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介绍了北极的概念,从海图投影、制图资料、专题符号、海图分幅等4个方面,研究了当前编制北极地区航海图需要解决的关键问题,为开展编制北极航海图的深入研究奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   
The Working Group I report of the Sixth Assessment Report(AR6)of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC)was released in August 2021. Base on updated and expanding data, AR6 presented the improved assessment of past changes and processes of cryosphere. AR6 also predicted the future changes us⁃ ing the models in CMIP6. The components of cryosphere were rapid shrinking under climate warming in the last decade. There were decreasing trends in Arctic sea-ice area and thickness. Sea-ice loss was significant. The Greenland Ice Sheet, the Antarctic Ice Sheet and all glaciers lost more mass than in any other decade. Global warming over the last decades had led to widespread permafrost warming, active layer thickness increasing and subsea permafrost extent reducing. Snow cover extent in the Northern Hemisphere also decreased significantly. However, the variations of snow depth and snow water equivalent showed great spatial heterogeneity. The rapid shrinking of the cryosphere accelerated the global mean sea level rise. The impact of human activities on cryo⁃ sphere will become more significant in the future. The Arctic sea-ice area will decrease, and the Arctic Ocean will likely become practically sea ice-free. The Greenland Ice Sheet, the Antarctic Ice Sheet and glaciers will continue to lose mass throughout this century. Permafrost and Northern Hemisphere snow cover extent will con⁃ tinue to decrease as global climate continues to warm. In addition, there are still uncertainties in the prediction of cryosphere due to the absence of observations, the poor sensitivity of models to the components and processes of cryosphere, and the inexplicit represent of the mechanism of light-absorbing impurities. More attentions should be paid on these issues in the future. © 2022 Science Press (China). All rights reserved.  相似文献   
多波束数据处理中的UTM直角坐标与经纬度坐标转换技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了地图投影的一般概念,重点描述了UTM的优点及其与大地坐标之间的相互转换,该转换方法软件化后形成的技术可以为多波束数据后处理商业软件提供坐标转换的补丁技术。最后附上部分经实际检验的Fortran程序供参考。  相似文献   
顾燕  张鹰 《海洋技术学报》2004,23(2):103-106
海岸带是影响人类活动的重要地带,海岸带专题地图能够详细表示出海岸带的特性。随着海洋经济的发展,海岸图的需求日益增加。从地图的数学要素出发,提出目前海岸图绘制存在的问题,并从地图学、海洋学、遥感地学的角度,对地图投影的选择、坐标系转换、比例尺对海岸图编绘的影响及控制点的确定等问题进行了综合分析。  相似文献   
为了便于实现等面积方位投影与椭球等角圆柱或圆锥投影之间的变换,借助具有强大符号运算功能的计算机代数系统Mathematica,推导出了等面积纬度和等量纬度之间变换的直接表达式,进一步将表达式改进为适合电算的形式,并将其系数统一表示为关于椭球偏心率e和椭球第三扁率n的幂级数形式。通过算例分析表明:基于第三扁率n的幂级数表达式具有更紧凑的形式和更好的收敛性,且导出公式的计算误差分别小于10^-8和10^-8″,可以满足大地测量和地图制图计算精度要求。  相似文献   
With its amplification simultaneously emerging in cryospheric regions, especially in the Tibetan Plateau, global warming is undoubtedly occurring. In this study, we utilized 28 global climate models to assess model performance regarding surface air temperature over the Tibetan Plateau from 1961 to 2014, reported spatiotemporal variability in surface air temperature in the future under four scenarios (SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, and SSP5-8.5), and further quantified the timing of warming levels (1.5, 2, and 3 °C) in the region. The results show that the multimodel ensemble means depicted the spatiotemporal patterns of surface air temperature for the past decades well, although with differences across individual models. The projected surface air temperature, by 2099, would warm by 1.9, 3.2, 5.2, and 6.3 °C relative to the reference period (1981–2010), with increasing rates of 0.11, 0.31, 0.53, and 0.70 °C/decade under the SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, and SSP5-8.5 scenarios for the period 2015–2099, respectively. Compared with the preindustrial periods (1850–1900), the mean annual surface air temperature over the Tibetan Plateau has hit the 1.5 °C threshold and will break 2 °C in the next decade, but there is still a chance to limit the temperature below 3 °C in this century. Our study provides a new understanding of climate warming in high mountain areas and implies the urgent need to achieve carbon neutrality.  相似文献   
通过对不同块体应变计算公式的分析,利用模拟数据作为输入、采用经典平差方法求解应变参数并评定精度,进而对比不同参考面块体应变计算公式的差异。同时对小样本和大样本模拟数据应变计算结果进行统计分析。结果表明,平面公式与球面公式计算结果的差异与计算区域的大小有关,由投影误差决定,与点位的纬度分布没有必然的联系。因此,在小区域进行应变计算不会因为公式不同而导致结果的系统性差异。  相似文献   
利用政府间气候变化专门委员会第四次评估报告(IPCCAR4)的15个耦合气候模式在不同排放情景下的模拟结果,对我国夏季降水及相关大气环流场的未来时空变化特征与模式之间的不确定性作了研究。结果表明,在全球变暖背景下,我国夏季降水表现出较强的局地特征。其中,我国东部和高原地区的降水在21世纪表现出明显的增加趋势,而且这种趋势随着变暖的加剧而增强,同时模式模拟结果之间的一致性也更好,表明这一结果的可信度较高。在全球变暖背景下,我国新疆南部地区表现为持续的降水减少趋势,而我国西南地区夏季降水的变化则呈现出先减少(21世纪初)后增加的特征,不同模式对降水这些局地特征的模拟也都表现出较好的一致性。其他地区夏季降水在21世纪的变化不大,同时模式模拟的一致性也较差。多模式模拟的我国未来百年夏季降水的这些变化特征在温室气体高、中、低不同排放情景下基本一致,A2情景预估结果变化最大,A1B次之,B1相对最小。东亚夏季大气环流场的预估结果显示,在全球变暖的背景下,大部分模式的模拟结果都表明,东亚夏季风环流有所增强,从而使得由低纬度大洋和南海地区向我国大陆的水汽输送增加,造成该地区大气含水量的增多,从而为我国东部地区夏季降水的增加提供有利条件。此外,随着全球变暖的加剧,西太平洋副热带高压持续增强,其变化对我国东部地区夏季降水的影响程度和范围也明显增大。这些环流场及其不确定性的分析结果进一步加强了我国夏季降水未来变化预估结果的可信度。  相似文献   
IPCC第六次气候变化评估中的气候约束预估方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周佰铨  翟盘茂 《气象学报》2021,79(6):1063-1070
得益于第五次评估报告(AR5)以来约束预估研究的迅速发展,观测约束成为政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第一工作组(WGI)第六次评估报告(AR6)提升对未来预估约束的证据链中的重要一环。IPCC第一工作组第六次评估报告首次利用包括根据历史模拟温度升高幅度得到的观测约束、多模式预估以及第六次评估报告中更新的气候敏感度在内的多条证据链来约束全球地表温度未来变化的预估,减小了多模式预估的不确定性。文中回顾并介绍了IPCC第一工作组第六次评估报告中涉及的几种主要观测约束方法(多模式加权方法、基于归因结论的约束方法(ASK方法)、萌现约束方法)及其应用情况。在IPCC第一工作组第六次评估报告以及很多针对不同区域不同变量的预估研究中,观测约束方法均显示出了订正模式误差、改善模式预估的潜力。相比而言,目前中国在观测约束预估方面的研究还不多,亟待加强观测约束方法研究以及在中国区域气候变化预估中的应用,为中国应对气候变化的政策制定和适应规划提供更丰富、不确定性更小的未来气候信息。   相似文献   
Potential changes in precipitation extremes in July–August over China in response to CO 2 doubling are analyzed based on the output of 24 coupled climate models from the Twentieth-Century Climate in Coupled Models (20C3M) experiment and the 1% per year CO 2 increase experiment (to doubling) (1pctto2x) of phase 3 of the Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project (CMIP3). Evaluation of the models’ performance in simulating the mean state shows that the majority of models fairly reproduce the broad spatial pattern of observed precipitation. However, all the models underestimate extreme precipitation by ~50%. The spread among the models over the Tibetan Plateau is ~2–3 times larger than that over the other areas. Models with higher resolution generally perform better than those with lower resolutions in terms of spatial pattern and precipitation amount. Under the 1pctto2x scenario, the ratio between the absolute value of MME extreme precipitation change and model spread is larger than that of total precipitation, indicating a relatively robust change of extremes. The change of extreme precipitation is more homogeneous than the total precipitation. Analysis on the output of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory coupled climate model version 2.1 (GFDL-CM2.1) indicates that the spatially consistent increase of surface temperature and water vapor content contribute to the large increase of extreme precipitation over contiguous China, which follows the Clausius–Clapeyron relationship. Whereas, the meridionally tri-polar pattern of mean precipitation change over eastern China is dominated by the change of water vapor convergence, which is determined by the response of monsoon circulation to global warming.  相似文献   
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