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针对旅游线路推荐过程中的数据稀疏与冷启动问题,本文提出了一种融合用户特征与群体智慧的多目标旅游线路推荐方法。首先,通过携程网、望路行程、百度指数等网站获取景点信息与对应的群体智慧数据,包括景点的位置、票价,用户评论、评分、浏览数据等;其次,结合用户特征与群体智慧数据构建景点对不同特征用户的综合吸引力并计算旅游线路吸引力指数;最后,定义旅游线路推荐多目标优化函数并利用多目标遗传算法NSGA2生成线路推荐列表。相较于传统旅游线路推荐方法,本文所提出的方法充分考虑了用户实际需求(消费侧)与景点吸引力(供给侧),使得用户能够以较少的时间开销,尽可能多地游览热门景点。同时,推荐过程中根据用户的性别、年龄、出行方式、出行时间对用户群体进行划分,使得推荐准确性更高。实验结果表明,该方法考虑的因子可以有效提高用户在路线规划过程中的满意度,所推荐的旅游线路不仅具有更高的综合吸引力指数,还能够有效减少路程时间。此外,推荐结果也更加具有多样性,有助于推动智能化旅游线路推荐的发展。  相似文献   
内蒙古胜利煤田共生锗矿的成因地球化学初探   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用统计和作图的分析方法,对内蒙古胜利煤田中共生锗矿床的锗品位与挥发分、灰分、硫分的关系进行了研究。结果表明煤中锗品位与挥发分呈正相关、与原煤灰分负相关、与洗煤灰分正相关关系;全区煤属中硫煤,锗品位与原煤和洗煤硫分均呈正相关关系,煤的灰分指数较低(3 579);锗分布不均匀,富锗煤矿明显属于断裂坳陷边缘沉积,锗品位可以在煤层的顶部、中部、底部同时或单个部位呈现高值,大多数煤层中部出现锗高品位值,这有别于以往所报道的锗品位只在煤层顶、底部相对富集的研究结论。认为胜利煤田锗主要与有机质结合;锗的有利聚集条件是水动力较弱、地下水位较低、强还原的停滞沼泽环境;泥炭聚集阶段有机质的吸附作用是锗的主要富集机制。  相似文献   
Garnet–melt trace element partitioning experiments were performed in the system FeO–CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 (FCMAS) at 3 GPa and 1540°C, aimed specifically at studying the effect of garnet Fe2+ content on partition coefficients (DGrt/Melt). DGrt/Melt, measured by SIMS, for trivalent elements entering the garnet X-site show a small but significant dependence on garnet almandine content. This dependence is rationalised using the lattice strain model of Blundy and Wood [Blundy, J.D., Wood, B.J., 1994. Prediction of crystal–melt partition coefficients from elastic moduli. Nature 372, 452–454], which describes partitioning of an element i with radius ri and valency Z in terms of three parameters: the effective radius of the site r0(Z), the strain-free partition coefficient D0(Z) for a cation with radius r0(Z), and the apparent compressibility of the garnet X-site given by its Young's modulus EX(Z). Combination of these results with data in Fe-free systems [Van Westrenen, W., Blundy, J.D., Wood, B.J., 1999. Crystal-chemical controls on trace element partitioning between garnet and anhydrous silicate melt. Am. Mineral. 84, 838–847] and crystal structure data for spessartine, andradite, and uvarovite, leads to the following equations for r0(3+) and EX(3+) as a function of garnet composition (X) and pressure (P):
r0(3+) [Å]=0.930XPy+0.993XGr+0.916XAlm+0.946XSpes+1.05(XAnd+XUv)−0.005(P [GPa]−3.0)(±0.005 Å)
EX(3+) [GPa]=3.5×1012(1.38+r0(3+) [Å])−26.7(±30 GPa)
Accuracy of these equations is shown by application to the existing garnet–melt partitioning database, covering a wide range of P and T conditions (1.8 GPa<P<5.0 GPa; 975°C<T<1640°C). DGrt/Melt for all 3+ elements entering the X-site (REE, Sc and Y) are predicted to within 10–40% at given P, T, and X, when DGrt/Melt for just one of these elements is known. In the absence of such knowledge, relative element fractionation (e.g. DSmGrt/Melt/DNdGrt/Melt) can be predicted. As an example, we predict that during partial melting of garnet peridotite, group A eclogite, and garnet pyroxenite, r0(3+) for garnets ranges from 0.939±0.005 to 0.953±0.009 Å. These values are consistently smaller than the ionic radius of the heaviest REE, Lu. The above equations quantify the crystal-chemical controls on garnet–melt partitioning for the REE, Y and Sc. As such, they represent a major advance en route to predicting DGrt/Melt for these elements as a function of P, T and X.  相似文献   
采用Na_2O_2熔融矿样,水提取,加三乙醇胺、EGTA做掩蔽剂。经氢型阳离子交换树脂交换分离富集稀土元素,由于选择了合适的仪器条件及测定波长,有效地消除了电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES)测定过程中的基体干扰和光谱干扰。应用于地质样品中的稀土元素分析,获得了满意的准确度、精密度及检出限。  相似文献   
The natural river water certified reference material SLRS‐5 (NRC‐CNRC) was routinely analysed in this study for major and trace elements by ten French laboratories. Most of the measurements were made using ICP‐MS. Because no certified values are assigned by NRC‐CNRC for silicon and 35 trace element concentrations (rare earth elements, Ag, B, Bi, Cs, Ga, Ge, Li, Nb, P, Rb, Rh, Re, S, Sc, Sn, Th, Ti, Tl, W, Y and Zr), or for isotopic ratios, we provide a compilation of the concentrations and related uncertainties obtained by the participating laboratories. Strontium isotopic ratios are also given.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘砂岩型铀矿赋矿地层及矿化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘泾源-华亭一带的地质调查和资料综合分析,笔者重点研究了该区砂岩型铀矿的成矿地质背景、含矿层及铀矿化的基本特征,认为下白垩统六盘山群是区内的主要赋矿层位,可分为上、下两个含矿层;铀矿化与有机质、黄铁矿、黄铜矿等含量关系密切,铀以沥青铀矿或残余铀黑、硅钙铀矿、钙(铜)铀云母等矿物形式为主,部分呈分散吸附状,与Cu、 Pb、 Mn、V、 Ni、 Co等呈正相关关系。这些特征显示,研究区具有较好的砂岩型铀矿找矿前景,值得进一步开展工作。  相似文献   
红河盆地的化学风化作用:主要和微量元素地球化学记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河流沉积物的元素含量有助于反映其流域的自然风化过程。红河是世界上重要的河流之一,但其沉积物的地球化学研究却几乎没有。本文通过开展红河盆地干流和主要支流40个样品的主要和微量元素地球化学分析,发现红河流域硅酸盐岩的化学风化作用为中等强度,与长江及亚马逊河的风化强度相近,而高于黄河,低于珠江;且化学风化作用受该区域的气候和构造作用控制。  相似文献   
Many chromite-rich rocks contain relatively high concentrations of the platinum-group elements (PGE). In many cases, the phases carrying PGE occur as either platinum-group minerals (PGM) or as base metal sulfides in solid solution in sulfides. In some cases, such as the UG-2 unit of the Bushveld Complex, the PGM are occluded inside chromite grains. Chromites are notably difficult to dissolve in most fluxes and if the chromite contains some PGM the possibility exists that not all the PGE will be recovered during fusion. In this work, shortcomings in published methods of analysis based on the nickel sulfide fire assay procedure were investigated and a new procedure developed based on the addition of sodium metaphosphate to the fusion mixture. Optimum composition of the fusion mixture was found to be 10 g sodium metaphosphate and 9 g silica to 10 g sample, 15 g sodium carbonate, 30 g lithium tetraborate, 7.5 g nickel and 4.5 g sulfur to achieve complete dissolution of chromite grains. The new flux mixture was evaluated by the analysis of reference material CHR-Pt+ (which is known to contain PGM inside chromite grains) and no undissolved chromite grains were found in the glassy slag. Analysis of the nickel sulfide beads from this fire assay using neutron activation analysis showed similar results for Rh and Ru when compared with published conventional true (or accepted) values, while Au, Ir, Os, Pd and Pt values determined here were 10 to 30% higher than the corresponding published conventional true values. It was concluded that the addition of sodium metaphosphate improved chromite dissolution in the flux and appears to improve PGE recovery.  相似文献   
浙江花岗岩类地球化学与地壳演化——Ⅱ.元古宙花岗岩类   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
浙江元古宙花岗岩类包括神功期(1.8-1.9Ga)和晋宁晚期(0.6—0.9Ga)。研究了浙江元古宙花岗岩类的主元素、微量元素、稀土元素和Rb、Sr同位素组成特征及岩石成因,探讨了浙江地壳的演化。浙江地壳形成于太古亩和元古宙,地壳增生的时期为2.6-2.7、0.8-1.1和0.1-0.12Ga。随时间演化浙江地壳组成有变化,但分异演化不明显。沿江-绍断裂分布的晋宁晚期慢源和壳幔混合中酸性岩是普宁期俯冲碰撞的证据。加里乐和印支期是两次规模不大的构造运动。  相似文献   
Compilation of some new data on ophiolites for Greece and Yugoslavia, and published data from previous studies, indicate that platinum-group element (PGE) and gold concentrations in chromite ores are generally low, ranging from less than 100 ppb to a few hundred ppb. However, samples from several ophiolite complexes exhibit an enrichment (of a few ppm) (a) only in Os, Ir and Ru,(b) only in Pt and/or Pd or (c) in all PGE. This enrichment (up to 10s ppm) is mainly related with chromitites hosted in supra-Moho dunites and dunites of the uppermost stratigraphic levels of the mantle sequence and it seems to be local, independent of the chromitite major element composition and the chromite potential of the ophiolite complexes. The contents of PGE combined with less chalcophile elements (Ni, Co, Cu), the ratios of incompatible/compatible elements, and PGE-patterns provide evidence for discrimination between chromitites derived from primitive magmas and those derived from partially fractionated magmas, although they have a similar major element composition. Thus, they can be used for a stratigraphic orientation in the mantle sequence, and therefore for exploration targets. Moreover, PGE data offer valuable information for the evaluation of the chromite potential in ophiolite complexes. The most promising ophiolites seem to be those which apart from the petrological and geochemical characteristics indicating extensive degree of partial melting in the mantle source contain only one chromite ore type (the other type being only in small proportion) of limited compositional variation, in both major elements and PGE, low ratios of , while PGE-enriched chromitites in the mantle sequence are only occasionally present. In contrast, ophiolites which contain both high-Cr and -Al chromitites, and where their chalcophile element data implies relatively extensive fractionation trend are not good exploration targets for chromite ores, although they are related with a SSZ environment.  相似文献   
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