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Modern hyperspectral imaging and non-imaging spectroradiometer has the capability to acquire high-resolution spectral reflectance data required for surface materials identification and mapping. Spectral similarity metrics, due to their mathematical simplicity and insensitiveness to the number of reference labelled spectra, have been increasingly used for material mapping by labelling reflectance spectra in hyperspectral data labelling. For a particular hyperspectral data set, the accuracy of spectral labelling depends considerably upon the degree of unambiguous spectral matching achieved by the spectral similarity metric used. In this work, we propose a new methodology for quantifying spectral similarity for hyperspectral data labelling for surface materials identification. Developed adopting the multiple classifier system architecture, the proposed methodology unifies into a single framework the differential performances of eight different spectral similarity metrics for the quantification of spectral matching for surface materials. The proposed methodology has been implemented on two types of hyperspectral data viz. image (airborne hyperspectral images) and non-image (library spectra) for numerous surface materials identification. Further, the performance of the proposed methodology has been compared with the support vector machines (SVM) approach, and with all the base spectral similarity metrics. The results indicate that, for the hyperspectral images, the performance of the proposed methodology is comparable with that of the SVM. For the library spectra, the proposed methodology shows a consistently higher (increase of about 30% when compared to SVM) classification accuracy. The proposed methodology has the potential to serve as a general library search method for materials identification using hyperspectral data.  相似文献   
基于同步观测的高分一号卫星影像辐射质量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高分一号卫星(GF-1)影像进行辐射特征的质量评价研究。通过设计同步观测实验,得到目标区域的同步观测卫星影像数据、大气与太阳光照数据和地面光谱数据;利用值域、均值和标准差等灰度特征指标以及对比度、清晰度、信息熵和角二阶矩等纹理特征指标评价GF-1影像的整体质量。实验结果表明:GF-1影像能较好地区分不同的地物类别,反映不同地物的空间特征和结构差异;整体信息的丰富程度和地物特征表现能力上能满足一般的使用需求,使用时可根据需求选用不同波段的影像来满足实际需要。  相似文献   
介绍一种寻找隐伏岩体的好方法:岩浆热场法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
隐伏岩体对于热液矿床找矿是非常重要的。寻找隐伏岩体的方法很多,其中以物探(磁法、电法、重力、地震等)方法应用得最广泛、效果最好。本文介绍的岩浆热场法,是专门寻找隐伏岩体的方法。岩浆热场法是地球物理方法的一种,它以感知温度场的差别为目的,没有多解性是它最大的优点。它以岩浆热场理论为基础,以各种能够恢复古温度场的方法为手段。能够感知岩浆热场温度的方法很多,本文介绍了其中的五种:接触变质带法、煤质和煤级法、伊利石结晶度法、牙形石色变度法和镜质体反射率法等。接触变质带是岩浆热场直接的具体的体现,传统的接触变质带范围有限(一般不超过1km)。但是,如果考虑到极低级变质作用,将大大扩展接触变质带的范围(达6~8km)。煤质和煤级是煤田地质部门应用得非常娴熟的方法,中国无烟煤分布区大多与岩浆热场有关,是隐伏岩体的良好指示剂。伊利石结晶度、牙形石色变度和镜质体反射率法是极低级变质作用研究中非常重要的三个指标。在上述各种方法中,笔者推荐镜质体反射率方法。该方法具有简单、精确、适用、经济、快速的特点。与物探方法比较,该方法有很多优点,但也有其局限性。如果能够将该方法从煤田和石油部门移植到岩石学和矿床学部门,与磁法、电法、重力法配合使用,可以提高寻找隐伏岩体的效果。  相似文献   
用TTI和动力学模型计算R0值的对比—以中国南海北部为例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
邓孝  黄忠明 《地球化学》1995,24(3):245-253
本文以南海北部大陆架西区为背景,对比研究用TTI模型和化学动力学模型计算R0的结果,探讨其对石油成熟度评价的意义。研究表明,由动力学模型方法确定的石油窗成熟起始位置(深度和温度)浅于TTI的结果,其差距随着加热速率增加而加大,对南海北部大陆架西区而言,影响程度增加的顺序是北部湾盆地一珠三坳陷-莺琼盆地。  相似文献   
赤潮水体红光波段反射光谱中"荧光峰"的红移现象一直备受研究者的广泛关注。本文基于前向辐射传输模型,通过2011年7月9日在大连湾海域实测的赤潮水体吸收系数和后向散射系数模拟了弹性散射作用下的反射光谱,发现在未考虑叶绿素荧光的情况下,红光波段仍存在显著的反射峰,且随叶绿素浓度的增加,反射峰出现红移现象;加入叶绿素荧光后,模拟光谱红光波段反射峰的位置与高度出现不同程度的改变,与实测光谱的更接近;对比模拟光谱与实测光谱可确定,红光波段的反射峰由吸收、后向散射以及叶绿素荧光共同控制,而文献中通常提到的"荧光峰"红移实由浮游藻类红光波段的强吸收作用导致,与叶绿素荧光无关,因此反射峰红移的说法更为合理。  相似文献   
A reconnaissance study of potential hydrocarbon source rocks of Paleozoic to Cenozoic age from the highly remote New Siberian Islands Archipelago (Russian Arctic) was carried out. 101 samples were collected from outcrops representing the principal Paleozoic-Cenozoic units across the entire archipelago. Organic petrological and geochemical analyses (vitrinite reflectance measurements, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, GC-MS) were undertaken in order to screen the maturity, quality and quantity of the organic matter in the outcrop samples. The lithology varies from continental sedimentary rocks with coal particles to shallow marine carbonates and deep marine black shales. Several organic-rich intervals were identified in the Upper Paleozoic to Lower Cenozoic succession. Lower Devonian shales were found to have the highest source rock potential of all Paleozoic units. Middle Carboniferous-Permian and Triassic units appear to have a good potential for natural gas formation. Late Mesozoic (Cretaceous) and Cenozoic low-rank coals, lignites, and coal-bearing sandstones also display a potential for gas generation. Kerogen type III (humic, gas-prone) dominates in most of the samples, and indicates deposition in lacustrine to coastal paleoenvironments. Most of the samples (except some of Cretaceous and Paleogene age) reached oil window maturities, whereas the Devonian to Carboniferous units shared a maturity mainly within the gas window.  相似文献   
Australian Geological Surveys are the custodians of a major national asset in the form of historically drilled and archived drill cores of the top few kilometres of the continent acquired by government agencies and companies over many decades. The AuScope National Virtual Core Library (NVCL) component of the AuScope Earth Model comprises geological/rock samples, technology, people and database/delivery infrastructure located in six nationally distributed nodes and is aimed at extracting additional value from this asset. The technology components of the NVCL comprise an integrated suite of hardware (HyLogger-3) and software (TSG-Core) systems for the imaging and hyperspectral characterisation of drill cores in their original core trays and the interpretation of their contained oxide, carbonate, hydrous and anhydrous silicate mineralogy. The HyLogger-3 includes state-of-the-art Fourier Transform Spectrometers that continuously measure calibrated spectral reflectance from nominal 10 by 18 mm fields of view. These spectra are in turn passed through a series of automatic and semi-automatic pre-processing and mineralogical unmixing algorithms. These, along with numerous other tools in TSG-Core, output a variety of mineralogical and image products for use by scientists in many branches of the earth sciences. This paper provides a functional overview of the HyLogging hardware and software tools available in each of Australia's Geological Surveys.  相似文献   
Twenty thousand metres of diamond drill core representing a 14 km cross-section from weakly to intensely altered Roxby Downs Granite through the Olympic Dam Breccia Complex, host to the Olympic Dam iron-oxide–copper–gold–uranium deposit in South Australia, was analysed using the HyLogger-3 spectral scanner. Thermal and shortwave infrared spectroscopy results from 30 drill holes provide insight into the spatial relationships between quartz, orthoclase–microcline, albite–oligoclase and progressively changing sericite and chlorite compositions. The relative proportions of quartz, feldspars and phyllosilicates were mapped with thermal infrared spectroscopy. Variations in the chemistry of sericite and chlorite were extracted by proxy from their shortwave infrared spectral response, together with their relative spatial distribution. HyLogger scanning has revealed four deposit-scale mineralogical trends, progressing from least-altered Roxby Downs Granite into mineralisation where most of the feldspar has been replaced by sericite + hematite + quartz: (1) a progressive Al–OH wavelength shift of 2205 nm to 2210 nm for sericite, followed by a spatially rapid reversal corresponding to lower phengite/muscovite abundance ratios; (2) progressive Mg/Fe–OH wavelength shift of 2248 nm to 2252 nm reflecting an increase in the Fe:Mg ratio of chlorite; (3) increasing ratio of microcline to orthoclase followed by a rapid decrease; and (4) slightly decreasing ratio of albite to oligoclase followed by plagioclase destruction prior to albite replacement by sericite. The HyLogger feldspar results support recent petrographic evidence for hydrothermal albite and K-feldspar at the Olympic Dam deposit, not previously reported. The spectral results from continuous HyLogger scans also show that the microscopic observations and proposed feldspar replacement reactions are not locally isolated phenomena, but are applicable at the deposit and regional-scale. A modified quartz–K-feldspar–plagioclase ternary diagram utilising mineralogy interpreted from HyLogger thermal infrared spectra (QAPTIR) diagram along with supporting data on the abundance ratios of orthoclase/microcline and albite/plagioclase, and the wavelength shifts in characteristic absorption features for sericite and chlorite, can be used as empirical vectors towards mineralisation within the Olympic Dam mineral system, with potential application to other IOCG ore-forming systems. Intrusion of Gairdner Dyke Swarm dolerite dykes into sericite ± hematite altered Roxby Downs Granite results in retrograde albite–chlorite–magnetite alteration envelopes (up to tens of metres thick) overprinting the original sericite ± hematite alteration zone and needs to be carefully evaluated to ensure that such areas are not falsely downgraded during exploration.  相似文献   
The heat flow content in vitrinite reflectance (VR) observations is studied based on a simple model of burial at a constant rate. The model is made dimensionless, and it has just one parameter except for the paleo heat flow. The question of existence and uniqueness of a solution is studied, and there exist in general no paleo heat flow that will reproduce a given VR-depth curve. But a solution is unique if it exists. A computed VR-depth function is shown to be smooth, even for piecewise constant heat flow histories. The paleo heat flow can be obtained from a VR-depth function after two times with derivations. It is also shown how the present day thermal gradient can be obtained by derivation of a VR-depth representation. The one-parameter model allows for approximate expressions for the optimal paleo heat flow as a step function. The results obtained from the one-parameter model is also compared with similar results from a real case study from the North Sea using a state-of-the-art basin simulator.  相似文献   
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