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The policy of the Chinese government concerning the horizontal expansion of the cultivated land through the reclamation of desert soils result in a total increase of 665. 985 km2 during the period 1987–1999 in North Shaanxi. This increase is less than the loss in arable land by urbanization. The accelerated rate of change in agricultural areas calls for more rapid surveys of urbanization and loss of arable land. Remote sensing has a number of advantages over ground-based methods for such surveys. The multi-scale concept of remote sensing data help us study the problem in four towns. Several maps were produced to analyze the situation of urban coverage in different times. The evaluation of the status, rate and risk of urbanization are based on an accepted average of urban increase as 2% of population growth per year.  相似文献   
Interactions between humans, diseases, and the environment take place across a range of temporal and spatial scales, making accurate, contemporary data on human population distributions critical for a variety of disciplines. Methods for disaggregating census data to finer-scale, gridded population density estimates continue to be refined as computational power increases and more detailed census, input, and validation datasets become available. However, the availability of spatially detailed census data still varies widely by country. In this study, we develop quantitative guidelines for choosing regionally-parameterized census count disaggregation models over country-specific models. We examine underlying methodological considerations for improving gridded population datasets for countries with coarser scale census data by investigating regional versus country-specific models used to estimate density surfaces for redistributing census counts. Consideration is given to the spatial resolution of input census data using examples from East Africa and Southeast Asia. Results suggest that for many countries more accurate population maps can be produced by using regionally-parameterized models where more spatially refined data exists than that which is available for the focal country. This study highlights the advancement of statistical toolsets and considerations for underlying data used in generating widely used gridded population data.  相似文献   
杜国明  张树文 《遥感学报》2007,11(2):252-256
利用遥感数据模拟基于居民地的人口空间分布,须解决两大难题:①居民地类型、面积、位置的精确获取;②居民地类型、面积与人口数量间的关系。本文根据地理意义和数学意义,对经典的城市人口-面积异速生长模型进行扩展,推导出城乡人口-面积统一模型。进而以松原市为例,以1∶5万地形图为辅助数据,建立居民地分类体系,利用ETM影像提取居民地信息,在以上模型的基础上采用“城乡人口分割”算法模拟城乡人口的空间分布。本研究方法可为中尺度人口分布的理论与应用研究借鉴。  相似文献   
全国地级及以上城市空间分布规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市空间分布规律是城市空间数据挖掘的重要方面,而不同的研究尺度,城市空间分布规律存在差异。本文基于全国地级及以上行政区划单位的地理位置、人口、人均GDP,对全国城市的空间分布规律(包括水平向、垂直向及水平垂直向联合分布规律)进行研究,同时也有部分城市存在异质现象,并对这种现象产生的原因进行分析。  相似文献   
宋龙  熊学萍 《热带地理》2022,42(12):1964-1979
利用1998—2020年百度资讯中关于时间银行成立的新闻报道,通过人工判读,提取其成立的时间与地点,分析时间银行的时空分布特征,并探讨其驱动因素。研究发现:1)时间银行在中国经历了3个发展时期,数量上总体呈现上升态势,其中第三个时期增幅最大;2)在城乡分布上,时间银行大多集中分布于城镇地区,并逐步向乡村地区发展;在省域分布上,绝大多数省份均已进行过对时间银行的探索工作,其中以江苏、湖北、浙江、广西等4省(区)数量最多;3)在空间分布上,时间银行最初呈现小范围零星分布,后逐渐发展为长三角、中原地区双中心的分布格局,基本集中于胡焕庸线以南,总体为“东南密-西北疏”;4)在空间关系上,时间银行从最初的空间发散逐步发展为空间集聚,集聚程度不断加强且趋于稳定,空间均质性逐渐增强,异质性逐渐减弱;5)时间银行发展的驱动因素包括人口结构、养老建设水平、经济发展水平、政府支持力度、志愿队伍建设以及数字技术水平等,其中第一个时期养老建设水平较为重要,而第二和第三个时期政府支持力度、经济发展水平更重要。最后,建议加大对时间银行的探索工作,减少对社会经济发展等指标的依赖,从而为其在农村、西北和东北等欠发达地区平衡发展提供可行性路径;也应加强政府支持力度,引导多方参与,为时间银行可持续发展提供保障。  相似文献   
针对人口空间格局分布分析不足的问题,借助遥感信息与基本统计信息,引入人口地理集中度、探索性空间数据分析和地理加权回归模型,定量地分析了特征因子在市域范围上的空间异质性。人口集中指数与Moran指数能有效地反映空间事物之间的密切作用关系,在产业空间分布中能较好地评价集聚效应,反映空间分布状态。以长江经济带为研究区域,对人口空间分布进行了研究,得出了“圈层集中-东西对立-南北差异-四周分散”的分布特征,并从经济、社会、环境、土地利用方面分析原因,为人口合理增长和资源分配提供了参考。  相似文献   
人口地图编制方法新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马永立 《地理科学》1997,7(4):342-345
人口地图的编制应针对不同地域的人口分布特征,确定相应的制图单元和表示方法,并拟定相应的人口资料搜集途径和方法。常州市人口图的编制实践说明,城市人口图以多边形的人口密集小区为制图单元,运用多边形分级比值法较为理想。  相似文献   
Topographic models provide a useful tool for understanding gully occurrence in the landscape but require reliable estimates of gully head drainage areas. Modern high-resolution topography data (collected using structure from motion photogrammetry or light detection and ranging) is increasingly used for topographic studies of gullies, but little work has been done to assess the variability of gully head drainage area estimates using different methods. This study evaluated alternative approaches to using high-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) so that gully topographic models can be more readily applied to any area with suitably high-resolution data. Specifically, we investigated the impact of single- or multiple-direction flow routing algorithms, DEM hydrologic-enforcement procedures and spatial resolution on gully head drainage area estimation. We tested these methods on a 40 km2 site centred on Weany Creek, a low-relief semi-arid landscape draining towards the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Using a subroutine to separate gully heads into those with divergent or convergent flow patterns upslope, we found that divergent flow conditions occurred at half of 484 studied gullies. Drainage areas estimated by different flow routing algorithms were more variable in these divergent cases than for convergent cases. This variation caused a significant difference between topographic threshold parameters (slope b and intercept k) derived from single- or multiple-direction flow routing algorithms, respectively. Different methods of hydrologic enforcement (filling or breaching) also affected threshold analysis, resulting in estimates of the exponent b being ~188% higher if the DEM was filled than if breached. The testing of the methods to date indicates that a finer resolution (≤2 m) DEM and a multiple-direction flow routing algorithm achieve the most realistic drainage area estimates in low-relief landscapes. For Weany Creek we estimated threshold parameters k = 0.033 and b = 0.189, indicating that it is highly susceptible to gully erosion.  相似文献   
已知避难建筑相较于场地型避难场所更有利于中长期避难,而目前我国城镇避难场所建设以场地型为主,建筑型避难场所存在严重不足。基于此,首先提出将中小学校舍建设为建筑型避难场所的重要性及可行性,并从空间利用角度对其可作为避难建筑的类型进行分析研究,指出中小学体育馆、食堂、宿舍和教室可建设为避难建筑;其次对我国城镇地区现状中小学校舍能够作为避难建筑的容灾能力进行分析,结果表明:现状满足100%的短期灾时避难人口的避难需求,以及满足60%的中长期灾时避难人口的避难需求;最后通过计算进行预测,可知随着城镇人口的增长,其所需的避难规模能够在日常城镇中小学校舍建设更新中逐步实现,大约需要未来20年时间基本可以实现中等规模灾害建筑型避难,大灾害长期避难能够满足100%的中长期灾时避难人口的避难需求,具有规划规模可实现性和可行性。  相似文献   
运用WRF模式对2009年7月发生在广西地区的一次暴雨过程进行了数值模拟,并利用模拟结果进行诊断分析.结果表明,模式能够合理地再现此次暴雨天气过程.在对流层中低层,水汽通量散度的负高值区、假相当位温广义波作用量密度和z-螺旋度的正高值区,与强降水落区都存在较好的对应关系;水汽通量散度负值中心大小及负值区向上伸展的高度、...  相似文献   
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