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对新疆尼勒克、巩留交界6.0级地震测震应急流动台站的架设工作进行总结,针对应急流动台站的台址勘选、仪器设备的安装架设形式及数据实时传输等方面进行分析,总结经验,发现不足.期望对今后的地震现场应急流动测震台站的安装架设起到一定的参考作用.  相似文献   
鱼类过坝后的上溯行为对鱼类寻找适宜的产卵、索饵等功能性栖息地至关重要。现阶段我国大多数研究聚焦于鱼类上溯通过鱼道的游泳行为量化,而过坝后的上溯行为分析鲜有报道。本研究在金沙江下游支流黑水河松新坝址处利用PIT(passive integrated transponder)遥测技术对松新电站过鱼对象短须裂腹鱼(Schizothorax wangchiachii)过坝后的上溯行为开展监测,考虑监测过程中水文情势变化对过坝后上溯行为的影响,采用生存分析方法,构建了耦合多因素(流量、水温、河道涨落水率、昼夜节律、肥满度等)的Cox风险比例回归模型,利用AIC模型准则筛选出最优模型参数,识别了影响鱼类过坝后上溯成功率的关键因素。结果表明:(1)短须裂腹鱼在松新鱼道的上溯效果显著优于河道;(2)水温及河道涨落率是影响短须裂腹鱼过坝后上溯效果的关键因素;(3)水温与短须裂腹鱼过坝后河道上溯成功率呈负相关,当水温超过短须裂腹鱼最适温度后,河道上溯成功率随着温度的上升呈递减趋势;河道涨落水率与短须裂腹鱼过坝后河道上溯成功率呈正相关,其中涨水情势下短须裂腹鱼河道成功上溯的概率高于落水,河道上溯成功率随着涨...  相似文献   
以2008年5月12日发生的汶川地震(M_S8.0)为研究对象,选取震前2007年7月—2008年6月成都地磁台的观测数据每月计算一个低频段功率谱峰值,并对2011年7月—2012年6月和2012年7月—2013年6月两个时间段的资料作同样的数据处理。结果表明,成都台2007年7月—2008年6月的低频段功率谱峰值震前出现一些幅度较大的变化,而另外两个时段则显示较为平稳的低频段功率谱峰值。作为对照,对西昌台同时段资料也作相同的处理,其结果显示震前未出现和成都台类似的异常结果。结合其他研究结果,初步认为这种现象可能与汶川地震(M_S8.0)有关联,且这种现象的出现可能与震中距有关,但其发生机理尚需进一步研究。这一结果对于震磁关系的研究具有参考意义。  相似文献   
位场各阶垂向导数换算的新正则化方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
位场垂向导数大量应用于位场数据处理与解释中.当前广泛采用的位场各阶垂向导数换算方法为基于Laplace方程并结合波数域和空间域方法的具有递推特性的ISVD(integrated second vertical derivative)算法.本文在位场垂向导数换算的正则化方法和径向平均功率谱的基础上,提出一种位场各阶垂向导数换算的新正则化方法.新正则化方法仅需通过分析位场径向平均功率谱来确定一个截止波数,即可稳定换算位场各阶垂向导数.理论模型和实测数据实验结果表明:(1)新正则化方法物理意义明确、计算简单,且各阶垂向导数换算的稳定性和精度明显优于ISVD算法;(2)在用新正则化方法求得各阶垂向导数的基础上,利用泰勒级数法可以获得大深度、高精度的位场向下延拓结果.  相似文献   
In this study,accumulation and distribution of Pb,Cu,Zn,Co,Ni,Mn and Fe in water,bottom sediments and four plant species (Myriophyllum verticillatum,Hydrocharis morsus-ranae,Nymphaea alba and Typha latifolia) were investigated in (C)ernek Lake of Kizihrmak Delta.The Kizdirmak Delta is one of the largest natural wetlands of Turkey and it is protected by the Ramsar convention since 1993.Selected physico-chemical parameters such as pH,conductivity and dissolved oxygen and also trace metal concentrations were monitored in water.All the parameters obtained were found higher than that of the national standards for the protected lakes and reserves.The accumulated amounts of various trace metals in bottom sediments and wetland plants were found in the following order of Fe > Mn > Zn > Ni > Co > Cu > Pb and Fe > Mn > Zn > Ni > Co respectively.The historical trace metal intake of Myriophyllum verticillatum,Hydrocharis morsus-ranae,Typha latifolia and Nymphaea alba were obtained higher than that of the toxic metal levels and these plants may be accepted as accumulators for the detected trace metals and also bioindicators in the historically polluted natural areas.  相似文献   
Nonlinear viscous dampers are supplemental devices widely used for enhancing the performance of structural systems exposed to seismic hazard. A rigorous evaluation of the effect of these damping devices on the seismic performance of a structural system should be based on a probabilistic approach and take into account the evolutionary characteristics of the earthquake input and of the corresponding system response. In this paper, an approximate analytical technique is proposed for studying the nonstationary stochastic response characteristics of hysteretic single degree of freedom systems equipped with viscous dampers subjected to a fully nonstationary random process representing the seismic input. In this regard, a stochastic averaging/linearization technique is utilized to cast the original nonlinear stochastic differential equation of motion into a simple first‐order nonlinear ordinary differential equation for the nonstationary system response variance. In comparison with standard linearization schemes, the herein proposed technique has the significant advantage that it allows to handle realistic seismic excitations with time‐varying frequency content. Further, it allows deriving a formula for determining the nonlinear system response evolutionary power spectrum. By this way, ‘moving resonance’ effects, related to both the evolutionary seismic excitation and the nonlinear system behavior, can be observed and quantified. Several applications involving various system and input properties are included. Furthermore, various response parameters of interest for the seismic performance assessment are considered as well. Comparisons with pertinent Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate the reliability of the proposed technique. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
太湖典型植物氨基酸组成特征及其对水环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在太湖两个不同湖区(东太湖和贡湖)各选择了8种不同类型的典型水生植物和1种陆生植物全株作为研究对象,采用邻苯二甲醛柱前衍生-反相高效液相色谱法对其中15种氨基酸的组成特征进行了分析,并探讨了植物来源氨基酸对湖泊水环境的影响.结果表明东太湖区域植物体中总可水解氨基酸(THAAs)的平均含量为861.6±182.96μmol/g,贡湖区域植物体中THAAs平均含量为700.0±232.3μmol/g;不同类型植物体中THAAs的含量大小依次为:沉水植物、浮叶植物挺水植物陆生植物;其中天冬氨酸、谷氨酸、精氨酸、丙氨酸和赖氨酸是THAAs的主要组成部分,这5种氨基酸的摩尔浓度占氨基酸总量的50%以上;太湖植物中THAAs所含的氮元素对植物总氮的贡献在30.7%~94.7%之间,是植物体氮元素的主要组分,也是内源氮输入的主要来源.东太湖区域采集的植物样品中各氨基酸的浓度比例与东太湖水体氨基酸组成差异较大,但与沉积物氨基酸组成较吻合,表明东太湖植物来源的有机质和氨基酸是沉积物中有机质和氨基酸的重要来源.  相似文献   
River incision and vegetation dynamics in cut-off channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The consequences of river incision on ecosystems dynamics in cut-off channels were hypothesized to be 1) the reduction of river backflows and overflows of the river in the former channels; 2) the reduction of seepage flows from the river and drainage into the channels; 3) the drainage of the hillslope aquifer by the former channels. The subsequent changes of aquatic plant communities should be 1) the terrestrialization of the higher part of former channels and 2) their change into more oligotraphent ones if the hillslope aquifer is poorer in nutrients than the river. In those reaches where the river bed is aggraded, river backflows in the cut-off channel should increase, as should overflows and seepage, and more eutraphent species should develop. Changes in aquatic vegetation were studied over a ten-year period in four cut-off channels supplied by a nutrient-poor hillslope aquifer and a nutrient-rich river. Two of them were located in an incised reach of the river, one in an aggraded reach and one (reference) in a reach that was neither aggraded nor incised. The vegetation of the reference channel exhibited only minor changes over the ten-year period, indicating that the successional trend is not perceptible at the time scale of the study, and thus that any change observed in the other channels can be ascribed to river incision or aggradation. Terrestrialization expected in the channels located in the incised reach clearly progressed in the downstream parts, but was inhibited by groundwater supplies in the upper parts. As expected, oligotraphent communities progressed or remained dominant in the upper part. The channel located in the aggraded reach of the river exhibited the highest floristic changes. As expected, eutraphent communities progressed in this channel, but unexpectedly, terrestrialization also progressed in the upstream part. Alternative explanations are: 1) aggradation could have instigated more backflows and overflows without modifying significantly the mean water-level and 2) more frequent water overflows could have favoured alluvial deposition and thus terrestrialization.  相似文献   
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