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基于湛江湾口外海图地形资料,采用GIS与动力地貌分析的方法,研究了近50年来湛江湾口外落潮三角洲的冲淤变化特征,对湛江湾口外落潮三角洲的演变机制进行了探讨。湛江口外落潮三角洲体系包括口外东北浅滩、西南边滩及口门通道深槽。近50年来,东北浅滩东缘及滩顶出现了侵蚀后退,浅滩西缘和南缘呈淤积趋势,东北浅滩整体有西移南扩趋势;西南边滩有不同程度的侵蚀后退;口门通道深槽有所淤积。湛江湾口外落潮三角洲侵蚀与沿岸泥沙供给不足及人类活动影响有关,口门通道深槽淤积除与落潮三角洲侵蚀泥沙向西搬运有关外,还可能与湛江湾内围垦导致口门通道潮汐动力减弱有关。航道北侧东北浅滩变化对航道回淤的可能影响值得关注。  相似文献   
In this paper, sediment samples were collected along the Wanquan beaches and sieved in the laboratory in order to obtain the grain size distributions and associated parameters, i.e. mean grain size,sorting coefficient and skewness. Furthermore, we have calculated the longshore drift sediment transport rates and equilibrium cross-sectional areas of the entrance channel by using the method of sedimentary dynamics. The results indicate that the longshore drift sediment transport is dominated by waves with a direction from south to north, which result in rapid changes of the entrance channel.Therefore, some suggestions were proposed for improving the water quality and restoring the ecosystem of estuary. The engineering method includes increasing the sea-route of entrance channel,tidal prism and water exchanges in Shamei Lagoon.  相似文献   
为提高海水浴场的安全性,避免发生溺水事故,文章以潮汐汊道及其沙滩的动力地貌结构和发育演变为基础,研究青岛市灵山湾城市阳台海水浴场沙滩的安全风险和动力机制,并提出风险防范建议。研究结果表明:河口潮汐汊道落潮流三角洲的潮汐水道延伸至沙滩滩面,高潮时淹没,落急时水流集中,形成流向外海的高速水流,极易引发海水浴场安全事故;区域落潮流与汊道落潮流相叠加、落潮流三角洲阻挡沿岸输沙造成下游局部岸段侵蚀以及沿岸输沙变化导致水道迁移摆动等因素进一步加大潮汐汊道附近沙滩的安全风险;安全风险最大的地点位于沿岸输沙下游与区域落潮流流向一致的潮汐水道末端附近沙滩,且该位置不稳定,随波浪场发生年际和季节变化;在潮汐汊道沙滩岸段设置海水浴场前应研究其动力地貌和发育演变,划分危险区和安全区,浴场设置后定期监测并确定危险区的位置,并在沙滩安全维护和质量评价等方面将潮汐汊道作为重要判定指标。  相似文献   
龚文平  SHEN Jian  陈斌 《台湾海峡》2007,26(3):301-313
本文通过一维水力学运动方程及连续性方程,得出一个反映泻湖水位变化的二阶非线性有阻尼的强迫振动方程,采用龙格-库特四步格式进行求解,并以海南陵水新村港为例,计算了泻湖水位及潮汐汊道的断面流速.研究结果表明:(1)一维水力学方程可容易地求得泻湖-潮汐汊道体系中泻湖内的水位及汊道的断面流速,计算简单快捷.(2)一维水力学方程可分析潮汐汊道体系中的一些基本现象.如潮汐汊道对潮波的"过滤器"特征;由于泻湖-潮汐汊道体系的阻尼系数较大所导致的潮波自外向泻湖传播时衰减剧烈;径流对泻湖水位及汊道流速产生有利于落潮优势的影响;风可使泻湖水位抬升或下降等.(3)无论是否考虑泻湖与潮汐汊道面积随水位的变化,一维水力学方程都具有相当大的缺陷.由于其不能反映泻湖内地形的空间变化,也不能解决漫滩与归槽等过程,在外海潮波无次生波的情况下,它本身不能产生次生潮波,因而不能正确地反映潮汐汊道体系的涨落潮历时与流速不对称,从而不能分析泥沙的净输运及潮汐汊道的稳定性问题.(4)新村港泻湖-潮汐汊道体系中潮汐汊道的断面面积大小对整个体系的稳定性及演变趋势起着控制作用.  相似文献   
The Boao coastal system along the eastern coast of Hainan Island is a dynamic delta-tidal inlet-barrier formed during the late Holocene. The delta developed inside a shallow lagoon barred by a sandy barrier with a narrow, shallow tidal inlet opening. Two major distributary channels separated by small islands characterize the delta. The lagoon is silting up receiving and trapping sediments from both the river and, in minor measure during storms, through the tidal inlet opening and barrier washovers. The barrier at the tidal inlet is highly dynamic and changes its form, accreting (migrating spit) against the inlet during fair-weather conditions and being eroded during storms and river floods. The delta has almost completely filled the lagoon and major concerns exist on the effect that ongoing large development plans may have on the environment. These concerns include the effect on floods and rate of siltation once banks of the islands have been stabilized and floodwater and sediment load are impeded from spreading over the lowlands, and the effect of increasing pollutant loads from the new facilities on the ecosystems of the increasingly restricting lagoon water and on the seashores.  相似文献   
The present research was motivated by the recent discovery of planets around binary stars. Our initial intention was thus to investigate the 3-dimensional nearly circular periodic orbits of the circular restricted problem of three bodies; more precisely Stromgren's class L, (direct) and class m, (retrograde). We started by extending several of Hénon's vertical critical orbits of these 2 classes to three dimensions, looking especially for orbits which are near circular and have stable characteristic exponents.We discovered early on that the periodic orbits with the above two qualifications are fairly rare and we decided thus to undertake a systematic exploration, limiting ourselves to symmetric periodic orbits. However, we examined all 16 possible symmetry cases, trying 10000 sets of initial values for periodicity in each case, thus 160000 integrations, all with z o or o equal to 0.1 This gave us a preliminary collection of 171 periodic orbits, all fairly near the xy-plane, thus with rather low inclinations. Next, we integrated a second similar set of 160000 cases with z o or o equal to 0.5, in order to get a better representation of the large inclinations. This time, we found 167 periodic orbits, but it was later discovered that at least 152 of them belong to the same families as the first set with 0.1Our paper quickly describes the definition of the problem, with special emphasis on the symmetry properties, especially for the case of masses with equal primaries. We also allow a section to describe our approach to stability and characteristic exponents, following our paper on this subject, (Broucke, 1969). Then we describe our numerical results, as much as space permits in the present paper.We found basically only about a dozen families with sizeable segments of simple stable periodic orbits. Some of them are around one of the two stars only but we do not describe them here because of a lack of space. We extended about 170 periodic orbits to families of up to 500 members, (by steps of 0.005 in the parameter), although, in many cases, we do not know the real end of the families. We also give an overview of the different types of periodic orbits that are most often encountered. We describe some of the rather strange orbits, (some of which are actually stable).  相似文献   
为评估土工膜与土-膨润土组成的复合隔离墙对有机污染物的防污性能,建立了污染物在源区域发生降解扩散时透过复合隔离墙的一维瞬态扩散模型。通过拉普拉斯变换和Talbot数值反演获得了模型解。第3类入流边界条件下,考虑源区的扩散和降解时,第1类隔离墙(土工膜/土-膨润土)和第2类隔离墙(土-膨润土/土工膜/土-膨润土)100 a的击穿浓度分别较源浓度恒定时减少了59%和53%。由于假设土工膜渗透系数高于10–12 m/s,污染物在复合隔离墙中的对流作用不能忽略,因此,采用第2类复合隔离墙使土-膨润土能更好地发挥主导隔离作用。将土工膜的渗透系数从10–10 m/s减少到10–16 m/s,第1类复合隔离墙的击穿时间从26 a增加到188 a,第2类复合隔离墙的击穿时间从32 a增加到81 a。利用抽水井调整墙体内外为负水头差及提高源区的污染物降解能力,可使隔离墙的防污性能得到较大提升。  相似文献   
徐兴波 《天文学报》2022,63(4):40-31
考虑周期解的数值延拓问题并提出基于Broyden拟牛顿法来延拓周期解的一种有效算法,先后以布鲁塞尔振子、平面圆型限制性三体问题(Planar Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem, PCRTBP)的周期解为例进行了验证.这里的Broyden方法包含线性搜索、正交三角分解求线性方程组的步骤.对一般的周期解,周期性条件方程组中含有周期作为待延拓参数,可用周期来决定积分时长,将解代入周期性条件得到积分型的非线性方程组,利用Broyden方法迭代延拓直至初值收敛.根据两次垂直通过一个超平面的轨道是对称周期轨道的性质,可采用插值的方法求得再次抵达超平面的解分量,得到周期性条件方程组,再用Broyden方法求解.结合哈密顿系统的对称性和PCRTBP周期轨道的一些分类,对2/1、3/1的内共振周期解族进行了数值研究.最后,对算法和计算结果做了总结和讨论.  相似文献   
侯树桓 《吉林地质》2001,20(4):27-32
本文阐述了矿产资源可持续发展与跨越式发展的关系,指出矿产资源可持续发展主要依靠矿产资源勘查的可持续发展和跨越式发展,其主要制约因素是科技、人才和资金。文中分析了我国矿产资源勘查行业科技、人才、资金状况,并提出了解决制约矿产资源勘查可持续发展和跨越式发展的主要对策。  相似文献   
A sampling programme targeting larvae of winter spawning fishes immigrating from the oceanic domain into the Pamlico-Albemarle Sounds system (NC, U.S.A.) was performed at the four major inlets of the lagoon system. Sampling yielded abundant catches of three species, a Clupeid (Atlantic menhaden,Brevoortia tyrannus) and two Sciaenids (Atlantic croaker,Micropogonias undulatusand spot,Leiostomus xanthurus). In this article, the author documents the differences in the mechanisms developed for estuarine recruitment among the three species. Abundance at the tidal inlets was dependent upon numerous factors, such as sampling month, inlet, luminosity, tide flow direction and depth. The spatial and temporal positioning of the larvae differed among the species and affected their capabilities to be transported through the inlets. More specifically, spot and croaker migrated vertically within the water column in accordance with the direction of the water flow. Sciaenids minimized the outwelling effects of ebb tides by migrating into the slowest ebbing currents, near the bottom. Menhaden did not rely on vertical migrations for estuarine transport and retention. For this species, landward transport is provided either when dusk and flood onset are coincident or through non-tidal flows developing under meteorological forcing. The Sciaenids were less, or not, dependent upon these conditions. In one inlet, the retention was dependent upon the strength of the flooding and ebbing flows. In this case, the retention of the pelagic species was lower than the retention of demersal species.  相似文献   
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