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During the past 30 years, 42 molecular studies have been undertaken in New Zealand to examine the phylogeography of coastal benthic invertebrates and plants. Here, we identify generalities and/or patterns that have emerged from this research and consider the processes implicated in generating genetic structure within populations. Studies have used various molecular markers and examined taxonomic groups with a range of life histories and dispersal strategies. Genetic disjunctions have been identified at multiple locations, with the most frequently observed division occurring between northern and southern populations at the top of the South Island. Although upwelling has been implicated as a cause of this disjunction, oceanographic evidence is lacking and alternative hypotheses exist. A significant negative correlation between larval duration and genetic differentiation (r2 = 0.39, P < 0.001, n = 29) across all studies suggests that larval duration might be used as a proxy for dispersal potential. However, among taxa with short larval durations (<10 days) there was greater variability in genetic differentiation than among taxa with longer pelagic periods. This variability implies that when larval duration is short, other factors may determine dispersal and connectivity among populations. Although there has been little congruence between the phylogeographic data and recognised biogeographic regions, recent research has resolved population subdivision at finer spatial scales corresponding more closely with existing biogeographic classifications. The use of fast‐evolving and ecologically significant molecular markers in hypothesis‐driven research could further improve our ability to detect population subdivision and identify the processes structuring marine ecosystems.  相似文献   
Captive rock lobsters (Jasus edwardsii) were able to open and eat live dredge oysters (Ostrea lutaria) by progressively breaking away the shell edges with the mandibles and walking legs. Oysters are probably of only slight significance in the natural diet of rock lobsters.  相似文献   
The Siberian subspecies of the red knot Calidris canutus canutus spends the non-breeding season largely in West Africa (Mauritania and Guinea Bissau), where approximately half a million occurred in the 1980s. It was a rarely seen in southern Africa in the early part of the 20th century, but there were about 12 500 in the 1970s and 1980s. The main sites were Langebaan Lagoon, Berg River Estuary, Olifants River Estuary (South Africa) and Walvis Bay Lagoon (Namibia). There was a decline in the number of red knots at Langebaan Lagoon in the 1990s, to around 20% of the number that occurred there in the 1980s. Numbers remained low in the 2000s. In addition, the percentage that remained during the austral winter (the breeding season in the Arctic) declined, and there was none during the period 2001–2009. This suggested that first-year birds, which largely comprise the austral winter population, were no longer travelling to southern Africa. The decline in numbers coincided with the decline in West Africa, but it was disproportionately larger in southern Africa. The observed pattern of change is consistent with a buffer effect, whereby southern Africa represents an extension to the range to less suitable habitat (requiring a 6 000 km extension to the migration) when the population size and competition is high in the main localities in West Africa. We are probably now witnessing the gradual decline in the number of adult birds who are fixed in their use of southern Africa as their non-breeding quarters.  相似文献   
White-breasted cormorants Phalacrocorax [carbo] lucidus breed around South Africa's coast and at inland localities. Along the coasts of the Northern, Western and Eastern Cape provinces, numbers breeding were similar during the periods 1977–1981 (1 116 pairs at 41 localities) and 2008–2012 (1 280 pairs at 41 localities). Along the coast of KwaZulu-Natal (not counted in 1977–1981), 197 pairs bred at nine localities in 2008–2012, when the overall number breeding around South Africa's coastline was about 1 477 pairs. Between the two study periods, numbers decreased in the Northern and Western Cape provinces following the loss of several breeding localities, but they increased in the Eastern Cape. In the Western Cape, however, numbers were stable east of Cape Agulhas and at nine well-monitored West Coast localities that were surveyed from 1978 to 2012. White-breasted cormorants breed throughout the year, with breeding at some localities more seasonal than at others and the timing of peaks in breeding varying at and between localities. In the vicinity of Saldanha Bay/Langebaan Lagoon (Western Cape), in Algoa Bay (Eastern Cape) and in northern KwaZulu-Natal, it is likely that birds moved between breeding localities in different years, although breeding often occurred at the same locality over several years. Human disturbance, presence of predators, competition for breeding space and occurrence of breeding by other waterbirds may influence movements between colonies. Securing sufficient good habitat at which white-breasted cormorants may breed will be important for conservation of the species. The species may breed at an age of 4 years, possibly younger. The bulk of their diet around South Africa's coast consists of inshore marine and estuarine fish species that are not intensively exploited by humans.  相似文献   
Lichia amia is an important coastal recreational fishery species with a cosmopolitan distribution in the eastern Atlantic. In southern Africa, it is distributed from southern Angola to northern KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. A recent biological survey revealed differences between Angolan and South African individuals suggesting that they may represent separate stocks. As fishery management decisions should be based on accurate knowledge of population structure, an initial survey of the genetic substructuring of L. amia was conducted on samples collected in southern Angola and South Africa. Assessment of genetic diversity and population structure was conducted using a fragment of the mitochondrial Control Region. Obtained genetic diversity levels were within the expected range for marine teleosts (h = 0.867, π = 0.007), and two deeply divergent (southern Angolan and South African) populations were identified (average φ ST = 0.78) across the Benguela Current system. These results suggest that Angolan and South African L. amia should be managed as two independent stocks. This work represents the first assessment of population genetic substructuring across the Benguela Current of a valuable coastal fishery resource, and has application for future fisheries management.  相似文献   
The family Carangidae comprises 151 species, of which only 19 have been so far karyotyped, including a few representatives from the Western Atlantic Ocean. This study compared the cytogenetic features of three Atlantic carangids, Chloroscombrus chrysurus, Trachinotus goodei and T. falcatus, from north-eastern Brazilian coast, with previously obtained cytogenetic data from southern populations. All species presented 2n = 48 chromosomes. Chloroscombrus chrysurus showed a conserved karyotypic macrostructure (2n = 48a, FN = 48) whereas T. goodei (2m + 2sm + 44a; FN = 52) and T. falcatus (2n = 10m/sm + 38a; FN = 58) presented more diversified karyotypes. Data showed that the samples of C. chrysurus from the north-eastern and south-eastern regions did not differ cytogenetically. However, the frequency or position of ribosomal sites (Ag-NOR/18S rDNA) were effective in discriminating the populations of Trachinotus between these coastal regions. The distinct chromosomal patterns suggest a historical genetic fractionating of the Trachinotus populations along the Brazilian coast.  相似文献   
During 2008–2012, the number of crowned cormorants Phalacrocorax coronatus breeding in South Africa was c. 1 900 pairs, compared to 1 700 pairs for 1977–1981. Numbers at 10 islands in the Western Cape province fluctuated around a level of 1 100 pairs from 1991/1992 to 2011/2012, 300 more than from 1978/1979 to 1990/1991. These increases are attributable to the discovery of more colonies and an increased frequency of counting at the 10 islands after 1990/1991. The overall number of crowned cormorants breeding in South Africa is thought stable in the long term. Crowned cormorants feed mainly on small, inshore fish species that are not harvested by humans. Clinidae dominated the diet at 10 colonies adjoining the open sea, whereas Gobiidae contributed most food of birds at three colonies in a lagoon. The stability of the crowned cormorant population contrasts with decreases of some other seabirds endemic to southern Africa that feed primarily on prey that is exploited by fisheries. The crowned cormorant population decreased in the Northern Cape and small numbers initiated breeding at colonies to the east of Cape Agulhas at the turn of the century, but most of the population continues to breed to the west of Cape Agulhas. In some instances the availability of suitable breeding habitat may limit numbers breeding.  相似文献   
The onshore distributions and the abundances of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella and Subantarctic fur seals A. tropicalis were determined at Prince Edward Island during 16-20 December 2008. This repeats a survey conducted in December 2001 and extends the area surveyed to include the entire south-west coast of Prince Edward Island. Of the two colonies of Antarctic fur seals, the colony among Subantarctic fur seals north of Boggel Beach remained small, with increased numbers of Subantarctic fur seals and putative hybrids. The other Antarctic fur seal breeding colony at Penguin Beach remained free of Subantarctic fur seals and had expanded at a mean intrinsic rate of natural increase of 11.4% per year from 2001. With an estimated 810 pups, the Antarctic fur seal is still in the rapid recolonisation phase of population growth. The distribution of the more widespread and abundant Subantarctic fur seals also had increased, with several new breeding colonies along the east coast and one at Kent Crater on the west coast. The annual pup production was conservatively estimated at 14 130 pups. The mean intrinsic rate of natural increase has declined to ?0.3% per year over the last seven years, compared to the 9.3% per year between 1987/1988 and 2001/2002, and the population is in the mature phase of population growth.  相似文献   
通过AC测定、X~2检验、Pearson相关检验和Spearman秩相关检验多种指标,分别测定广西木论国家自然保护区9个乔木优势种群在6种不同尺度取样面积下的种间联结性和相关性.结果表明:在中亚热带石灰岩常绿落叶阔叶混交林内,种间联结性测定的取样面积以64-100 m~2为宜,而在9×9 m~2取样中最能体现优势种群的种问联结性及整个群落的特征;9种优势种组成的36对种对中,有15对存在显著或极显著关联,其中正关联12对,占所有显著或极显著关联对数的80%,占所有种对数的33.33%;负关联3对,占所有关联对数的20%,占所有种对数的8.33%.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the impacts of population growth and economic development on maize diversity in highland Guatemala. In the context of this discussion, economic development specifically refers to the recent expansion of the non-traditional agricultural exports (NTAEs). Population growth and economic development (i.e. NTAEs) are linked because as land has become scarce in highland Guatemala, due to the poor distribution of land resources and rapid population growth over the past 50 years, many farmers have turned to non-traditional economic strategies such as new crops that produce more income per unit of land. These new crops have improved the economic conditions of many farming families, but it has come at a cost regarding the maintenance of local maize varieties and household food security.  相似文献   
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