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基于OGC WPS的遥感图像分布式检索系统研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
结合OGC WPS开放标准规范和分布式检索技术,提出基于OGC WPS构建遥感图像分布式检索系统的方法。采用Z39.50通用检索表达式的扩展模式,避免了遥感图像编目数据库与检索系统的紧密耦合;采用HTTP/XML定义检索网关和资源节点之间的WPS接口,实现了编目资源节点到网关的动态接入与移出机制。最后运用开放源代码GIS技术开发了一个原型演示系统,试验证明上述方法切实可行。  相似文献   
Thermal impact of typical high‐density residential, industrial, and commercial land uses is a major concern for the health of aquatic life in urban watersheds, especially in smaller, cold, and cool‐water streams. This is the first study of its kind that provides simple easy‐to‐use equations, developed using gene expression programming (GEP) that can guide the assessment and the design of urban stormwater management systems to protect thermally sensitive receiving streams. We developed 3 GEP models using data collected during 3 years (2009–2011) from 4 urban catchments; the first GEP model predicts event mean temperature at the inlet of the pond; the second model predicts the stormwater temperature at the outlet of the pond; and the third model predicts the temperature of the stormwater after flowing through a cooling trench and before discharging to the receiving stream. The new models have high correlation coefficients of 0.90–0.94 and low prediction uncertainty of less than 4% of the median value of the predicted runoff temperatures. Sensitivity analysis shows that climatic factors have the highest influence on the thermal enrichment followed by the catchment characteristics and the key design variables of the stormwater pond and the cooling trench. The general method presented here is easily transferable to other regions of the world (but not necessarily the exact equations developed here); also through sensitivity and parametric analysis, we gained insight on the key factors and their relative importance in modelling thermal enrichment of urban stromwater runoff.  相似文献   
Establishing a universal watershed‐scale erosion and sediment yield prediction model represents a frontier field in erosion and soil/water conservation. The research presented here was conducted on the Chabagou watershed, which is located in the first sub‐region of the hill‐gully area of the Loess Plateau, China. A back‐propagation artificial neural model for watershed‐scale erosion and sediment yield was established, with the accuracy of the model, then compared with that of multiple linear regression. The sensitivity degree of various factors to erosion and sediment yield was quantitatively analysed using the default factor test. On the basis of the sensitive factors and the fractal information dimension, the piecewise prediction model for erosion and sediment yield of individual rainfall events was established and further verified. The results revealed the back‐propagation artificial neural network model to perform better than the multiple linear regression model in terms of predicting the erosion modulus, with the former able to effectively characterize dynamic changes in sediment yield under comprehensive factor conditions. The sensitivity of runoff erosion power and runoff depth to the erosion and sediment yield associated with individual rainfall events was found to be related to the complexity of surface topography. The characteristics of such a hydrological response are thus closely related to topography. When the fractal information dimension is greater than the topographic threshold, the accuracy of prediction using runoff erosion power is higher than that of using runoff depth. In contrast, when the fractal information dimension is smaller than the topographic threshold, the accuracy of prediction using runoff depth is higher than that of using runoff erosion power. The developed piecewise prediction model for watershed‐scale erosion and sediment yield of individual rainfall events, which introduces runoff erosion power and runoff depth using the fractal information dimension as a boundary, can be considered feasible and reliable and has a high prediction accuracy. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The root‐zone moisture replenishment mechanisms are key unknowns required to understand soil hydrological processes and water sources used by plants. Temporal patterns of root‐zone moisture replenishment reflect wetting events that contribute to plant growth and survival and to catchment water yield. In this study, stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopes of twigs and throughfall were continuously monitored to characterize the seasonal variations of the root‐zone moisture replenishment in a native vegetated catchment under Mediterranean climate in South Australia. The two studied hillslopes (the north‐facing slope [NFS] and the south‐facing slope [SFS]) had different environmental conditions with opposite aspects. The twig and throughfall samples were collected every ~20 days over 1 year on both hillslopes. The root‐zone moisture replenishment, defined as percentage of newly replenished root‐zone moisture as a complement to antecedent moisture for plant use, calculated by an isotope balance model, was about zero (±25% for the NFS and ± 15% for the SFS) at the end of the wet season (October), increased to almost 100% (±26% for the NFS and ± 29% for the SFS) after the dry season (April and May), then decreased close to zero (±24% for the NFS and ± 28% for the SFS) in the middle of the following wet season (August). This seasonal pattern of root‐zone moisture replenishment suggests that the very first rainfall events of the wet season were significant for soil moisture replenishment and supported the plants over wet and subsequent dry seasons, and that NFS completed replenishment over a longer time than SFS in the wet season and depleted the root zone moisture quicker in the dry season. The stable oxygen isotope composition of the intraevent samples and twigs further confirms that rain water in the late wet season contributed little to root‐zone moisture. This study highlights the significant role of the very first rain events in the early wet season for ecosystem and provides insights to understanding ecohydrological separation, catchment water yield, and vegetation response to climate changes.  相似文献   
在导航电子地图中,针对驾车任务的POI自适应表达是提高导航电子地图信息传输效率的关键。针对这一问题,提出了基于重要性权值的驾车导航POI表达规则。首先,分析了POI重要性权值的影响因素;其次,从影响因素出发,研究了基于权值的POI规则表达的各规则项;最后,设计了POI自适应表达规则库,并在嵌入了数据处理规则库的绘图软件上进行了技术实现。试验结果表明,利用基于权值的POI表达规则进行地图表达,可以提高地图内容的层次性与清晰性,优化驾车导航服务。  相似文献   
基于全景图的增强地理现实平台是一种新的空间认知工具,研究其空间认知问题是进行技术研究的基础。文中介绍全景图增强地理现实的主要技术流程和优势;阐述基于全景图增强地理现实进行空间认知的基础模型;分析全景图和地理信息数据的信息匹配问题,包括比例尺和位置匹配两个方面;介绍地理信息在全景图像上的表达方式,重点解决增强目标和属性信息的选择问题;最后通过与街景地图、虚拟现实平台进行空间认知比较,得出全景图增强地理现实平台的有效性和主要适用范围,表明该平台具有独特的空间认知优势。  相似文献   
溶藻弧菌asp基因在大肠杆菌中表达活性研究及条件优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步研究溶藻弧菌碱性丝氨酸蛋白酶(ASP)蛋白生物学活性和功能,将构建的pET23d-asp在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中表达,对表达产物进行纯化分析,并优化表达条件。结果表明:在咪唑洗脱缓冲液浓度为100 mmol/L时,表达的可溶性ASP被大量洗脱,纯化的ASP相对分子质量约为42 000,具有蛋白活性;在诱导温度28℃、异丙基-β-D硫代半乳糖苷(Isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactopyranoside,IPTG)浓度1 mmol/L及诱导时间16 h时,表达的活性ASP蛋白最多。  相似文献   
为了便于实现等面积方位投影与椭球等角圆柱或圆锥投影之间的变换,借助具有强大符号运算功能的计算机代数系统Mathematica,推导出了等面积纬度和等量纬度之间变换的直接表达式,进一步将表达式改进为适合电算的形式,并将其系数统一表示为关于椭球偏心率e和椭球第三扁率n的幂级数形式。通过算例分析表明:基于第三扁率n的幂级数表达式具有更紧凑的形式和更好的收敛性,且导出公式的计算误差分别小于10^-8和10^-8″,可以满足大地测量和地图制图计算精度要求。  相似文献   
本文以二倍体和三倍体虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)幼鱼为实验对象,探究急性高温胁迫下,不同倍性虹鳟热休克蛋白家族(hsps)基因表达水平。选取二倍体和三倍体虹鳟幼鱼,分别进行常温处理(14℃)和高温胁迫(22℃),并在高温胁迫48h后,将虹鳟置于常温(14℃)恢复48h。分别在实验开始的0,12,24,48,72和96h进行取样,测定实验虹鳟肝脏和肌肉组织中的hsp70s(hsp70a,hsp70b),hsp90s (hsp90a1a,hsp90a2a,hsp90a1b,hsp90a2a,hsp90b1,hsp90b2)mRNA水平。结果表明:hsp70s和hsp90s的各个亚型均能对热胁迫做出反应,并具有应答幅度的组织特异性和时间特异性。在胁迫6和24h后,上述基因mRNA水平达到最高,随后降低。三倍体幼鱼肝脏和肌肉hsps mRNA表达水平的峰值显著高于二倍体幼鱼。研究结果显示,三倍体虹鳟对高温环境更为敏感,需要消耗更多的能量用于适应高温环境。  相似文献   
在250mL摇瓶中研究了光自养、异养、混合营养3种营养模式对转兔防御素基因(NP-1)小球藻(Chlorella)的生长、NP-1表达量、总蛋白质含量、pH、葡萄糖消耗以及光衰减等几个方面的影响。结果表明,异养培养为转NP-1基因小球藻的最适营养模式。在此基础上,采用5,15,30L生物反应器补料分批异养培养转NP-1基因小球藻,细胞质量浓度分别达到3.67,4.87,6.39g/L。  相似文献   
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