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As a widely used approach for feature extraction and data reduction, Principal Components Analysis (PCA) suffers from high computational cost, large memory requirement and low efficacy in dealing with large dimensional datasets such as Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI). Consequently, a novel Folded-PCA is proposed, where the spectral vector is folded into a matrix to allow the covariance matrix to be determined more efficiently. With this matrix-based representation, both global and local structures are extracted to provide additional information for data classification. Moreover, both the computational cost and the memory requirement have been significantly reduced. Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) for classification on two well-known HSI datasets and one Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) dataset in remote sensing, quantitative results are generated for objective evaluations. Comprehensive results have indicated that the proposed Folded-PCA approach not only outperforms the conventional PCA but also the baseline approach where the whole feature sets are used.  相似文献   
This study integrated environmental variables together with high spectral resolution WorldView-2 imagery to detect and map Thaumastocoris peregrinus damage in Eucalypt plantation forests in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The WorldView-2 bands, vegetation indices and environmental variables were entered separately into PLS regression models to predict T. peregrinus damage. The datasets were then integrated to test the collective strength in predicting T. peregrinus damage. Important variables were identified by variable importance (VIP) scores and were re-entered into a PLS regression model. The VIP model was then extrapolated to map the severity of damage and predicted T. peregrinus damage with an R2 value of 0.71 and a RMSE of 3.26% on an independent test dataset. The red edge and near-infrared bands of the WorldView-2 sensor together with the temperature dataset were identified as important variables in predicting T. peregrinus damage. The results indicate the potential of integrating WorldView-2 data and environmental variables to improve the mapping and monitoring of insect outbreaks in plantation forests. The result is critical for plantation health monitoring using a new sensor which contains important vegetation wavelengths.  相似文献   
High spatial resolution and spectral fidelity are basic standards for evaluating an image fusion algorithm. Numerous fusion methods for remote sensing images have been developed. Some of these methods are based on the intensity–hue–saturation (IHS) transform and the generalized IHS (GIHS), which may cause serious spectral distortion. Spectral distortion in the GIHS is proven to result from changes in saturation during fusion. Therefore, reducing such changes can achieve high spectral fidelity. A GIHS-based spectral preservation fusion method that can theoretically reduce spectral distortion is proposed in this study. The proposed algorithm consists of two steps. The first step is spectral modulation (SM), which uses the Gaussian function to extract spatial details and conduct SM of multispectral (MS) images. This method yields a desirable visual effect without requiring histogram matching between the panchromatic image and the intensity of the MS image. The second step uses the Gaussian convolution function to restore lost edge details during SM. The proposed method is proven effective and shown to provide better results compared with other GIHS-based methods.  相似文献   
The rapid development of remote sensing technology has facilitated us the acquisition of remote sensing images with higher and higher spatial resolution, but how to automatically understand the image contents is still a big challenge. In this paper, we develop a practical and rotation-invariant framework for multi-class geospatial object detection and geographic image classification based on collection of part detectors (COPD). The COPD is composed of a set of representative and discriminative part detectors, where each part detector is a linear support vector machine (SVM) classifier used for the detection of objects or recurring spatial patterns within a certain range of orientation. Specifically, when performing multi-class geospatial object detection, we learn a set of seed-based part detectors where each part detector corresponds to a particular viewpoint of an object class, so the collection of them provides a solution for rotation-invariant detection of multi-class objects. When performing geographic image classification, we utilize a large number of pre-trained part detectors to discovery distinctive visual parts from images and use them as attributes to represent the images. Comprehensive evaluations on two remote sensing image databases and comparisons with some state-of-the-art approaches demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the developed framework.  相似文献   
何艳  金炜  刘箴  符冉迪  田文哲 《遥感学报》2014,18(5):1034-1047
针对卫星云图数据量大,但传输通道和存储空间相对狭小的问题,本文基于Tetrolet变换,利用相邻时次云图的时空相关性,实现了一种高重构质量的卫星云图压缩感知方法。该方法将善于表达图像方向纹理及边缘信息的Tetrolet变换引入压缩感知的稀疏表示环节,从而很好地体现了卫星云图细节丰富、纹理结构复杂的特性;同时,考虑到卫星云图序列间的相关性,将时间相邻的卫星云图组成图像组,以中间时刻云图作为参考图像,计算其与相邻时次云图的差异,通过在参考图片及序列差异图片间合理分配采样率,获取测量数据,在压缩感知框架下,采用带平滑处理的投影Landweber算法,重构出相邻时次的图像组。实验结果表明,Tetrolet变换适用于卫星云图的稀疏表示,而且图像组时空相关性的利用可显著提高重构云图的视觉效果及客观评价指标;在采样率低于0.2时,红外1、水汽和可见光3个通道重构云图的峰值信噪比(PSNR)较传统方法平均提高了7.48 dB,13.51 dB和6.15 dB。由此可见,本文方法可以通过获取少数随机测量值,重构出高质量的卫星云图,不仅为云图数据的低比特率压缩提供了一种可行的解决方案,而且对于其他序列图像的压缩采样具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
不透水面作为城市发展和生态环境的重要评估因子,在保障生态环境健康和城市可持续发展中具有重大意义。本文以鄂尔多斯为研究区,通过融合多时相Landsat和夜间灯光数据,提取1990—2019年的不透水面信息,并利用重心分析法、标准差椭圆理论和景观指数理论分析时空演变规律。研究结果表明:①1990—2019年鄂尔多斯市不透水面经历了快速扩张;东北部不透水面覆盖度高于西南部;不透水面的扩张模式总体上表现为“向外扩张-向内加密”。②东北部扩张速度减缓,西南部扩张速度增快。③不透水面扩张的方向性减弱;不透水面扩张的方向有由“东北-西南”向“东-西”转变的趋势。④斑块数量及边缘斑块破碎度增加,城市与郊区的连通性增强,城市有向周边郊区扩张的趋势。本文研究对于进一步了解城市生态环境健康与城市可持续发展的相关关系具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
时空遥感云计算平台PIE-Engine Studio的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着遥感大数据时代的到来,为快速处理和分析海量遥感数据,国内外涌现了众多遥感云计算平台,使得全球尺度、长时间序列遥感数据的快速分析和应用成为可能。本文在分析国内外遥感云计算平台现状的基础上,针对大数据时代国内缺少功能完备的遥感云计算平台,且国外遥感云计算平台对国产卫星数据支持不足等问题,基于容器云技术,构建了包含国产卫星数据且集数据、算力和技术于一体的时空遥感云计算平台PIE(Pixel Information Expert)-Engine Studio,实现了脚本驱动的遥感数据的按需获取以及海量数据的快速处理。采用Landsat 8数据,以生长季植被指数NDVI(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)的计算为例,对比了本平台与GEE(Google Earth Engine)的数据处理能力。结果表明,由于计算资源的限制,本平台的计算和导出时间均比GEE稍长,但计算结果的空间分布一致,其中近68%的值均分布在(0.48,0.77),且二者差值的95.33%集中在(-0.13,0.13),结果较为可信。因此,本文构建的基于共享、开放的中国自主遥感云计算平台PIE-Engine Studio,可为地球科学领域的研究提供数据和算力支持,将有助于推进中国遥感云计算平台的发展进程,推动国产卫星数据在云计算平台上的应用。  相似文献   
崔成  赵璐  任红艳  逯伟利  黄耀欢 《遥感学报》2022,26(9):1802-1813
及时准确地获取城中村的空间分布及其环境质量信息对于优化城市空间、改善人居环境具有重要意义。本文以广州市越秀区为例,提出了耦合GF-2高分遥感影像和百度街景影像的城中村识别方法。首先,从街景影像中提取越秀区的街道空间品质特征;其次,在对高分遥感影像预处理并进行多尺度分割的基础上计算光谱、形状、纹理、场景特征和建筑结构5类共计23个特征;最后,融合两种影像的特征用于构建随机森林分类器进行城中村识别。结果表明,基于高分影像和基于街景影像的城中村识别整体精度分别为94.5%和85.7%,Kappa系数分别为0.58和0.31,而两者融合后的分类精度和Kappa系数为96.1%和0.67;其中基于街景影像获取的度量街道空间品质的5个指标贡献了31.6%的特征重要性。鸟瞰视野高分影像和人本视角街景影像提供的信息综合互补,构建了更有区分度的特征空间,减少了城中村的错分现象。本文证实了高分影像和街景影像在特征尺度的融合提升了城中村识别精度。街景影像中的信息可以融入到高分遥感影像等数据源中,辅助进行城中村等非正规居住空间的识别。  相似文献   
数据融合是解决高光谱卫星在时空分辨率等指标上受限的有效途径,探讨不同方法在GF-5高光谱数据上的融合效果,对GF-5高光谱数据的信息挖掘与推广应用有着重要意义。本文本着算法简单易用、适于推广的原则,采用GS(Gram-Schmidt)葛兰—施密特正交变换融合算法、GSA(GS Adaptive)自适应GS融合算法、CNMF(Coupled Non-negative Matrix Factorization)耦合非负矩阵分解融合算法、CRISP-W(Color Resolution Improvement Software Package with Wavelet transform)基于小波变换和CRISP-B(Color Resolution Improvement Software Package with Butterworth)基于巴特沃斯滤波器的分辨率提升融合算法、GLP(Generalized Laplacian Pyramid)广义拉普拉斯金字塔融合算法共6种融合方法,分别对BJ-2、GF-2、GF-1、GF-1C、GF-1D国产卫星多光谱数据与GF-5高光谱数据进行融合实验。通过目视分析、指标评价(相关系数、通用图像质量指标、峰值信噪比、光谱角、全局综合误差)、分类应用、时间成本4种方式对融合结果进行综合比较分析。结果表明,相融合的一组图像系列相同、空间分辨率相差越小,融合结果越好。CRISP-B、CRISP-W、GLP在提升空间分辨率、光谱保真度方面能达到较好的平衡,空间重建方面,GLP稍优且更稳定,CRISP-B、CRISP-W则在光谱信息保持方面稳定性更强且效果更好。数据源会对融合方法产生一定的影响,在光谱特征信息提取、分析等对光谱保真度要求高的工作中,GLP更适合同源数据(如GF-5与GF-1/1C/1D/2)融合,而在多源数据间(如GF-5与BJ-2)进行融合时,则优先选择CRISP-W。CNMF存在一定程度的色彩畸变,且运行时间较长。GSA、GS融合效果最差,其中,GSA不论是光谱保持能力还是空间分辨率提升能力均较GS更稳定。在小样本高光谱图像分类应用中,CRISP-B融合结果分类效果稳定,分类精度较高。GSA融合结果空间细节丰富,虽光谱失真较为严重,但同时增大了地物光谱分离度,仍适用于准确勾勒建筑物、道路等地物。本研究为GF-5高光谱数据与其他国产卫星多光谱数据融合方法的选择提供参考,有助于高分五号高光谱数据的应用与推广。  相似文献   
近年来分布式光纤感测技术在岩土与地质工程领域的应用研究已成为一个研究热点,但工程实践表明,埋入式传感光纤与被测岩土体之间的变形协调性会对监测结果产生显著的影响,该问题一直制约着光纤感测技术在工程监测中的推广。本文通过一系列室内拉拔试验,对比了3种预埋于砂土中的单模光纤在不同上覆压力的作用下的拉拔力-拉拔位移曲线,并建立了一个用于描述光纤-砂土界面力学性质的三段式的拉拔模型,分析峰值拉拔力、残余拉拔力、有效拉拔位移和残余拉拔位移4个参数在不同上覆压力作用下的变化情况。分析结果揭示传感光纤-砂土界面的力学特性和应力传递规律,为分布式光纤传感技术在岩土体变形监测中的应用,尤其在变形监测光纤的选用标准方面,提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
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