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分析地震动的频谱周期参数和频率非平稳特征,是地震危险性分析和结构抗震设计的重要内容.本文对近断层地震动记录按照不同的运动特征分组,进行了Hilbert-Huang变换分析.结合相关的定义得到了表征地震动频谱特性的7个周期参数,包括:Fourier幅值谱平均周期Tm、Hilbert边际谱平均周期Tmh、特征周期Tc、卓越周期等,并计算了地震动的Hilbert谱瞬时频率时程变异系数.计算结果表明,从整体上把握地震动频谱特性的三个周期参数Tm 、Tmh 和Tc适合于表征近断层地震动的频谱成份.近断层地震动的频率非平稳特征显著,Hilbert谱瞬时频率变异系数良好地反映了地震动的频率非平稳性质和程度.而且,考察了近断层地震动运动特征对地震动频谱周期参数和频率非平稳性的影响.  相似文献   
对国内有关场地条件对设计反应谱最大值影响的研究现状作了介绍,对不同研究者所采用的研究方法和得出的结论进行了对比。通过对比发现了4点不同:1)场地类别划分标准不同;2)所用地震记录来源不同;3)地震动强度的划分依据不同;4)在计算场地系数时所参照的场地类别标准也不同。同时,发现中国规范中Ⅳ类场地的范围过于小,有必要进行调整。综合上述分析,提出用峰值加速度来表示地震动强度,按照Ⅱ类场地的峰值加速度来进行分组,以有效峰值加速度EPA作为计算标准更加合理。利用真实的地震记录,根据各个台站的地质剖面图,按照中国现行的场地类别划分标准对所得到的场地进行类别划分,通过计算不同类别场地的EPA,结合这些分析结果,建议了用于不同类别场地设计反应谱最大值的一组经验系数  相似文献   
Providing quantitative microzonation results that can be taken into account in urban land-use plans is a challenging task that requires collaborative efforts between the seismological and engineering communities. In this study, starting from the results obtained by extensive geophysical and seismological investigations, we propose and apply an approach to the Gubbio basin (Italy) that can be easily implemented for cases of moderate-to-low ground motion and that takes into account not only simple 1D, but also more complicated 3D effects.  相似文献   
本文结合弹塑性反应谱的研究,给出了求解钢框架一钢筋混凝土核心筒混合结构位移需求的基本步骤,并采用不同的R-μ—T关系计算了某15层混合结构的位移需求。结果表明:选取不同模型计算所得的位移需求有一定的偏差,偏差大致在25%以内,其中Newmark&Hall模型会较大幅高估结构的位移需求。通过比较,本文最终选取吕西林、周定松模型,其估计的位移需求与弹塑性时程分析结果的偏差基本控制在30%以内,可以为工程界接受。对比分析不仅表明了选取该模型的合理性,同时说明弹塑性反应谱法是一种比较有效的估计此类结构位移需求的方法,在混合结构基于性态的抗震设计中具有应用价值。  相似文献   
This preliminary study aims to investigate a M w 6.3 earthquake that occurred in South Iceland on Thursday 29 May 2008 at 15:45 UTC. The epicentre was in the Olfus District between the towns of Selfoss and Hveragerdi. This study examines the data recorded and the damage observed immediately after the event. Horizontal accelerations of up to 80%g were recorded in the epicentral region and there is visual evidence that the vertical acceleration exceeded 1 g. The PGA data is compared to a ground motion estimation model developed for the South Iceland earthquakes in June 2000. In general the basic properties of this event are found to be similar to the characteristics of the South Iceland earthquakes in June 2000. The duration of strong-motion is short and the intensity attenuates rapidly with increasing distance. The earthquake action resisted by buildings in the near fault area is inspected through evaluation of elastic as well as inelastic response spectra. The vast majority of structures seemed to withstand the strong-motion fairly competently and without significant visual damage due firstly to the low-rise, predominantly reinforced concrete or timber, style of buildings. Secondly, the short duration of strong-motion contributed to the endurance of structures.  相似文献   
An indirect proton flux measuring tool based on discrimination of the energy deposited by protons in 128 × 128 pixel EIT CCD areas outside the solar disk images is presented. Single pixel intensity events are converted into proton incident energy flux using modeled energy deposition curves for angles of incidence ±60° in four EIT spatial areas with different proton stopping power. The extracted proton flux is corrected for both the loss of one‐pixel events in the range of angles of incidence as well as for the contribution to the single pixel events resulting from scattered middle‐energy protons (low‐energy or high‐energy particles are stopped by the EIT components or pass through them, accordingly). A simple geometrical approach was found and applied to correct for a non‐unique relation between the proton‐associated CCD output signal and the incident proton energy. With this geometrical approximation four unique proton incident energy ranges were determined as 45–49, 145–154, 297–335, and 390–440 MeV. The indirect proton flux measuring tool has been tested by comparing Solar Energetic Particles (SEP) flux temporal profiles extracted from the EIT CCD frames and downloaded from the GOES database for the Bastille Day (BD) of 2000 July 14 and the more recent 2005 January 20 events. The SEP flux temporal profiles and proton spectra extracted from the EIT in the relatively narrow energy ranges between 45 and 440 MeV reported here are consistent with the related GOES profiles. The four additional EIT extracted ranges provide higher energy resolution of the SEP data. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
Measurements on drop size were made in cumulus clouds over Pune (inland region) during the summer monsoon seasons. In this paper, the measurements of the cloud drop spectra made in non-raining clouds at different levels and for different thickness have been studied. Also, those on the days with rain and with no rain (the rain being observed within the clouds) have been compared. The average spectra broadened with height. The concentration of drops >50 μm (NL), liquid water content (LWC), mean volume diameter (MVD) and dispersion increased with height. The concentration of drops <20 μm (NS) and total concentration (NT) decreased with height. The spectra were broader, while NS and NT are smaller and the other parameters are greater for thicker clouds as compared to those for thinner. The spectra were broader, while NS and NT are smaller and the other parameters are greater on the days with rain with respect to those on the days with no rain. The distributions were bimodal at higher levels, for thicker clouds and on the days with rain, while they were unimodal at lower levels, for thinner clouds and on the days with no rain. The variations of the cloud drop spectra, preceding rain, at initial stage of rain and following rain are discussed.  相似文献   
Design seismic forces depend on Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) values and on the shape of Response Spectrum (RS) curves dictated by Building Codes or which need to be evaluated in every particular case. The PGA values and RS curves strictly depend on earthquake magnitude and distance, as well as on the regional and local geological conditions. At present, there is no doubt that it is necessary to construct so-called “Site & Region-specific” Building Code provisions reflecting the influence of different magnitude events at different distances that may occur during the life time of the construction, as well as the variety of local ground conditions. A scheme of Uniform Hazard Response Spectra and PGA estimation considering local site response is described in this paper. The assessments of these design parameters are obtained on the basis of Uniform Hazard Fourier spectra using the conception of “dominant earthquakes”. The effect of local geology is included by means of the soil/reference site spectral ratios.  相似文献   
Turbulence Statistics Above And Within Two Amazon Rain Forest Canopies   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The turbulence structure in two Amazon rain forestswas characterised for a range of above-canopystability conditions, and the results compared withprevious studies in other forest canopies and recenttheory for the generation of turbulent eddies justabove forest canopies. Three-dimensional wind speedand temperature fluctuation data were collectedsimultaneously at up to five levels inside and abovetwo canopies of 30–40 m tall forests, during threeseparate periods. We analysed hourly statistics, jointprobability distributions, length scales, spatialcorrelations and coherence, as well as power spectraof vertical and horizontal wind speed.The daytime results show a sharp attenuation ofturbulence in the top third of the canopies, resultingin very little movement, and almost Gaussianprobability distributions of wind speeds, in the lowercanopy. This contrasts with strongly skewed andkurtotic distributions in the upper canopy. At night,attenuation was even stronger and skewness vanishedeven in the upper canopy. Power spectral peaks in thelower canopy are shifted to lower frequencies relativeto the upper canopy, and spatial correlations andcoherences were low throughout the canopy. Integrallength scales of vertical wind speed at the top of thecanopy were small, about 0.15 h compared to avalue of 0.28 h expected from the shear lengthscale at the canopy top, based on the hypothesis that theupper canopy air behaves as a plane mixing layer. Allthis suggests that, although exchange is not totallyinhibited, tropical rain forest canopies differ from other forests in that rapid, coherentdownward sweeps do not penetrate into the lowercanopy, and that length scales are suppressed. This isassociated with a persistent inversion of stability inthat region compared to above-canopy conditions. Theinversion is likely to be maintained by strong heatabsorption in the leaves concentrated near thecanopy top, with the generally weak turbulence beingunable to destroy the temperature gradients over thelarge canopy depth.  相似文献   
This paper presents results of turbulence measurementsmade in the south of Brazil in the Pampa region.Data collected at 1Hz are used to calculatestandard deviations of temperature and velocities. Onthe other hand data collected at 10Hz areused to study the behaviour of spectra and cospectraof turbulence in the surface layer. Dimensionless dissipation rates of turbulent kinetic energy and temperature variance are also presented. The frameworkof Monin–Obukhov Similarity theory is used and allresults are compared with other experimentalstudies.  相似文献   
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