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武汉市城市基本地形图实时更新策略和方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在对武汉市城市区域规划、土地利用范围的界定和基本特征研究的基础上提出了城市基本地形图实时更新策略和方法,从而认为建立行之有效的工作机制、必要的经费投入、制订科学完善的生产技术标准是保证实时更新的必要条件。  相似文献   
地图扫描采样分辨率的研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
林宗坚 《测绘科学》2000,25(1):13-15
本文提醒注意在当前国内生产中常被忽视的地图扫描采样分辨率问题 ,从理论上分析了采样分辨率过低所造成的成果质量问题 ,并提出工程实践中可操作的方法建议。  相似文献   
随着科学技术的发展 ,GIS、RS、GPS等新技术将逐步被应用到区调填图中。应用GIS、RS、GPS填图涉及到数据的采集、输入、编辑等过程 ,而最终形成多信息的数字化地图及其相关的数据库。这些数字化地图可十分方便地进行更新、查询及输出 ,从而更好服务于社会。  相似文献   
随着数字制图技术的发展,电子地图的应用日益增多,为保证地理信息感知和认知的一致性与准确性,达到信息与资源共享,电子地形图符号的规范化、标准化势在必行。文中针对此种需求介绍了电子地形图符号体系和符号标准化的研究现状,分析了电子地形图符号体系中存在的主要问题,详细阐述了电子地形图符号体系构建的基本原则、内容以及体系结构,并且结合示例进行了说明,为电子地形图符号体系的研究提供了一些思路。  相似文献   
An AFLP Genetic Linkage Map of Pacific Abalone (Haliotis discus hannai)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A genetic linkage map of Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai) was constructed using AFLP markers based on a two-way pseudo-testcross strategy in a full-sib family. With 33 primer combinations, a total of 455 markers (225 from the female parent and 230 from the male parent) segregated in a 1 : 1 ratio, corresponding to DNA polymorphism: heterozygous in one parent and null in the other. The female framework map consisted of 174 markers distributed in 18 linkage groups, equivalent to the H. discus hannai haploid chromosome number, and spanning a total length of 2031.4 cM, with an average interval of 13.0 cM between adjacent markers. The male framework map consisted of 195 markers mapped on 19 linkage groups, spanning a total length of 2273.4cM, with an average spacing of 12.9cM between adjacent markers. The estimated coverage for the framework linkage maps was 81.2% for the female and 82.1% for the male, on the basis of two estimates of genome length. Fifty-two markers (11.4%) remained unlinked. The level of segregation distortion observed in this cross was 20.4%. These linkage maps will serve as a starting point for linkage studies in the Pacific abalone with potential application for marker-assisted selection in breeding programs.  相似文献   
—The nonlinear behaviors of plane coupled motions for a given two-point tension mooring sys-tem,are discussed in the present paper.For a cylinder moored by two taut lines under the action ofgravity,buoyance and forces due to wave-current and mooring lines,a mathematical model of motionswith three degrees of freedom is established.The steady solution and stability are analyzed.By integratingthe equations of motions,history,phase map and Poincare map are obtained.The Liapunov exponentsare also computed.The numerical results show that:the horizontal movement will increase,and stabilitywill also increase as the steady force increases.The amplitude of responses will decrease as time-dependentforces decrease.Because of the geometric nonlinearity,there exist many windows bifurcating to pseudo-pe-riodic or multi-periodic solution.The bifurcating patterns may be different.The behaviors are very com-plex.Under wave excitation alone,the motions are nonsymmetrical but still symmetrical statistically.  相似文献   
Landslide inventory maps are necessary for assessing landslide hazards and addressing the role slope stability plays in landscape evolution over geologic timescales. However, landslide inventory maps produced with traditional methods — aerial photograph interpretation, topographic map analysis, and field inspection — are often subjective and incomplete. The increasing availability of high-resolution topographic data acquired via airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) over broad swaths of terrain invites new, automated landslide mapping procedures. We present two methods of spectral analysis that utilize LiDAR-derived digital elevation models of the Puget Sound lowlands, Washington, and the Tualatin Mountains, Oregon, to quantify and automatically map the topographic signatures of deep-seated landslides. Power spectra produced using the two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform and the two-dimensional continuous wavelet transform identify the characteristic spatial frequencies of deep-seated landslide morphologic features such as hummocky topography, scarps, and displaced blocks of material. Spatial patterns in the amount of spectral power concentrated in these characteristic frequency bands highlight past slope instabilities and allow the delineation of landslide terrain. When calibrated by comparison with detailed, independently compiled landslide inventory maps, our algorithms correctly classify an average of 82% of the terrain in our five study areas. Spectral analysis also allows the creation of dominant wavelength maps, which prove useful in analyzing meter-scale topographic expressions of landslide mechanics, past landslide activity, and landslide-modifying geomorphic processes. These results suggest that our automated landslide mapping methods can create accurate landslide maps and serve as effective, objective, and efficient tools for digital terrain analysis.  相似文献   
基于同波束干涉测量原理和观测模型,针对月面目标特性,推导了给定着陆器先验位置的差分时延、差分时延率观测方程。引入指定高程约束、月球数字地形模型等约束方程,提出巡视器相对位置确定的卡尔曼滤波算法。通过仿真数据进行了验证和评估,表明该算法可快速、较高精度地确定月面巡视器相对着陆器的位置。  相似文献   
胡天硕  毛政元 《测绘科学》2011,36(2):132-135
地图数据合并是地理空间数据集成的基本途径,同名实体匹配是其中的重点与难点。本文根据线实体的形状将其分为简单线实体与复杂线实体,提出针对前者以线实体端点与中点为发生元生成的Voronoi图所得到的邻近对应关系为依据、针对后者以基于线实体缓冲区重叠度构造的相似性测度指标为依据优化候选匹配集的思路,并设计与实现了相关算法。实证研究表明,该算法能够适应不同比例尺与不同时相的城市道路网地图数据同名实体匹配。  相似文献   
基于ArcObject组件的地图标注研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过深入分析地图的标注需求,针对应用中的实际问题,利用ArcObject组件进行编程,在应用系统中实现了对各种点线面地物要素的标注功能。实践证明,以下介绍的基于ArcObject组件的地图标注系统,具有方便、快捷、准确的特点,便于推广和应用。  相似文献   
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