沉积物含水量为12.2%~32.2%,平均为21%,海滩表层沉积物不排水剪切强度在0.1~0.35 kg/cm2之间。受局限岸滩的平面形态和剖面形态受到周围大坝地形影响,具有和砂质海滩类似的形态,显示波浪对该潮滩的作用强烈,根据剖面测量结果与遥感图像,发现河口北侧有一个小的冲积扇。  相似文献   
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